I really do wonder if the RW believes the liberal disgust with Trump has a precedent

Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Liberals are not that noble, you're full of shit. Obama's narcissism and racism didn't bother libs a bit. It has NOTHING to do with morals. It has EVERYTHING to do with not getting your way. Leftist policies took a huge hit, many of obie's policies are being rolled back, much more to come. The SCOTUS picks alone is a disaster for the left. It means we can keep our guns and progressive laws won't be created from the bench like they were.

You guys simply are not that bright. You're as transparent as can be but you think you can pull the wool over the eyes of America. It's why you lost. The butthurt is all yours.
Iceweasel, those "obie" policies being rolled back by Trump are all done by XOs, not legislation. And I give you an A+ for imaginary ills of the previous admin. Narcissm? Racism? Take away your guns? All without specific examples, just a compilation of tired old Republican dog-whistles.
I don't care if you like facts or not. Obama is extremely narcissist and stood by blacks before he knew the facts. Obie created many policies via EO and they are being undone the same way. So stuff it.
So that's your story and you're stickin' to it! Thanks for the smile as you referred to standing by your fellow man before you knew the facts. That is one of the most admired Trump-ish habits of all, and here you are condemning it in Obama. I think that's called situational ethics.
I don't know what you are even babbling about. You're chimp flinging poo, that's about it.
Liberals biggest problem with Trump is he won despite the fact all of the media and political experts said he wouldn't.

I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country
Liberals biggest problem with Trump is he won despite the fact all of the media and political experts said he wouldn't.

I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?
Liberals biggest problem with Trump is he won despite the fact all of the media and political experts said he wouldn't.

I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Liberals biggest problem with Trump is he won despite the fact all of the media and political experts said he wouldn't.

I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda

I made a number of points about the ramifications of his policies, it successful.

YOU, focused on his poll numbers and his tweeting, in order to undermine and weaken him.

THis is in direct contradiction to your claim to WANT HIM TO SUCCEED.

In doing so, you inadvertently answered my question (are you ready to sacrifice your One Party Utopia for the good of America).

And your answer is NO.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

No they will not.

Bush and Trump have their failures but Obama was also a massive social experiment that failed on all levels in life!

Only Jimmy Carter was worse than Obama in my opinion when it come to Democratic Presidents!
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Can you say president Trump for the next eight years?
Liberals biggest problem with Trump is he won despite the fact all of the media and political experts said he wouldn't.

I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.
I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.

Sooo, we're pretending that the polls can be trusted now? So soon?
I'd like to see Trump succeed. The nation depends on it. However, his first 100 days has confirmed the opinion that he is unsuited for the office

A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda

I made a number of points about the ramifications of his policies, it successful.

YOU, focused on his poll numbers and his tweeting, in order to undermine and weaken him.

THis is in direct contradiction to your claim to WANT HIM TO SUCCEED.

In doing so, you inadvertently answered my question (are you ready to sacrifice your One Party Utopia for the good of America).

And your answer is NO.

Trump is not Emperor

He has to work with Congress, he has to work with other nations and yes, he has to work with the press to be successful
Trump has a broad agenda that he wants to get accomplished. So far, he has shown to be clueless on how to get that done

Low poll numbers mean you lack the support of the people. There is little political consequence for taking sides against Trump.
His tweeting is his own worst enemy. It distracts from his agenda and creates controversy where none needs to exist
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents

No they will not.

Bush and Trump have their failures but Obama was also a massive social experiment that failed on all levels in life!

Only Jimmy Carter was worse than Obama in my opinion when it come to Democratic Presidents!

Historians disagree with you. Obama is already listed as #12 among Presidents. Difference is...they go on objective criteria to measure Presidents while you rely on your political biases
The nation has divided. Democrats will never, ever, accept a republican president. Republicans will never, ever accept a democrat as president. Half the country will be under leadership at any given time. The other half, engaged in protest and obstruction.

Of course no country can survive long with these kinds of fractures. Democrats are just deluding themselves to think that they can haul half the nation under its leadership. The future is antifa and whatever emerges to fight it until the protesting groups become actual armies.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Can you say president Trump for the next eight years?
Hardly. If an election was held today, he'd lose.
A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.

Sooo, we're pretending that the polls can be trusted now? So soon?
Polling predicted Sec. Clinton would win the election. While the polls were correct, she did win the popular vote, they were not precise. But dismiss polling at your peril. Should Trump's approval numbers climb, would you cite that polling as precise? If you dismiss polling showing problems, you can't go back and champion polling showing achievement.
A Trump success would greatly undermine your goal of a One Party State Utopia.

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda

I made a number of points about the ramifications of his policies, it successful.

YOU, focused on his poll numbers and his tweeting, in order to undermine and weaken him.

THis is in direct contradiction to your claim to WANT HIM TO SUCCEED.

In doing so, you inadvertently answered my question (are you ready to sacrifice your One Party Utopia for the good of America).

And your answer is NO.

Trump is not Emperor

He has to work with Congress, he has to work with other nations and yes, he has to work with the press to be successful
Trump has a broad agenda that he wants to get accomplished. So far, he has shown to be clueless on how to get that done

Low poll numbers mean you lack the support of the people.

Nah. It means you lack the support of the pollster.
I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda

I made a number of points about the ramifications of his policies, it successful.

YOU, focused on his poll numbers and his tweeting, in order to undermine and weaken him.

THis is in direct contradiction to your claim to WANT HIM TO SUCCEED.

In doing so, you inadvertently answered my question (are you ready to sacrifice your One Party Utopia for the good of America).

And your answer is NO.

Trump is not Emperor

He has to work with Congress, he has to work with other nations and yes, he has to work with the press to be successful
Trump has a broad agenda that he wants to get accomplished. So far, he has shown to be clueless on how to get that done

Low poll numbers mean you lack the support of the people.

Nah. It means you lack the support of the pollster.

Which pollster? There are over 100 of them, none of which show Trump with majority support
You can laugh off polls and say they don't matter, but that is where Trumps political power comes from. He cannot bully Congress (and yes, Trump does like to bully) when you are struggling to stay above 40% in the polls
Last edited:
I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.

Sooo, we're pretending that the polls can be trusted now? So soon?
Polling predicted Sec. Clinton would win the election. While the polls were correct, she did win the popular vote, they were not precise. But dismiss polling at your peril. Should Trump's approval numbers climb, would you cite that polling as precise? If you dismiss polling showing problems, you can't go back and champion polling showing achievement.

Contrary to popular belief, the People do not elect the president. The office of national leader was too important to leave to popular whim. States elect the president. That's why we have the electoral college.

The polls predicting a Hillary win were not correct because they predicted a win in every state in which she lost. In fact, she relied upon these very polls to stay out of some states in which she was deemed to have an insurmountable lead. States that she lost disastrously.

In that presidential election, polls gauging Trump's support were lying. If Trump was said to be ahead by 3 points, he was actually ahead by more than a dozen points. That method hasn't changed now that the election is over. Whatever the polls say about Trump, triple it. That's why showing him ahead is more trustworthy than showing him behind. The media only shows him ahead, or more popular, when they can do nothing else.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents
bush and trump have nothing to do with obamas legacy.....that is all on what he did as president...
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents
bush and trump have nothing to do with obamas legacy.....that is all on what he did as president...

A bridge of sanity surrounded by mayhem

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