I miss Trump

jc456 well if you were alive when kennedy was you would know you made a mistake then when you said that trump was the first president in your lifetime who kept his campaine promises and did not lie to the people. yeah there was never a shread of evidence that oswald did it,only paid trolls on here say that.but plenty of evidence of multiple shooters. the elite have not been able to take out trump cause he learned from kennedys mistakes not to use the secret service for protection nor to trust them,he used his own people,that is the only reason he is still alive,i bet you are not aware there have been multiple attempts on trumps life? you just never heard about it from the CIA controlled media is why most people are not aware that they tried to take him out as well.
I was alive and 11 years old. So I was far too young to know! So didn’t hear his campaign
You protested the war but did you fight and do you still fight for veterans rights and freedoms? We treat illegals better than we treat many vets.

It was frustrating because some of the vets were so pro-war, but I try not to blame them, since they were just buying into all the pro-war propaganda.
I never did much about veteran rights because I never knew much about their situation.
I have heard that some VA hospitals were pretty bad.
I was just reading about how badly returning Blacks were treated after WWII.
Unlike most vets, they were denied GIBill perks like free tuition or low mortgage rates.
It was frustrating because some of the vets were so pro-war, but I try not to blame them, since they were just buying into all the pro-war propaganda.
The vets I've known have all been anti-war, at least in the case of foreign intervention and "police actions". Granted, that's a handful (5), but I think it makes sense. They know what it means.
The vets I've known have all been anti-war, at least in the case of foreign intervention and "police actions". Granted, that's a handful (5), but I think it makes sense. They know what it means.

Especially with Vietnam, since most of the vets there were drafted against their will.
The invasion of Iraq I do not understand, because everyone should have heard about how the whole rest of the world was against it, and its not like there was a draft.
Especially with Vietnam, since most of the vets there were drafted against their will.
The invasion of Iraq I do not understand, because everyone should have heard about how the whole rest of the world was against it, and its not like there was a draft.
You think the vets had a choice? Seriously? Hilarious
You think the vets had a choice? Seriously? Hilarious

Yes, I do think the vets had a choice over Iraq.
It was obviously illegal to me, and soldiers are not supposed to do that which they know is illegal.
Saddam had been our ally with his fight against Iran, that ended only in 1988.
Desert Storm was only a couple of years after that.
And "Shock and Awe" was even worse, since all soldiers are supposed to know that attacking civilian infrastructure is a war crime.
Yes, I do think the vets had a choice over Iraq.
It was obviously illegal to me, and soldiers are not supposed to do that which they know is illegal.
Saddam had been our ally with his fight against Iran, that ended only in 1988.
Desert Storm was only a couple of years after that.
And "Shock and Awe" was even worse, since all soldiers are supposed to know that attacking civilian infrastructure is a war crime.
Then why did congress say go?

guess you don’t know about criminal charges for disobeying orders. That’s odd.
Then why did congress say go?

guess you don’t know about criminal charges for disobeying orders. That’s odd.

It is not criminal to disobey illegal orders.
The Highway of Death in Desert Storm was bad enough, but everyone connected with Shock and Awe knew it was a war crime long before they actually committed it.
Same with waterboarding at Guantanamo.
During the 1911 Philippine Rebellion, some US troops waterboarded captured soldiers and those responsible were dismissed from the army.
So it is not like everyone did not know waterboarding was illegal.

By the way, congress did not actually authorize the invasion of Iraq.
What congress did was pass the Joint Resolution For the Use of Force in Iraq, which basically said that force could only be used if the UN requiested it or if it had been determined force was needed to prevent an attack on the US.
So it was leaving it up to Bush to decide.
And that is not really legal.
Congress is supposed to be the only one to authorize the use of military force.
It was frustrating because some of the vets were so pro-war, but I try not to blame them, since they were just buying into all the pro-war propaganda.
I never did much about veteran rights because I never knew much about their situation.
I have heard that some VA hospitals were pretty bad.
I was just reading about how badly returning Blacks were treated after WWII.
Unlike most vets, they were denied GIBill perks like free tuition or low mortgage rates.
So no. You don’t support vets rights. Interesting.
It is not criminal to disobey illegal orders.
The Highway of Death in Desert Storm was bad enough, but everyone connected with Shock and Awe knew it was a war crime long before they actually committed it.
Same with waterboarding at Guantanamo.
During the 1911 Philippine Rebellion, some US troops waterboarded captured soldiers and those responsible were dismissed from the army.
So it is not like everyone did not know waterboarding was illegal.

By the way, congress did not actually authorize the invasion of Iraq.
What congress did was pass the Joint Resolution For the Use of Force in Iraq, which basically said that force could only be used if the UN requiested it or if it had been determined force was needed to prevent an attack on the US.
So it was leaving it up to Bush to decide.
And that is not really legal.
Congress is supposed to be the only one to authorize the use of military force.
What illegal orders! Congress lied?
What illegal orders! Congress lied?

Congress likely got the lies from the executive, like the CIA, FBI, etc.
It is not like Congress could go and send people like Ambassador Wilson or General Fulford Jr. to Iraq or Niger to investigate.
But the State Dept. did send these people to Iraq and Niger, and they returned saying Iraq had no significant WMD, and there was no attempt to buy yellow cake since 1979, by Iraq.
But it was common knowledge Iraq had no WMD. England, Germany, France, Russia, etc., were all telling us that.
The only people claiming Iraq had WMD were the Israelis and Chalabi.
Both of whom had no credibility at all.

What the military did with Shock and Awe was similar to Germans arresting Jews during WWII.
Some things are so obviously criminal, that one can not get out of the punishment by claiming one was "only following orders".
I noice our resident trollboys from Langley the America haters @slade and JimH52 after they knew you handed their ass to them on a platter and checkmated them tried to laugh off your facts you posted,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:
Staidhup BOTH parties the Demonrats AND the old guard Gop party thst consists of the likes of Bush,Romney,Bob,Dole and others tried to fix the election the first time to put Hitlery in power because he was not part of their corrupt two party system and like you said,pissed off the country club pubs sense he served faught for the middle class,first president sense kennedy to do so.

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