I Really Wanted To Hug That Pretty Arab Woman, …But…

Your hopes and fears bean brain would have never been realized if the arab girl was a muslim.

Muslim women are forbidden to marry a non-muslim man.

Problem solved. ... :thup: ... :cool:
Not hardly. There could have been DATING (without a marriage)

And notice how I managed to educate you here, all without name-calling. You're welcome.
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OK.....learn me.

This oughta be fun..... :lol: .. :lol:
Oh would you like to take my Islamization Quiz ? I'll take the liberty of guessing you're a liberal. About 20 liberals have taken the quiz over the past 2-3 years. None have gotten a higher grade than 5%. Most got zero. But maybe you'll be the first to top the lingering 5% mark. Got some guts ?
I've met several incredibly beatiful Persian women. I hit it in a minute. Besides, that could have been your chance to free her from the yoke of religion. And a most oppressive one at that.
I wasn't thinking about freeing HER.

It was more like thinking about Koran 8:12......Koran 9:5.....Koran 9:123.....et al
I've met several incredibly beatiful Persian women. I hit it in a minute. Besides, that could have been your chance to free her from the yoke of religion. And a most oppressive one at that.
I wasn't thinking about freeing HER.

It was more like thinking about Koran 8:12......Koran 9:5.....Koran 9:123.....et al
That's where you blew it. You should been thinking about Poontang: 69...
Muslim women are strictly forbidden to date any man, including muslim men.

You obviously know very little about muslims or Islam. .... :cool:
So you'd like to take my Islamization Quiz then ? Because if you know more than me, then you ought to be easily able to get 100% on the quiz. Right ? Right, Sunni Man ? Right ? Right ? :biggrin:

And just because a Muslim woman is forbidden to date non-Muslim men, doesn't mean she is going to abide by these commands. I know a woman who was raised as a Muslim, and she now has a dog, drinks alcohol, and is a lesbian, dating another lesbian (non-Muslim). What else is new ?

Let me know if you've got guts enough to take the Quiz. Pogo already punked out.
So you'd like to take my Islamization Quiz then ? Because if you know more than me, then you ought to be easily able to get 100% on the quiz. Right ? Right, Sunni Man ? Right ? Right ?
Let me know if you've got guts enough to take the Quiz.
Sorry nitwit, but I'm not participating in your idiotic quiz.

I've read enough of your posts to know that you don't have a clue about muslims or Islam. .... :cool:
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Sorry nitwit, but I'm not participating in your idiotic quiz.

I've read enough of your posts to know that you don't have a clue about muslim or Islam. .... :cool:
I've seen enough of yours to know that YOU don't have a clue about Muslims or Islam - notice how I corrected your misspelling of Muslims (should be capitalized).

And your punk out here on the quiz confirms you are clueless. You're afraid to show that, but you just did, ass-clown.
About 10 years ago, I lived next door to a young (about 28) Arab woman. I only spoke to her 3 times. She was very attractive, nice smile, friendly, and did not wear a hijab, or any middle eastern clothing.

She heard me playing my guitar and my mandolin, on my patio (right next to hers), and complimented me. Everything deemed to point straight to a cheerful, romantic hookup beginning to happen, despite my much older age > 61 , although I looked more like 40 (I’ve always looked young for my age). Everything that is, until she told me her name. I forget now what it was, but I remember it was clearly Arabic.

So here I was falling for an Arab girl of rare beauty and grace, liked me and my music. I didn’t know if she was Muslim or not, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask her. What if she had told me she was ? And then I would have had to politely excuse myself and go into my apartment, somewhat impolitely closing the door with her standing there (not good).

It’s possible she was not Muslim. Some Arabs are Christian, although the chances were very slim. I always wondered about this. What if you meet a Muslim woman, you like her, BUT you’ll be opening a Pandora’s Box of unpredictable ramifications. One has to think about the family of this person. With non-Muslims I would hardly give the family much thought. If they didn’t approve of me, that’s their tough luck.

With Muslims however, it’s a whole nother ballgame. Non-approval from Muslim family members could mean an “honor killing” of the lady you are dating, or marrying. Or it could mean an assassination of you yourself. Wil you walk to your mailbox one day, and a car drives by, and bullets fly at you ? Or you start your car one day, and it explodes ? Lots of really bad possibilities. Some of these extreme disapproval could even come from Muslims outside the family, like radical activists, or mosque members. I’m sure some USMB egomaniacs will claim that nothing would stop them, but that just cheap talk.

I saw that woman in WalMArt one day and said hello, but I kept on walking, even though that’s not what I wanted. The consequences of a Muslim/non-Muslim pairing, are an interesting thing to contemplate. I’d say it lends itself to a lot of underestimation. What if we had a daughter. At age 9, would she be expected to be marriage-arranged to some middle-aged Muslim guy ? Would we argue about drinking alcohol, or having pork products in the kitchen ? Might I have to witness the (illegal) killing of animals on Eid al Adha ? And these are just for starters.

