I realize Trump has a hard on for Bezos and the WP, but seriously ... Amazon?

You are such a dummy as are those people that don't understand the issue Trump is raising!
A) Where are you facts, links, substantiations?

B) Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

Why do you keep bringing up this "fact"? Obviously no retailer in Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, or Oregon collect sales taxes, since those states do not have sales tax. If nobody does, why does it matter to you so much that Amazon does not?

Just admit it, you hate winning, prosperous companies and you want the Govt to punish them for being successful.
Geez are a dumb f...k!

You did not answer my question, why do you keep bringing up the fact that Amazon does not collect taxes in states with no sales tax?

Once we deal with your "fact" number 1, we can move on
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.
"dont pick on them. I like them! Pick on someone else :CryingCow: "

Why not pick on Wal Mart? Most of their products come from China anyway.
Like the Kindle? Fire stick? Echo? What about how a lot of their products are only sold through amazon and are actually from alibaba?
Yes, lets ignore all that to attack the fat man. Racist.

Actually Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest area for small independent stores... It allows the mom and pop of manufacturing to be able to sell there goods (so does Ebay). Do they sell foreign goods? YES but they also sell American goods abroad too...

What has Trump got against a open marketplace, is he afraid of capitalism?
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

I think I heard today Amazon employs half a million people, seems trump is working against jobs.
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.
"dont pick on them. I like them! Pick on someone else :CryingCow: "

Why not pick on Wal Mart? Most of their products come from China anyway.
Like the Kindle? Fire stick? Echo? What about how a lot of their products are only sold through amazon and are actually from alibaba?
Yes, lets ignore all that to attack the fat man. Racist.

Actually Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest area for small independent stores... It allows the mom and pop of manufacturing to be able to sell there goods (so does Ebay). Do they sell foreign goods? YES but they also sell American goods abroad too...

What has Trump got against a open marketplace, is he afraid of capitalism?
You make an excellent point. Thanks
I wonder if Trump realizes how much Amazon drives the US economy?

Or.................as another person put it on the news, when was the last time YOU bought something from Amazon, and how much stuff have you bought lately?

I think I heard today Amazon employs half a million people, seems trump is working against jobs.
maybe around the world. In america its a few hundred thousand
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.
"dont pick on them. I like them! Pick on someone else :CryingCow: "

Why not pick on Wal Mart? Most of their products come from China anyway.
Like the Kindle? Fire stick? Echo? What about how a lot of their products are only sold through amazon and are actually from alibaba?
Yes, lets ignore all that to attack the fat man. Racist.

Actually Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest area for small independent stores... It allows the mom and pop of manufacturing to be able to sell there goods (so does Ebay). Do they sell foreign goods? YES but they also sell American goods abroad too...

What has Trump got against a open marketplace, is he afraid of capitalism?

Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.
"dont pick on them. I like them! Pick on someone else :CryingCow: "

Why not pick on Wal Mart? Most of their products come from China anyway.
Like the Kindle? Fire stick? Echo? What about how a lot of their products are only sold through amazon and are actually from alibaba?
Yes, lets ignore all that to attack the fat man. Racist.

Actually Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest area for small independent stores... It allows the mom and pop of manufacturing to be able to sell there goods (so does Ebay). Do they sell foreign goods? YES but they also sell American goods abroad too...

What has Trump got against a open marketplace, is he afraid of capitalism?

He is putting pressure of Bezos to lean on WaPo and stop its bullshit reporting

He is putting pressure of Bezos to lean on WaPo and stop its bullshit reporting.

Is that the kind of government you want? What about when Democrats are in office?

Our choices in November were two candidates bad and real bad.

And that will remain as long as Americans remain narcotized.

There are always more than 2 candidates. If you agree both were bad, why not take that as a opportuity to give a third party a little love
Pick on Wal-Mart for God's sake, if you want a multinational that changed mainstreet small town America.

