I Love Hillary

My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You defend and support Cruz Walker Christy Perry fiorino bush rubio Carson ryan huckabee or trump and you have the nerve to talk about me?

Who do you love?
hey bobo why dont you show a post were i am supporting anyone of those losers,it should be easy i have 40,000 of them.....or is this just more bobo talk?....
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

What do you like about Hillary?

Is it because she stood by her man while he cheated on her several times and humiliated her?

Is it because she is lying in bed with corporate America and ready to return favors if she gets elected?

Is it because she keeps lying all the time?

Is it because should could never connect with the average voter?

Is it because she is really good at playing the poor victim?
Shame on you. Supporting an old hag who stole millions of dollars and who is corrupted to the core. She doesn't have any qualities a president should have apart from her enormous ego.
Shame on you. Supporting an old hag who stole millions of dollars and who is corrupted to the core. She doesn't have any qualities a president should have apart from her enormous ego.
It goes with her enormous ass.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

You remind me of a friend of mine who loves her husband despite the fact that he cheats on her and lies about it. She forgives everything he does and always gives him another chance, believing that she can trust him again.

Some people can be lied to repeatedly and still stand by the liars. I don't get it.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You vote for Jeb like a good Republican and I'll elect hillary as the next potus. This ain't a midterm harry.
i would not consider anyone mentioned in this thread....like i said,you havent learned a dam thing....you keep on voting for the same old shit bobo like a good little party guy.....me,ill look at someone who actually may give a fuck about this Country and hopefully will be a leader,something this Country needs right now....everyone mentioned in this thread could not lead their dog to his water bowl....
Try thinking policy instead of getting ANOTHER cowboy wannabbe bought off POS Pub who leads us into a corrupt ditch again. ANY Dem is better than any New BS GOP a-hole ugly American chickenhawk racist corporate POS 0.1% bought off liar. lol
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You vote for Jeb like a good Republican and I'll elect hillary as the next potus. This ain't a midterm harry.
i would not consider anyone mentioned in this thread....like i said,you havent learned a dam thing....you keep on voting for the same old shit bobo like a good little party guy.....me,ill look at someone who actually may give a fuck about this Country and hopefully will be a leader,something this Country needs right now....everyone mentioned in this thread could not lead their dog to his water bowl....
So you admit no one in the GOP lineup is worth a shit? Thanks Harry.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You vote for Jeb like a good Republican and I'll elect hillary as the next potus. This ain't a midterm harry.
i would not consider anyone mentioned in this thread....like i said,you havent learned a dam thing....you keep on voting for the same old shit bobo like a good little party guy.....me,ill look at someone who actually may give a fuck about this Country and hopefully will be a leader,something this Country needs right now....everyone mentioned in this thread could not lead their dog to his water bowl....
You'll look "at" or "for" someone who gives a shit about this country? Big difference harry.

Saying you'll look at someone who cares about this country suggests there's somebody running that does. Are you suggesting that? Well who is he? Because I notice you didn't name anybody you like. Come on Harry. If there's someone out there you like don't be ashamed let us know who is it?
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You defend and support Cruz Walker Christy Perry fiorino bush rubio Carson ryan huckabee or trump and you have the nerve to talk about me?

Who do you love?
hey bobo why dont you show a post were i am supporting anyone of those losers,it should be easy i have 40,000 of them.....or is this just more bobo talk?....
I'll ask one more time Harry. Who do you like?
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

What do you like about Hillary?

Is it because she stood by her man while he cheated on her several times and humiliated her?

Is it because she is lying in bed with corporate America and ready to return favors if she gets elected?

Is it because she keeps lying all the time?

Is it because should could never connect with the average voter?

Is it because she is really good at playing the poor victim?
All of those reasons. Now who do you like?
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

You remind me of a friend of mine who loves her husband despite the fact that he cheats on her and lies about it. She forgives everything he does and always gives him another chance, believing that she can trust him again.

Some people can be lied to repeatedly and still stand by the liars. I don't get it.
Why do you think I never vote Republican? I think the same thing about you idiots. Now you tell me who you want to vote for
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.
geezus bobo....you are farther gone than what i thought......you havent learned a thing....
You defend and support Cruz Walker Christy Perry fiorino bush rubio Carson ryan huckabee or trump and you have the nerve to talk about me?

Who do you love?
hey bobo why dont you show a post were i am supporting anyone of those losers,it should be easy i have 40,000 of them.....or is this just more bobo talk?....
Now is your chance to sell me on the GOP harry. Explain to me how one of the GOP candidates cares about you me and America.

If you can't pick one you love then thanks for admitting you're just a sour right wingers who's mad cause Hillary's going to win.

I see it in all 40,000 of your posts. We know that you'd be much happier with a Republican in the white house. So cut the crap. You may not like the GOP candidate but you'll pull the lever and vote just as hard for one of them as I will for hillary.

And the GOP are all liars. Not one admits they hate the poor and middle class but they do.

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