“I need a favor” was about Cloudstrike! Not Biden, not Burisma

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole si�uation with Ukraine, they s_ay Crowdstrike...

And what is Crowdstrike?

Russian hacking investigations

CrowdStrike helped investigate the Democratic National Committee cyber attacks and connected those attacks to Russian intelligence services. On March 20, 2017, during testimony before congress, James Comey stated "CrowdStrike, Mandiant, and ThreatConnect review[ed] the evidence of the hack and conclude[d] with high certainty that it was the work of APT 28 and APT 29 who are known to be Russian intelligence services."

In December 2016, CrowdStrike released a report stating that Russian government-affiliated group Fancy Bear had hacked a Ukrainian artillery app. They concluded that Russia had used the hack to cause large losses to Ukrainian artillery units. The app (called ArtOS) is installed on tablet PCs and used for fire-control. The earliest version of the app (supported until 2015) was called POPR-D30 and installed on Android phones and tablets. CrowdStrike found a hacked variation of POPR-D30 being distributed on Ukrainian military forums that utilized an X-Agent implant.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies rejected CrowdStrike's assessment of hacking causing losses to Ukrainian artillery units, saying that their data on Ukrainian D30 howitzer losses was misused by CrowdStrike in their report. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense also rejected the CrowdStrike report, stating that actual artillery losses were much smaller than what was reported by [CrowdStrike] and were not associated with [Russian hacking].

CrowdStrike - Wikipedia

I don't much care for Wiki - however there are always kernels of truth to be found somewhere...
Do you think this kernels of truth in the intelligence that President Trump gets from experts? Lol
If The Intelligence Community told the Hairy Man Butt Loving Left, that there were Weapons of Ass Destruction in The Ukraine, They would be all over that like flies on shit.
Why do you not understand that there are proper channels to ask for assistance of any kind from other nations? We have this thing called a "State Department" that is built to deal with other nations and has a lot of lawyers who know what is proper and what is not. This bureaucracy protects the president from perhaps getting caught conducting diplomacy for his own gain.
Biden's a crook
Biden is a political opponent to Trump.
Trump wanted ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden.
Create the appearance of something wrong with Biden to hurt a political opponent.

This thread is about crowdstrike.
Putin hates crowdstrike because crowdstrike is an effective countermeasure against Putin's best cyber warfare tactics. THAT's why Trump cares.

Trump had no reason to bring up crowdstrike with Zelensky., because crowdstrike has nothing to o with Ukraine. Only reason was to undermine crowdstrike and US intelligence.

Trump never said nor implied that Ukraine should announce any investigation into the Bidens. BTW, they should investigate it as should the US. It was nefarious at best.
Sondland said he recalls telling the official that if Ukraine wanted the U.S. military aid, then the country’s newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, would need to deliver a public statement in person announcing the launch of investigations intended to benefit Trump politically.

Sondland wouldnt have requeste that, unless directed by Trump.
Trump was told there was no Crowdstrike. He suggested the Bidens were into something that should be looked into. There is no out here. The president violated the law. Now do we accept this as standard presidential behavior or not? Because if we accept this, the rules don't change when a democrat does it.
What in the world are you talking about? No crowdstrike?
Yes, there's a CrowdStrike, but they didn't do anything nefarious. CrowdStrike committed the cardinal sin of agreeing that Russians hacked the DNC, which was not what Trump wanted to hear, for some reason. So his supporters did what they always do and said "I know you are, so what am I?" and accused CrowdStrike of hacking instead. Jeeeezzzzussss. How clear can this get, folks? What is really scary here is that our PRESIDENT believes this shit. When our President starts taking his opinions from the journalistic likes of the National Enquirer, it's a little terrifying. He has been doing it more and more in the past months and it needs to stop.

This is what CrowdStrike really found. Fact:

CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016[...] We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of 'living-off-the-land' techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.[4]

Other cybersecurity firms, Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye, independently reviewed the malware and came to the same conclusion as CrowdStrike—that expert Russian hacking groups were responsible for the breach.[24] In November 2017, US authorities identified 6 Russian individuals who conducted the hack.[25] Beginning in December 2016 the Russian government arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a high ranking government cyber-spy, Ruslan Stoyanov, a private sector cyber-security expert, Georgy Fomchenkov, a former government cyber-spy, and Dmitry Dokuchaev, a Mikhailov associate and charged them with aiding U.S. intelligence agencies which the New York Times associated with the DNC hacking.[26][27]

See, this is what the basic arguement is about, folks on the left take this as a basic fact.

