I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

The entering in to the federal government of the state certified election results by Mike Pence was merely ceremony. He did not by any statue of law have the ability to change the results.

He still had the right as an American to have his voice be heard and try though.
No, no he did not with the state certification function.

But as an a Merican he can lie like a dog if he wants standing outside the chamber.
i grow weary of constantly ,easily, and effortlessly destroying democrats in the arena of debate ..... i've grown so bored that i think i shall take a well deserved nap ....:sleep:
i grow weary of constantly ,easily, and effortlessly destroying democrats in the arena of debate ..... i've grown so bored that i think i shall take a well deserved nap ....:sleep:
Probably better than trying to do a reach around on yourself.

Mike Pence changing in anyway the tallies of the 50 state certification is not one of them.

Prove it. Point it out in the US constitution where it says that he can't speak up and say that it was wrong and voter fraud was committed.

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
Dude, it covers the ceremonial role that the VP carries out after each presidential election. The US Constitution doesn't give the VP any ability to do anything other than open and read aloud into the record the states certification of the vote. NOTHING ELSE.

Now shut the fuck up about it.
Why on earth do you support him!?!
The alternative? There's your answer. I want to continue living in America, not a dictatorship.
And just where was this delusional fantasy "dictatorship" you imagine, other than in the pages of CNN and your fevered mind?

Since Biddum got in, I've gained nothing and all I've done is LOSE rights and freedoms!
What specific right and what specific freedom have you personally lost?
That's a long and complex story. I'm more interested in first hearing about where this "dictatorship" of Trump's was. Why don't you ask Synth to embellish this. I really want to know what Trump took from me that Joe has given back considering that Trump got ZERO cooperation on anything from the democrats and only limited support from his own party often.

So just how did Trump run his dictatorship, from the roof of the White House alone with a Thompson machine gun? :auiqs.jpg:
Come on, that is a cop out.

C'mon, Coyote, quit evading. Ask Synthabolic first about how Trump was a dictator! Why aren't you curious? First things first. Why do so many get a free pass to make such absurd claims (like the election fraud was debunked) yet NEVER answer any questions or provide evidence supporting their claims! We call that MUD-SLINGING. Synth is an EXPERT in cop outs. Besides, as Synth just pointed out, I'm not smart enough to answer questions. I'm really a very dull boy, not the perspicacious individual that folks on the Left are.

Let me know when Synthaholic has given his/her erudite explanation complete with examples of Trump's "dictatorship," then I'll be glad to sit down and waste my valuable time detailing the hundreds of ways the Harriden Admin has already diminished my life that you won't believe, understand or agree with, and he/she/it/them just got into office.
Dictators refuse to be held accountable. That expresses itself in myriad ways.

  • Not complying with Congressional oversight
  • Ignoring subpoenas
  • Not putting forth nominees to be confirmed by the Senate, as required by the Constitution
  • Installing puppets as "Acting" in crucial positions
  • Firing inspector generals without cause
  • Taking money illegally from DoD to build his failed wall
  • Refusing to concede an election that even his own administration said was not stolen
  • Starting an insurrection
If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh!
You don't think he tried???
If he would have tried, he would have used the military. DUH!

He tried. He instructed the Military to protect the "Protesters" at the Capital and to use force. They refused. Rump ceased to be a Commander in Charge as of that moment.
WTF are you talking about? What is a Commander in Charge?

That's about as close as I can stomach mentioning Rump and what CIC really means. Of course, I don't expect you to understand and it confuses the hell out of you that the Military not only said "NO" to Rump but NO a few times.

You are so full of shit. He never did anything of the sort, so you are simply a lying libtard.

And Rump really won the 2020 election in both EC and Total Votes, right.
Who ever claimed that? NO ONE.

It's all part of the "Big Lie".
That the democrats invented.

But in order to make the "Big Lie" work, the Military must be in on it and the Military told your bunch and your "Leader" to take a hike.
What are you smoking? Can you tell us so that we'll know to avoid it? I won't even bother asking you for even a speck of proof that any of that ever really happened because I know it doesn't exist except in your feverish (excuse for a) brain.

But you keep repeating that "Big Lie" over and over. We'll keep laughing at you.
Instead of laughing, why don't you simply produce all the evidence you've been hiding since last November and put the "Big Lie" to rest and settle the matter instead of flaming it? That all of the election fraud is BASELESS and DEBUNKED? I've heard that claim a THOUSAND times from hundreds of sources and yet not one of you can answer WHO debunked it all or HOW? Especially when the fallback of idiots like JackOfNoTrades is "the Courts!, the Courts!," except that a court dismissing or declining a case isn't proof of anything, you were all making these claims long before any of the cases even went TO the courts, and of course, there were already about EIGHTY shadow leftwing organizations already in PRINT taking credit as far back as February for stealing the election to ENSURE that Trump didn't serve a second term.

Other than that, you idiots have all the bases covered.
50 State Certification of the results.

Without an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled districts.

In GA they counted, recounted, then recounted again before the republic Secretary of State certified the results as accurate and true.

A recount is not an audit. That is just recounting the same fraudulent ballots.

Without the audit all we have is a stolen election by the Democrats.
that's a shame. someone should do something about that.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.
Ah....name calling now. Not surprising.....................that's what trump cultists do.

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court. At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason. Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud. Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.
Ah....name calling now. Not surprising.....................that's what trump cultists do.
And sadly one reason to vote for Biden is because of what Trump has done to the gop. At one time it might have been more akin to don't give a handout to the guy who most likely will just use it for addiction, but when the addicts really became a problem it was necessary to support the unpleasant task of stopping them from blocking traffic. (-:
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.
Ah....name calling now. Not surprising.....................that's what trump cultists do.
And sadly one reason to vote for Biden is because of what Trump has done to the gop. At one time it might have been more akin to don't give a handout to the guy who most likely will just use it for addiction, but when the addicts really became a problem it was necessary to support the unpleasant task of stopping them from blocking traffic. (-:
Your post is meaningless tripe. Try again with some facts, instead of your delusions.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.
Ah....name calling now. Not surprising.....................that's what trump cultists do.
And sadly one reason to vote for Biden is because of what Trump has done to the gop. At one time it might have been more akin to don't give a handout to the guy who most likely will just use it for addiction, but when the addicts really became a problem it was necessary to support the unpleasant task of stopping them from blocking traffic. (-:
Your post is meaningless tripe. Try again with some facts, instead of your delusions.
I supported President Biden because of the former presidents number of lies and distortions.

I also, can't vote for a guy who wants to fuck his daughter.
Anyone burning down a federal courthouse bothers me a great deal. They need to be caught, charged and put away. If this is what you are referring to: Portland protesters smash courthouse doors, set fire to U.S. flag
looks like you exaggerated the court house "burning down"...and an arrest was made...

Seems to me like more than one arrest was made.

You dense? We are telling you why. I guess we aren't speaking in trump-speak enough for you.

No,.. so far the only one who has told me anything about why you support him is Coyote. The rest of you all have brain damage like I already said.
Ah....name calling now. Not surprising.....................that's what trump cultists do.
And sadly one reason to vote for Biden is because of what Trump has done to the gop. At one time it might have been more akin to don't give a handout to the guy who most likely will just use it for addiction, but when the addicts really became a problem it was necessary to support the unpleasant task of stopping them from blocking traffic. (-:
Your post is meaningless tripe. Try again with some facts, instead of your delusions.
I supported President Biden because of the former presidents number of lies and distortions.

I also, can't vote for a guy who wants to fuck his daughter.
Why this wasn't a major turn off, I will never know.

Or this:

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