I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!
They're mainly drop shippers. Amazon doesn't put people out of biz. It puts them in Biz ! My stuff comes from all over the world....
t~Rump is the best you were offered. You're a fucking idiocracy ! The first fourth wortld Plutocracy.The only thing he's challenging is your ability to perform critical thought. He's winning !

"mainly drop shippers"? How difficult is it to get the facts?
Mainly means most...right? YOU ARE WRONG!
Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

NOT most and these 3rd-party vendors don't pay sales tax.

The other issue is you may want to look at your property tax bill in the next couple of years.

As more and more brick and mortar businesses that HAVE to pay the sales tax can't compete they stop paying property taxes.
Which means YOUR property tax will go up.
But who cares about that.
I certainly don't. I have about 1300 acres total and 4 structures to the tune of $340 a year for all.UM why should the third party vendor pay sales tax ? The ones using the infrastructure are the trucks/planes delivering.They get crammed a plenty for road tax, gas tax, etc.

BTW You can find me under "tropical fish"................
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!
They're mainly drop shippers. Amazon doesn't put people out of biz. It puts them in Biz ! My stuff comes from all over the world....
t~Rump is the best you were offered. You're a fucking idiocracy ! The first fourth wortld Plutocracy.The only thing he's challenging is your ability to perform critical thought. He's winning !

"mainly drop shippers"? How difficult is it to get the facts?
Mainly means most...right? YOU ARE WRONG!
Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

NOT most and these 3rd-party vendors don't pay sales tax.

The other issue is you may want to look at your property tax bill in the next couple of years.

As more and more brick and mortar businesses that HAVE to pay the sales tax can't compete they stop paying property taxes.
Which means YOUR property tax will go up.
But who cares about that.
I certainly don't. I have about 1300 acres total and 4 structures to the tune of $340 a year for all.UM why should the third party vendor pay sales tax ? The ones using the infrastructure are the trucks/planes delivering.They get crammed a plenty for road tax, gas tax, etc.

BTW You can find me under "tropical fish"................
The issue is greater than your 1,200 acres I'm sure. The situation with small businesses that DO have to pay the sales tax is the price of goods/service are higher than the 3rd party vendor just with that basis alone. The small business already paid the delivery costs to their brick and mortar facility which again is added to their costs.
I guess the solution is one gigantic vendor, i.e. Amazon and we get all our goods and services from them. And eventually you will pay higher prices...if you qualify for the items/service based on the OnE vendor's criteria.
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!

He's using the office of the Presidency for personal vendetta's against people he doesn't like. Not to mention he jealous that Bezos has much, much more money.

After his stock tanked this week, are you sure that is still true?
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!

He's using the office of the Presidency for personal vendetta's against people he doesn't like. Not to mention he jealous that Bezos has much, much more money.

After his stock tanked this week, are you sure that is still true?

Even after that he is still worth more than 20 times what Trump is
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

Press core? Are you that much of an Obama sycophant that you also don't know how to spell it or pronounce it?
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

Press core? Are you that much of an Obama sycophant that you also don't know how to spell it or pronounce it?

Could be worse...
Obama pronunciation...
Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard." –mispronouncing "Corpsman" (the "ps" is silent) during a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2010. The Corpsman's name is also Christopher, not Christian.

Top 10 Obama Gaffes | Human Events
Trump is terrified of a free press, and so the dictator wannabe is abusing his power to put down those he is both afraid and jealous of.

A benchmark which will be long remembered.

After eight years of Obama bashing Fox News and trying to kick them out of the press core, you're just a stupid bitch of the Democrat party who thinks whatever they tll you to think
Yet Trump did kick people out of the press core and you try to divert any attention to what he did by comparing a past president who did not....

Press core? Are you that much of an Obama sycophant that you also don't know how to spell it or pronounce it?

Moonglow pronounces it "Press Corpse" like his beloved leader
Monopoly and characteristics of monopoly.jpg :hellno:When government picks on gigantum corporations it is called anti trust busting. Government picked on Microsoft, Whole Foods etc.:hellno:radarimagess.jpg :eusa_naughty:
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Donald Trump lied about Amazon not collecting sales tax & lied that they are somehow costing the USPS money. He called the USPS Amazon's delivery boy.

So, isn't delivery the job description for the USPS ?

They make money from delivering for Amazon.

