I miss Trump

So you’re not fully far left. OK

I try to avoid labels since they can be manipulated.

For example, when I was protesting the Vietnam war, the fascists were the military industrial complex that LBJ was supporting.
But when It came to civil rights, LBJ happen to pick the right side, but only because he wanted Blacks to vote democrat.
I try to avoid labels since they can be manipulated.

For example, when I was protesting the Vietnam war, the fascists were the military industrial complex that LBJ was supporting.
But when It came to civil rights, LBJ happen to pick the right side, but only because he wanted Blacks to vote democrat.
You protested the war but did you fight and do you still fight for veterans rights and freedoms? We treat illegals better than we treat many vets.
Yeah so a trans girl wants to use the girls room, 50 girls don't want "her" to. How does it get resolved? Build a 3rd neutral locker room?
Standards are set up by those who are responsible for those facilities to determine what constitutes a transition to the point where they can play sports and use facilities. It’s not my area of expertise so I don’t have the answers but the process is obvious.
Standards are set up by those who are responsible for those facilities to determine what constitutes a transition to the point where they can play sports and use facilities. It’s not my area of expertise so I don’t have the answers but the process is obvious.
Yeah use the mens room
jc456 then you were not alive when kennedy was,the greatest president of the 20th century,trump is the first president sense jfk that served the people instead of the corporations and the first president sense same as him to give hope for Americans,he brought more jobs back to the country than any president sense Kennedy’s days.he had the same kind of energy as him,as I said earlier,he is the first president in my lifetime who actually did what he said he would do.
Trump couldn’t be killed like JFK, so we got what we got. And I was alive when JFK, and Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t shot JFK. The bullet to the brain was hollow point when the other rounds were full metal jacket. Even a stupid person could see that
jc456 well if you were alive when kennedy was you would know you made a mistake then when you said that trump was the first president in your lifetime who kept his campaine promises and did not lie to the people. yeah there was never a shread of evidence that oswald did it,only paid trolls on here say that.but plenty of evidence of multiple shooters. the elite have not been able to take out trump cause he learned from kennedys mistakes not to use the secret service for protection nor to trust them,he used his own people,that is the only reason he is still alive,i bet you are not aware there have been multiple attempts on trumps life? you just never heard about it from the CIA controlled media is why most people are not aware that they tried to take him out as well.
Trump was one of America's greatest presidents. A non-politician that simply wanted to improve the lives of average Americans - and he did! Trump was especially good to black America, who then voted against him to the tune of 88%.

The Democratic Party stole the election. The Democratic Party is an organized crime organization. Their intent is to turn us into a one-party, totalitarian, oligarchy as China has.

Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life str

exactly K9Buck Kennedy our greatest president of the 20th century is rolling over in his grave how the Democrat party has now become the DEMONRAT party.It has not been respectable ever sense clinton got in office.they are run by terrorists now.

Trump same as kennedy was one of greatest presidents,both were non politicians.
Sandy Shanks yeah a job of ruining and destroying America you stupid fuck:auiqs.jpg: a president who is suck a laughingstock entire NFL stadiums and major cities are chanting LETS GO BRANDON:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:.must suck being on that deserted island you live on while cheering on Biden trollboy.:auiqs.jpg:

He didn't respond to fake-news baiting. Those so-called journalists didn't ask any legitimate questions. All they did is play "gotcha." They got treated better than they deserved.

pesky facts like that is something they of course do not have an interest in talking about sense it destroys their narrative. he is the first president to have the balls to come out and tell the truth as it is that the MSM news who never investigates anything and is only a tool for the government is just what he called it FAKE NEWS.:thup:

they attacked him like no other president in my lifetime for exposing the MSM news for what they are.

Sandy Shanks yeah Biden is doing a job alright,a job of ruining and destroying America you stupid fuck:auiqs.jpg: a president who is suck a laughingstock entire NFL stadiums and major cities are chanting LETS GO BRANDON:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:.must suck being on that deserted island you live on while cheering on Biden trollboy.:auiqs.jpg:
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Erin fag got his ass handed to him on a platter by you.LOL

What "trillion" did Trump give to his buddies in Wall Street?

It's labelled as an infrastructure bill. We already had the stimulus, moron.

If you don't believe the fat cats are the primary beneficiaries of this bill, then you are a special kind of stupid.

He has Trump mixed up with Obama,that was the clown that gave trillions to wall street. :auiqs.jpg:
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