I Just Wrote a Letter To My Local NFL Team

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games, and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem. The playing of the black national anthem is racial discrimination. Should we now have a Hispanic national anthem ? An Asian one ? A white one ? A Native American one ?

You wanna talk about social justice ? How about the millions of whites and Asians who are racially discriminated against every day, in race-based Affirmative Action programs, with blacks as the beneficiaries ? This has been going on for 56 years, and millions of peoples' whole lives have been damaged severely from it.

When the NFL gets out of the process of injecting politics (and lousy politics at that), I will come back. You may laugh and say I'm just one insignificant voice, but for every one who writes to you, there are thousands of others tuning out from the NFL, and thinking the same things, but they don't write. You can bet on that.

This was sent in correlation with this article about the NFL's ludicrous new race policies >>

Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games,
OK hold it right there. The math immediately smells funny.

1976 to 2019 (last season on the books) is 44 years. With 16 games in a season that's 8 home games per year. So you've already "attended" games that have yet to be played in the future?

Can I get some scores please? Next five seasons oughta do me. C'mon hook a brutha up.

and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem.
IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games, and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem. The playing of the black national anthem is racial discrimination. Should we now have a Hispanic national anthem ? An Asian one ? A white one ? A Native American one ?

You wanna talk about social justice ? How about the millions of whites and Asians who are racially discriminated against every day, in race-based Affirmative Action programs, with blacks as the beneficiaries ? This has been going on for 56 years, and millions of peoples' whole lives have been damaged severely from it.

When the NFL gets out of the process of injecting politics (and lousy politics at that), I will come back. You may laugh and say I'm just one insignificant voice, but for every one who writes to you, there are thousands of others tuning out from the NFL, and thinking the same things, but they don't write. You can bet on that.

This was sent in correlation with this article about the NFL's ludicrous new race policies >>

Mod Note: --- Example of a drop-in flame post. Was warned.. Baz Ares

LOL! Poor little DOPer Fan.
When you get the COVID.
Use your Great Douche Magic cure scam juice insider trading failure.


And you will have to stop supporting the troops.
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Good for you! The athletes need to understand who fills the stands and pays their salaries. You need to swear off TV too. No watching unworthy teams.
Right. No more TV or anything to do with it.
If you have any NFL stuff (shirts, hats, beverage cups, etc), pack them in a box and send them to your local team, along with a letter similar to what I wrote here. You can copy it word for word if you like (except for the team name).

I hope EVERYBODY will do this. As team offices start filling up with sweatshirts, jackets, hats, etc, eventually, these idiots will start getting the message of THE OTHER SIDE, and begin to realize we exist > the SILENT MAJORITY.

We must be silent NO MORE.
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games,
OK hold it right there. The math immediately smells funny.

1976 to 2019 (last season on the books) is 44 years. With 16 games in a season that's 8 home games per year. So you've already "attended" games that have yet to be played in the future?

Can I get some scores please? Next five seasons oughta do me. C'mon hook a brutha up.

and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem.
IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?
Assuming no out-of-town games, that 352.
Good for you! The athletes need to understand who fills the stands and pays their salaries. You need to swear off TV too. No watching unworthy teams.
I feel TV ad's pays players. City taxpayers fund the stadiums.
The owners have a secured income.

DOPer weak point here.
IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?
What school did you study arithmetic in ? 2019 minus 1976 = 43years x 16 games a season = 688 games. That's 58% of the games.

What a bunch of stupid questions you ask. Who cares what a national anthem is doing at a sports event, or whether it's in the Constitution ? As long as it is at the game, it should be respected, and never disrespected. Screw the America haters. They can go jump.

As far as the so-called "murders" (as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers refer to them) it's very easy to know they weren't murdered, especially in Arbery's case. There was a video of the shooting. Duh!
Too many Americans want major league Marxist sports back so bad, that they think that they can click their 'ruby slippers' twice, and normalcy will return.

Doesn't work that way. China fucked us and da' world!
I'm gonna watch as the kneeling thing is just to get attention. I won't give them any attention so I win. I see no need for the anthem before a game in reality anyway.
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games,
OK hold it right there. The math immediately smells funny.

