“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma

Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

No- your Orange Messiah brought it up first.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

The favor was about the mythical DNC server- about the 2016 election- and about investigating his political rival.

Yep, and since then Donald has confirmed it, Rudy has confirmed it, and Mulvaney TOTALLY confirmed it. IOW, "We do this all the time - Get over it!" :icon_rolleyes:
Look at you interpreting shit lol haha
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.


Still, at that time the most pervasive press was print media. Broadcast media was bound under the Fairness Doctrine when we had only 3 national networks. They were still free, they just had to allow for opposing opinions. But that was ended over 30 years ago. 24 hour news evolved into 24 hours of spin for both sides. The news is mostly the same, it's all a matter of spin. They are free to be as partisan as they want.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.

LoL - Uncle Walter was about as close to straight up news reporting as they came.

You must have been listening to Sleepy Ben ;)

Carson: Walter Cronkite was 'left-wing radical, but you would never know that'
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.

LoL - Uncle Walter was about as close to straight up news reporting as they came.

You must have been listening to Sleepy Ben ;)

Carson: Walter Cronkite was 'left-wing radical, but you would never know that'
Nope my family was about as democrat as you could get in West Virginia at that time.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.
The difference now is they gone from partisanship to outright advocacy.

They practice Censorship now. The conservatives are shut ot of the process.

They are colluding and plotting with Democrats to undermine or outright destroy Republicans....or anyone who gets in their way

Partisanship is what Faux was build for. MSNBC learned from them.
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.

LoL - Uncle Walter was about as close to straight up news reporting as they came.

You must have been listening to Sleepy Ben ;)

Carson: Walter Cronkite was 'left-wing radical, but you would never know that'
Walter Cronkite
individualLast updated: November 8, 2019
  • Anchor and Managing Editor of CBS Evening News, 1962-1981
  • Swayed outcome of the Vietnam War in 1968 by declaring it “unwinnable”
  • Made “Watergate” a nightly theme on his newscast, the relentless repetition of which was used by the left to topple Republican President Richard Nixon
  • After retiring, he advocated many liberal-left causes, including a single world government and the end of U.S. veto power in the United Nations
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.

LoL - Uncle Walter was about as close to straight up news reporting as they came.

You must have been listening to Sleepy Ben ;)

Carson: Walter Cronkite was 'left-wing radical, but you would never know that'
Walter Cronkite
individualLast updated: November 8, 2019
  • Anchor and Managing Editor of CBS Evening News, 1962-1981
  • Swayed outcome of the Vietnam War in 1968 by declaring it “unwinnable”
  • Made “Watergate” a nightly theme on his newscast, the relentless repetition of which was used by the left to topple Republican President Richard Nixon
  • After retiring, he advocated many liberal-left causes, including a single world government and the end of U.S. veto power in the United Nations

So you're actually using David Horowitz's sleazy site as a source?

Imagine that! :113:


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Reasoning: Extreme Right

Notes: Discover the Networks (originally Discover the Network) is a website run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that focuses on the individuals, groups, and history of groups alleged to be political left wing. The David Horowitz Freedom Center is also labelled as an anti-Islamist propaganda source by the Southern Poverty Law Center. (10/21/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 6/19/2017)
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.

Gotta disagree there Boo. Back in the 60's when we had only a few news outlets, they were all operating on the same set of facts. Now you have fairly neutral sources that provide pretty straight up reporting. But most sources on the left and in particular on the right operate on ALTERNATIVE facts.

Most political junkies get their news from only the sources that agree with them. And that is why 30% of the country still supports Dear Leader. Donald wants to take us back to the 50s or 60s but he wouldn't be happy there.

Got news for ya. The news has always been slanted left till Rush and FOX came along. It driving you libtards crazy that you can't set the narrative anymore. Walter Cronkite was about as left as you could get back then. He help snatch victory in Nam with the help of the democrat congress.

We're they all slanting left during the propaganda run up to the Iraq invasion? Nope, they were fighting to see who would be first to go to bed with, um embed with the military! They wanted ratings and no damn liberal talking point about WMD not actually being in Iraq was gonna stop um!

