I kinda feel bad for the GOP who runs for any office....here's why

How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
State and local elections. The national elections the last 25 years has only gotten harder for the republicans. I'd stay center and offer up good ideas to maintain our country.

Listen, contrary to popular beliefs, despite party affiliation, we all want whats best for us, our families and our country, correct? Sadly, the GOP doesn't see it that way. Both Mitch and McCain got caught up in the crazy zone and before you knew it, it was us against them, the poor vs the rich, the whites vs the blacks.....The GOP never has a message, its all about scaring the hell out of whites and you know this.

If anyone is stirring the racist pot it's your boy Obama and the Dems.
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!

What difference does it make, really? As usual, stupid voters are going to elect a professional politician to be our next president. And, since neither party is pro-America, what real difference does it make whether a Republican or a Democrat wins the oval office. What has either party done for us over the past 50 plus years? Yet, stupid voters will once again run to the polls, elect another professional politician to sit in the oval office, then spend the next four years complaining. Voters never learn. They do the exact same thing election after election, and expect a different result. Go figure.

It really makes me laugh to read and hear voters argue over which party is better, which party will make everything right, and which party will actually serve this nation and all Americans in a pro-America manner. Obviously, there're a lot of voters that don't have a clue as to what has been taking place over the past 50 plus years. They don't understand and realize that both parties, through many administrations, have sold us out, and created what we're seeing and experiencing today.

Once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will, and not the will of the people. Professional politicians are bought and paid for. We have a Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office greatly influenced by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. By the time professional politicians take office, they owe many favors. And, as soon as they're seated, they return those favors. The wealthy, the powerful, and the influential place the names on the ballots, and we choose from those they have selected. We have surrendered our power, and now it belongs to those wealthy and powerful enough to purchase it. "The Washington Brotherhood" is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself.

Professional politicians love to hear us argue and take sides. They know that as long as we're divided, they win, we lose. Their worst fear is a united citizenry. A united citizenry will ensure that the power is returned to the people, and will remain with the people as long as we're united. So, go ahead and argue until election day 2016, then watch what happens for the next four years. By taking sides and arguing whether Democrats or Republicans are better, you're playing right into the hands of those hell-bent on our further destruction.

Think about this: Over the past 50 plus years, we've engaged in senseless deadly costly wars ( Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan ), we've closed our plants and factories in favor of strengthening foreign economies, we've created a poor and dependent citizenry, we've amassed astronomical debt that many generations of Americans will be paying for, we've lost the right to privacy, we have the largest prison population in the world, the rich have gotten richer, and the poor have gotten poorer, we have a system of injustice instead of one of real justice, college degrees are basically worthless, we have taxation without representation, our infrastructure is in bad need of repairs and upgrades, we have fewer home owners, cities are going bankrupt, pension funds are in trouble, jobs are now part-time, temporary, and low-wage, half of our children are living in poverty, we have the largest defense budget in the world, yet we send our soldiers to fight and die with little more than soldiers had in both world wars, we've lost the fear and respect from our allies, we have Vets that can't get timely medical care, we have entire families homeless and living on the streets, our elderly have to choose between buying food and buying medicine, and our young adults have a very troubling and uncertain future ahead of them.

If you want to aid and abet the ones responsible for our socioeconomic decline, then go ahead and vote more professional politicians to serve in government. But, if you do, you have no one to blame for our downward spiral except yourself. And, by doing so, you'll hurt all of us, and future generations of Americans.

WOW, you said a mouth full and then some and I actually agree with everything you said, everything. (sigh), Michael Moore once said and I so agree....if you keep a voter, IN FEAR, UNHEALTHY AND IGNORANT...YOU CAN PRETTY MUCH WILL YOUR WAY TO WASHINGTON!!
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
DENIAL run deep with liberal/dems. it's sad to watch
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

You need to read this Matthew :) Because it's spot on. Look at the waste.

Whoopsies. Forgot to add the link sir. Apologies.

No, the GOP Is Not at War With Science
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question our federal science funding.


