I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

Oh, so Trump's remark caused a $5-BILLION drop in Amazon's stock value?!! Really?!

Just like his tweet on the 25% tariff on steel and 10% tariff on aluminum dropped the stock values of companies tied to Mexican and Canadian iron and aluminum.

Those stock prices recovered when the actual tariff excluded mexico and Canada, and was pointed mainly at China.

Trump attacked Bezos to drive down his stock , just to get even because Bloomberg estimated that Bezos cost Trump about $400 million last year, because New York real estate is in a slump because of all the retail that was hit hard by Amazon.

Trump even attacked the post office for not charging Amazon enough money, despite making a profit off the deal.

Ditto with Amazon
Trump tweeted:

“I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election,” Trump wrote in a single tweet with liberal capitalization. “Unlike others, they pay little or or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!”

The immediate result:

. Amazon stock fell more than 2% on an otherwise bullish day on Wall Street in the wake of tweets by President Donald Trump assailing the company’s impact on retail, level of tax payments and straining of U.S. Postal Service resources.
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!

Donald likes using his power damage the financial and other interests of the people who tell the truth about him.
Oh, so Trump's remark caused a $5-BILLION drop in Amazon's stock value?!! Really?!

Amazon stock falls after Trump tweets about the company in long-running feud with its CEO


Now just THINK about that. THINK. Take a breath and THINK. Trump merely *repeated* a long-standing criticism of Amazon's tax collection policy. He didn't submit any proposal to address the issue. Nor did he suggest that any such proposal was forthcoming. No, he just commented on the policy. And you really believe that this one action--repeating a criticism of Amazon's tax collection policy--was the cause of a $5-BILLION drop in Amazon's stock? Really?

Who knew that Trump had such incredible power?

Any POTUS making the same comment would have the same impact.

If you had enough money to invest in the market you would know that it does not take much to spook people into selling off which lowers the value of the stock

This wasn't the first time for His Orangeness either ...

Here's What a Trump Tweet Does to a Company's Share Price
So you say.
However, I figure if you want to fuck with the bull don't scream like a stuck pig if you get gored.
And to put this all in proper perspective, Trump isn't sneaking around and abusing his powers like Obama did. He's simply voicing his opinion.

So I say and so you just pass off without caring.

So, you have a problem with Bezos doing something but not Trump?

How partisan of you.

Voicing his opinion? He's the President of the United States. His opinion is the opinion of the executive office of the country.

He just hasn't figured that out yet.
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
The emperor is terrified of a free press, and he wants to abuse government power to suppress them.

And look at you with your nose buried right up his ass.

Yes, the snowflake press can dish out constant partisan vitriol, but the little dears can't handle being called out for their crap.

You are full of shit. Trump has done or said nothing to restrict the press. Grow a pair, little lady. The leftist hate fake news media isn't the only game in town any more, and that isn't going to change.

Poor girl, you're going to have to get used to hearing the other side from yours

You really make me fear for my life on this board!:1peleas:My answer.

Thie name calling just shows me who the ignorant posters are here, and good reason to kick back.

Most boards I have been on have rules about name calling.

So carry on!

That you say this to people who criticize leftists and you don't say this to leftists shows EXACTLY what you are, skank
The WaPO has been trying to destroy him for over a year. They have published so many unsubstantiated rumors from anonymous sources that it's impossible to count them all. The damage they have done is unfathomable yet they cannot handle it when Trump issues a statement. So sorry that their Whittle feelings are hurt.
The emperor is terrified of a free press, and he wants to abuse government power to suppress them.

And look at you with your nose buried right up his ass.

Yes, the snowflake press can dish out constant partisan vitriol, but the little dears can't handle being called out for their crap.

You are full of shit. Trump has done or said nothing to restrict the press. Grow a pair, little lady. The leftist hate fake news media isn't the only game in town any more, and that isn't going to change.

Poor girl, you're going to have to get used to hearing the other side from yours

You really make me fear for my life on this board!:1peleas:My answer.

Thie name calling just shows me who the ignorant posters are here, and good reason to kick back.

Most boards I have been on have rules about name calling.

So carry on!

Whoever you're speaking with is already on my ignore list. Probably for name calling.

Give me time, I just have to sort them out. If you disagree with me I enjoy that. Discussing things suit me.

Happy Easter.

If you look up the word snowflake, it just has Frigidweirdo's picture now. He's a flaming hypocrite who says he's not a leftist then attacks everyone but leftists. He's no loss to anything.

As for you. A standard is something you apply to yourself and your side first. If you respond to my posts without stupid shit and apply only a standard to me that you follow and apply to your side, I won't insult you.

