I Really Wanted To Hug That Pretty Arab Woman, …But…

Taking a quiz on Islam from you is like taking a defensive driving course from Evel Knievel.
Like getting dietary advice from Michael Moore.
Like going to a lecture on race relations by Dylann Roof.
How would YOU know ? You haven't seen it, right ? When you were presented with the opportunity to take it, you cut & ran like a scared rabbit. :lol:
Translation: I punked out. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
No, YOU did that. You had plenty of time to take the Quiz, when I had time left on my public library computer, and you dodged. Then you waited until I had 20 seconds left (before being cut off) and you agreed to answer one question. Looks like you're not too sure of yourself.

Can't blame you. I've never seen a liberal yet who knew much about Islamization (other then the stealth jihadists themselves) Stealth jihad (AKA Islamization) I've even had some liberals ask me >> "Islamization. What's that ?" Sheeeesh! :rolleyes:

So OK boys. I'm back in the library again now. I've got over 2 hours. If you want to take the quiz, say so.
Taking a quiz on Islam from you is like taking a defensive driving course from Evel Knievel.
Like getting dietary advice from Michael Moore.
Like going to a lecture on race relations by Dylann Roof.
How would YOU know ? You haven't seen it, right ? When you were presented with the opportunity to take it, you cut & ran like a scared rabbit. :lol:

Ummm..... "cut and run like a scared rabbit" is exactly what you described in your OP upon the sight of a pretty woman. So it would seem you already flunked your own test, by your own admission.

Basically the thread is summed up thusly:

--- and that's solely out of your own self-fed paranoia. You never even determined if there was a religion involved at all, yet chose to ass-ume and follow your own self-inflicted fears own that rabbit hole. You're a coward; you'd rather live in your own psychosis than venture out into a realm where those preconceptions might be (horrors) challenged.

Clearly the only one here who needs edumacating on Islam here is you. I don't have any such questions.
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OK......ask me the first question.

If it's a normal question I'll answer it.

But I won't answer an idiotic question. .... :cool:
There are just 2 questions. The first applies to PEOPLE associated with Islamization. Your job is to identify them and state how they are associated with Islamization. The second question is THINGS associated with Islamization. I have to go get it from another thread so bear with me for a minute or 2.

OK. Here's your Quiz. Prepare to discover what has deliberately been omitted from your TV programs, radio, websites, etc.
Identify all the names and what the association with Islamization is. Then identify all the things and how they are associated. No fake answers now. I know who/what all of these are. Every single one. And don't feel bad if you don't do too well. No Islamapologist ever got more than 5% on this quiz. Most got zero.

