I Really Don't Understand The Left

Haley is not so moderate a

She's a right-wing authoritarian fu(k. You should go find my postings about her then pretend said postings are yours and you'll be a left-wing hero.

nd she really doesn't have much experience.

If you want to get busy on Nikki while I have the watch she was a Govenor of a state so start there instead of saying crap.

Whatever time she served as UN Ambassador isn't good enough.

Governor of a state. Nice that you left that out. See how it's going for you so far, IM2? We are all adults here. Why do you leave $h!t out like I wouldn't notice?

And the rest is the same IM2 bull$h!t.


How about this, Coyote? Is this thread derailing?

It's entirely an insult.

Take your and I's time together at this $h!t show of a web site so far, Mr. Horses. Show em' all with emphasis on where you whupped me. You are one of them that I've whupped and than you pretend it never happened than say the same stupid $h!t again. Now is when you demand I show all where I whupped you and I will. In my tiny, cold, dark heart I've a special place for you.

Get busy, you fu(k.
And like I said just the same way Trump was given a growing economy to Trump so to did Trump give the same to SlowJoeBiden. Then I fu(ked your world up and you ran away. I know right were it is. Want me to go cite all that Chapter and Verse? With emphasis on where you ran?


While I appreciate your attempt to distract me from the task at hand I have zero problem with shutting this $h!t down and focusing on you. Such didn't go to well for you last time.
Focus all you want. I kicked your butt last time, and I'll do it again. You were shown facts and responding with right wing propaganda abbout Trumps tax cut is not a victory for you. Trump was handed full employment, a 77 month record of job growth, and a record stock market created by a man who inherited a near depression. What he passed to Biden was worse than what Bush passed to Obama. These are the facts, and you really cannot dispute them
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Yes most certainly tagging me with the drive-by gay emoji/icon "funny" gets me off your back.

Very small price to pay.


If I leave you alone upstairs does not mean I'll leave the greater issue alone in my thread in The Flame Zone.
She's a right-wing authoritarian fu(k. You should go find my postings about her then pretend said postings are yours and you'll be a left-wing hero.

If you want to get busy on Nikki while I have the watch she was a Govenor of a state so start there instead of saying crap.

Governor of a state. Nice that you left that out. See how it's going for you so far, IM2? We are all adults here. Why do you leave $h!t out like I wouldn't notice?

And the rest is the same IM2 bull$h!t.


How about this, Coyote? Is this thread derailing?
You make me laugh. Her experience as governor doesn't quallify her to be an expeerrt on foreign policy which she would need to be in order to debate Biden which was the point of that sentence. And since everybody knows Haley was governor of North Carolina, what was your point stooge?
Focus all you want. I kicked your butt last time, and I'll ddo it again.

You don't remember a few days ago...

I have near perfect recall. I get it, you desire to run all that again only this time it's gonna turn out different for you.

You... them

Your plan to get me offa this thread topic is working perfectly.
You make me laugh. Her experience as governor doesn't quallify her to be an expeerrt on foreign policy

I never said it did. So we are now on Nikky?



But then she did spend some time as US Ambassador to the UN.

You are a bit of a retard, ain't you?
You don't remember a few days ago...

I have near perfect recall. I get it, you desire to run all that again only this time it's gonna turn out different for you.

Your plan to get me offa this thread topic is working perfectly.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years​

The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president.

Now go to bed. It's adult tiime.
I never said it did. So we are now on Nikky?



But then she did spend some time as US Ambassador to the UN.

You are a bit of a retard, ain't you?
You bought it up.

You bought it up.

No, you did...

2nd page of this thread.

When I tell a fu(k I'm gonna get busy on them, or a thread, this is what that looks like. I said I would get busy on this thread and then I ran into you. You poor bastard.

Are you sure you want to start that sorta attitude with me? Now, if you don't mind I've a thread to destroy.
I know, I should be down in my horse thread in The Flame Zone typing away in obscurity my next good stuff. I do. What I haven't done today is my next two(2) political points. Both are solid and worthy of an upstairs thread on their own or, what I call a standard Tuesday. Don't worry, I have them wroted down in my notes. At times my throw away notes are what you retards deem an OP. I've an original joke on my first original point I think is SO funny. It rules and it's half my Tuesday. I understand that when the likes of me shows up it's beyond your comprehension. The likes of me has never shown up before at this site. I'm used to this. I pizz the right off cause I'm head and shoulders above their thinking and I pizz the left off cause I'm correct with very few words/images. I'm officially gigged by Coyote and I find her wanting. But I got the word from her so here I am working within her word. I know this dance. I know this kinda site. I know more about this kinda site and how to rule it then the sum lot of you retards put together. I ask this site what the highest tax rate should be and my answer is "you're a f@g." This site, Coyote should be ashamed that this site has such weak as a boss.

