I Need To Ask This Question To All Biden Supporters Before I Go Mad

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.

Yes, he did. Absolutely. Can't keep his mouth shut. But funny, ex-presidents were always still called Mr. President. TO THIS DAY, Obumma is introduced by the Left as President Obama! Maybe he still is. To this day, Jimmy Carter is still addressed as President Carter. It is a sign of respect. But it simply isn't in your capability to call Trump, PRESIDENT TRUMP. You simply never gave him the respect he deserved AS PRESIDENT even before he took office and did anything, and as a result, you got nothing back but contempt and disrespect from him.
When introducing him, it's President Trump. When speaking of him or writing about him it's Former President Trump.

Why don't you already know this? How old are you? What state did you go to school in?

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court. At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason. Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud. Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.
Bullshit. Sell that propaganda to some naive college kids. Democrats were crying about impeachment from day one. They were angry. Idiot.
Damned right. Because he committed impeachable offenses from Day One.

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Such as? You cannot list a single one that is not a lie.
I gave several examples in my post.

More attempts to make voting more difficult:

Texas attempted to ban Sunday voting but had to walk it back.

Nice links, written by libtards. There are no restrictions on rights anywhere in those laws. You may think mail in voting, ballot harvesting, mailing out ballots to registered voters whether they lived at the address or not, and Sunday voting are voting rights, but as per usual, you would be wrong. Perhaps you should look at voting from the the 1990s to see the difference in how your precious "voting rights" easily lead to voter fraud.

You are the communist pig. We are seeing a full scale assault on voting rights. Those links happen to be right on the mark. There was no major voting fraud. Trump's lawyers provided no evidence of any fraud. You are a lying traitorous weasel.
So how do these new laws restrict voting rights of anyone?

The question is whether there needs to be changes as there is no evidence of any fraud. Yet Republicans are cutting the number of drop boxes as well as the hours to vote. They are cutting polling places in Democrat areas and increasing them in Republican areas.
There are fewer hours to vote. In addition local election officials are being threatened with removal or even jail. Or they are being replaced by corrupt Republican hacks. They are attempting to cut the number of days to request a absentee ballot and creating more hoops for people to jump through or their votes will be thrown out.

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Such as? You cannot list a single one that is not a lie.
I gave several examples in my post.

More attempts to make voting more difficult:

Texas attempted to ban Sunday voting but had to walk it back.

Nice links, written by libtards. There are no restrictions on rights anywhere in those laws. You may think mail in voting, ballot harvesting, mailing out ballots to registered voters whether they lived at the address or not, and Sunday voting are voting rights, but as per usual, you would be wrong. Perhaps you should look at voting from the the 1990s to see the difference in how your precious "voting rights" easily lead to voter fraud.

You are the communist pig. We are seeing a full scale assault on voting rights. Those links happen to be right on the mark. There was no major voting fraud. Trump's lawyers provided no evidence of any fraud. You are a lying traitorous weasel.
The lies flows on and on, how did we get a RECORD number of votes in the November Election?


The lies from Trump supporters flow. Biden got a record number of votes.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

This is why we prefer Biden over Trump! It should be obvious to all sane people. Go Joe!

If Trump was a dictator he'd still be in office. Duh
Then he obviously wasn't a dictator if he couldn't get re-elected. Duh!
Nobody claimed that Trump was a dictator. Dumbass.

EXCEPT YOU, Fuckwit. :1peleas:

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You were asked why you support Biden. You answered because he was the alternative. That you wanted to continue to live in America, not Trump's dictatorship. There it is in BLACK AND WHITE.

You called Trump a dictator, you said he was building a dictatorship. Well, you know what? Maybe Biddum's a dictator! He's done far more dictatorial things in his 6 months! We need to stop him now before he cements his hold over our democracy! I want to continue to live in America too!

You're a filthy fucking LIAR.

That is so stupid. Republicans want a dictatorship. That is the only way they can win as the number of white voters shrink. Trump definitely wanted a dictatorship. He expected the Supreme Court to keep him in office. Now they are trying to rig 2022 and 2024 by launching a assault on voting rights.
like the time leftists set fires and tried to storm the barriers around the White House injuring dozens of secrete servicemen and forcing the POTUS to be moved to a secure location
No threat to the peaceful transition of power there.

that brief flare up is the best and only thing you idiots have to fall back on . we have a long hot summer ahead with leftist rioting looting and burning .
First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court.
And that system was never designed to detect much less prosecute massive fraud covering whole cities and states. In fact, last Winter showed our system is wholly INCAPABLE of dealing with it because when the question of fraud came up, instead of agreeing to check it out and look into it and let the proven facts speak for themselves, the Dems hunkered down, started lies and false claims, then attacked and criticized the Right for even asking. AFTER we spent 30 or 45 million dollars and three years looking for the Russians that stole an election from Hillary!