January 12, 2015

No the GOP Is Not at War With Science - Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Lamar Smith - POLITICO Magazine
Last edited:
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
DENIAL run deep with liberal/dems. it's sad to watch

I put a challenge out there, please tell me what has this 2014 landslide given you admirers thus far? Other than making complete fools of themselves over this Iranian mess, other than in fighting over a budget, like who didn't see this coming and ???????, I personally think as does the country, the world, space...and beyond, think you people WASTED A VOTE.
It isn't 2008. The crazier the democrats get the more support the republicans have. This is what happened in the midterms. It's the reason for the outpouring of support for Memories Pizza. The public is done with crazy and ready to return to sanity.
It isn't 2008. The crazier the democrats get the more support the republicans have. This is what happened in the midterms. It's the reason for the outpouring of support for Memories Pizza. The public is done with crazy and ready to return to sanity.

Uh, I hate to tell you this, but on a national level, nuts don't have a chance....lets be clear here....between gerrymandering districts, suppressing voters, scaring the hell out of white people and having lowsy democratic candidates, I'd say its your party that's the crazy mother's, not ours....and understand this, nothing and I mean nothing you people do is gonna send this country back into the dark ages, a place a lot of you nuts feel safe. The country is turning browner and browner by the decades and white conservatives had better get on board or get lost in the dust!!
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.

Actually the American Stupid got their asses handed to them....I challenge you or ANYONE HERE FOR THAT MATTER.....to name one piece of legistlation these hero's have done since taking office, other than making fools of themselves with that Iranian mess? Name just one, just one tiny bit of anything these morons have done for that landslide ass kickin???

I'll be waiting but do know that I need my beauty sleep!!


How many pieces of legislation do you want?
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.

Actually the American Stupid got their asses handed to them....I challenge you or ANYONE HERE FOR THAT MATTER.....to name one piece of legistlation these hero's have done since taking office, other than making fools of themselves with that Iranian mess? Name just one, just one tiny bit of anything these morons have done for that landslide ass kickin???

I'll be waiting but do know that I need my beauty sleep!!

Actually the American Stupid got their asses handed to them....

Yes, the Dems still can't sit after the beating they absorbed.
It isn't 2008. The crazier the democrats get the more support the republicans have. This is what happened in the midterms. It's the reason for the outpouring of support for Memories Pizza. The public is done with crazy and ready to return to sanity.

Uh, I hate to tell you this, but on a national level, nuts don't have a chance....lets be clear here....between gerrymandering districts, suppressing voters, scaring the hell out of white people and having lowsy democratic candidates, I'd say its your party that's the crazy mother's, not ours....and understand this, nothing and I mean nothing you people do is gonna send this country back into the dark ages, a place a lot of you nuts feel safe. The country is turning browner and browner by the decades and white conservatives had better get on board or get lost in the dust!!
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!

You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
DENIAL run deep with liberal/dems. it's sad to watch

I put a challenge out there, please tell me what has this 2014 landslide given you admirers thus far? Other than making complete fools of themselves over this Iranian mess, other than in fighting over a budget, like who didn't see this coming and ???????, I personally think as does the country, the world, space...and beyond, think you people WASTED A VOTE.

I put a challenge out there, please tell me what has this 2014 landslide given you admirers thus far?

It got old "left eye" Reid to retire.
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

You need to read this Matthew :) Because it's spot on. Look at the waste.

Whoopsies. Forgot to add the link sir. Apologies.

No, the GOP Is Not at War With Science
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question our federal science funding.


January 12, 2015

No the GOP Is Not at War With Science - Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Lamar Smith - POLITICO Magazine

I think we should keep on funding our national weather service and should encourage more science. We're better off with it...There's probably a few thousand extrasolar planets within 50 light years. It would be a shame to go into our little holes and stop exploring the realities of our universe. This is what America does best.

We're only better off with it. We should discuss it and come to the conclusion that our funding is too low in some areas.
It isn't 2008. The crazier the democrats get the more support the republicans have. This is what happened in the midterms. It's the reason for the outpouring of support for Memories Pizza. The public is done with crazy and ready to return to sanity.

yep, this (nasty and smear) was part of the reason they were kicked into the minority on top people were sick and tired of Obama and their party Steamrolling over them

oh well, good for Republican in 2016
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!

The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!

The number one thing the American people want is sanity. They're sick of blame, attacks and bull crap. Who ever that runs a campaign based on vision and the fundamentals of our society will win the white house. What are those? People want good roads to drive to work on! They want infrastructure! People want good food, clean water, clean air and a system that can innovate good ideas. People generally want science and r&d investment. People love seeing nasa land on other planets and our national weather service warn them ahead of the next storm. Lastly, they want their children to be educated.

