I miss Trump

Less than 2 months in and the country already has buyers remorse on Biden and wants a do over.

Biden has 54 percent approval
A level Trump never reached in four years

Joe Biden also has the pollsters and the media covering his fuckups for him. Something they refused to do for Trump for four years.
I personally like the fact that the Command In Chief cannot read an Index Card; it makes me think of him as human.

Apes and chimps can't read an index card either.

I'm just sayin'. :laughing0301:

Are you talking about AOC?
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Trump was competently building our Country back up!
Joe is destroying our Country very quickly.
Destroying occurs so much faster than building on a firm Foundation.
Joe and the Dimm's are proof!!

Trump tried to destroy the country before he left

Only a special kind of an idiot would equate energy independence, a secure border, a strong military, a thriving economy, returning America to greatness, as the "destruction" of this country.

Obviously you're that "special" kind of an idiot. You should have your own short, yellow bus with your name on the front and a bus driver who drops you off at your door. Just so you don't get lost on the way home from your "special" school.

And to think that the U.S. WAS becoming a real contender, again.
Oh well,......
Only a special kind of an idiot would equate energy independence, a secure border, a strong military, a thriving economy, returning America to greatness, as the "destruction" of this country.

Obviously you're that "special" kind of an idiot. You should have your own short, yellow bus with your name on the front and a bus driver who drops you off at your door. Just so you don't get lost on the way home from your "special" school.
You go it 100% correct. The guy's definitely a 'special kind of idiot' and a clownish troll.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

I will argue a counterpoint if you’d like... you are implying that a new tax will be applied and taken from tax payers to fund the stimulus bill... but that is not the case, unless you have info that says otherwise... do you?

What new tax? Has zero to do with this thread or the link to the stimulus bill. The argument was to just give all the money to the people. Not $1,400.

You linked to an argument saying that Dems voted for a bill that gives them $1400 but makes them owe $5800 and were looking for a counter argument. Or did I read that wrong??

There is no counter arguments that is fact. Unless you presume we never pay back the debt.

Yes that would be my presumption... well not in the direct traditional sense that you’ve implied.

And you would be wrong. My kids will be responsible for this debt. As will yours. It doesn’t just magically disappear. We need fiscal responsibility. So my point was if I am responsible for this debt then give me the full amount of the monies. Not me precisely since I did not qualify but if I had...

Your presumption of we don’t have to pay this debt back is not only dangerous but borderline infuriating.

The debt would exist while our children are alive yes, just as the debt has existed throughout your entire life... how has it impacted you? How do you think it will impact them and why do you think it will be different?

It has only been this high for 13 years? It has impacted all of us. Instead of building high speed rails and other infrastructure improvements we spent monies on useless wars and paying for bad decisions. Our infrastructure sucks. Go to an airport in Dubai and compare it Logan or LAX. It’s a fucking joke. China is coming for us. 13 years is a tiny timeframe mind you. It will impact them in that taxes will have to be raised and expenses reduced as in they may lose SS or have it significantly reduced. They and their spouses will both have to work vs having one home to raise the kids. Because we let our schools go to shit they will likely have to send their kids to private school.

So yes it has impacted me. And you. But you don’t see it. It will certainly impact them.

13 years? No dude the debt has been like this for decades. Those things you listed were not effected by the debt, they were just policy decisions. As we have seen with the pandemic, we can pump out trillions at the drop of a hat. The ability to build has always been there. Congress just hasn’t decided to do it
This thread is hilarious. Trump couldn’t order a cheeseburger without lying. Who misses this shit?

I do. You obviously can’t read. Congratulations. You’re not smarter than a 5th grader nor could you beat one up.

Congratulations you’re a self admitted clown. Basically you’d rather be lied to and embarrassed than informed. To each their own. Maybe you’d like light shined inside the body? Or perhaps disinfectant injections? Or a sharpie to alter Hurricane paths? Or to nuke a Hurricane? Some love letters for strong men? I don’t know why Putin wouldn’t be telling the truth.

Come on dude. You hilarious.
Less than 2 months in and the country already has buyers remorse on Biden and wants a do over.

Biden has 54 percent approval
A level Trump never reached in four years

Joe Biden also has the pollsters and the media covering his fuckups for him. Something they refused to do for Trump for four years.

100% completely opposite rules for Biden vs Trump.