Cronkite was right. Popular resistance was always going to regroup against the remnants of colonial French Indochina, which is what we represented.
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Is Biden Democrat nominee for the President? Nope.
Than he's not political opponent, he's just a citizen. Running for president does not clear him from corruption while he was VP.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
If he wanted that, you wont have a problem pointing where in the transcript he asked for that.
No, he wanted Ukraine to get to the bottom of what happened during 2016 elections.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.
It's not appearance. Biden, Barry, whole Democrat apparatus actively worked with previous Ukrainian administration to get Dirt on Trump, so Hillary would become president.
This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.
Correct. Putin hates Crwodstrike but for different reasons. They fabricated the evidence that Russians hacked into Ukrainian artillery programs, which they later retracted. They also revised and retracted statements they used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during US presidential election.
Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.
"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan.
he'd have known that Crowdstrike was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Un fucking real! :laughing0301:

Is EVERYTHING the democrats do a "debunked conspiracy theory"?

Who investigated it...give me a name?

Where's the report? How 'bout a link?

Debunked my big hairy left one!
We still have a free press. The soviet press is state controlled

While that is true, the Free Press has almost always been partisan in American politics.
The difference now is they gone from partisanship to outright advocacy.

They practice Censorship now. The conservatives are shut ot of the process.

They are colluding and plotting with Democrats to undermine or outright destroy Republicans....or anyone who gets in their way

How is the number one rated cable news station (Fox) shut out of the process? Are OANN and Newsmax TV (Donald's new favorites) shut out of the process too?

Sheesh :icon_rolleyes:
Fox is owned by foreigners and run by New York liberals.
"Biden continues to have a clear lead in national polls for the Democratic nomination. But, as we enter the stage at which early state polling starts to matter, he's in real trouble.

Recent polls have put Biden in fourth place in Iowa and third place in New Hampshire. True, he's ahead in Nevada, which is the third contest, and in South Carolina, where his strong support among black voters has given him a commanding lead. A New York Times/Sienna poll also shows him with a lead in some later states — Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. But as we've seen time and again, these primaries do not happen in a vacuum. If he falters in Iowa and New Hampshire, he'll likely see his numbers fall in Nevada and South Carolina, which in turn would hinder his performance in the states that come after that.

To be sure, there's enough of a traffic jam up top right now that it's perfectly conceivable that he can sweep Iowa and New Hampshire and be off to the races. But absent that, what he needs is a decent enough performance in the first two states to still be considered viable by the time the more favorable contests come along.

The next best result to winning the first two races would be an outcome in which Iowa and New Hampshire are won by two different candidates, and he ends up in second place both times. In that scenario, no other candidate would be able to claim clear front-runner status, and while Biden wouldn't have won a race outright, by coming in second, he will have beaten each of the winners one time."
Making shit up has done more to damage Stalinist democrats credibility than anything Trump could do

"Stalinist Democrats" LoL Once again - The Pee Wee Defense aka I know you are but what am I? ...

Pathetic Frank. Know you quotes Stalin?

Guess ;)


Fake News is fake
Lies and innuendo is all they have... Its blowing up in their faces.... AGAIN!!!
Well yea, Michael Waltz was pushing this conspiracy theory.

To really understand it, you need to read this article, or this article.

In summary: it’s a conspiracy theory that even Trump's own administration has told him not to believe. Instead he listens to Rudy Giuliani and believes him.
Today, republicans are throwing Giuliani under the bus, but in the process they're throwing themselves under the bus.

The vox story that you have linked is wildly inaccurate
Not shocked.
The vice article basically says the same stuff.
But i do agree that vice is a better source than vox.
1. Not a transcript, a rough summary.

2. Proven to be incomplete.

3. An admission if guilt anyway.
No, it's an admission of doing it like every POTUS has done for the last 50 years.

There has been no inaccuracy alleged by people that actually heard the call, including the Ukraine government that states unequivocally that there was no pressure and no quid pro quo.

But I get the fact that you're expecting Trump to win YUGE in an honest election.
Actually yes, there has been.

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