I really do wonder if the RW believes the liberal disgust with Trump has a precedent

I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.

Sooo, we're pretending that the polls can be trusted now? So soon?
Polling predicted Sec. Clinton would win the election. While the polls were correct, she did win the popular vote, they were not precise. But dismiss polling at your peril. Should Trump's approval numbers climb, would you cite that polling as precise? If you dismiss polling showing problems, you can't go back and champion polling showing achievement.

The predictions were based on state by state polls, that were wrong.

IF Trump's poll numbers would begin to climb, I would wonder if they were still vastly under reporting his support.
I have watched Trump for over 30 years........I have always thought he was an asshole
He still is unsuited to be President

I thought Bush 43 was a decent guy, fun to be around, but totally inept

Together, they will make Obama look like one of our greatest Presidents
bush and trump have nothing to do with obamas legacy.....that is all on what he did as president...

A bridge of sanity surrounded by mayhem
doesnt change what i said....
I'd like to see it

Let Trump get Congress to work together
Let him reign in N Korea and Russia
Let him stimulate the economy, build infrastructure

It would be great for the country

It could solidify the Working Class white behind him AND allow him to make gains into the minority communities.

Thus, your side is doing ALL they can to stop him, by weakening him out of the starting gate so he fails to even implement his policies.

AND if what ever success he does have, they will/are doing what they can to lie about it, and distract from it with manufactured outrages.

It would thus, be terrible for hard core lefties, like yourself.

Are you really willing to sacrifice your One Party Utopia just for the best interests of Americans?

Trump has weakened himself

Struggling to maintain a 40% approval will not build his political capital. Rather than fight for key legislation and building coalitions to get it passed, he has been tweeting his way into oblivion creating nonsense issues that distract from his agenda
Playing to hi8s base alone will ensure approval ratings of no greater than 40%, with the distinct possibility of shrinking those numbers lacking legislative achievement.

Sooo, we're pretending that the polls can be trusted now? So soon?
Polling predicted Sec. Clinton would win the election. While the polls were correct, she did win the popular vote, they were not precise. But dismiss polling at your peril. Should Trump's approval numbers climb, would you cite that polling as precise? If you dismiss polling showing problems, you can't go back and champion polling showing achievement.

In Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin....Hillary lost by less than 1%
A shift that was not picked up in time for the election
I really do wonder:

Why an obvious turd like this O.P.----who styles himself a "Democratic Socialist" (read Bernie Sanders Asslick)---could be so presumptuous as to think Trump Voters in the Heartland of this great country...give a Rat's Ass why he and other Bolsheviks-in-Training....hate Don Trump in so many ways & and with such passion.

We get it--you hate him; you wanted the dude who is passing out the Free Stuff, you didn't get him and you are Butt-Hurt.

I don't see anything to deflect.

In fact---keep the the Butt-Hurt coming if helps assuage your bereavement. Its an open board, and, while you are making an ass of yourself...likely from your mother's basement...your are doing it hiding under a pseudonym...so no harm to you...and your pain provides a scintilla of amusement to self-reliant people who aren't looking to jump straight from their mother's tit to the Federal tit.
Lol you crack me up. See, this is where facts come into play that make you look dumb for believing in retarded liberal stereotypes. During the election, the average Bernie supporter had a college degree and made at least 40K per year. The average Trump supporter, didn't have a college education at all.

Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

There is nothing to like or agree with about trump. Yes, he's racist and truly stupid but there's so much more.

He can't learn because he can't read. He is functionally illiterate.

He lies, every time he speaks, it's another lie. He lies about his own words. He has lied and then, in the same sentence, lied about the lie.

Reading about his life, we have seen that he has always lied. And he has always been rewarded for lying.

He has failed at every business he has tried. Even his real estate "deals" has mostly failed.

If this under-average spoiled brat had not been given enormous wealth, I have no doubt he would now be parking cars.

As for believing that Jared and Ivanka will be a sane and calming effect, that's ridiculous.

Jared failed at every thing he has done - except being born to enormous wealth himself. He is no more intelligent than trump and his daddy bought him his "education".

Ivanka has never done anything. Nothing. Also born to wealth, daddy has bought everything for her. Neither she nor her husband have had to work for anything, earn anything.

We keep hearing 'Yabut, they're better than Bannon'. Just as with the way we judge trump, that's a very low standard.

Almost 100 days and all he has done is lie about what he has done, lie about who is to blame and it's going to get worse.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

The only person in the world who would have fucked it up even more was your bitch.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

There is nothing to like or agree with about trump. Yes, he's racist and truly stupid but there's so much more.

He can't learn because he can't read. He is functionally illiterate.

He lies, every time he speaks, it's another lie. He lies about his own words. He has lied and then, in the same sentence, lied about the lie.

Reading about his life, we have seen that he has always lied. And he has always been rewarded for lying.

He has failed at every business he has tried. Even his real estate "deals" has mostly failed.

If this under-average spoiled brat had not been given enormous wealth, I have no doubt he would now be parking cars.

As for believing that Jared and Ivanka will be a sane and calming effect, that's ridiculous.

Jared failed at every thing he has done - except being born to enormous wealth himself. He is no more intelligent than trump and his daddy bought him his "education".

Ivanka has never done anything. Nothing. Also born to wealth, daddy has bought everything for her. Neither she nor her husband have had to work for anything, earn anything.

We keep hearing 'Yabut, they're better than Bannon'. Just as with the way we judge trump, that's a very low standard.

Almost 100 days and all he has done is lie about what he has done, lie about who is to blame and it's going to get worse.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Gee, bitter much?
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

The only person in the world who would have fucked it up even more was your bitch.
Hillary is besides the point. You just know I'm right about Trump.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.

The only person in the world who would have fucked it up even more was your bitch.
Hillary is besides the point. You just know I'm right about Trump.

I'm already on record as saying he was simply slightly less of a shit burger than her.
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Nothing worse than a butt-hurt snowflake.

Hey, you were right!
When Clinton won with 43% of the vote in 1992, conservatives all over the place declared that no way did Clinton have a mandate with that meager percentage.

Trump gets elected with 46% of the vote, and...

...well, you know...
Some liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is a chauvinist. Other liberals despise Trump PRIMARILY because he is racist.

However ALL liberals think Trump is a narcissistic (but insecure) moron with the emotional maturity of a 14 year old and the vocabulary of someone even younger.

Now let's consider who the 2nd most despised republican in American history is by liberals: George W. Bush. Bush may have been an idiot, but he was nothing like Trump. He brought a sense of professionalism, dignity, and maturity to the Oval Office even if everything else about him was terrible. To put it simply, Bush had a few good qualities, but Trump is a sack of garbage in every respect.

I make this comparison because I think republicans are kidding themselves into thinking the reason why liberals hate Trump is solely because of his policies or being republican. Oh no. That's only part of it. Literally everything about Trump's persona is terrible and republicans are too much of pussies to admit it.

Now, sure you repubs will say in response that I am a snowflake who is butthurt over the election. This is, of course, a deflection you use to avoid scrutinizing Trump honesty. Eventually however, you will realize just how much you fucked up by electing Trump. So sure, I'm butthurt. I should be. Every American should be. However, at least I can brace myself for the impending disaster.
Nothing worse than a butt-hurt snowflake.

Hey, you were right!
Yep, I am right.

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