1976 to 2019 (last season on the books) is 44 years. With 16 games in a season that's 8 home games per year. So you've already "attended" games that have yet to be played in the future?

Can I get some scores please? Next five seasons oughta do me. C'mon hook a brutha up.

and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem.
IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?


Playing the National Anthem for internal sports games (i.e. non international) is not done anywhere else in the world. It is seen as been kind of stupid.
Do you not know where you live?
Are you so insecure about your nationality that you have sing it to each other at every game?

It also makes the singing of the national Anthem very special to sports people and fans. It is reserved to when you put on your national jersey.

MSL was talking about actually taking it out of club games for those reasons.

English Premiership, Bundesliga, Pro14 Rugby, La Liga.....

Bu when the Internationals come there is enormous passion about the national anthem.
A bit of History, this was the stadium in 1920 where during the war of independence British troops came in while a game(Gaelic Football) was on and opened fire on the crowd (all civillans), killing 16 including a player called Micheal Hogan. The main stand in the stadium is the Hogan Stand. Rugby and soccer where banned from the stadium deemed as English games but because of their stadium refurbishment where let back for a few years.
Here is an example of Ireland v England Rugby 6 nations. This was the first time, there was a real fear the Irish would boo the English anthem. (by the way Ireland sing two anthems, Rugby is all Ireland sport (North and South))

There was no booing. Irish actually sung the British Anthem with respect. But then opened up on the Irish anthems...

By the way Ireland hammer England that day...
I'm gonna watch as the kneeling thing is just to get attention. I won't give them any attention so I win. I see no need for the anthem before a game in reality anyway.

Actually you're not gonna watch, because it isn't broadcast. Never was. This is just yet another case of knee jerks acting all butthurt because they're told to, they see and obey. About something they can't even see.

Who knows if there will even be a season given the delay of game going on in baseball.
Here is the letter that I just wrote to my local NFL team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >>>

I have been a staunch Tampa Bay Bucs fan since 1976. I have attended Bucs games over 400 Bucs games,
OK hold it right there. The math immediately smells funny.

1976 to 2019 (last season on the books) is 44 years. With 16 games in a season that's 8 home games per year. So you've already "attended" games that have yet to be played in the future?

Can I get some scores please? Next five seasons oughta do me. C'mon hook a brutha up.

and spent hundreds of $$$ on Bucs paraphenalia. I am quitting being a Bucs fan, I will have nothing to do with the Bucs or the NFL. I am sending to you all my Bucs clothing and items.
Your so-called social justice policies and those of the NFL are preposterous.

Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery were not murdered. It is treasonous to kneel during the national anthem.
IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?

Mod Note: --- Example of a drop-in flame post. Was warned.. JustAGuy1

Shut the fuvk up asshole, you are a disgusting piece of shit.
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IS it.


What the fuck is a national anthem even doing in a sporting event in the first place?

Where does the Constitution even require a national anthem AT ALL?

And how the fuck do you know those two people were not murdered? Were you there?
What school did you study arithmetic in ? 2019 minus 1976 = 43years x 16 games a season = 688 games. That's 58% of the games.

Sixteen games and ALL AT HOME?

Sports much?

I feel shortchanged --- when I follow a sports team they have to play half their games on the road.

You got caught pulling numbers out of your ass, just admit it.

What a bunch of stupid questions you ask. Who cares what a national anthem is doing at a sports event, or whether it's in the Constitution ? As long as it is at the game, it should be respected, and never disrespected. Screw the America haters. They can go jump.

So you do whatever you're told on command without question, do you. Why am I not surprised. Hey, you're the asshat that just sat here and called kneeling for the anthem "treason". Now you're running away from it. Wimp.

You're aware the NFL, when the paid-patriotism scandal broke, sent back some $700,000 in taxpayer money that they were pimped to put on bullshit jingoism displays, yes? Did you get your refund for that scandal?

As far as the so-called "murders" (as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers refer to them) it's very easy to know they weren't murdered, especially in Arbery's case. There was a video of the shooting. Duh!

So your answer is no, you weren't there. Yet you "know", because you were told what to think, and you hear and obey.
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