OTH, CrowdStrike has been known, absolutely to have been PROVEN WRONG, in the case of RUSSIAN artillery estimates.

Trump was asking about the server that had information about THAT. If he could get that, he could have that AS FORENSIC EVIDENCE, for either incompetence or nefarious activity to create a FALSE PARADIGM.


The FBI never asked for the primary source of the DNC "HACK" while other intel experts said Crowdstrike had made the same error.

How do folks KNOW who is right? :dunno: Without the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE? WE DON"T!!

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery
CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery


"Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike recently revised a report from December that insisted that the group “Fancy Bear,” which has ties to Russian intelligence, used malware to hack into Ukrainian artillery. In the same report, the firm said “Fancy Bear” used the same malware to “hack” into the American election.

Well, British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) found that CrowdStrike “erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion.” This also calls into question its findings of meddling in our election.. . . . "


"What Does That Mean to America?
Like I said, it calls CrowdStrike’s reputation and statistics into question. As someone who despises Russia, I still want the truth. It’s sickening if the firm misrepresented data concerning the DNC because the left and Russian conspiracy theorists latched onto CrowdStrike’s report. Comey even stuck up for CrowdStrike during his Congressional hearing."
Yeah we know. Everybody is wrong but Trump, a man who can't read briefings and must be shown pictures so he will pay attention. And this is the person in charge of our security.

I'm not talking about Trump being right or wrong, I don't care about Trump, he is a distraction man. Forget about him.

Ask yourself, WHY didn't the FBI or Mueller look at the primary evidence for "Russian Interference" after all those millions spent and all that time spent? That entire special report HINGED on that one point. The greater majority just believes, w/o question, that basic premise, i.e., the Russians hacked the DNC sever.

. . . and yet, the whole reason the special counsel COULD NOT prosecute those Russians, OR Roger Stone, is the very fact that there IS NO PROOF of this contention, just speculation based on CrowdStrikes say so. Oh, they could have subpoenaed the server and put the whole question to rest. . . . BUT THEY DID NOT!

WHY?!?! :dunno:

Because then, if it positively were NOT the Russians, what then? :71: Then who would Hillary and all these lefty partisans blame?

This Deep State civil war would clearly be out in the open, and the rot in the DNC, would be full circle, folks would have to focus back on the corruption in the DNC again. Instead, that court case ruling against Bernie was just swept under the rug.

But, maybe if the server were analyzed, the FBI would find that it was the Russians. I'm betting that isn't the case though, otherwise, it would have been handed over. This would not be a controversy at all. Why make it one? :dunno: Occam's razor man. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
The left can only make up facts. It is how it works. Some leftie will say something. It will get spread around by other lefties. Next thing you know it is the gospel truth when in reality it was an observation somebody made.

libtards are insane.
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.
Why are you a liar?
And why is that a problem for you on Judgment Day?

Judgement day came and went and I am still here...

Judgement Day: August 25, 2017
Judgment Day does not arrive until Christ Arrives. Obama was not The Messiah, so Judgment Day is still coming.

Why do you lie?
Trump was told there was no Crowdstrike. He suggested the Bidens were into something that should be looked into. There is no out here. The president violated the law. Now do we accept this as standard presidential behavior or not? Because if we accept this, the rules don't change when a democrat does it.
What in the world are you talking about? No crowdstrike?
Yes, there's a CrowdStrike, but they didn't do anything nefarious. CrowdStrike committed the cardinal sin of agreeing that Russians hacked the DNC, which was not what Trump wanted to hear, for some reason. So his supporters did what they always do and said "I know you are, so what am I?" and accused CrowdStrike of hacking instead. Jeeeezzzzussss. How clear can this get, folks? What is really scary here is that our PRESIDENT believes this shit. When our President starts taking his opinions from the journalistic likes of the National Enquirer, it's a little terrifying. He has been doing it more and more in the past months and it needs to stop.

