I predict that 2024 will be the worst year of Trump's life - both criminally and politically!

He already ranks as the worst U.S. President in history. He is facing several serious indictments and criminal charges. He literally seems to be losing his mind according to various rally videos. Apparently money has become a problem. Various polls don't look good for his election chances. He has pissed off the majority of women for various reasons.

I predict he will lose the 2024 presidential election in a landslide!

What do you think?
I think you need to get used to the idea that Trump is going to be your President :)
There was none. There will be none.
He'll lose fair and square this time...just like he did last time. :)
There was. It has been proven in three States. Biden is illegitimate, the election was fraudulent.
Trump is already held liable for business fraud and sexual battery and fined almost a half billion dollars.

He will be convicted criminally in two to four trials this year alone.

More coming next year.

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