Names associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

Ibin Taamiyah, the Madhi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Sami al-Arian, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Mazen al-Najjar, Richard A. Clarke, Imam Muzzamil Siddiqui, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, Gilbert Sewall , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Hajj Talib'Abur, Rashid Sahmsi Ali, Khalid Latif, Omar Mohammedi, Joe Kaufman, Chantal Carnes, Hasan al-Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood-I'll give you that one), Tariq Ramadan, Siraj Wahhaj, Mozen Mokhtar, Nouman Ali Khan, Abdul Malik , Imam Jamal Badawi, Br. Jawad Ahmad, Hassan Abbas, Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Sheik Mjed 'Abd al-Rahman al-Firian, Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-'Aziz, Ali al-Ahmed, Itamar Marcus, Barbara Cook, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed el-Yacoubi, Abu Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud, Yunis al-Astal, Zeyno Baran, Aaron Klein, Muhammad Abdel-El, Sheik Yasser Hamad, Nur Mohammad, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Sheik Abdel Rahman, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid AL Maktoum, NJ Judge Joseph Charles, Abdullah Azzam, Thomas Klocek, Fazlur Rehman Khalil , Mohammad Elachmi Hamdi, Bat Ye'or, Max Steenberghe, Anders Fogh Ramussen, Paul Jeeves, Yusuf al-Qarodawi, Bashar al-Assad, Robert S. Leiken, Theo Van Gogh, Michel Gurfinkel, Imam Ahmed Salam, Piet Hein Donner, Miguel Angel Toma , Salah Yassin, Hassan Nasrallah, Ahmed Assad Barakat, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bashar al-Assad, Adolpho Aguilar Zinser, Joseph Farah, Nabil al-Marabh, Raed Hijazi, David Harris, Syed Mumtaz Ali, Omar Ahmad, Ibrahim Hooper, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Dr. Paul Williams , Hassan al Turabi, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Kevin James, Warner MacKenzie, Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Abdullah Yusef Ali, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, Nessim Joseph Dawood, Mohammed Habib Shakir, Arthur John Arberry, Aqsa Parvez, Atefeh Rajabi, Francis Bok, Michael Coren, Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, Paul Marshall, Koenraad Elst, Tom Clancy, Phil Alden Robinson, Michael Graham, Thomas Klocek, Stephen Coughlin, Hasham Islam, Steven Emerson, Mordechai Nisan, Abduraman Alamoudi, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Musa Abu Marzook, Keith Ellison, Abdullah al-Arian, ,Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani, James Woolsey, Walid Phares, Guy Rodgers, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P.David Gaubatz, Chris Gaubatz, Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaffar the Pilot, Mohammad Weiss Rasool, Brian P. Fairchild, Peter M. Leitner, Sergeant Naveed I. Butt, Bill Bratton, William Taylor, Youssef Aboul-Enein, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed, Bassem Osman, Ahmed Elkadi, Mahboob Khan, Suhail Khan, Mufid Abdulgader, Abdelhaleem Ashqar, Frank Gaffney, Sue Myrick, Abuhena Saifulislam, Ali "the American" Mohamed, Juan Zarate, Hisham Altalib, Mohammed Shamma, Ahmad Sakr, Abdullah bin Laden, Mohamed Jamal Khalifah, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Joey Musmar, Lina Morales, Donald Lavey, Sibel Dinez Edmonds, Khalid Duran, Muhammad Hishm Kabbani, Ali Ahmed, Agha Jafri, Michael Rolince, John M. Cole, Dr. Ziad Asali, James Margolin, Foria Younis, John B. Vincent, John O'Neill, Ivien C. Smith, Salam al-Marayati, Tom Reynolds, Khaled Saffuri, Agha Saeed, Mohammed al-Hanooti, Sue VanBaalen, Sister Sue, Michael Scheuer, Michael Waller, David Forte, Sheikh Mamza Yusuf, Ihsan Bagby, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed, Serge Trifkovic, Irshad Manji, Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Yvonne Haddad, Warith Deen Umar, Taha al-Alwani, Ali al-Timimi, J.M. Rodwell, Dr. Ali Sina, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Saad al-Sharani, Suleiman Alwan, Farid Esack, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, Ali Abd al Rahman al-Faqasi al-Ghamdi, Saul al-Rashid, Abderraouf Jdey, Faruq al-Tunisi, Adam Gadahn, Andre Carson, Issa al-Britani, Aafia Siddiqui, Kamran Akhtar, Gary Harter, Iyman Faris, Hesham Hadayet, Hala Mohammed Sadeq El-Awadly, Anwar al-Awlaki, Pamela L. Rhames, Michael S. Tutko, David C. Kane, Nick Pindulic, Suzanne E. Spaulding, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. John Kyl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Bill Baker, Rep. David Bonior, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. John Dingell, Robert M. Blitzer, Louis Freeh, Thomas Pickard, Carol Motyka, Marsha Parrish, Yola Haber, Doug Balin, Rep. Anthony Weiner, Roderick L. Beverly, Caroline Glick, Shelomo Alfassa, Hadia Roberts, Margaret Gulotta, Emanuel "Manny" Johnson Jr., Esther Pan
LOL- you still promoting that hack job you put together? LOL
Which you are clueless to address (so you call it a "hack job") LOL

Kind of like gays being too ashamed of themselves to call their parades SHAME Day Parade, so they call it "Pride" :rolleyes:
Uhhmmmm.... after what you described in your own OP you're in no position to be using the term "punk out".
What I described in my OP was intelligence. :biggrin:

And "Uhhmmmm." is not a word in the English language. Arabic maybe ? :rolleyes:
OK......ask me the first question.

If it's a normal question I'll answer it.

But I won't answer an idiotic question. .... :cool:
There are just 2 questions. The first applies to PEOPLE associated with Islamization. Your job is to identify them and state how they are associated with Islamization. The second question is THINGS associated with Islamization. I have to go get it from another thread so bear with me for a minute or 2.

OK. Here's your Quiz. Prepare to discover what has deliberately been omitted from your TV programs, radio, websites, etc.
Identify all the names and what the association with Islamization is. Then identify all the things and how they are associated. No fake answers now. I know who/what all of these are. Every single one. And don't feel bad if you don't do too well. No Islamapologist ever got more than 5% on this quiz. Most got zero.

