I may not vote this time.

And if you fail, if you're party nominates a shitstain - reward them by giving them your vote anyway!

Talk about throwing your vote away.
You’re missing a few links in the old chain of logic. For example, you merely ASSume that if my preferred candidate for the GOP Nomination doesn’t get that nomination, that the one who does get the nod will be a “shitstain.” I don’t make that judgment ahead of time. For instance, if Trump doesn’t win the GOP nod, it seems likely that DeSantis will. Not a shitstain; instead, a genuinely good prospective nominee.

But, what if. What if instead of Trump or DeSantis the GOP primary voters give the nod to (God Forbid) Liz Cheney? In that event, I would vote for neither the GOP nor the Democrap nominee. I’d probably vote 3rd Party.
You’re missing a few links in the old chain of logic. For example, you merely ASSume that if my preferred candidate for the GOP Nomination doesn’t get that nomination, that the one who does get the nod will be a “shitstain.”
No, I don't. "And if you fail ..." - reading comprehension is everything.
But, what if. What if instead of Trump or DeSantis the GOP primary voters give the nod to (God Forbid) Liz Cheney? In that event, I would vote for neither the GOP nor the Democrap nominee. I’d probably vote 3rd Party.
Ok good, so it's possible that, at some point, your common sense will override the "old cliche".
I will try to explain this for the benefit of all the imbeciles out there. It is election time in the middle of nowhere. 2 candidates, one Repub and one Dem and only 2 voters, one for the Repub and one for the Dem. If they both vote their party it is a tie, but if the Repub stays home he hands the victory to the Dem. EVERY GD vote counts.

And if the Democrat stays home, the Republican wins.

Meanwhile, in 2020, tens of millions more came out to vote, because as you point out, every vote counts. Republicans lost and now cry those tens of millions who came out to vote is evidence of fraud. You want to eat your cake and have it too.
Of course it makes sense. And it is perfectly logical.

By not voting, you have made it easier for the worst candidate to prevail.

According to you. According to those on the left, to others on the left who didn't vote Democrat, not voting Democrat made it easier for the worst candidate to prevail.
No, I don't. "And if you fail ..." - reading comprehension is everything.
Actually, it is your writing that is unclear.
If I fail? In what? In getting my preferred candidate nominated? That’s what I addressed. If I fail in that effort, then I consider what my remaining options are. Your ASSumptions have no bearing.
Ok good, so it's possible that, at some point, your common sense will override the "old cliche".
My common sense (actually, just simple logic) already overrides that old cliche.

Your argument doesn’t hold water.
I'm guessing the disillusioned Dem voters will mitigate the effect of Repub voters staying home. It's all good.
That would disqualify most Americans. So, do we import voters, and from where? ;)

People vote for their own personal beliefs and interests. That's why we're in the pickle we're in. :omg:

People ignorantly vote in the misguided belief that what their favorite candidate has promised them will actually come to pass. People also vote simply to virtue signal. Few seem to care for the welfare and future of the nation.

People vote for various reasons, few of them good.
"A Republic can only serve a just and moral people. It can serve no other."

THIS is why things are falling apart. Moral people make wise choices. Corrupt people make selfish and poor choices
"A Republic can only serve a just and moral people. It can serve no other."

THIS is why things are falling apart. Moral people make wise choices. Corrupt people make selfish and poor choices
America, land of selfish and poor choices. :(
Exactly what I was responding to. I even quoted it: "Work harder at making sure your Party’s standard bearer isn’t an evil."
Ok. See? You were unclear. But, either way, I’ve answered it. Either get a DeSantis if I can’t get Trump, or vote for a 3rd Party candidate failing that.
I may wait a season or so and then vote to reelect candidates that actually accomplished something that I support during their term in office. They could be of either party as long as they advance what I consider important. If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does. I'm so sick of feeling like a damn fool each time I cast my vote.
I didn't vote in 2020. I always vote, even if just for the lesser of evils, but I could not in 2020. It bothers me still. It's truly a sad state our country is in.

I almost didn't vote in 2016, only deciding on election day to hold my nose and go vote for Hillary though I've always disliked her. The reasoning at the time was 'at least she's not Donald Trump.'
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It won’t make any difference. It never has.
I dunno if you heard, but MAGA is taking over the Republican Party.

True, it's a work in progress....but nothing ever worth fighting for is easy.

It's not even a safe bet McConnell will be Majority Leader after we take the Senate. That could get interesting.

I for one will be voting for Republicans up and down the ballot, and then holding them accountable going forward.

You can grumble in the corner like a black pilled grump.

No. I have it right and in the correct order. By not voting, you are making it easier for the worse candidate to prevail. A very stupid move.
No. The duopoly only nominates bad candidates. So no matter who you vote for, the D or the R, they’re bad.

How could anyone thing the past presidents elected and those they beat, are any good?
Ok. See? You were unclear. But, either way, I’ve answered it. Either get a DeSantis if I can’t get Trump, or vote for a 3rd Party candidate failing that.

Whoever the GOP nominate will be MAGA. They wouldn't be able to win otherwise.

The Bush/Cheney Republican Party is dead.

Long live the MAGA Republican Party.
You have to admit voting worked well in 2020.
In many states we've already fixed that. GA, AZ, WI and others will never let that bologna get pulled again.

Unfortunately PA is another story - but I still think Mastriano and Oz will pull it off in the end.

Mastriano because he's a much better candidate than the media says.

Oz because - despite his flaws - his opponent is a total embarrassment to the human race.
I didn't vote in 2020. I always vote, even if just for the lesser of evils, but I could not in 2020. It bothers me still. It's truly a sad state our country is in.
Sad when you know that your chosen party will change nothing, even when in the majority.
No. The duopoly only nominates bad candidates. So no matter who you vote for, the D or the R, they’re bad.

How could anyone thing the past presidents elected and those they beat, are any good?
You seem to imagine that you “thing.”

Your reliance on that faux word “duopoly” constructs your ability to even think.
It's hard for me to understand how anyone who is actually paying any attention to what's going on, to not see the difference between the two major parties. Do you think we should abolish the filibuster? How about packing the Supreme Court with more progressive liberal justices? Are you okay with the war on fossil fuels? You like what's going on down on our southern border? Were you happy with how we left Afghanistan? Are you glad we re-entered the Paris Accords? Biden is trying to renew the deal with Iran, do you think that is a wise thing to do? What about the ridiculous spending, you do realize that the democrats want to spend way more than the repubs do, right? Maybe you think that's okay in inflationary times? And you don't see the difference?
I may wait a season or so and then vote to reelect candidates that actually accomplished something that I support during their term in office. They could be of either party as long as they advance what I consider important. If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does. I'm so sick of feeling like a damn fool each time I cast my vote.
If the Democrast gain just a couple seats in the Senate and hold the House they will do away with the filibuster and ram their plans for draconian gun control and the beginnings of a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise through Congress. The Republicans need every vote they can get to preserve our freedom of speech, right to bear arms and our constitutional republic.

Now is the the time all good conservative men and women to rise up and vote to save our great experiment with representative democracy. We need a turnout so large that the Democrats will find it impossible to rig the election no matter how hard they try.

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