At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.
Where did that happen? Last I checked, most every court approached with a tiny chunk of the issue simply declined to get involved and dismissed or declined to take the cases on technical grounds of standing or time of filing, etc. So rushed for time were the attorneys that in several instances, they made mistakes trying to meet the narrow window of even filing the case. At some point soon, I plan to present a GREAT DEAL of the evidence here you say was never found and let the evidence speak for itself. Do please share your evidence with us how the fraud was debunked when I start that thread.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason.
That is one very real interpretation. If the law called for an execution and you were ordered to execute a prisoner but refused on personal grounds of ethics because you believed or knew the man innocent, would that make you a traitor (rule/law violator)?

Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this
Steele Dossier, FISA Court, wiretapping, presidential leaks, media slandering, invisible whistleblowers nobody ever met, political mutiny, four investigations, two impeachments and one charge of insurrection trying to become a "dictator." -----We don't need to "imagine" anything.

, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.
Not as narrow as Joe's heavy loses in all the swing states until democrats took a pause, sent all the GOP home, brought in trucks full of paper ballots with 100% Biden votes and started counting agan.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud.
BULLSHIT. One side, yours, has decided, sans evidence, three days after the election long before any courts, that this was the best and most pure election of all tme, then took up an attack, silence and ridicule campaign trying to destroy anyone even wondering! I've NEVER said there is no way Trump lost only by fraud, he could have lost because of his big, fat, dumb mouth! But I want to KNOW he lost, not be TOLD he lost by people who won't even let me look.

It is far less important who won or lost the election as it is to know that the election was fair and honest. Not just be TOLD it by people who couldn't popssibly know but have a stake in it going THEIR way. And even Jimmy Carter admitted that sixteen years ago! Why hasn't his recommendations ever been acted on?

Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Maybe a better idea would have been to really lay the election wide open and truly examine the evidence to see where the cards really fell! Including the 50 some people and shadow leftwing organizations that last winter, Time Magazine published as having taken credit for "saving" the election by working to "ensure" that Trump lost. That translates to mean they made an aggressively proactive partisan effort to make sure millions of people didn't just vote, but voted THEIR way. Influencing an election; sounds just like what democrats accused Russia of doing four years ago. In America, we call that a Banana Republic.

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As usual your list of lies are staggering.

There was no statewide or citywide fraud. Trump's own AG told the US Attorneys to watch out for potential fraud. The result was Barr's announcement of no major fraud that turned the election.

You have no clue how the courts work. The plaintiffs are the ones who are required to provide evidence of fraud. They provided no evidence of fraud. Several times Giuliani admitted they were not alleging fraud. The majority of the cases were thrown out due to lack of evidence.

Donald Trump was willing to do anything to win. In 2016, he provided internal polling data and other campaign information to a businessman with ties to Russian Intelligence. Trump's campaign knew the Russians wanted to help so they gave them a hand by providing information.

No votes were trucked in. Michigan Republicans have debunked that.

Trump's AG said there was no evidence of massive fraud that turned the election. The head of DHS CISA also declared the election was fair. Trump supporters then started passing false stories just as you have,

The 50 organizations were not trying to defeat Trump. They were trying to encourage people to vote. Another false accusation.

Okay, now I can respond to this. What makes you think that he has helped our voting rights and strengthen our alliances with other democratic people and countries? Because everything I've seen so far out of him proves entirely the opposite. No voter ID for one to prove that the voters are actually legal Americans and are in fact alive and witnesses say from affidavits that poll watchers were thrown out and republicans weren't allowed to vote.

What he wants to do on issue of voting rights is in the bill he wants to get passed that addresses the steady chipping away at rights over the years.

If you are going to pass legislation that has the potential to restrict the abilities of legal voters to vote, then it needs to be based on sound evidence, not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

Some examples:

Republican legislation attempting to restrict or ban Sunday voting. What does that have to do with election security? What it does do, however, is target a specific group, known for it’s church based “souls to polls” activity where after the church service, they bus congregants to the polls to vote. That group is primarily African American.

Restrictions on early voting. How does that effect security?

Gerrymandering, also addressed in this bill is a huge bipartisan problem now that we have big data and ability to use computers to fine tune political boundaries in a way that gives permanent advantages and leads to entrenched party control despite representing only a minority of voters.

Also, how exactly is tearing down the wall and letting the Chinese government into this country strengthening our alliance? All that's done is invite them to murder us because that's not going to strengthen our alliance. If the China virus hasn't told you that then I don't know what will
I disagree with your premise here. What wall is being torn down? How is the Chinese government being let into this country?

