I Pity the Person Democrats Select to Run Against Trump

if another republican is on the ticket in 2020 HE (Trump) WILL LOSE.

I don't think so. A republican may challenge him just to bleed him a little before the main event. Sort of like in bull fighting.
Bring it on TRUMP will just use such an incident to expose more rino's. Republicans running for election in 2020 know not supporting TRUMP will lead to their own defeat.
I would have pity towards Crooked Hillary for the schlonging she got from The Donald except she is such an asshole she deserved it.
if another republican is on the ticket in 2020 HE (Trump) WILL LOSE.

I don't think so. A republican may challenge him just to bleed him a little before the main event. Sort of like in bull fighting.
Bring it on TRUMP will just use such an incident to expose more rino's. Republicans running for election in 2020 know not supporting TRUMP will lead to their own defeat.
I don't gamble but if I did I'd bet that Trump will be the nominee.
Trump at every debate:

So if walls are hateful and evil, when do you plan on taking down the border walls already built?

What is your plan to increase border security?

Democrats want to raise taxes. How much is too much in taxes?

12 years ago Democrats said Obama had two years to address the environment or all was lost. So why were you so wrong?

Do guns or people cause the Chicago murder rate to be so high?
More and more people would vote for a dry moldy sponge than vote for Trump.

TRUMP: My hands are not tiny!


TRUMP: I have the best brains.


TRUMP: covfefe


TRUMP: I love my wife Melanie.


Sponge wins by a landslide!
I wouldn't pity them, and I wouldn't start thinking that trump is going to win a landslide in 2020. We saw how the left mobilized for the midterms, and I expect 2020 to be an even bigger turnout for dems.

Remember, dems outnumber repubs by a fairly good margin. If they all come out in 2020, trump doesnt have a chance.

Lol their mid-terms were a failure; they didn't even get the normal mid-term turnover considering how 'unpopular' they keep claiming Trump is. Some of the democrats elected were also pro-Kavenaugh, so even some in their own Party are distancing themselves from the loons and traitors.
True, but they did enough to take the house. I listen to a bit of left wing radio, make no mistake, they are angry, and angry can sometimes lead to action.

All I'm saying is that the right doesnt need to take this for granted, it could hurt them in the end.
Why are none of you asking for a huge amount of new border agents to patrol the wall. That would be an even better solution...they will be needed once the wall is built. And don't cry like a little baby that they equal more fed workers because in this case it's worth it. Or you don't support the wall.
Trump at every debate:

So if walls are hateful and evil, when do you plan on taking down the border walls already built?

What is your plan to increase border security?

Democrats want to raise taxes. How much is too much in taxes?

12 years ago Democrats said Obama had two years to address the environment or all was lost. So why were you so wrong?

Do guns or people cause the Chicago murder rate to be so high?
306-232...save your pity beeeeeotch.
Trump at every debate:

So if walls are hateful and evil, when do you plan on taking down the border walls already built?

What is your plan to increase border security?

Democrats want to raise taxes. How much is too much in taxes?

12 years ago Democrats said Obama had two years to address the environment or all was lost. So why were you so wrong?

Do guns or people cause the Chicago murder rate to be so high?
I’ll see that and raise you 24/7 1/6 videos. :cool-45:
Trump at every debate:

So if walls are hateful and evil, when do you plan on taking down the border walls already built?

What is your plan to increase border security?

Democrats want to raise taxes. How much is too much in taxes?

12 years ago Democrats said Obama had two years to address the environment or all was lost. So why were you so wrong?

Do guns or people cause the Chicago murder rate to be so high?
Border security is easy. Expand E Verify and fine employers who hire illegals. 90% will self deport.
Maybe it just shows what a shit show the Republicans have become. :dunno:

Maybe I blinked and missed how it was the republicans who:
  • DOUBLED fuel costs overnight.
  • Threatened strategic reserves.
  • Attacked our own energy sector.
  • Bungled an Afghan pullout.
  • Went to war with Russia risking nuclear threats over some little country that means nothing to us on the other side of the world.
  • Is trying to weaponize the IRS to go after small business.
  • Has added 4 trillion to our debt buying off leftwing interests.
  • Continues to hide a diabolical for profit crime ring between his family and enemy nations.
  • Attacks women as second class citizens to men wearing dresses.
  • Are trying to subvert our youth with perversion, sex, and mutilation.
  • Attacking civil rights using government oppression and Big Tech to vilify and criminalize opposition.
  • Has fostered a 30% increase in crime in most cities.
  • Has exposed us to millions of undocumented illegals bringing drugs, criminal activity and burden to cities.
  • Continues massive lies and propaganda to its citizens.
That sure is one big shitshow.
Maybe I blinked and missed how it was the republicans who:
  • DOUBLED fuel costs overnight.
  • Threatened strategic reserves.
  • Attacked our own energy sector.
  • Bungled an Afghan pullout.
  • Went to war with Russia risking nuclear threats over some little country that means nothing to us on the other side of the world.
  • Is trying to weaponize the IRS to go after small business.
  • Has added 4 trillion to our debt buying off leftwing interests.
  • Continues to hide a diabolical for profit crime ring between his family and enemy nations.
  • Attacks women as second class citizens to men wearing dresses.
  • Are trying to subvert our youth with perversion, sex, and mutilation.
  • Attacking civil rights using government oppression and Big Tech to vilify and criminalize opposition.
  • Has fostered a 30% increase in crime in most cities.
  • Has exposed us to millions of undocumented illegals bringing drugs, criminal activity and burden to cities.
  • Continues massive lies and propaganda to its citizens.
That sure is one big shitshow.
How did all of that work out in the midterms? Pretty anemic! :auiqs.jpg:
How did all of that work out in the midterms? Pretty anemic!

So in other words, what are you saying, that you are glad and happy that you will continue paying massive fuel, food, and energy costs? Are glad that many people died and billions in weapons were left in Afghan? Hope we have nuclear war with Russia? Want to get audited by the IRS? Are glad our debt is now up to an impossible 31 trillion? Approve of people in Washington using their position to get rich at the expense of the nation? Like seeing women and children sexually demoralized and perversion in our classrooms? Like an oppressive overbearing government controlling everything you read, see and say? Enjoy walking down the street with businesses all boarded up and violent crime everywhere? Love millions of undocumented people just walking into the country with women and children dying or getting raped or trafficked dropping all their problems and expense on us? Don't care if people you know die from fentanyl overdose?
Well then, you ought be thrilled, sailor, as it looks like all these things and more will just continue and likely even get worse! Now go out and have a Party!
So in other words, what are you saying, that you are glad and happy that you will continue paying massive fuel, food, and energy costs? Are glad that many people died and billions in weapons were left in Afghan? Hope we have nuclear war with Russia? Want to get audited by the IRS? Are glad our debt is now up to an impossible 31 trillion? Approve of people in Washington using their position to get rich at the expense of the nation? Like seeing women and children sexually demoralized and perversion in our classrooms? Like an oppressive overbearing government controlling everything you read, see and say? Enjoy walking down the street with businesses all boarded up and violent crime everywhere? Love millions of undocumented people just walking into the country with women and children dying or getting raped or trafficked dropping all their problems and expense on us? Don't care if people you know die from fentanyl overdose?
Well then, you ought be thrilled, sailor, as it looks like all these things and more will just continue and likely even get worse! Now go out and have a Party! View attachment 723671
I’m saying the people didn’t buy your propaganda.
Maybe I blinked and missed how it was the republicans who:
  • DOUBLED fuel costs overnight.
  • Threatened strategic reserves.
  • Attacked our own energy sector.
  • Bungled an Afghan pullout.
  • Went to war with Russia risking nuclear threats over some little country that means nothing to us on the other side of the world.
  • Is trying to weaponize the IRS to go after small business.
  • Has added 4 trillion to our debt buying off leftwing interests.
  • Continues to hide a diabolical for profit crime ring between his family and enemy nations.
  • Attacks women as second class citizens to men wearing dresses.
  • Are trying to subvert our youth with perversion, sex, and mutilation.
  • Attacking civil rights using government oppression and Big Tech to vilify and criminalize opposition.
  • Has fostered a 30% increase in crime in most cities.
  • Has exposed us to millions of undocumented illegals bringing drugs, criminal activity and burden to cities.
  • Continues massive lies and propaganda to its citizens.
That sure is one big shitshow.

While all of that is true and important to -
Married Men
Married Women
Single Men
Who all voted majority Republican

None of that mattered to
Single Women who voted predominately Democrat.

While it appears likely that the Republicans will take back the House and The Senate,
and will greatly outnumber the Democrats in national vote numbers,
I think that decent people greatly underestimated the depravity of single women who subjugate all other issues to the right to kill their preborn baby.
That is not only an election problem, but also a societal problem that has to be addressed.

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