Names associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

Ibin Taamiyah, the Madhi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Sami al-Arian, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Mazen al-Najjar, Richard A. Clarke, Imam Muzzamil Siddiqui, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, Gilbert Sewall , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Hajj Talib'Abur, Rashid Sahmsi Ali, Khalid Latif, Omar Mohammedi, Joe Kaufman, Chantal Carnes, Hasan al-Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood-I'll give you that one), Tariq Ramadan, Siraj Wahhaj, Mozen Mokhtar, Nouman Ali Khan, Abdul Malik , Imam Jamal Badawi, Br. Jawad Ahmad, Hassan Abbas, Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Sheik Mjed 'Abd al-Rahman al-Firian, Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-'Aziz, Ali al-Ahmed, Itamar Marcus, Barbara Cook, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed el-Yacoubi, Abu Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud, Yunis al-Astal, Zeyno Baran, Aaron Klein, Muhammad Abdel-El, Sheik Yasser Hamad, Nur Mohammad, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Sheik Abdel Rahman, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid AL Maktoum, NJ Judge Joseph Charles, Abdullah Azzam, Thomas Klocek, Fazlur Rehman Khalil , Mohammad Elachmi Hamdi, Bat Ye'or, Max Steenberghe, Anders Fogh Ramussen, Paul Jeeves, Yusuf al-Qarodawi, Bashar al-Assad, Robert S. Leiken, Theo Van Gogh, Michel Gurfinkel, Imam Ahmed Salam, Piet Hein Donner, Miguel Angel Toma , Salah Yassin, Hassan Nasrallah, Ahmed Assad Barakat, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bashar al-Assad, Adolpho Aguilar Zinser, Joseph Farah, Nabil al-Marabh, Raed Hijazi, David Harris, Syed Mumtaz Ali, Omar Ahmad, Ibrahim Hooper, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Dr. Paul Williams , Hassan al Turabi, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Kevin James, Warner MacKenzie, Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Abdullah Yusef Ali, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, Nessim Joseph Dawood, Mohammed Habib Shakir, Arthur John Arberry, Aqsa Parvez, Atefeh Rajabi, Francis Bok, Michael Coren, Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, Paul Marshall, Koenraad Elst, Tom Clancy, Phil Alden Robinson, Michael Graham, Thomas Klocek, Stephen Coughlin, Hasham Islam, Steven Emerson, Mordechai Nisan, Abduraman Alamoudi, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Musa Abu Marzook, Keith Ellison, Abdullah al-Arian, ,Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani, James Woolsey, Walid Phares, Guy Rodgers, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P.David Gaubatz, Chris Gaubatz, Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaffar the Pilot, Mohammad Weiss Rasool, Brian P. Fairchild, Peter M. Leitner, Sergeant Naveed I. Butt, Bill Bratton, William Taylor, Youssef Aboul-Enein, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed, Bassem Osman, Ahmed Elkadi, Mahboob Khan, Suhail Khan, Mufid Abdulgader, Abdelhaleem Ashqar, Frank Gaffney, Sue Myrick, Abuhena Saifulislam, Ali "the American" Mohamed, Juan Zarate, Hisham Altalib, Mohammed Shamma, Ahmad Sakr, Abdullah bin Laden, Mohamed Jamal Khalifah, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Joey Musmar, Lina Morales, Donald Lavey, Sibel Dinez Edmonds, Khalid Duran, Muhammad Hishm Kabbani, Ali Ahmed, Agha Jafri, Michael Rolince, John M. Cole, Dr. Ziad Asali, James Margolin, Foria Younis, John B. Vincent, John O'Neill, Ivien C. Smith, Salam al-Marayati, Tom Reynolds, Khaled Saffuri, Agha Saeed, Mohammed al-Hanooti, Sue VanBaalen, Sister Sue, Michael Scheuer, Michael Waller, David Forte, Sheikh Mamza Yusuf, Ihsan Bagby, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed, Serge Trifkovic, Irshad Manji, Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Yvonne Haddad, Warith Deen Umar, Taha al-Alwani, Ali al-Timimi, J.M. Rodwell, Dr. Ali Sina, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Saad al-Sharani, Suleiman Alwan, Farid Esack, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, Ali Abd al Rahman al-Faqasi al-Ghamdi, Saul al-Rashid, Abderraouf Jdey, Faruq al-Tunisi, Adam Gadahn, Andre Carson, Issa al-Britani, Aafia Siddiqui, Kamran Akhtar, Gary Harter, Iyman Faris, Hesham Hadayet, Hala Mohammed Sadeq El-Awadly, Anwar al-Awlaki, Pamela L. Rhames, Michael S. Tutko, David C. Kane, Nick Pindulic, Suzanne E. Spaulding, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. John Kyl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Bill Baker, Rep. David Bonior, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. John Dingell, Robert M. Blitzer, Louis Freeh, Thomas Pickard, Carol Motyka, Marsha Parrish, Yola Haber, Doug Balin, Rep. Anthony Weiner, Roderick L. Beverly, Caroline Glick, Shelomo Alfassa, Hadia Roberts, Margaret Gulotta, Emanuel "Manny" Johnson Jr., Esther Pan

:lol: This is what you spend your public library time doing while you could be actually learning something in there, is it? Copying down the Riyadh phone book?

Pathetic, Doodles.
Islam is recognized as a religion by virtually everyone in the world- except for a few nut cases like you.

By the United States, by the Pope, by Russia (which doesn't recognize I think Seventh Day Adventists).

Italy doesn't 'recognize' Islam for the purpose to sharing tax dollars- Italy has a fund that pays State money to religions- but only specific religions- mostly Catholic, but also Jews and some Protestant denominations.

