I Love Hillary

I just heard 4 out of every $5 donated to GOP candidates come from superpacs. Billionaires and millionaires. Way worse in the GOP.

Clearly the GOP is more corrupt.

Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
I just heard 4 out of every $5 donated to GOP candidates come from superpacs. Billionaires and millionaires. Way worse in the GOP.

Clearly the GOP is more corrupt.

Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
Much worse? Ok, let's try it this way....What's the difference between the two?...
If the Koch bros were a couple of flaming libs but did business the same way they do it now, what say you?
This ought to be good.
Republicans always talk about what's fair. How about what works?

How dare rich people change the rules after they climbed the ladder of success. They wanted social security pensions cheap healthcare safety nets social services and good schools but now don't want to pay for the next generation? Now that they got theirs?
What in the FUCK are you talking about?.....Ya know, this is it.
All you're doing is spewing liberal talking points. You are so programmed. A non thinker.
Government been picking winners and losers for thousands of years. What do you think backed the east india company or west indies that allowed for European exploration??? lol
Would you PLEASE.. for the last time us the quote feature.
No one know to whom it is you are posting.....JESUS!!!!!
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Oh my God.
Mr Clinton gave us nafta and was one of the worst dem in history for the working class but you don't know that do you. Comparing Bernie with bitch Clinton!!???
are you fucking kidding?
Government been picking winners and losers for thousands of years. What do you think backed the east india company or west indies that allowed for European exploration??? lol
Would you PLEASE.. for the last time us the quote feature.
No one know to whom it is you are posting.....JESUS!!!!!

Ok,,,But this small government for the hell of it bs is bs.
I have listened to Bernie for 20+ years now and he is the very best candidate. He cares about our country and will not cater to the rich and corporate America.
you are the best example of dreamland voter's. You know absolutely nothing and do not strive to learn.....and hen go vote! Fuuuuuck me.
Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Put the pipe down...

Obama is a Fantasy POTUS, he does magic on the weak minded...

The World Is Fair POTUS...

Hillary is the next disaster the Dumocrats want, their like too stupid all at once...
I just heard 4 out of every $5 donated to GOP candidates come from superpacs. Billionaires and millionaires. Way worse in the GOP.

Clearly the GOP is more corrupt.

Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
Much worse? Ok, let's try it this way....What's the difference between the two?...
If the Koch bros were a couple of flaming libs but did business the same way they do it now, what say you?
This ought to be good.
Then they would be working for good not greed
if you are talking to me im probably just as liberal as you are,maybe more, with certain topics....
Hilary I just heard has raised more money than all of the top six Republican candidates combined. Looks like I'm not the only one that loves her
wow im impressed....she has a money raising machine,thats always a good sign they will be a great President..........
The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
It's a two party system. The middle class did alright under Clinton. I'd go back to the 90s economy. In fact I believe we are experiencing it again under Obama. Wages up economy growing.

Simple fact harry is ill take anyone on the left over a Republican while the GOP control both houses. Checks and balances my friend. Not to mention a few Supreme Court nominees. You absolutely know there's a difference between Democrats and Republicans by who they appoint to the Supreme Court so get your head out of your ass hairy
you cant take your lips off the democrats collective asses,while i can look at everybody.....and you say i have my head up my ass?...hold on a second....

My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Oh my God.
Mr Clinton gave us nafta and was one of the worst dem in history for the working class but you don't know that do you. Comparing Bernie with bitch Clinton!!???
are you fucking kidding?

He doesn't care who the President is, corrupt, untrustworthy, as long as it's a Democrat he is blindly and ignorantly happy.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Oh my God.
Mr Clinton gave us nafta and was one of the worst dem in history for the working class but you don't know that do you. Comparing Bernie with bitch Clinton!!???
are you fucking kidding?

He doesn't care who the President is, corrupt, untrustworthy, as long as it's a Democrat he is blindly and ignorantly happy.
and going by what bobo has stated here in this thread.....i have to concur....

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