The far left truly has their Fang-Fangs into Bi-Dung.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Trump was competently building our Country back up!
Joe is destroying our Country very quickly.
Destroying occurs so much faster than building on a firm Foundation.
Joe and the Dimm's are proof!!

Haha, you are such a drama Queen. Destroying our country?! Take a chill pill man

Like the man they adore, they typically communicate in comical hyperbole.

Funny to see them react so emotionally but then yell TDS and snowflake to react to any critique coming their way

Who is “them”? Me?

in this case I was talking about B. Kid and his ilk. I’ve enjoyed our debates for the most part so I won’t characterize you with them as of now.

How kind of you. Mac is a liar. So if you are his ilk, it’s not saying much.

I like MAC, don’t really like categorizing myself, you can think of me whichever way you want. Not anything for me to do about that.
Congratulations you’re a self admitted clown. Basically you’d rather be lied to and embarrassed than informed. To each their own. Maybe you’d like light shined inside the body? Or perhaps disinfectant injections? Or a sharpie to alter Hurricane paths? Or to nuke a Hurricane? Some love letters for strong men? I don’t know why Putin wouldn’t be telling the truth.

Come on dude. You hilarious.
If you agree with Biden's election and Presidency, YOU are the self admitted clown and would rather be lied to. Look in the mirror hypocrite.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Sounds like you are bitter you didn't quailfy for any stimulus money..but if you did, I'm sure you sent yours back.
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

Of course you do. :heehee:
At least he answered questions. Biden just hit us with a stupid partisan stimulus bill. You can see here why its stupid and none of the leftists here have been able to argue the counterpoint.

But why won't Biden take tough questions on both the stimulus and the crisis at the border?

Love or hate Trump or tolerate only, Trump always took questions. Combative? Yes. Answered them? Yes.

MY God how stupid can you be?!?!

YOU"VE accounted for barely 1/5 of the stimulus which will also be funding vaccines, cutting taxes, providing unemployment protection...
If you agree with Biden's election and Presidency, YOU are the self admitted clown and would rather be lied to. Look in the mirror hypocrite.
I put stupid quotes directly from Trump in my response. You just went to name calling. Biden was elected because there are 7 million too few idiots to vote him in. Thankfully you’re a minority and we don’t care what you think.
Ugh i dont.
Whats the big differences between this covid bill and the ones trump signed? Besides biden putting more oversight on the loan process so billionaires arent getting bailed out by our great grandchildren?

One politician is the same as the other.

They all are in cahoots with the oligarchs and don't give a fuck about any of us.
Ugh you guys missed the point. At least he answered questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With respect...

Lying is not "answering the question."

It is, in fact, WORSE by far than not answering the question.
Because, when the president lies many will believe and act on his lies.
You know, like on 1/6/21.
I put stupid quotes directly from Trump in my response. You just went to name calling. Biden was elected because there are 7 million too few idiots to vote him in. Thankfully you’re a minority and we don’t care what you think.

Here is what you wrote that I replied to:

Congratulations you’re a self admitted clown. Basically you’d rather be lied to and embarrassed than informed. To each their own. Maybe you’d like light shined inside the body? Or perhaps disinfectant injections? Or a sharpie to alter Hurricane paths? Or to nuke a Hurricane? Some love letters for strong men? I don’t know why Putin wouldn’t be telling the truth. Come on dude. You hilarious.

Please point out any quotes, I don't see any. All I see is your TDS opinion and lies about what Trump actually said.

Come on dude, you lyin'....again.
Last edited:
With respect...

Lying is not "answering the question."

It is, in fact, WORSE by far than not answering the question.
Because, when the president lies many will believe and act on his lies.
You know, like on 1/6/21.
Democrat talking points ^^^^^^^ all lies.
I put stupid quotes directly from Trump in my response. You just went to name calling. Biden was elected because there are 7 million too few idiots to vote him in. Thankfully you’re a minority and we don’t care what you think.

Here is what you wrote that I replied to:

Congratulations you’re a self admitted clown. Basically you’d rather be lied to and embarrassed than informed. To each their own. Maybe you’d like light shined inside the body? Or perhaps disinfectant injections? Or a sharpie to alter Hurricane paths? Or to nuke a Hurricane? Some love letters for strong men? I don’t know why Putin wouldn’t be telling the truth.

Please point out any quotes, I don't see any. All I see is your TDS opinion and lies about what Trump actually said.Come on dude. You hilarious.

Come on dude, you lyin'....again.
Then you’re blind and stupid.

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