But not Islam, not Sikhism. not Southern Baptists, not Presbyterians.

Taxpayers in Italy pay a mandatory eight per thousand tax, and have the option to choose to whom they will assign the monies. This tax amounts to 0.8% of the total income tax (IRPEF) and every taxpayer can choose the recipient of the contribution on their tax form. Regardless of whether the taxpayer expresses a preference or not, the 0.8% is already included in their tax levy.

Currently the choices are:

But- Muslims- and Sikh's and Presbyterians are all protected by Italy's freedom of religion guaranteed in Italy's Constitution.

But you knew that.....lol
What YOU KNOW is what I said before >> that Italy does NOT RECOGNIZE ISLAM to be a religion, and neither do most people around the world. Ho hum.

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

Ummm..... "cut and run like a scared rabbit" is exactly what you described in your OP upon the sight of a pretty woman. So it would seem you already flunked your own test, by your own admission.

Basically the thread is summed up thusly:

--- and that's solely out of your own self-fed paranoia. You never even determined if there was a religion involved at all, yet chose to ass-ume and follow your own self-inflicted fears own that rabbit hole. You're a coward; you'd rather live in your own psychosis than venture out into a realm where those preconceptions might be (horrors) challenged.

Clearly the only one here who needs edumacating on Islam here is you. I don't have any such questions.
There IS NO religion with Islam. Only a 1400 year old con job, satanic, pathological, super-violent, misogynistic, pedophile insane cult, masquerading as a religion (and you fall for it).

Islam is not a challenge to anything. The challenge is for YOU to overcome your pro-Islamic programming, and face REALITY (which is clearly delineated in the Koran (if you've got the guts to confront it) The only reason you don't have questions, is because you don't even know what to question. You don't know how much you don't know.

Look at the first half of the Islamization Quiz, and you might start getting an idea how ignorant you are. And this Quiz is just a small part of the whole of knowledge you are lacking.
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This is what you spend your public library time doing while you could be actually learning something in there, is it? Copying down the Riyadh phone book?

Pathetic, Doodles.
You could be learning about Islamization. The MO of the Muslim Brotherhood, clearly proclaimed by them >> do you know where ? Through whom ? And when ? Would you like to learn ? I will teach you. For free.

PS - Margaret Gulotta, Emanuel "Manny" Johnson Jr., Esther Pan, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, and Gilbert Sewall don't live in Riyadh. :rolleyes: But you wouldn't know that because you have no clue who they are. Right ? :lol:
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Ummm..... "cut and run like a scared rabbit" is exactly what you described in your OP upon the sight of a pretty woman. So it would seem you already flunked your own test, by your own admission.

Basically the thread is summed up thusly:

--- and that's solely out of your own self-fed paranoia. You never even determined if there was a religion involved at all, yet chose to ass-ume and follow your own self-inflicted fears own that rabbit hole. You're a coward; you'd rather live in your own psychosis than venture out into a realm where those preconceptions might be (horrors) challenged.

Clearly the only one here who needs edumacating on Islam here is you. I don't have any such questions.
There IS NO religion with Islam. Only a 100 year old con job, satanic, pathological, super-violent, misogynistic, pedophile insane cult, masquerading as a religion (and you fall for it).

Islam is not a challenge to anything. The challenge is for YOU to overcome your pro-Islamic programming, and face REALITY (which is clearly delineated in the Koran (if you've got the guts to confront it) The only reason you don't have questions, is because you don't even know what to question. You don't know how much you don't know.

Look at the first half of the Islamization Quiz, and you might start getting an idea how ignorant you are. And this Quiz is just a small part of the whole of knowledge you are lacking.

"100 year old" huh?

Tell ya what I've never done in my life ---- and that is run the other way because some person's name had an Arabic pronunciation. What I have done at those times was learn to say it properly and then get to know them better. You on the other hand run to USMB and whine that you didn't have the balls.

We actually already knew that.
"100 year old" huh?

Tell ya what I've never done in my life ---- and that is run the other way because some person's name had an Arabic pronunciation. What I have done at those times was learn to say it properly and then get to know them better. You on the other hand run to USMB and whine that you didn't have the balls.

We actually already knew that.
It's about BRAINS, not balls, dummy. And what;s this about 100 year old. i just looked at the post you quoted. it say 1400 year old. :biggrin:

So you don't want to take the Quiz huh ? How about if I shorten it, to just 5 questions ? (20 points each ? Still scared ?
There are just 2 questions. The first applies to PEOPLE associated with Islamization. Your job is to identify them and state how they are associated with Islamization. The second question is THINGS associated with Islamization. I have to go get it from another thread so bear with me for a minute or 2.

OK. Here's your Quiz. Prepare to discover what has deliberately been omitted from your TV programs, radio, websites, etc.
Identify all the names and what the association with Islamization is. Then identify all the things and how they are associated. No fake answers now. I know who/what all of these are. Every single one. And don't feel bad if you don't do too well. No Islamapologist ever got more than 5% on this quiz. Most got zero.