For Muslim men and non-Muslim women, it’s far worse. What would the Muslim guy use to beat his wife with ? A bull whip ? Cat of Nine Tails ? A large stick ? Better to contemplate these questions, than just jump right into what you could regret later.

People who haven’t read the Koran, are oblivious to what different worlds Muslims and non-Muslims live in. If you are a non-Muslim, and you marry (or even just date) a Muslim, you may be acquiring a llot more than just the one person you’re hitching up to.

If she's dating you she can't be that much of a muslim. There is a Tom Hanks movie where he goes to Dubai and falls in love with a muslim woman. They have to sneak because she would be killed sleeping with an infidel.

I know lots of Christian arabs called Chaldeans. They will only let their American born daugthers marry other Chaldeans. No Americans. Even if she has to marry a cousin. They are disgusting. Yes you do have to put up with the crazy family even if they are christians. They aren't going to kill your ass. Relax wimp.

The part that bothered me about you the most is that you would get up and walk away when you found out she's a muslim. If I knew you were that kind of person I wouldn't talk to you even as a white christian american. What a mean person you must be to do that. Or fucked up in the head. But I try to stay away from people who act like such huge assholes for no good reason. Just get up and walk away and close the door? Why? What a nut job you must be. You'd be doing her a favor if you got up and walked out but how fucking rude and weird. Why? Why couldn't you be friendly and nice to a muslim woman? Because you are ignorant?

No you didn't look 40 to a 28 year old girl you looked 80.

It's not rare beauty and grace. A lot of 28 year old girls are beautiful. You clearly haven't met very many muslims at this point in your life.
Sorry nitwit, but I'm not participating in your idiotic quiz.

I've read enough of your posts to know that you don't have a clue about muslim or Islam. .... :cool:
I've seen enough of yours to know that YOU don't have a clue about Muslims or Islam - notice how I corrected your misspelling of Muslims (should be capitalized).

And your punk out here on the quiz confirms you are clueless. You're afraid to show that, but you just did, ass-clown.

Uhhmmmm.... after what you described in your own OP you're in no position to be using the term "punk out".
Uhhmmmm.... after what you described in your own OP you're in no position to be using the term "punk out".
How so? ... :dunno:

The rules of whom a muslim male or female can and can't marry are clearly laid out in the Quran, and every muslim knows them. .... :cool:
He comes with his own whine list. In this case he blew an opportunity solely due to his own paranoiac hangups, and then wants to come here and blame a religion he doesn't understand and wasn't even present in the story, in addition to any posters that saunter in, for his own paranoid fuckup.

ANYTHING to avoid taking responsibility for his own failing. Does make ya wonder why he started the thread in the first place since all he does is go :lalala:

2. Islam is not a religion as most people around the world agree, and even some entire nations don't recognize it to be one (ex. Italy)

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status=

Islam is recognized as a religion by virtually everyone in the world- except for a few nut cases like you.

By the United States, by the Pope, by Russia (which doesn't recognize I think Seventh Day Adventists).

Italy doesn't 'recognize' Islam for the purpose to sharing tax dollars- Italy has a fund that pays State money to religions- but only specific religions- mostly Catholic, but also Jews and some Protestant denominations.

But not Islam, not Sikhism. not Southern Baptists, not Presbyterians.

Taxpayers in Italy pay a mandatory eight per thousand tax, and have the option to choose to whom they will assign the monies. This tax amounts to 0.8% of the total income tax (IRPEF) and every taxpayer can choose the recipient of the contribution on their tax form. Regardless of whether the taxpayer expresses a preference or not, the 0.8% is already included in their tax levy.

Currently the choices are:

But- Muslims- and Sikh's and Presbyterians are all protected by Italy's freedom of religion guaranteed in Italy's Constitution.

But you knew that.....lol
Uhhmmmm.... after what you described in your own OP you're in no position to be using the term "punk out".
How so? ... :dunno:

The rules of whom a muslim male or female can and can't marry are clearly laid out in the Quran, and every muslim knows them. .... :cool:

Because he turned tail and ran away based on how the lady's name was pronounced, that's how.
OK.....learn me.

This oughta be fun..... :lol: .. :lol:
Oh would you like to take my Islamization Quiz ? I'll take the liberty of guessing you're a liberal. About 20 liberals have taken the quiz over the past 2-3 years. None have gotten a higher grade than 5%. Most got zero. But maybe you'll be the first to top the lingering 5% mark. Got some guts ?

Taking a quiz on Islam from you is like taking a defensive driving course from Evel Knievel.
Like getting dietary advice from Michael Moore.
Like going to a lecture on race relations by Dylann Roof.

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