I think I was about mid 2nd page.
What I'm saying is that Coyote should conjure up some new bull$!t why I'm thread banned.

This is now my thread. Go ahead you fu(kin unwashed masses, attempt to give me the bidness, when the weeping is over it shall still be my thread.

This is now my thread, I shall take on all comers.
Lol! Trump handed Biden a dead economy and COVID. You did nothing but show people you are a trump butt sniffing clown.
That was fu(kin awesome.

That's up there when the impeached, disbarred, perjuring adulterer told us Americans aren't spending their money wisely.
Majority of people are better. Lazy right wing big government losers are still expecting handouts. If you’re not better off that is your fault.
And since everybody knows Haley was governor of North Carolina, what was your point stooge?

Haley was governor of South Carolina. And during her time people asked and asked for the confederate flag to be removed frm the capital. She consistently refused claimiing it was a symbol of heritage. It took the murder of 9 blacks in a church by a young white boy who frequented places like this and read the racist postings, watched the videos everyday posted by other whites who are racists about blacks doing things to whites, before the national pressure was so great that she was forced to remove the confederate flag.
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I am a Russian born, Russian speaking, Russian reading, follower of what is going on in Russia.

I watch their media, I read their publications and their opinion polling. And of course as an American I also know how people here view all that from outside.

How stupid do you have to be to imagine YOU can explain to ME what is happening in Russia?

How crazed do you have to be to not see clear contrast between a fairly open society that is America and a repressive state like Russia?

America has competitive elections, peaceful transfer of power, independent courts and real freedom of speech and media.

Russia has NONE OF THAT. Russians have NEVER voted in a change in power.

Putin was installed by Yeltsin and made damn sure his regime would be the only game in town.

Just got my keyboard delivered:


Usually, if I don't respond to idiots like Anton, it's not due to hardware failure, it's because it's not worth the time and effort. Like I said I only respond to his tripe-posts for the sake of others (genuine truth seekers).

Even though I don't look like one, I'm Cuban American. My parents and grandparents are Cuban. My ancestry is Spaniard and British, hence my family in Cuba was known as "Gomez Mena Waddington" a.k.a. Gomez Waddington (All of you who want to wring my neck, don't even waste your time trying to locate me here in the US with that name). In Cuba, there were three families considered the wealthiest on the Island. The Lobos, The Bachardi, and my family, Gomez-Waddington.

I know a lot about Cuba and its history. The history of my family in Cuba and how a Spanish textile merchant married the daughter of one of his British suppliers back in the mid-19th century and migrated to Cuba with his British wife. All of my knowledge of my Cuban heritage and Cuban history, and my Spanish literacy, amounts to nothing, on this forum when I'm debating about Cuba.

I'll never appeal to the fact that I'm a Cuban American and I read all of the Cuban-produced media online and I know what's happening in Cuba. None of that amounts to anything in a debate. I have to present facts, supported by authorities, recognized institutions and academics, and good scholarship. I don't say "How stupid do you have to be to imagine YOU can explain to ME what is happening in Russia/Cuba/Argentina...?" because I know the language of the country and I stay up to date with its politics and economy..etc.

Anton pretends that the United States is a democracy, where the people rule.

"dēmos" (δῆμος) and "kratia" (κρατία). "Dēmos" means "people" and "kratia" translates to "power" or "rule."

Are you so stupid Anton to believe that we have a genuine democracy (i.e. People's Rule) in the United States of America? We have the rule of the super-PAC, a.k.a. Plutocracy. We're also under the rule of Zionism (Rule by AIPAC).

In this country, if you're an average Joe, toeing the line, and defending the status-quo narrative pushed by the government and those complicit to its agenda, you'll survive, at best. If you're a rebel, questioning the agenda of the American ruling class, you'll get eaten alive. You'll get canceled, harassed, slandered, charged with a crime, convicted, incarcerated, and even assassinated when the aforementioned attempts to silence you don't convince you to stop whatever activity you're engaged in, that threatens the ruling elites. You're just as likely, if not more so, to get assassinated here in the United States by our ruling elites, than in Putin's Russia.

Do you believe people like Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, or Jesse Ventura, could ever win a presidential election here in the US? No, they couldn't and it doesn't matter how many people support them. They would get dispatched.