Names associated with Stealth Jihad (AKA Islamization)

Ibin Taamiyah, the Madhi, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Sami al-Arian, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Mazen al-Najjar, Richard A. Clarke, Imam Muzzamil Siddiqui, Susan Douglas, Peter DiGangi, William Bennetta, Gilbert Sewall , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, al-Hajj Talib'Abur, Rashid Sahmsi Ali, Khalid Latif, Omar Mohammedi, Joe Kaufman, Chantal Carnes, Hasan al-Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood-I'll give you that one), Tariq Ramadan, Siraj Wahhaj, Mozen Mokhtar, Nouman Ali Khan, Abdul Malik , Imam Jamal Badawi, Br. Jawad Ahmad, Hassan Abbas, Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Sheik Mjed 'Abd al-Rahman al-Firian, Prince Sultan Ibn Abd al-'Aziz, Ali al-Ahmed, Itamar Marcus, Barbara Cook, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, Mohammed Osman Idris, Mohammed el-Yacoubi, Abu Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud, Yunis al-Astal, Zeyno Baran, Aaron Klein, Muhammad Abdel-El, Sheik Yasser Hamad, Nur Mohammad, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Sheik Abdel Rahman, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid AL Maktoum, NJ Judge Joseph Charles, Abdullah Azzam, Thomas Klocek, Fazlur Rehman Khalil , Mohammad Elachmi Hamdi, Bat Ye'or, Max Steenberghe, Anders Fogh Ramussen, Paul Jeeves, Yusuf al-Qarodawi, Bashar al-Assad, Robert S. Leiken, Theo Van Gogh, Michel Gurfinkel, Imam Ahmed Salam, Piet Hein Donner, Miguel Angel Toma , Salah Yassin, Hassan Nasrallah, Ahmed Assad Barakat, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Bashar al-Assad, Adolpho Aguilar Zinser, Joseph Farah, Nabil al-Marabh, Raed Hijazi, David Harris, Syed Mumtaz Ali, Omar Ahmad, Ibrahim Hooper, Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, Dr. Paul Williams , Hassan al Turabi, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Kevin James, Warner MacKenzie, Sayeed Abdul A'la Maududi, Abdullah Yusef Ali, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, Nessim Joseph Dawood, Mohammed Habib Shakir, Arthur John Arberry, Aqsa Parvez, Atefeh Rajabi, Francis Bok, Michael Coren, Homaidan Ali Al-Turki, Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, Paul Marshall, Koenraad Elst, Tom Clancy, Phil Alden Robinson, Michael Graham, Thomas Klocek, Stephen Coughlin, Hasham Islam, Steven Emerson, Mordechai Nisan, Abduraman Alamoudi, Ramadan Abdallah Shallah, Musa Abu Marzook, Keith Ellison, Abdullah al-Arian, ,Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani, James Woolsey, Walid Phares, Guy Rodgers, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Paul Sperry, P.David Gaubatz, Chris Gaubatz, Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaffar the Pilot, Mohammad Weiss Rasool, Brian P. Fairchild, Peter M. Leitner, Sergeant Naveed I. Butt, Bill Bratton, William Taylor, Youssef Aboul-Enein, Jamal Barzinji, Ingrid Mattson, Safaa Zarzour, Khalid Iqbal, James "Yousef" Yee, Ahmed Alwani, Taja Alwani, Warith Deen Umar, Tom Harrington, John Guandolo, Patrick Sookhdeo, Gaddoor Saidi, Muhammad Usmani, Mahdi Bray, Ali al-Timimi, Maulana Abdul Ala Maududi, Sayyid Quth, Zaid Shakir, Hamdan al-Shalawi, Muhammed al-Qudhaieen, Omar Shain, Hani Hanjour, Kenneth Williams, Edward Sloan, Ismail Elbarasse, Sheik Omar Abdul-Rahman, George Sadler, Mohammed Akram Adlouni, Zeid al-Noman, Shukri Aby Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, Ghassan Elashi, Sayyid Syeed, Bassem Osman, Ahmed Elkadi, Mahboob Khan, Suhail Khan, Mufid Abdulgader, Abdelhaleem Ashqar, Frank Gaffney, Sue Myrick, Abuhena Saifulislam, Ali "the American" Mohamed, Juan Zarate, Hisham Altalib, Mohammed Shamma, Ahmad Sakr, Abdullah bin Laden, Mohamed Jamal Khalifah, Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Joey Musmar, Lina Morales, Donald Lavey, Sibel Dinez Edmonds, Khalid Duran, Muhammad Hishm Kabbani, Ali Ahmed, Agha Jafri, Michael Rolince, John M. Cole, Dr. Ziad Asali, James Margolin, Foria Younis, John B. Vincent, John O'Neill, Ivien C. Smith, Salam al-Marayati, Tom Reynolds, Khaled Saffuri, Agha Saeed, Mohammed al-Hanooti, Sue VanBaalen, Sister Sue, Michael Scheuer, Michael Waller, David Forte, Sheikh Mamza Yusuf, Ihsan Bagby, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed, Serge Trifkovic, Irshad Manji, Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Yvonne Haddad, Warith Deen Umar, Taha al-Alwani, Ali al-Timimi, J.M. Rodwell, Dr. Ali Sina, John Esposito, Karen Armstrong, Saad al-Sharani, Suleiman Alwan, Farid Esack, Sheikh Faysal Mawlawi, Ali Abd al Rahman al-Faqasi al-Ghamdi, Saul al-Rashid, Abderraouf Jdey, Faruq al-Tunisi, Adam Gadahn, Andre Carson, Issa al-Britani, Aafia Siddiqui, Kamran Akhtar, Gary Harter, Iyman Faris, Hesham Hadayet, Hala Mohammed Sadeq El-Awadly, Anwar al-Awlaki, Pamela L. Rhames, Michael S. Tutko, David C. Kane, Nick Pindulic, Suzanne E. Spaulding, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. John Kyl, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, Bill Baker, Rep. David Bonior, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. John Dingell, Robert M. Blitzer, Louis Freeh, Thomas Pickard, Carol Motyka, Marsha Parrish, Yola Haber, Doug Balin, Rep. Anthony Weiner, Roderick L. Beverly, Caroline Glick, Shelomo Alfassa, Hadia Roberts, Margaret Gulotta, Emanuel "Manny" Johnson Jr., Esther Pan
Your so called Islamization quiz is beyond dumb. .... :cuckoo:

I personally know, or have meet, or listened to lectures by several of the people on your so called list of "stealth jihadi's". Which is an idiotic term to describe something that doesn't exist. .... :dunno:

I'll give you 1 more chance to ask me a "normal" question about muslims or Islam. ..... :cool:
About 10 years ago, I lived next door to a young (about 28) Arab woman. I only spoke to her 3 times. She was very attractive, nice smile, friendly, and did not wear a hijab, or any middle eastern clothing.

She heard me playing my guitar and my mandolin, on my patio (right next to hers), and complimented me. Everything deemed to point straight to a cheerful, romantic hookup beginning to happen, despite my much older age > 61 , although I looked more like 40 (I’ve always looked young for my age). Everything that is, until she told me her name. I forget now what it was, but I remember it was clearly Arabic.

So here I was falling for an Arab girl of rare beauty and grace, liked me and my music. I didn’t know if she was Muslim or not, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask her. What if she had told me she was ? And then I would have had to politely excuse myself and go into my apartment, somewhat impolitely closing the door with her standing there (not good).

It’s possible she was not Muslim. Some Arabs are Christian, although the chances were very slim. I always wondered about this. What if you meet a Muslim woman, you like her, BUT you’ll be opening a Pandora’s Box of unpredictable ramifications. One has to think about the family of this person. With non-Muslims I would hardly give the family much thought. If they didn’t approve of me, that’s their tough luck.

With Muslims however, it’s a whole nother ballgame. Non-approval from Muslim family members could mean an “honor killing” of the lady you are dating, or marrying. Or it could mean an assassination of you yourself. Wil you walk to your mailbox one day, and a car drives by, and bullets fly at you ? Or you start your car one day, and it explodes ? Lots of really bad possibilities. Some of these extreme disapproval could even come from Muslims outside the family, like radical activists, or mosque members. I’m sure some USMB egomaniacs will claim that nothing would stop them, but that just cheap talk.

I saw that woman in WalMArt one day and said hello, but I kept on walking, even though that’s not what I wanted. The consequences of a Muslim/non-Muslim pairing, are an interesting thing to contemplate. I’d say it lends itself to a lot of underestimation. What if we had a daughter. At age 9, would she be expected to be marriage-arranged to some middle-aged Muslim guy ? Would we argue about drinking alcohol, or having pork products in the kitchen ? Might I have to witness the (illegal) killing of animals on Eid al Adha ? And these are just for starters.

For Muslim men and non-Muslim women, it’s far worse. What would the Muslim guy use to beat his wife with ? A bull whip ? Cat of Nine Tails ? A large stick ? Better to contemplate these questions, than just jump right into what you could regret later.

People who haven’t read the Koran, are oblivious to what different worlds Muslims and non-Muslims live in. If you are a non-Muslim, and you marry (or even just date) a Muslim, you may be acquiring a llot more than just the one person you’re hitching up to.

If she's dating you she can't be that much of a muslim. There is a Tom Hanks movie where he goes to Dubai and falls in love with a muslim woman. They have to sneak because she would be killed sleeping with an infidel.