So far you've shown that this isn't a standard for you, it's only a partisan attack. So stop whining. Either adopt it as a standard or cut the crap
I have always paid sales tax on Amazon. I'm quite sure the PO would of been out of business by now if not for Amazon.

Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

Did you read the above closely?????? Approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases ARE NOT sold through 3rd-party SO you must have bought directly from Amazon and
Amazon is located in the state you live in HENCE they have to collect the taxes!

Read and think...before commenting OK??? Do you live in a state that has an Amazon facility? If so you pay the sales tax.
I live in a state Amazon has a huge presence and therefore I pay that state's sales tax.
IT IS ONLY in 3rd-party vendors states where Amazon doesn't pay any taxes.

The third party vendor protocol is the affiliate program which has been on the internet for years! Amazon isn't the first....Guitar Center, Best Buy, Kohl's follows the same protocol. What's up, Trump's azz all of a sudden....Bezos of course! :113:

Trump lost $400 Million last year because of Amazon,according to Bloomberg Finance.
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!
His act btw in democratic countries is impeachable. Too bad we are not a democracy.
Trump escalates attack on Amazon, focusing on tax, shipping

"U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon.com Inc :)AMZN.O) on Thursday of not paying enough tax, taking advantage of the U.S. postal system and putting small retailers out of business,"

Yes, a guy who potentially gained $880 million from New York in tax breaks criticizes Amazon for doing the same thing. Trump paid to play in this too, we'd call it corruption but it seems perfectly okay in the US.

A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks

Don't get me wrong, the US system is corrupt and favors large multi-nationals, I'd love to see it change. But I don't see Trump being the one to change it for the right reasons or in the right way.

This seems more an attack from one businessman on another businessman.
So... you believe a big business should be able to fleece the government and not pay taxes?

You believe the richest man in the world should pay LESS than YOU in taxes?

Does being a "frigidweirdo" fuck up your brain?
Your orange leader bragged about not paying taxes and called it being smart. Are you ok with that?
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.

Exactly. Bezos makes Trump look like a Bozos when it comes to being a successful businessman, not to mention that he’s now the richest man in America. Trump is jealous of him and hates the Washington Post, and that is what this is all about. He has no problem with Walmart? Of course not. They are all big Republicans.
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!
They're mainly drop shippers. Amazon doesn't put people out of biz. It puts them in Biz ! My stuff comes from all over the world....
t~Rump is the best you were offered. You're a fucking idiocracy ! The first fourth wortld Plutocracy.The only thing he's challenging is your ability to perform critical thought. He's winning !
Amazon is like every Lefty I know. They want all the goods and services, and privileges that go with being in America, but they just don't want to pay for them.

Actually a lot of stuff costs more on Amazon, but then you save on gas and time running from store to store.
I read an article that a guy became a multi millionaire selling products he bought from walmart on amazon.
You continually offer the strangest apologize for the fat orange bully, and then claim you're not his butt buddy.

How is stating a fact apologizing. I sell stuff I buy at Walmart, Target and the Dollar store on Ebay, I make extra money and enjoy it. I would go through Amazon but with PayPal, I get paid much quicker than if I sell on Amazon. Granted I am not a millionaire however there are those that can make a good living doing the same thing. I need to learn to streamline it and allow me to make more money.
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Government shouldn't be "picking" on anyone. Have we devolved into an overgrown banana republic?
Looking for a diversion from the women and Mueller, President Gropes-A-Lot has decided to take on Amazon, the greatest retailer in the history of our country. Amazon gives us very reasonable and fair prices, not like most local retailers who love to sock it to you. They have a tremendous inventory of product, not like the local retailer who limits choices. And, they deliver quickly and have a very liberal return policy. They charge state sales tax on their sales and benefit the Postal Service by giving them a bunch of business.

What's not to love? Of course their owner, not Amazon itself, also owns the Washington Post, a publication that routinely points out the sins and errors of the Groper's administration.

But, if you're looking for a diversion, what better way than to take on America's greatest retailer? Bigly!!!
They're mainly drop shippers. Amazon doesn't put people out of biz. It puts them in Biz ! My stuff comes from all over the world....
t~Rump is the best you were offered. You're a fucking idiocracy ! The first fourth wortld Plutocracy.The only thing he's challenging is your ability to perform critical thought. He's winning !

"mainly drop shippers"? How difficult is it to get the facts?
Mainly means most...right? YOU ARE WRONG!
Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]

Amazon tax - Wikipedia

NOT most and these 3rd-party vendors don't pay sales tax.

The other issue is you may want to look at your property tax bill in the next couple of years.

As more and more brick and mortar businesses that HAVE to pay the sales tax can't compete they stop paying property taxes.
Which means YOUR property tax will go up.
But who cares about that.

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