This is what CrowdStrike really found. Fact:

CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016[...] We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of 'living-off-the-land' techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.[4]

Other cybersecurity firms, Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye, independently reviewed the malware and came to the same conclusion as CrowdStrike—that expert Russian hacking groups were responsible for the breach.[24] In November 2017, US authorities identified 6 Russian individuals who conducted the hack.[25] Beginning in December 2016 the Russian government arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a high ranking government cyber-spy, Ruslan Stoyanov, a private sector cyber-security expert, Georgy Fomchenkov, a former government cyber-spy, and Dmitry Dokuchaev, a Mikhailov associate and charged them with aiding U.S. intelligence agencies which the New York Times associated with the DNC hacking.[26][27]

See, this is what the basic arguement is about, folks on the left take this as a basic fact.

OTH, CrowdStrike has been known, absolutely to have been PROVEN WRONG, in the case of RUSSIAN artillery estimates.

Trump was asking about the server that had information about THAT. If he could get that, he could have that AS FORENSIC EVIDENCE, for either incompetence or nefarious activity to create a FALSE PARADIGM.


The FBI never asked for the primary source of the DNC "HACK" while other intel experts said Crowdstrike had made the same error.

How do folks KNOW who is right? :dunno: Without the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE? WE DON"T!!

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery
CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery


"Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike recently revised a report from December that insisted that the group “Fancy Bear,” which has ties to Russian intelligence, used malware to hack into Ukrainian artillery. In the same report, the firm said “Fancy Bear” used the same malware to “hack” into the American election.

Well, British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) found that CrowdStrike “erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion.” This also calls into question its findings of meddling in our election.. . . . "


"What Does That Mean to America?
Like I said, it calls CrowdStrike’s reputation and statistics into question. As someone who despises Russia, I still want the truth. It’s sickening if the firm misrepresented data concerning the DNC because the left and Russian conspiracy theorists latched onto CrowdStrike’s report. Comey even stuck up for CrowdStrike during his Congressional hearing."
Yeah we know. Everybody is wrong but Trump, a man who can't read briefings and must be shown pictures so he will pay attention. And this is the person in charge of our security.

I'm not talking about Trump being right or wrong, I don't care about Trump, he is a distraction man. Forget about him.

Ask yourself, WHY didn't the FBI or Mueller look at the primary evidence for "Russian Interference" after all those millions spent and all that time spent? That entire special report HINGED on that one point. The greater majority just believes, w/o question, that basic premise, i.e., the Russians hacked the DNC sever.

. . . and yet, the whole reason the special counsel COULD NOT prosecute those Russians, OR Roger Stone, is the very fact that there IS NO PROOF of this contention, just speculation based on CrowdStrikes say so. Oh, they could have subpoenaed the server and put the whole question to rest. . . . BUT THEY DID NOT!

WHY?!?! :dunno:

Because then, if it positively were NOT the Russians, what then? :71: Then who would Hillary and all these lefty partisans blame?

This Deep State civil war would clearly be out in the open, and the rot in the DNC, would be full circle, folks would have to focus back on the corruption in the DNC again. Instead, that court case ruling against Bernie was just swept under the rug.

But, maybe if the server were analyzed, the FBI would find that it was the Russians. I'm betting that isn't the case though, otherwise, it would have been handed over. This would not be a controversy at all. Why make it one? :dunno: Occam's razor man. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
Because the Primary Evidence was in The Ukraine, and The Obama Administration, all of them, Brennan, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Podesta were all logging Frequent Flier Miles in and out of that place dealing with it's corrupt leaders, taking bribes, bribing and extorting The Ukraine themselves, and then trying to cover it up.

When a new Anti-Corruption Administration was elected in The Ukraine, all of Obama, Clinton and Biden's Corrupt friends, FLED to RUSSIA rather than face Prosecution.

There is a Very Good Reason Moscow Mueller refused to investigate the origination of The Dirty Dossier, and why Comey & Mueller allowed Clinton to Bleach Bit her server and destroy 17 Electronic Devices, and then gave her entire campaign and The Podesta Group Blanket Immunity.

Name one person Mueller gave immunity to associated with President Trump. Yet they gave out immunity like candy at Halloween to 100s of their friends like Clinton and Podesta in The DemNazi party.

There is also a very good reason that Mueller lied to THE IG about Strozk and Page's Emails being Irretrievably Erased, before he Wiped Strozk and Page's phones himself, prior to handing them over to THE IG.

It's the same reason Lois Lerner lied about her so called missing emails and Hillary Clinton lied about her missing emails, and Mueller lied about Strozk and Page's missing texts.

Honest people do not need to hire criminal hackers to work on their campaigns, destroy evidence, smash hard drives and electronic devices, burn documents, and delete emails and texts, and then lie about it while being shielded by their friends from prosecution, with blanket immunity and non existent unrecorded & undocumented interviews to hide what was discussed while they were under immunity.