I know lots of Christian arabs called Chaldeans. They will only let their American born daugthers marry other Chaldeans. No Americans. Even if she has to marry a cousin. They are disgusting. Yes you do have to put up with the crazy family even if they are christians. They aren't going to kill your ass. Relax wimp.

The part that bothered me about you the most is that you would get up and walk away when you found out she's a muslim. If I knew you were that kind of person I wouldn't talk to you even as a white christian american. What a mean person you must be to do that. Or fucked up in the head. But I try to stay away from people who act like such huge assholes for no good reason. Just get up and walk away and close the door? Why? What a nut job you must be. You'd be doing her a favor if you got up and walked out but how fucking rude and weird. Why? Why couldn't you be friendly and nice to a muslim woman? Because you are ignorant?

No you didn't look 40 to a 28 year old girl you looked 80.

It's not rare beauty and grace. A lot of 28 year old girls are beautiful. You clearly haven't met very many muslims at this point in your life.

"That kind of person" ? that shows you are entirely clueless about Islam. And if you're OK with it, HERE"S what you're OK with >>

MAss murder (Koran 8:12.....8;39..... 9:5.... 9:123, etc

Wife-beating (Koran 4:34)

Rape (Koran 4:24)

Pedophilia (Koran 65:4) etc

My times up in the public library. Been here 2.5 hours. Off the computer now.

About 10 years ago, I lived next door to a young (about 28) Arab woman. I only spoke to her 3 times. She was very attractive, nice smile, friendly, and did not wear a hijab, or any middle eastern clothing.

She heard me playing my guitar and my mandolin, on my patio (right next to hers), and complimented me. Everything deemed to point straight to a cheerful, romantic hookup beginning to happen, despite my much older age > 61 , although I looked more like 40 (I’ve always looked young for my age). Everything that is, until she told me her name. I forget now what it was, but I remember it was clearly Arabic.

So here I was falling for an Arab girl of rare beauty and grace, liked me and my music. I didn’t know if she was Muslim or not, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask her. What if she had told me she was ? And then I would have had to politely excuse myself and go into my apartment, somewhat impolitely closing the door with her standing there (not good).

It’s possible she was not Muslim. Some Arabs are Christian, although the chances were very slim. I always wondered about this. What if you meet a Muslim woman, you like her, BUT you’ll be opening a Pandora’s Box of unpredictable ramifications. One has to think about the family of this person. With non-Muslims I would hardly give the family much thought. If they didn’t approve of me, that’s their tough luck.

With Muslims however, it’s a whole nother ballgame. Non-approval from Muslim family members could mean an “honor killing” of the lady you are dating, or marrying. Or it could mean an assassination of you yourself. Wil you walk to your mailbox one day, and a car drives by, and bullets fly at you ? Or you start your car one day, and it explodes ? Lots of really bad possibilities. Some of these extreme disapproval could even come from Muslims outside the family, like radical activists, or mosque members. I’m sure some USMB egomaniacs will claim that nothing would stop them, but that just cheap talk.

I saw that woman in WalMArt one day and said hello, but I kept on walking, even though that’s not what I wanted. The consequences of a Muslim/non-Muslim pairing, are an interesting thing to contemplate. I’d say it lends itself to a lot of underestimation. What if we had a daughter. At age 9, would she be expected to be marriage-arranged to some middle-aged Muslim guy ? Would we argue about drinking alcohol, or having pork products in the kitchen ? Might I have to witness the (illegal) killing of animals on Eid al Adha ? And these are just for starters.

For Muslim men and non-Muslim women, it’s far worse. What would the Muslim guy use to beat his wife with ? A bull whip ? Cat of Nine Tails ? A large stick ? Better to contemplate these questions, than just jump right into what you could regret later.

People who haven’t read the Koran, are oblivious to what different worlds Muslims and non-Muslims live in. If you are a non-Muslim, and you marry (or even just date) a Muslim, you may be acquiring a llot more than just the one person you’re hitching up to.

If she's dating you she can't be that much of a muslim. There is a Tom Hanks movie where he goes to Dubai and falls in love with a muslim woman. They have to sneak because she would be killed sleeping with an infidel.

I know lots of Christian arabs called Chaldeans. They will only let their American born daugthers marry other Chaldeans. No Americans. Even if she has to marry a cousin. They are disgusting. Yes you do have to put up with the crazy family even if they are christians. They aren't going to kill your ass. Relax wimp.

The part that bothered me about you the most is that you would get up and walk away when you found out she's a muslim. If I knew you were that kind of person I wouldn't talk to you even as a white christian american. What a mean person you must be to do that. Or fucked up in the head. But I try to stay away from people who act like such huge assholes for no good reason. Just get up and walk away and close the door? Why? What a nut job you must be. You'd be doing her a favor if you got up and walked out but how fucking rude and weird. Why? Why couldn't you be friendly and nice to a muslim woman? Because you are ignorant?

No you didn't look 40 to a 28 year old girl you looked 80.