Who delivers the imported shit that Trump sells? Does he collect sales tax?

Why is Trump such an asshole?

I'm going to shout to you.
View attachment 185730

Facts are the darnedest things to deal with...
Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

In 2016, Amazon generated 22.99 billion U.S. dollars in third-party seller service revenues, up from 16.09 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year
Amazon: third-party seller share 2017 | Statistic

What this means is 23 billion in sales by Amazon didn't require a sales tax.
Now I'm going to shout!



This means the local business has to compete unfairly with Amazon and consequently............

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?
Many businesses see customers come into their stores to learn, and then they make their purchases online via Amazon or other online retailers. The online retailers don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store. For one of the products, David mentioned that I can purchase it on Amazon for less than he can purchase it. Of course, in his local market, his Yelp reviews show how much his customers love his store and appreciate his value. If he was local to me, I’d happily pay a premium for their high level of service and expertise.
Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?

So Trump being the "asshole" is telling Amazon that they'd better be competing fairly as the wrath of the middle America will soon descend.
And Amazon already has felt that wrath!

Amazon stock falls after Trump tweets about the company in long-running feud with its CEO

Wow, you are a loud dumbass.

  • Amazon does collect state sales taxes on products it sells directly in all 45 states that have a state sales tax.
  • But the company still doesn't collect state sales taxes for its "third-party" platform sellers in most of the country.
  • Some states have passed laws requiring online marketplaces to collect sales taxes on behalf of third-party sellers. On April 1, Pennsylvania will become the second state, after Washington, where Amazon is instituting Marketplace Tax Collection for third-party sellers.
You fucking idiots don't even know how Amazon operators.

Where are facts? Are we suppose to believe someone who can't even spell? "Amazon operators"??? You meant "operates"! Dummy!
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

Funny how this new found sense of free markets emerged only when Trump took office and it will disappear just as quickly when he leaves office
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

Funny how this new found sense of free markets emerged only when Trump took office and it will disappear just as quickly when he leaves office

No other president has singled out American businesses to target economically.
a bike sails by history: TR_presidency_thumb_1.png
The Good, the Bad, and the Bully
This was the core of Theodore Roosevelt's leadership. He boiled everything down to a case of right versus wrong and good versus bad. If a trust controlled an entire industry but provided good service at reasonable rates, it was a "good" trust to be left alone. Only the "bad" trusts that jacked up rates and exploited consumers would come under attack. Who would decide the difference between right and wrong? The occupant of the White House trusted only himself to make this decision in the interests of the people.

The American public cheered Roosevelt's new offensive. The Supreme Court, in a narrow 5 to 4 decision, agreed and dissolved the Northern Securities Company. Roosevelt said confidently that no man, no matter how powerful, was above the law. As he landed blows on other "bad" trusts, his popularity grew and grew.


Department of Justice: Antitrust Division
The Federal Department of Justice has an entire division devoted to enforcement of Federal antitrust laws. See how the government prosecutes cases by following links to documents filed in lawsuits against dozens of companies the Department of Justice says violate antitrust laws.
Why Reining in Amazon Could be Difficult: DealBook Briefing
New York Times-Mar 29, 2018
Its revenue is a third of Walmart's and, even after its acquisition of Whole Foods, Amazon's footing in the grocery business is still small. ... When the Department of Justice's antitrust lawyers went after the proposed merger of Time Warner and AT&T, it was not targeting companies that were particularly ...untitled.png

Japan Antitrust Watchdog Probes Amazon—Again - WSJ
Japan Antitrust Watchdog Probes Amazon—Again
Mar 15, 2018 - Amazon.com Inc.'s Japanese unit has come under antitrust scrutiny for the second time in as many years as retailers become more dependent on the e-commerce giant for customer traffic.
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

Funny how this new found sense of free markets emerged only when Trump took office and it will disappear just as quickly when he leaves office

No other president has singled out American businesses to target economically.

True, Obama targeted them all, not one in particular
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

Notice how the far left will defend Amazon since they own the far left rag the Washington Post, would they feel the same way if they owned a non far left publication?
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

Notice how the far left will defend Amazon since they own the far left rag the Washington Post, would they feel the same way if they owned a non far left publication?

YO, MORON...Amazon does not own the WaPo.

It is just startling the level of ignorance the partisan zealots on this board display, and they do it so fucking proudly.

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