Last edited:
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats
This should come out when the hearings are open and the Republicans ask questions the witnesses will be allowed to answer.
No shit
Keep the attitude out-just agree
What in the world are you talking about? No crowdstrike?
Yes, there's a CrowdStrike, but they didn't do anything nefarious. CrowdStrike committed the cardinal sin of agreeing that Russians hacked the DNC, which was not what Trump wanted to hear, for some reason. So his supporters did what they always do and said "I know you are, so what am I?" and accused CrowdStrike of hacking instead. Jeeeezzzzussss. How clear can this get, folks? What is really scary here is that our PRESIDENT believes this shit. When our President starts taking his opinions from the journalistic likes of the National Enquirer, it's a little terrifying. He has been doing it more and more in the past months and it needs to stop.

This is what CrowdStrike really found. Fact:

CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016[...] We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of 'living-off-the-land' techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.[4]

Other cybersecurity firms, Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye, independently reviewed the malware and came to the same conclusion as CrowdStrike—that expert Russian hacking groups were responsible for the breach.[24] In November 2017, US authorities identified 6 Russian individuals who conducted the hack.[25] Beginning in December 2016 the Russian government arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a high ranking government cyber-spy, Ruslan Stoyanov, a private sector cyber-security expert, Georgy Fomchenkov, a former government cyber-spy, and Dmitry Dokuchaev, a Mikhailov associate and charged them with aiding U.S. intelligence agencies which the New York Times associated with the DNC hacking.[26][27]

See, this is what the basic arguement is about, folks on the left take this as a basic fact.

OTH, CrowdStrike has been known, absolutely to have been PROVEN WRONG, in the case of RUSSIAN artillery estimates.

Trump was asking about the server that had information about THAT. If he could get that, he could have that AS FORENSIC EVIDENCE, for either incompetence or nefarious activity to create a FALSE PARADIGM.


The FBI never asked for the primary source of the DNC "HACK" while other intel experts said Crowdstrike had made the same error.

How do folks KNOW who is right? :dunno: Without the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE? WE DON"T!!

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery
CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery


"Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike recently revised a report from December that insisted that the group “Fancy Bear,” which has ties to Russian intelligence, used malware to hack into Ukrainian artillery. In the same report, the firm said “Fancy Bear” used the same malware to “hack” into the American election.

Well, British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) found that CrowdStrike “erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion.” This also calls into question its findings of meddling in our election.. . . . "


"What Does That Mean to America?
Like I said, it calls CrowdStrike’s reputation and statistics into question. As someone who despises Russia, I still want the truth. It’s sickening if the firm misrepresented data concerning the DNC because the left and Russian conspiracy theorists latched onto CrowdStrike’s report. Comey even stuck up for CrowdStrike during his Congressional hearing."
Yeah we know. Everybody is wrong but Trump, a man who can't read briefings and must be shown pictures so he will pay attention. And this is the person in charge of our security.

I'm not talking about Trump being right or wrong, I don't care about Trump, he is a distraction man. Forget about him.

Ask yourself, WHY didn't the FBI or Mueller look at the primary evidence for "Russian Interference" after all those millions spent and all that time spent? That entire special report HINGED on that one point. The greater majority just believes, w/o question, that basic premise, i.e., the Russians hacked the DNC sever.

. . . and yet, the whole reason the special counsel COULD NOT prosecute those Russians, OR Roger Stone, is the very fact that there IS NO PROOF of this contention, just speculation based on CrowdStrikes say so. Oh, they could have subpoenaed the server and put the whole question to rest. . . . BUT THEY DID NOT!

WHY?!?! :dunno:

Because then, if it positively were NOT the Russians, what then? :71: Then who would Hillary and all these lefty partisans blame?

This Deep State civil war would clearly be out in the open, and the rot in the DNC, would be full circle, folks would have to focus back on the corruption in the DNC again. Instead, that court case ruling against Bernie was just swept under the rug.

But, maybe if the server were analyzed, the FBI would find that it was the Russians. I'm betting that isn't the case though, otherwise, it would have been handed over. This would not be a controversy at all. Why make it one? :dunno: Occam's razor man. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
Because the Primary Evidence was in The Ukraine, and The Obama Administration, all of them, Brennan, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Podesta were all logging Frequent Flier Miles in and out of that place dealing with it's corrupt leaders, taking bribes, bribing and extorting The Ukraine themselves, and then trying to cover it up.