It's not rare beauty and grace. A lot of 28 year old girls are beautiful. You clearly haven't met very many muslims at this point in your life.

"That kind of person" ? that shows you are entirely clueless about Islam. And if you're OK with it, HERE"S what you're OK with >>

MAss murder (Koran 8:12.....8;39..... 9:5.... 9:123, etc

Wife-beating (Koran 4:34)

Rape (Koran 4:24)

Pedophilia (Koran 65:4) etc

My times up in the public library. Been here 2.5 hours. Off the computer now.
When did Christians finally decide to give women the right to vote?

Passed by Congress June 4, 1919

So it literally took you Christians one thousand nine hundred and ninteen years before you gave women equal rights. So get off your high horse. You only came around the last 102 years. Islam is 500 years younger than Christianity. Give it time to catch up. All religions evolve or disappear.
"100 year old" huh?

Tell ya what I've never done in my life ---- and that is run the other way because some person's name had an Arabic pronunciation. What I have done at those times was learn to say it properly and then get to know them better. You on the other hand run to USMB and whine that you didn't have the balls.

We actually already knew that.
It's about BRAINS, not balls, dummy. And what;s this about 100 year old. i just looked at the post you quoted. it say 1400 year old. :biggrin:

Actually here's what it "say" --- still nested in my quote:

Ummm..... "cut and run like a scared rabbit" is exactly what you described in your OP upon the sight of a pretty woman. So it would seem you already flunked your own test, by your own admission.

Basically the thread is summed up thusly:

--- and that's solely out of your own self-fed paranoia. You never even determined if there was a religion involved at all, yet chose to ass-ume and follow your own self-inflicted fears own that rabbit hole. You're a coward; you'd rather live in your own psychosis than venture out into a realm where those preconceptions might be (horrors) challenged.

Clearly the only one here who needs edumacating on Islam here is you. I don't have any such questions.
There IS NO religion with Islam. Only a 100 year old con job, satanic, pathological, super-violent, misogynistic, pedophile insane cult, masquerading as a religion (and you fall for it).

Yet another dishonesty point. You get 1400 more years in Hell added on to infinity.
Islam is recognized as a religion by virtually everyone in the world- except for a few nut cases like you.

By the United States, by the Pope, by Russia (which doesn't recognize I think Seventh Day Adventists).

Italy doesn't 'recognize' Islam for the purpose to sharing tax dollars- Italy has a fund that pays State money to religions- but only specific religions- mostly Catholic, but also Jews and some Protestant denominations.

But not Islam, not Sikhism. not Southern Baptists, not Presbyterians.

Taxpayers in Italy pay a mandatory eight per thousand tax, and have the option to choose to whom they will assign the monies. This tax amounts to 0.8% of the total income tax (IRPEF) and every taxpayer can choose the recipient of the contribution on their tax form. Regardless of whether the taxpayer expresses a preference or not, the 0.8% is already included in their tax levy.

Currently the choices are:

But- Muslims- and Sikh's and Presbyterians are all protected by Italy's freedom of religion guaranteed in Italy's Constitution.

But you knew that.....lol
What YOU KNOW is what I said before >> that Italy does NOT RECOGNIZE ISLAM to be a religion, and neither do most people around the world. Ho hum.

Islam is recognized as a religion by virtually everyone in the world- except for a few nut cases like you.

By the United States, by the Pope, by Russia (which doesn't recognize I think Seventh Day Adventists).

Italy doesn't 'recognize' Islam for the purpose to sharing tax dollars- Italy has a fund that pays State money to religions- but only specific religions- mostly Catholic, but also Jews and some Protestant denominations.

But not Islam, not Sikhism. not Southern Baptists, not Presbyterians.

Taxpayers in Italy pay a mandatory eight per thousand tax, and have the option to choose to whom they will assign the monies. This tax amounts to 0.8% of the total income tax (IRPEF) and every taxpayer can choose the recipient of the contribution on their tax form. Regardless of whether the taxpayer expresses a preference or not, the 0.8% is already included in their tax levy.

Currently the choices are:

But- Muslims- and Sikh's and Presbyterians are all protected by Italy's freedom of religion guaranteed in Italy's Constitution.

But you knew that.....lol
Ummm..... "cut and run like a scared rabbit" is exactly what you described in your OP upon the sight of a pretty woman. So it would seem you already flunked your own test, by your own admission.

Basically the thread is summed up thusly:

--- and that's solely out of your own self-fed paranoia. You never even determined if there was a religion involved at all, yet chose to ass-ume and follow your own self-inflicted fears own that rabbit hole. You're a coward; you'd rather live in your own psychosis than venture out into a realm where those preconceptions might be (horrors) challenged.

Clearly the only one here who needs edumacating on Islam here is you. I don't have any such questions.
There IS NO religion with Islam.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George Bush and the Pope all disagree with you.

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