Currently, we are at the bottom of a hill watching China’s butt and scratching our heads wondering how in tbe hell they got there...because we Americans have no “long game” . China has been steadily (and in ways reminiscent of colonialism) been investing around the world...in rare earths, in development in Africa...places we have ignoring, because with our America First (and often America Alone) policy...we are anti foreign spending. Yet China now has a lot of influence over key resources and strategic areas of the world all done right under our nose. That doesn’t even include what is going on in the South China Sea. China now has enormous economic. You know was incredibly revealing? When an American basketball player tweeted a pro Hong Kong tweet, and Chinese government exerted economic pressure in the NBA, to censure it. China is able to apply economic pressure on Americans, to censure their free speech rights.

How are we going to handle this without strong alliances with other countries who are also chaffing under China’s trade practices? Canada, Australia, EU, UK, Australia...we need a team effort here and that is what Biden is attempting to put together (yet the rightwing calls it a “surrender tour”). Bombastic language and tariffs are not enough.

Such as? You cannot list a single one that is not a lie.
I gave several examples in my post.

More attempts to make voting more difficult:

Texas attempted to ban Sunday voting but had to walk it back.

Nice links, written by libtards. There are no restrictions on rights anywhere in those laws. You may think mail in voting, ballot harvesting, mailing out ballots to registered voters whether they lived at the address or not, and Sunday voting are voting rights, but as per usual, you would be wrong. Perhaps you should look at voting from the the 1990s to see the difference in how your precious "voting rights" easily lead to voter fraud.

You are the communist pig. We are seeing a full scale assault on voting rights. Those links happen to be right on the mark. There was no major voting fraud. Trump's lawyers provided no evidence of any fraud. You are a lying traitorous weasel.
The lies flows on and on, how did we get a RECORD number of votes in the November Election?


The lies from Trump supporters flow. Biden got a record number of votes.


YOU were the one saying voting rights under full scale assault yet we ended up with a new voting record..

You are a liar anyway since the voter ID laws are very easy to understand and comply with.

Voter identification laws by state

In my state of Washington all I have to do is pick up my mail ballot, fill it out and sign it, take it to the Drop Box and done.

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court. At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason. Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud. Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.
Bullshit. Sell that propaganda to some naive college kids. Democrats were crying about impeachment from day one. They were angry. Idiot.
The former president didn't tweet batcrazy or lie now?

Name a president who HASN'T lied.
Nobody lied and distorted like him.
Blah, blah, blah. Get something new.
I have already.

President Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden has dementia and will be removed soon, Kamela Harris will be sworn in, and then the dark ages for the Democrat party.

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court. At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason. Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud. Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.
Bullshit. Sell that propaganda to some naive college kids. Democrats were crying about impeachment from day one. They were angry. Idiot.
The former president didn't tweet batcrazy or lie now?

Name a president who HASN'T lied.
Nobody lied and distorted like him.
Blah, blah, blah. Get something new.
I have already.

President Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden has dementia and will be removed soon, Kamela Harris will be sworn in, and then the dark ages for the Democrat party.
Enjoy the underside of your rock.
Why on earth do you support him!?! You do realize that the Biden/Harris administration is letting people into this country that want us dead and want to take away our rights and make America a communist country right? I just can't seem to understand why you want that as that's not what America is supposed to be or what it's supposed to represent!! Sure, Trump isn't perfect,.. but everything that he said he was going to do he got done, and even though he's not the sitting president anymore, he went to the border anyways because the spawn of Satan Kamala Harris refused to and she hasn't done anything since becoming VP and neither has Biden come to think of it.

It's just the people controlling him that are destroying this country, but since he wants to make it look like he's the mastermind behind it, of course he's not going to take a bloody cognition test. I mean just please help me to understand your reasonings. Do you just not understand all this or are you just all asleep!?

For those of you who don't know, I have special needs and I am mentally challenged and I understand all this. I even have enough understanding to know this election was stolen, because how on earth does basically the whole fucking country go from red to blue overnight and how on earth did a man who didn't do anything get so many votes!? Plus, there were more votes than the voters themselves. It was the biggest election fraud in US history and all of the evidence doesn't just go away because somebody refuses to look at it or says that it isn't there. What's going on America!?

This is why we prefer Biden over Trump! It should be obvious to all sane people. Go Joe!

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They forgot drug addict.
You were asked why you support Biden. You answered because he was the alternative.

Correct. I wish Bernie had been the alternative, or Warren, but it was Joe. And I didn't whine like a little fucking bitch just because my candidate didn't win his election. And I didn't accuse Joe of stealing it from Bernie. Because I'm an adult with a working brain.

What the fuck are you?