When a new Anti-Corruption Administration was elected in The Ukraine, all of Obama, Clinton and Biden's Corrupt friends, FLED to RUSSIA rather than face Prosecution.

There is a Very Good Reason Moscow Mueller refused to investigate the origination of The Dirty Dossier, and why Comey & Mueller allowed Clinton to Bleach Bit her server and destroy 17 Electronic Devices, and then gave her entire campaign and The Podesta Group Blanket Immunity.

Name one person Mueller gave immunity to associated with President Trump. Yet they gave out immunity like candy at Halloween to 100s of their friends like Clinton and Podesta in The DemNazi party.

There is also a very good reason that Mueller lied to THE IG about Strozk and Page's Emails being Irretrievably Erased, before he Wiped Strozk and Page's phones himself, prior to handing them over to THE IG.

It's the same reason Lois Lerner lied about her so called missing emails and Hillary Clinton lied about her missing emails, and Mueller lied about Strozk and Page's missing texts.

Honest people do not need to hire criminal hackers to work on their campaigns, destroy evidence, smash hard drives and electronic devices, burn documents, and delete emails and texts, and then lie about it while being shielded by their friends from prosecution.

Dude, the DNC server was never in Ukraine. As soon as Wikileaks released those emails, chances are, Crowdstrike analyzed, and made copies of the server, gave their analysis to Homeland, and the Clinton campaign, together with Obama, decided on the narrative.

At that point? If I were a betting man, the DNC destroyed the original DNC sever. Wake up to reality.

By the last Presidential Debate, the narrative was already being cast, that means, Crowdstrike was already working on that sever and Homeland was never going to get their hands on it. . .

Trump was after the only sever that was left at that point, the one with the Artillery estimates that proved Crowdstirke to be either inept or corrupt.

I won't dispute that there is a lot of quid pro quo going on between the political elites of the last admin and Ukraine, but that had to do with them supporting a coup and taking control of the energy sector there, not anything to do with rigging the election. . . .
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.
Why are you a liar?
And why is that a problem for you on Judgment Day?

Judgement day came and went and I am still here...

Judgement Day: August 25, 2017
Judgment Day does not arrive until Christ Arrives. Obama was not The Messiah, so Judgment Day is still coming.

Why do you lie?

Sigh...I hate it when you Russians do not understand our cultural references...
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.

The problem is that Rudy has come out now and said all the work he did was purely as an attorney for Trump the person and not for the country.

I asked you for an answer in response to ^^^ that you posted.
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.

The problem is that Rudy has come out now and said all the work he did was purely as an attorney for Trump the person and not for the country.

I asked you for an answer in response to ^^^ that you posted.

Ok, so Trump the President of the United States used the power of his office to get a foreign government to work with his personal attorney, who openly and freely admits he was not doing anything for the government, but only for Trump the person/candidate.

Do you not find any problem with the POTUS using the power of his office to help himself personally?
Yes, there's a CrowdStrike, but they didn't do anything nefarious. CrowdStrike committed the cardinal sin of agreeing that Russians hacked the DNC, which was not what Trump wanted to hear, for some reason. So his supporters did what they always do and said "I know you are, so what am I?" and accused CrowdStrike of hacking instead. Jeeeezzzzussss. How clear can this get, folks? What is really scary here is that our PRESIDENT believes this shit. When our President starts taking his opinions from the journalistic likes of the National Enquirer, it's a little terrifying. He has been doing it more and more in the past months and it needs to stop.

This is what CrowdStrike really found. Fact:

CrowdStrike stands fully by its analysis and findings identifying two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries present in the DNC network in May 2016[...] We've had lots of experience with both of these actors attempting to target our customers in the past and know them well. In fact, our team considers them some of the best adversaries out of all the numerous nation-state, criminal and hacktivist/terrorist groups we encounter on a daily basis. Their tradecraft is superb, operational security second to none and the extensive usage of 'living-off-the-land' techniques enables them to easily bypass many security solutions they encounter.[4]

Other cybersecurity firms, Fidelis Cybersecurity and FireEye, independently reviewed the malware and came to the same conclusion as CrowdStrike—that expert Russian hacking groups were responsible for the breach.[24] In November 2017, US authorities identified 6 Russian individuals who conducted the hack.[25] Beginning in December 2016 the Russian government arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a high ranking government cyber-spy, Ruslan Stoyanov, a private sector cyber-security expert, Georgy Fomchenkov, a former government cyber-spy, and Dmitry Dokuchaev, a Mikhailov associate and charged them with aiding U.S. intelligence agencies which the New York Times associated with the DNC hacking.[26][27]

See, this is what the basic arguement is about, folks on the left take this as a basic fact.

