I like being white....

^ My thoughts 100%.

It's true.

White people are just.....better?

There's no way that white people will ever be down. We're too good.


Funny how 50 years ago, there was equality and harmony between the races, and then the blacks discovered they really WEREN'T equal and harmonious, but still VICTIMS.

The USA. Where a white guy can be a major drug dealer and get to be president (Poppy and Slick Willy)and a black man does 10 years for a pocket of crack, something our current president helped accomplish with his 1994 crime bill.

Yes, but, but not because of RACE. The difference is because of MONEY. Justice is all about the money.
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?


I get a pretty good tan so I can say I am Spanish. :D
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

What are you like a pasty white, ashen give us a clue...
You must not be white.
My left arm is darker than my right because of driving with the window down.

The question is, do you have hairy palms?:auiqs.jpg:
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?


What a hot potato!

Caucasians, of course, are far from perfect.

Just look at Europe's bloody and cruel history (slaughter of Jewish people, two horrific wars in the 20th century, brutal laws when it came to abortion, gay relations, etc.).

But everything in life is comparative.

So when compared with the other ethnicities in this world, Caucasians come off pretty well.

The American media loudly publicize those Caucasian "progressives" (like Nancy) who kneel and beg for forgiveness.

But I suspect that the overwhelming majority of Caucasian Americans are quietly proud of their heritage.

IMHO, those people who badmouth Caucasians are, well, envious.
Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

What are you like a pasty white, ashen give us a clue...
You must not be white.
My left arm is darker than my right because of driving with the window down.

The question is, do you have hairy palms?:auiqs.jpg:
You can't truly be white if you have black hair.
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Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Getting 'unsportsmanlike' conduct penalties is not something to be proud of.
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Yes, but, but not because of RACE. The difference is because of MONEY. Justice is all about the money.
70% to 80% of folks locked up for drugs are black....
that was an unintended 'bonus'.

Locked up for being poor, not being able to pay fines and hire good lawyers. Just so happens that includes a lot of black people. Poverty makes people need to commit crimes.
The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Every non-white race has suffered enormously from White Nationalism.

Jewish People suffered the worst. Most Jewish People are Caucasian but not "white" in the sense of European Culture.

Fortunately, in USA, I have not experienced anti-Semitism.
Yeah another uneducated ignoramus parroting the lies of the history revisionist.

Nation with the most slavery in history - India (by far, it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 nations with the most slaves - only one is white. (And it is not America)

Race who killed the most people through racial cleansing and genocide. - Asian and Mongol. (it isn't even close)
In fact, the top 10 races who murdered the most people - only in two instances were they white. Russia, and Germany.

Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?

Who wouldn't want to play for a winning team?

Seriously, a sports franchise wins a few championships in a row, and fans won't shut up for decades about it being a "dynasty."

The white man has been demolishing the entire fucking world for centuries....and I can't show a little team spirit?

Your team cheated. That's the only reason they have anything. If everybody else got to play by the same rules for just as long, the white man would still be in 4th place like he was before whitey made up race. Had other cultures been a violent as whites, Europe would have been colonized by Africans and Asians. The mistake we all made was treating the white man as if he had morals.
Now you want to talk about what race set modernization in motion? What race elevated the common man the most?
What race, throughout the world, ended slavery?


Not whites.

The first country to end slavery was Haiti, not a European country, and it was done by an armed slave revolution whereby slaves led by Jean-Jacques Dessalines sent Napoleon back to France.
My DNA is 60% Scandinavian , 15% Asian , 10% Southeastern American Tribes , 2% Spanish, 1 % North African the rest all over the globe. Do I get in to the white club. :hhello::hyper::cool:
If you have 1/1000% American Indian DNA, you can be recognized as American Indian.

Even better......way less than 1/10000% black....but 'identifies' as black.


'I identify as black': Historical precedent for Rachel Dolezal ...

The perfect Democrat......no requirement to tell the truth.

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