I like the new upgrade.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
It doesn't seem like a popular opinion at the time, but I like the new upgrade. It will still take some getting used to, but I think others will warm up to it as well.
I asked this in another thread on the upgrade.

can we change the color of the background? I thought we could on the old one
It doesn't seem like a popular opinion at the time, but I like the new upgrade. It will still take some getting used to, but I think others will warm up to it as well.

I like the fact that we get "alerts" now for quoted posts. I would always forget to use the @ sign and the person's name to get their attention that I had quoted them, and I don't have to worry about now.

Also, the way it was set up before, I would miss a lot of quotes that were made to me, so I'm pleased with that part of the upgrade. I do want my profile picture back though, and better and more variety of smiley faces. Those are really the only issues I have at this point. :) See? that smiley looks like he's up to no good!! Lol!
no, do a hard refresh
This is what I get:

I don't mind the upgrade at all. Change always makes some folks scream 'nooooo!!', can't be helped. But after you use it for a bit you get used to it. I always feel like I'm missing something when the format changes like this. I just keep clicking and wandering around, getting used to, seeing where things are, getting a feel for the new software. The soft gray instead of the harsh white is MOST appreciated!!

I do wish that:

Rep was still around OR the ability to post a comment when you 'like' or 'agree' with something could be added.

Avatars could be just a bit bigger.

That non-subscribing members were still able to add a custom user title, like on the old system. Please??

That siggie pics were smaller cause some of them are just too much.
I'm getting more used to it. Just have to play around to find out where everything is at...Do like the alerts...

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