OTH, CrowdStrike has been known, absolutely to have been PROVEN WRONG, in the case of RUSSIAN artillery estimates.

Trump was asking about the server that had information about THAT. If he could get that, he could have that AS FORENSIC EVIDENCE, for either incompetence or nefarious activity to create a FALSE PARADIGM.


The FBI never asked for the primary source of the DNC "HACK" while other intel experts said Crowdstrike had made the same error.

How do folks KNOW who is right? :dunno: Without the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE? WE DON"T!!

CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery
CrowdStrike Revises Russian Hack Into Ukrainian Artillery


"Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike recently revised a report from December that insisted that the group “Fancy Bear,” which has ties to Russian intelligence, used malware to hack into Ukrainian artillery. In the same report, the firm said “Fancy Bear” used the same malware to “hack” into the American election.

Well, British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) found that CrowdStrike “erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion.” This also calls into question its findings of meddling in our election.. . . . "


"What Does That Mean to America?
Like I said, it calls CrowdStrike’s reputation and statistics into question. As someone who despises Russia, I still want the truth. It’s sickening if the firm misrepresented data concerning the DNC because the left and Russian conspiracy theorists latched onto CrowdStrike’s report. Comey even stuck up for CrowdStrike during his Congressional hearing."
Yeah we know. Everybody is wrong but Trump, a man who can't read briefings and must be shown pictures so he will pay attention. And this is the person in charge of our security.

I'm not talking about Trump being right or wrong, I don't care about Trump, he is a distraction man. Forget about him.

Ask yourself, WHY didn't the FBI or Mueller look at the primary evidence for "Russian Interference" after all those millions spent and all that time spent? That entire special report HINGED on that one point. The greater majority just believes, w/o question, that basic premise, i.e., the Russians hacked the DNC sever.

. . . and yet, the whole reason the special counsel COULD NOT prosecute those Russians, OR Roger Stone, is the very fact that there IS NO PROOF of this contention, just speculation based on CrowdStrikes say so. Oh, they could have subpoenaed the server and put the whole question to rest. . . . BUT THEY DID NOT!

WHY?!?! :dunno:

Because then, if it positively were NOT the Russians, what then? :71: Then who would Hillary and all these lefty partisans blame?

This Deep State civil war would clearly be out in the open, and the rot in the DNC, would be full circle, folks would have to focus back on the corruption in the DNC again. Instead, that court case ruling against Bernie was just swept under the rug.

But, maybe if the server were analyzed, the FBI would find that it was the Russians. I'm betting that isn't the case though, otherwise, it would have been handed over. This would not be a controversy at all. Why make it one? :dunno: Occam's razor man. Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.
Because the Primary Evidence was in The Ukraine, and The Obama Administration, all of them, Brennan, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Podesta were all logging Frequent Flier Miles in and out of that place dealing with it's corrupt leaders, taking bribes, bribing and extorting The Ukraine themselves, and then trying to cover it up.

When a new Anti-Corruption Administration was elected in The Ukraine, all of Obama, Clinton and Biden's Corrupt friends, FLED to RUSSIA rather than face Prosecution.

There is a Very Good Reason Moscow Mueller refused to investigate the origination of The Dirty Dossier, and why Comey & Mueller allowed Clinton to Bleach Bit her server and destroy 17 Electronic Devices, and then gave her entire campaign and The Podesta Group Blanket Immunity.

Name one person Mueller gave immunity to associated with President Trump. Yet they gave out immunity like candy at Halloween to 100s of their friends like Clinton and Podesta in The DemNazi party.

There is also a very good reason that Mueller lied to THE IG about Strozk and Page's Emails being Irretrievably Erased, before he Wiped Strozk and Page's phones himself, prior to handing them over to THE IG.

It's the same reason Lois Lerner lied about her so called missing emails and Hillary Clinton lied about her missing emails, and Mueller lied about Strozk and Page's missing texts.

Honest people do not need to hire criminal hackers to work on their campaigns, destroy evidence, smash hard drives and electronic devices, burn documents, and delete emails and texts, and then lie about it while being shielded by their friends from prosecution.