Challenge the power structure of your society, and you might die. This applies everywhere, not just in Mother Russia. You're oblivious to that fact, thinking the US is an open democracy, where its people rule. The big-money elites and their vested interests rule here, especially if they're Zionist Jews.

Unfortunately, you've drunk the Democrazy and Freekdom Kool-Aid. Democracy isn't necessarily the best form of government.

Anton's fantasy:

"America has competitive elections, peaceful transfer of power, independent courts, and real freedom of speech and media."

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Just got my keyboard delivered:

View attachment 879969

Usually, if I don't respond to idiots like Anton, it's not due to hardware failure, it's because it's not worth the time and effort. Like I said I only respond to his tripe-posts for the sake of others (genuine truth seekers).

Even though I don't look like one, I'm Cuban American. My parents and grandparents are Cuban. My ancestry is Spaniard and British, hence my family in Cuba was known as "Gomez Mena Waddington" a.k.a. Gomez Waddington (All of you who want to wring my neck, don't even waste your time trying to locate me here in the US with that name). In Cuba, there were three families considered the wealthiest on the Island. The Lobos, The Bachardi, and my family, Gomez-Waddington.

I know a lot about Cuba and its history. The history of my family in Cuba and how a Spanish textile merchant married the daughter of one of his British suppliers back in the mid-19th century and migrated to Cuba with his British wife. All of my knowledge of my Cuban heritage and Cuban history, and my Spanish literacy, amounts to nothing, on this forum when I'm debating about Cuba.

I'll never appeal to the fact that I'm a Cuban American and I read all of the Cuban-produced media online and I know what's happening in Cuba. None of that amounts to anything in a debate. I have to present facts, supported by authorities, recognized institutions and academics, and good scholarship. I don't say "How stupid do you have to be to imagine YOU can explain to ME what is happening in Russia/Cuba/Argentina...?" because I know the language of the country and I stay up to date with its politics and economy..etc.

Anton pretends that the United States is a democracy, where the people rule.

"dēmos" (δῆμος) and "kratia" (κρατία). "Dēmos" means "people" and "kratia" translates to "power" or "rule."

Are you so stupid Anton to believe that we have a genuine democracy (i.e. People's Rule) in the United States of America? We have the rule of the super-PAC, a.k.a. Plutocracy. We're also under the rule of Zionism (Rule by AIPAC).

In this country, if you're an average Joe, toeing the line, and defending the status-quo narrative pushed by the government and those complicit to its agenda, you'll survive, at best. If you're a rebel, questioning the agenda of the American ruling class, you'll get eaten alive. You'll get canceled, harassed, slandered, charged with a crime, convicted, incarcerated, and even assassinated when the aforementioned attempts to silence you don't convince you to stop whatever activity you're engaged in, that threatens the ruling elites. You're just as likely, if not more so, to get assassinated here in the United States by our ruling elites, than in Putin's Russia.

Do you believe people like Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, or Jesse Ventura, could ever win a presidential election here in the US? No, they couldn't and it doesn't matter how many people support them. They would get dispatched.

View attachment 879983

Challenge the power structure of your society, and you might die. This applies everywhere, not just in Mother Russia. You're oblivious to that fact, thinking the US is an open democracy, where its people rule. The big-money elites and their vested interests rule here, especially if they're Zionist Jews.

Unfortunately, you've drunk the Democrazy and Freekdom Kool-Aid. Democracy isn't necessarily the best form of government.

Anton's fantasy:

"America has competitive elections, peaceful transfer of power, independent courts, and real freedom of speech and media."

A lot of words, nothing coherent to say.

Yes dummy, if we were discussing Cuba you’d probably know way more than me and I wouldn’t be pretending like I could explain to you something about it.

You obviously have no fucking clue what’s going on in Russia and your equivalency of it’s state of democracy to that of America is laughable, ignorant, nutbag bullshit laced with anti-semitism.

American democracy is imperfect, but contrasted against what’s going on in Russia it is nothing short of great.

You can get jailed or killed for daring to say something publicly against Putin or organizing any real opposition. American presidents have a DEDICATED OPPOSITION THAT BEATS THEM DAILY LIKE A RENTED MULE, IN PRIME TIME.

Many Russians who dared to peacefully protest the war in Ukraine were dragged, beat and jailed.

There are no longer any protests and people are afraid to criticize war or Putin if it’s being recorded.

Only a crazy person would think that to be somehow equivalent to America’s state of democracy.
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