Trump accuses Amazon of not paying fair share of taxes

The 16 Profitable Companies That Pay Almost Nothing In Taxes

I order used books and food stuffs from Amazon all the time, and usually they're shipped by independent vendors, and I have to pay sales tax. Used bookstores don't have the stock. For food, most of the time Krogers doesn't stock it, and it's hit at miss at whole foods, and Cosco hasn't opened.

I don't have time or patience to drive to a bunch of stores.
"dont pick on them. I like them! Pick on someone else :CryingCow: "

Why not pick on Wal Mart? Most of their products come from China anyway.
Like the Kindle? Fire stick? Echo? What about how a lot of their products are only sold through amazon and are actually from alibaba?
Yes, lets ignore all that to attack the fat man. Racist.

Actually Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest area for small independent stores... It allows the mom and pop of manufacturing to be able to sell there goods (so does Ebay). Do they sell foreign goods? YES but they also sell American goods abroad too...

What has Trump got against a open marketplace, is he afraid of capitalism?

He is putting pressure of Bezos to lean on WaPo and stop its bullshit reporting


Which is a fucked up thing for the President of the US to be doing.

Not to mention there is no financial connection between the two.
He is putting pressure of Bezos to lean on WaPo and stop its bullshit reporting.

Is that the kind of government you want? What about when Democrats are in office?

Our choices in November were two candidates bad and real bad.

And that will remain as long as Americans remain narcotized.

There are always more than 2 candidates. If you agree both were bad, why not take that as a opportuity to give a third party a little love

Normally I vote Libertarian but Gary Johnson was also an awful candidate.

He is putting pressure of Bezos to lean on WaPo and stop its bullshit reporting.

Is that the kind of government you want? What about when Democrats are in office?

Our choices in November were two candidates bad and real bad.

And that will remain as long as Americans remain narcotized.

There are always more than 2 candidates. If you agree both were bad, why not take that as a opportuity to give a third party a little love

Normally I vote Libertarian but Gary Johnson was also an awful candidate.


He was better than the big two

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Well it seems Amazon isn't the only business he's targeted. He apparently wants to go back to the early 60's and get rid of any and all progress. This guy is a loon.

Amazon Has Lots of Company as Trump Slams ‘Stupid’ Businesses

BTW stock market poised to open 600 down this morning.

WASHINGTON — Amazon, you’re not alone.

President Trump once accused Verizon of making “a STUPID deal” for AOL. He ridiculed Coca-Cola as “garbage” — but said he would keep drinking it. He called both H&R Block and Nordstrom “terrible.” He said Sony had “really stupid leadership” and described executives at S&P Global, a financial firm, as “losers.”

Before and after he became president, Mr. Trump attacked tech firms, military contractors, carmakers, cellphone companies, financial firms, drug companies, air-conditioner makers, sports leagues, Wall Street giants — and many, many media companies, which he has labeled “shameful,” “dishonest,” “true garbage,” “really dumb,” “phony,” “failing” and, broadly, “the enemy of the American people.”

Lately, Mr. Trump’s antibusiness rants have become particularly menacing and caused the stocks of some companies to plunge. His Twitter posts have carried with them the threat, sometimes explicit, that he is prepared to use the power of the presidency to undermine the companies that anger him.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, long a booster of Republican presidents, is not happy. “It’s inappropriate for government officials to use their position to attack an American company,” said Neil Bradley, the executive vice president and chief policy officer of the chamber. Mr. Bradley, who did not specifically name Mr. Trump, added that criticism of companies from politicians “undermines economic growth and job creation.”

Amazon’s stock price dropped sharply before rebounding this week after Mr. Trump threatened the company with possible antitrust action. The president’s remark in November that the merger of AT&T and Time Warner would not be “good for the country” roiled the continuing antitrust fight between the companies and the government. His earlier complaint on Twitter that Boeing’s $4 billion price for a new generation of Air Force One was “out of control” forced a fresh round of negotiations, although the price fell only to $3.9 billion.
I believe Amazon collects taxes in 12 states while Trumps online store only collects sales tax in Florida and Louisiana, so it's not personal? What a low life dipshit.