Dude, the DNC server was never in Ukraine. As soon as Wikileaks released those emails, chances are, Crowdstrike analyzed, and made copies of the server, gave their analysis to Homeland, and the Clinton campaign, together with Obama, decided on the narrative.

At that point? If I were a betting man, the DNC destroyed the original DNC sever. Wake up to reality.

By the last Presidential Debate, the narrative was already being cast, that means, Crowdstrike was already working on that sever and Homeland was never going to get their hands on it. . .

Trump was after the only sever that was left at that point, the one with the Artillery estimates that proved Crowdstirke to be either inept or corrupt.

I won't dispute that there is a lot of quid pro quo going on between the political elites of the last admin and Ukraine, but that had to do with them supporting a coup and taking control of the energy sector there, not anything to do with rigging the election. . . .

If you are THE DNC and you want people to believe what you say, you do not Hire Hackers you know have Criminal Records to work in your IT Department and use them to hack in to Congressional Files to get dirt on other Congressmen so you can have an advantage in your election campaign and extort Congressmen in to doing your bidding if you get elected.
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.

The problem is that Rudy has come out now and said all the work he did was purely as an attorney for Trump the person and not for the country.

I asked you for an answer in response to ^^^ that you posted.

Ok, so Trump the President of the United States used the power of his office to get a foreign government to work with his personal attorney, who openly and freely admits he was not doing anything for the government, but only for Trump the person/candidate.

Do you not find any problem with the POTUS using the power of his office to help himself personally?
You are Lying again. We have a Cooperation Treaty with The Ukraine to investigate Political Corruption. The President asked The Ukraine to work with The DOJ AG, and his attorney and to keep them informed about the ongoing already 6 month old re-opened Burisma investigation that Joe Biden extorted The Ukraine to shut down.

Why did Joe's Ukranian Friends all Flee to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Administration was elected in The Ukraine?
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.
Why are you a liar?
And why is that a problem for you on Judgment Day?

Judgement day came and went and I am still here...

Judgement Day: August 25, 2017
Judgment Day does not arrive until Christ Arrives. Obama was not The Messiah, so Judgment Day is still coming.

Why do you lie?

Sigh...I hate it when you Russians do not understand our cultural references...
You are lying again, and Deflecting.

Why did Joe Biden's Clnton's and Obama's Corrupt Ukrainian Friends all flee to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Administration was elected?

And why haven't you packed up and moved to Canada?
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

And from which right wing fever swamp was this ^ hatched - Or is just a hunch of yours? LoL :icon_rolleyes:
Why is this a problem?

Why is it a problem that the president of the United States used his office and the power of that office for personal reasons?

Geeze, I do not know. I guess if I have to tell you that you would never understand.

The problem is that Rudy has come out now and said all the work he did was purely as an attorney for Trump the person and not for the country.

I asked you for an answer in response to ^^^ that you posted.

Ok, so Trump the President of the United States used the power of his office to get a foreign government to work with his personal attorney, who openly and freely admits he was not doing anything for the government, but only for Trump the person/candidate.

Do you not find any problem with the POTUS using the power of his office to help himself personally?

I am ambivalent about the whole "Giuliani," thing. I agree, he should be going through government channels. OTH, if you understand Trump's POV, he thinks everyone in the government is corrupt, but folks in society see HIM as corrupt, so, what do we do?

I found this talk interesting, it starts at hour and minute 1:13:00

The guy is from the way left, so, it might be worth your time.

Joe Lauria (@unjoe) | Twitter
Joe Lauria | HuffPost

Joe Biden’s Campaign Asks Networks to Stop Booking Rudy Giuliani – Deadline
Democrats keep saying I need a favor was towards Biden, to help trump in the election..

After the president of Ukraine congratulates the President Trump a rooting out corruption in the United States the conversation proceeded to javelin missile’s when Trump said I need a favor about cloud strike and do you know a cloud strike is?
It was about election interference in the two thousand and 16 presidential election the Democrats are begging Trump to fix.

lol this is like the twilight zone!!

The favor was about cloud strike! lol not Biden or Burisma in fact the Ukraine president brought up first. This is going to be so embarrassing for Democrats

And from which right wing fever swamp was this ^ hatched - Or is just a hunch of yours? LoL :icon_rolleyes:
Oh they released the transcript weeks ago, do you need the link?

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