The gop has one strength. People want the family and to come home to a loving bunch of children. ;) This is worth about 50 elv for the gop if they play it wisely. The above is worth at least 250! ;)

The truth is the gop anti-science, anti-investment and ugly blame game is going to lose it for them. Ferguson lost it for the democrats in 2014 so they also have to be careful...

I can't see the republicans winning over 225 elv in 2016 if they attack infrastructure, science, r&d and education.

You need to read this Matthew :) Because it's spot on. Look at the waste.

Whoopsies. Forgot to add the link sir. Apologies.

No, the GOP Is Not at War With Science
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question our federal science funding.


January 12, 2015

No the GOP Is Not at War With Science - Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Lamar Smith - POLITICO Magazine

I think we should keep on funding our national weather service and should encourage more science. We're better off with it...There's probably a few thousand extrasolar planets within 50 light years. It would be a shame to go into our little holes and stop exploring the realities of our universe. This is what America does best.

We're only better off with it. We should discuss it and come to the conclusion that our funding is too low in some areas.

If we stopped wasting so much money trying to eliminate CO2, we'd have more money for real science.
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Massachusetts which is the bluest of the blue states.

And is the most liberal Democrat looney tune state of them all. Home of Elizabeth Lie-a-Watha Warren and Barney the faggot Frank.

Just elected a Republican governor (Charlie Baker) a few weeks ago. ..... :thup:
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
State and local elections. The national elections the last 25 years has only gotten harder for the republicans. I'd stay center and offer up good ideas to maintain our country.

Listen, contrary to popular beliefs, despite party affiliation, we all want whats best for us, our families and our country, correct? Sadly, the GOP doesn't see it that way. Both Mitch and McCain got caught up in the crazy zone and before you knew it, it was us against them, the poor vs the rich, the whites vs the blacks.....The GOP never has a message, its all about scaring the hell out of whites and you know this.

Oh bullshit you bigot. No one is scared. And it's Team D who consistently play identity politics.
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!

You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
DENIAL run deep with liberal/dems. it's sad to watch

I put a challenge out there, please tell me what has this 2014 landslide given you admirers thus far? Other than making complete fools of themselves over this Iranian mess, other than in fighting over a budget, like who didn't see this coming and ???????, I personally think as does the country, the world, space...and beyond, think you people WASTED A VOTE.

I put a challenge out there, please tell me what has this 2014 landslide given you admirers thus far?

It got old "left eye" Reid to retire.

So voting in a bunch of nuts was to get rid of Ried? Got news for ya, all white men in the senate and the congress who was around during the dark ages, need to go and yes Harry should lead the way.
How do you run an election and not get Palin/McCain'd???? The only plus they'll have for 2016 is running against Hillary, who I will never support or vote for, that's the only way I can see them winning. Here's why....they have to please stupid conservatives for votes. I mean, how do you run an nationwide campaign that encompasses everyone...all the while constantly having to keep the nut farm happy? I've yet to see it done!!


You obviously missed the midterms. Democrats got their asses handed to them.
State and local elections. The national elections the last 25 years has only gotten harder for the republicans. I'd stay center and offer up good ideas to maintain our country.

Listen, contrary to popular beliefs, despite party affiliation, we all want whats best for us, our families and our country, correct? Sadly, the GOP doesn't see it that way. Both Mitch and McCain got caught up in the crazy zone and before you knew it, it was us against them, the poor vs the rich, the whites vs the blacks.....The GOP never has a message, its all about scaring the hell out of whites and you know this.

Oh bullshit you bigot. No one is scared. And it's Team D who consistently play identity politics.

(sigh), I'm just now recovering from a ban...so I'll pass on your attack
Massachusetts which is the bluest of the blue states.

And is the most liberal Democrat looney tune state of them all. Home of Elizabeth Lie-a-Watha Warren and Barney the faggot Frank.

Just elected a Republican governor (Charlie Baker) a few weeks ago. ..... :thup:

Listen, as long as the will of the people are met, its okay. But trust me, a general election will render nuts simply salty and eaten alive.

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