Trump attacked Amazon over taxes — but his own online store reportedly collects sales tax from only 2 states

And you don't know CRAP about Amazon!
Our business is located in a state that if we have customers in that state we have to collect sales tax.
But we don't have any brick and mortar facilities in any other state...hence we don't collect sales tax.
AMAZON on the other hand and here are the FACTS!
A) Amazon does not collect sales taxes from Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon, since those states do not have state sales taxes.

B) Additionally, approximately half of all Amazon.com purchases are sold on the Amazon Marketplace through 3rd-party vendors, and these purchases remain free of tax
except for in Washington state, where these purchases (starting in 2018) are now taxed.[3] [4]
Amazon tax - Wikipedia

C) In 2016, Amazon generated 22.99 billion U.S. dollars in third-party seller service revenues, up from 16.09 billion U.S. dollars in the previous year
Amazon: third-party seller share 2017 | Statistic

D) What this means is $23 billion in sales by Amazon didn't require a sales tax.... and the point YOU should be agreeing with Trump about is the unfairness that
with over half Amazon's revenues NOT paying sales tax they are able to sell for less goods/services that your local business HAS to collect a SALES tax!

Do you understand? Your local hardware store HAS to pay taxes on that hammer that they sell. BUT if Amazon sells that hammer via 3rd party vendor... NO sales tax and
hence LOWER price than you pay your local hardware store...again DUMMY... your local store has to pay the sales tax and you dummy that you are probably buy that hammer
from Amazon and guess what happens to your local hardware store? The hardware store paying taxes that keeps your taxes lower but you ... don't comprehend that
when you buy that cheaper hammer from Amazon you are driving nails into the local store's coffin!

And here is proof!

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?
Many businesses see customers come into their stores to learn, and then they make their purchases online via Amazon or other online retailers.
The online retailers don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store.

For one of the products, David mentioned that I can purchase it on Amazon for less than he can purchase it.

Of course, in his local market, his Yelp reviews show how much his customers love his store and appreciate his value.
If he was local to me, I’d happily pay a premium for their high level of service and expertise.

Is Amazon Killing Small Businesses?
The world’s hottest shopping city is becoming a ghost town--- Did Amazon help?
That’s right: On a nine-block stretch of what’s arguably the world’s most famous avenue, steps south of the bustling Time Warner Center and the planned new Nordstrom department store, lies a shopping wasteland.

Yes, there are bank branches, restaurants, fast-food outlets, theaters, Duane Reades, a vitamin shop and a few tourist-targeted “discount” stores. But mainly there are oodles of empty spaces covered with signs touting SUPERB CORNER RETAIL OPPORTUNITY.

The same crisis blights the rest of Manhattan. The people invested in storefront retailing — real-estate developers, landlords and retail companies themselves — tell us not to worry. It’s a “transitional” situation that will right itself over time. Authoritative-sounding surveys by real-estate and retail companies claim that Manhattan’s overall vacancy is only just 10 percent.

But they are all wrong. Bricks-and-mortar retail is shrinking so swiftly and on such a wide scale, it’s going to require big changes in how we plan our new buildings and our cities — although nobody wants to admit it.

Even the most profitable, can-do-no-wrong global chains are feeling the heat right now. H&M found itself unexpectedly sitting on $4.3 billion in unsold merchandise,
The New York Times reported last month.

Why? Shopping from home or on a smartphone is a lot easier than shopping in a store.
The ease of buying sweaters and light bulbs online trumps the thrill of people-watching in stores where slow-moving sales clerks take 15 minutes to ring up a $25 tie on balky computers.

Amazon makes it easier to return goods that don’t live up to expectations than it often is to buy things in stores.
Clerks have no idea what’s in stock. Fashion goods displayed on shelves are chosen by too-young buyers with their minds more on the current Instagram trend than on customers’ needs.

And remember folks in this area are now faced with higher property taxes as those empty stories will not be paying!

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