Fact check: No, Pence can't overturn the election results

Now you can shut the fuck up about it since you have been proved wrong by the US Constitution.

First of all I don't believe fact check,.. and second of all I don't believe that that it meant that it would also cover voter fraud and anything to be unconstitutional. Otherwise, it would be considered treason.
We have a long established system for challenging election results and dealing with voter fraud that does not involve the VP. Law enforcement, election officials, the DoJ, the lower courts, the Supreme Court. At every step, they have failed to find evidence of sustantive fraud.

Given that, asking the VP to attempt to overturn the election would be tantamount to treason. Imagine if it were Democrats in 2016 attempting this, because after all Trumps winning margins were very narrow.

One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud. Therefore they will manufacture whatever evidence they need to "prove" it in the court of public opinion. A dangerous and destructive tactic to pursue.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.
Bullshit. Sell that propaganda to some naive college kids. Democrats were crying about impeachment from day one. They were angry. Idiot.
The former president didn't tweet batcrazy or lie now?

Name a president who HASN'T lied.
Nobody lied and distorted like him.
Blah, blah, blah. Get something new.
I have already.

President Joe Biden.

President Joe Biden has dementia and will be removed soon, Kamela Harris will be sworn in, and then the dark ages for the Democrat party.
Enjoy the underside of your rock.
Lame. Your quiver doesn't have any arrows. Sad.
One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.

Yes, he did. Absolutely. Can't keep his mouth shut. But funny, ex-presidents were always still called Mr. President. TO THIS DAY, Obumma is introduced by the Left as President Obama! Maybe he still is. To this day, Jimmy Carter is still addressed as President Carter. It is a sign of respect. But it simply isn't in your capability to call Trump, PRESIDENT TRUMP. You simply never gave him the respect he deserved AS PRESIDENT even before he took office and did anything, and as a result, you got nothing back but contempt and disrespect from him.
When introducing him, it's President Trump. When speaking of him or writing about him it's Former President Trump. Why don't you already know this?

Because it is BULLSHIT. I've seen them mention Obama on TV in the media and late night a hundred times referred to as PRESIDENT Obama. Trump was only hours, days and weeks out of office and since, not once have I seen ANY of them refer to Trump as anything but Trump or at best the former or ex president Trump. It is like they are trying to reinforce the notion that Trump is NOT the president anymore, therefore, there is no dispute over how the election was conducted.

Just like EVERY time I see them mention the election disputes, it is NEVER without inserting the words: BASELESS or DEBUNKED into the line, as if they've all researched it.

Just like they try to claim climate change is SETTLED science, ignoring the fact that thousands of scientists all over the world disagree with it.

What is wrong with you? Why don't you know that? What kind of school did you go to, you lying, uncouth, bastard?

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One side has decided, sans evidence, that the only way their candidate could have lost is by fraud.
Democrats punished Trump every day because he defeated Hillary. Sick trash.
The former president punished himself with batshit crazy tweets and constant lying.

Yes, he did. Absolutely. Can't keep his mouth shut. But funny, ex-presidents were always still called Mr. President. TO THIS DAY, Obumma is introduced by the Left as President Obama! Maybe he still is. To this day, Jimmy Carter is still addressed as President Carter. It is a sign of respect. But it simply isn't in your capability to call Trump, PRESIDENT TRUMP. You simply never gave him the respect he deserved AS PRESIDENT even before he took office and did anything, and as a result, you got nothing back but contempt and disrespect from him.
When introducing him, it's President Trump. When speaking of him or writing about him it's Former President Trump. Why don't you already know this?

Because it is BULLSHIT. I've seen them mention Obama on TV in the media and late night a hundred times referred to as PRESIDENT Obama. Trump was only hours, days and weeks out of office and since, not once have I seen ANY of them refer to Trump as anything but Trump or at best the former or ex president Trump. It is like they are trying to reinforce the notion that Trump is NOT the president anymore, therefore, there is no dispute over how the election was conducted.

Just like EVERY time I see them mention the election disputes, it is NEVER without inserting the words: BASELESS or DEBUNKED into the line.

Just like they try to claim climate change is SETTLED science, ignoring the fact that thousands of scientists all over the world disagree with it.

What is wrong with you? Why don't you know that? What kind of school did you go to, you lying, uncouth, bastard?

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I just did a search on Obama and Trump, I found both mentioned sometimes as President sometimes as former president...no difference.
Bullshit. Sell that propaganda to some naive college kids. Democrats were crying about impeachment from day one.
Damned right. Because he committed impeachable offenses from Day One.

Day One? DO PLEASE tell us or link us to all the impeachable offenses Trump committed during his first six months in office, then, liar! That is, if you can fit them all on the screen.

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