“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma

Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Fake News is fake

Yep, and Stalinists are Stalinists ;)

Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

They will never understand they dont want to.
They love ignorance they wholeheartedly embrace it.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)


Fake News is fake
Lies and innuendo is all they have... Its blowing up in their faces.... AGAIN!!!
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.

Which is really the entire issue, yes?
The pansies at State got offended that someone was doing the job that they won't do.

I appreciate a leftist actually being honest
It's so rare
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.

Which is really the entire issue, yes?
The pansies at State got offended that someone was doing the job that they won't do.

I appreciate a leftist actually being honest
It's so rare

Yep... The head of the state department holding his people accountable... Go Trump!
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

Not really.

First of all, if Trump had asked his intelligence officials instead of relying on the internet, he'd have known that Crowdstrike was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Second, all the actions by Rudy the Bagman that the Diplomatic people were objecting to, including getting Ambassador Marie sacked, were to pressure the Ukrainians into opening an investigation into Biden.

The fucking ignorance in your head burns brightly
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.

You idiots started trying to impeach him before he even took office.
Is that clear enough for you to comprehend?
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:

Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.

You idiots started trying to impeach him before he even took office.
Is that clear enough for you to comprehend?

Fake News ^ ;)
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely bipartisan so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for
Last edited:
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
The State Department works for POTUS. Not the other way around.

The bureaucracy only protects itself.

The bureaucracy in this and many cases, is the problem, not the solution.
Proper channels protect president from impeachment. Don't know how to make it any clearer.

You idiots started trying to impeach him before he even took office.
Is that clear enough for you to comprehend?

Fake News ^ ;)

I dunno
You're bad news for sure
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)


Fake News is fake
Lies and innuendo is all they have... Its blowing up in their faces.... AGAIN!!!
Well yea, Michael Waltz was pushing this conspiracy theory.

To really understand it, you need to read this article, or this article.

In summary: it’s a conspiracy theory that even Trump's own administration has told him not to believe. Instead he listens to Rudy Giuliani and believes him.
Today, republicans are throwing Giuliani under the bus, but in the process they're throwing themselves under the bus.
House Of Broken Love
Great White
Come the mornin' don't ya wake me
I'll be dreamin' that I'm free
Come the daybreak don't ya shake me
Send me back to misery
Cause I'm dealin' with a devil
With no help from above
I'm stealin' with the devil
Through this house of broken love
Takin' chances with you baby
I saw something in your eyes
And though no one else could blame me
There were signs I should of recognized
Now I'm dealin' with a devil
With no help from above
I'm sleepin' with the devil
In this house of broken love
If you don't want to lose my lovin'
Use it constantly
If it's gonna be lies, suspicious eyes
Baby oh baby set me free
When the night falls and she's leavin'
Oh the moon shines cold and gray
Hear my heartbeat yeah yeah hear m' weepin'
Pain and sorrow's here to stay
I begged you baby help me
But you turned your back on me
You didn't even listen
You should have set me free
Now I'm leavin' with the devil
Gonna leave this search for love
Leavin' with the devil
Leave this house of broken love
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Alan Niven / Jack Russell / Michael Lardie
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)


Fake News is fake
Lies and innuendo is all they have... Its blowing up in their faces.... AGAIN!!!
Well yea, Michael Waltz was pushing this conspiracy theory.

To really understand it, you need to read this article, or this article.

In summary: it’s a conspiracy theory that even Trump's own administration has told him not to believe. Instead he listens to Rudy Giuliani and believes him.
Today, republicans are throwing Giuliani under the bus, but in the process they're throwing themselves under the bus.

The vox story that you have linked is wildly inaccurate
Not shocked.
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for
The word is "partisan", and you can find trustworthy news sources at mediabiasfactcheck, or which ones are biased.

12 best news sites you can trust.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for
The word is "partisan", and you can find trustworthy news sources at mediabiasfactcheck, or which ones are biased.

12 best news sites you can trust.
My best source is when I search on Duck search. Democrats have destroyed the news. Like I said I’d this was 1960 and they reported like they do.. see ya
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for

What does Dolly Partison have to do with anything? :)

Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)

Not if you can prove they aren’t reporting the news

We understand - Anyone who dares to be critical of Dear Leader is an Enemy of the People. Very Stalinist with a dash of Mao and Adolf.

IOW, the only REAL news comes from OANN, Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and Gateway Pundit :cool:
Not sure there is any accurate reporting of the news there is gathering information.. if we didn’t have internet and libs reported the news like they are they would have been hung.
But because of the Internet I think the news as a joke and extremely by Pardison so do your own research and gather information that’s all it’s here for

What does Dolly Partison have to do with anything? :)


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