I May Even Watch This

Hillary should have a good night of it. She is far more hawkish than Obama and Bernie too. She will trot out her no-fly zone solution yet again. I don't know how a no-fly zone in Syria can have any effect upon ISIS though because ISIS has no air force. It would probably only serve to provoke a confrontation with Russia and Iranian aircraft. Russia and Iran were invited by Assad into Syria. We haven't been invited by the Syrian leader. I don't understand how we can set up a no-fly zone in the skies of a sovereign nation without being in violation of some international law. It appears to me that we screwed ourselves by waiting too long. Now that Russia and Iran are shoring up the Assad regime, it just appears a bit too little too late. Turkey won't send any troops into Syria unless we agree to remove Assad and I don't see that happening now.
Hillary should have a good night of it. She is far more hawkish than Obama and Bernie too. She will trot out her no-fly zone solution yet again. I don't know how a no-fly zone in Syria can have any effect upon ISIS though because ISIS has no air force. It would probably only serve to provoke a confrontation with Russia and Iranian aircraft. Russia and Iran were invited by Assad into Syria. We haven't been invited by the Syrian leader. I don't understand how we can set up a no-fly zone in the skies of a sovereign nation without being in violation of some international law. It appears to me that we screwed ourselves by waiting too long. Now that Russia and Iran are shoring up the Assad regime, it just appears a bit too little too late. Turkey won't send any troops into Syria unless we agree to remove Assad and I don't see that happening now.

She might even regale us with those heroic stories of dodging snipers in Iraq.
Hillary should have a good night of it. She is far more hawkish than Obama and Bernie too.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. My guess is that she'll sound the strongest and most aggressive of the three, although she may stop short of sounding "hawkish".

Amazing timing. But it's an important conversation to have.

I suppose. It's such a long time before Obama leaves office that so much can change by then, for ill or for good.

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