I remember when America was normal.

You're avoiding your inevitable embarrassment.

I get it.

You don’t get it. That is the problem. Fatty. Maybe you can identify as a skinny person

I'm beginning to think that you might have body issues.

I am Not the fat dude who cannot tell boys and girls apart. That would be you.:blowpop:

I'm pretty sure that you're fat.

You don’t even know what gender people are.
LMAO. Compared to you I am a rail. Fatty

When are you going to tell me what weight I should be? I've asked a few times nicely.

Are you short as well? You behave like a short guy.

Are you under 6'?
You don’t get it. That is the problem. Fatty. Maybe you can identify as a skinny person

I'm beginning to think that you might have body issues.

I am Not the fat dude who cannot tell boys and girls apart. That would be you.:blowpop:

I'm pretty sure that you're fat.

You don’t even know what gender people are.
LMAO. Compared to you I am a rail. Fatty

When are you going to tell me what weight I should be? I've asked a few times nicely.

Are you short as well? You behave like a short guy.

Are you under 6'?

Fatty, are you hitting one me? I am 6’0 and 6’1 in sneakers. Are you identifying as a woman and hitting on me? LOL.

I behave like a short guy because I coach hoops? Mwahahahja

Fatty is reaching
I'm beginning to think that you might have body issues.

I am Not the fat dude who cannot tell boys and girls apart. That would be you.:blowpop:

I'm pretty sure that you're fat.

You don’t even know what gender people are.
LMAO. Compared to you I am a rail. Fatty

When are you going to tell me what weight I should be? I've asked a few times nicely.

Are you short as well? You behave like a short guy.

Are you under 6'?

Fatty, are you hitting one me? I am 6’0 and 6’1 in sneakers. Are you identifying as a woman and hitting on me? LOL.

I behave like a short guy because I coach hoops? Mwahahahja

Fatty is reaching

Cool. You're not short. So, are you fat?
I am Not the fat dude who cannot tell boys and girls apart. That would be you.:blowpop:

I'm pretty sure that you're fat.

You don’t even know what gender people are.
LMAO. Compared to you I am a rail. Fatty

When are you going to tell me what weight I should be? I've asked a few times nicely.

Are you short as well? You behave like a short guy.

Are you under 6'?

Fatty, are you hitting one me? I am 6’0 and 6’1 in sneakers. Are you identifying as a woman and hitting on me? LOL.

I behave like a short guy because I coach hoops? Mwahahahja

Fatty is reaching

Cool. You're not short. So, are you fat?

Nope. 0-2. But in fairness self defense and fitness is my line of work. Keep trying, fatty. You still have yet to answer me. Why do the feelings of one I’ll BOY matter more than 10 girls?
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Because conservatives decided to be racista, Islamophobes, bigots, nazis, anti semitic xenophobes, that's why they are rejected and frowned upon.
You don5 beleive me ? Check the exit polls, most minority vote anti GOP.
I'm pretty sure that you're fat.

You don’t even know what gender people are.
LMAO. Compared to you I am a rail. Fatty

When are you going to tell me what weight I should be? I've asked a few times nicely.

Are you short as well? You behave like a short guy.

Are you under 6'?

Fatty, are you hitting one me? I am 6’0 and 6’1 in sneakers. Are you identifying as a woman and hitting on me? LOL.

I behave like a short guy because I coach hoops? Mwahahahja

Fatty is reaching

Cool. You're not short. So, are you fat?

Nope. 0-2. But in fairness self defense and fitness is my line of work. Keep trying, fatty. You still have yet to answer me. Why do the feelings of one I’ll BOY matter more than 10 girls?

I answered that. You must have missed it.

What should my weight be?
Wow are the RWNJs concerned with trannies.

Almost have to wonder if they're struggling with a life decision

This obsession they have with trannies and gays seems a little unhealthy or even borders on latency. The latter I would guess, just come out you guys and face your fears.
The obsession is from the left. It's the left that is pushing this crap. We never had men trying to use women's bathrooms until recently. We never had this gender crap until recently. It's all part of the left's agenda, not the right.

Time to face your obsessions boy and come out.

Unhealthy Obsession: How to Get Out of This Trap -
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
I cab remember where a candidate claimming to grab women by the pussy would have been thrown out.

But hey, according to you, it is those protesting that that are vulgar.

I can remember when having affairs would be just cause but you now love them more if they fucked a porn star.

I can remember when lying was a reaion for rejection. But here you are, slobbering all over the worst liar ever to run for President.

I can remember when being proven a fraud in court would be cause for rejection. for being a business cheat.,. For embracing the Russians; for being accused of improper sexual advances from 20 women.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
I don't recall any issues until Bush Jr. A candidate won because of a questionvble election in his brother's state.

I guess 2016 was the first time a candidate had so much foreign help.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Because conservatives decided to be racista, Islamophobes, bigots, nazis, anti semitic xenophobes, that's why they are rejected and frowned upon.
You don5 beleive me ? Check the exit polls, most minority vote anti GOP.
Wow are the RWNJs concerned with trannies.

Almost have to wonder if they're struggling with a life decision

This obsession they have with trannies and gays seems a little unhealthy or even borders on latency. The latter I would guess, just come out you guys and face your fears.
The obsession is from the left. It's the left that is pushing this crap. We never had men trying to use women's bathrooms until recently. We never had this gender crap until recently. It's all part of the left's agenda, not the right.

Time to face your obsessions boy and come out.

Unhealthy Obsession: How to Get Out of This Trap -
Go to hell, loser.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
I don't recall any issues until Bush Jr. A candidate won because of a questionvble election in his brother's state.

I guess 2016 was the first time a candidate had so much foreign help.
There was nothing questionable. Bush won and Gore lost. The only thing questionable is your memory and your honesty.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Because conservatives decided to be racista, Islamophobes, bigots, nazis, anti semitic xenophobes, that's why they are rejected and frowned upon.
You don5 beleive me ? Check the exit polls, most minority vote anti GOP.
Wow are the RWNJs concerned with trannies.

Almost have to wonder if they're struggling with a life decision

This obsession they have with trannies and gays seems a little unhealthy or even borders on latency. The latter I would guess, just come out you guys and face your fears.
The obsession is from the left. It's the left that is pushing this crap. We never had men trying to use women's bathrooms until recently. We never had this gender crap until recently. It's all part of the left's agenda, not the right.

Time to face your obsessions boy and come out.

Unhealthy Obsession: How to Get Out of This Trap -
Go to hell, loser.

Another cry baby with an unhealthy obsession. Go figure.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Because conservatives decided to be racista, Islamophobes, bigots, nazis, anti semitic xenophobes, that's why they are rejected and frowned upon.
You don5 beleive me ? Check the exit polls, most minority vote anti GOP.
So when did the Demon-crats become champions of the things you have listed above ? The GOP were just followers of the bullcrap for many years now, and when they decided to jump ship because enough was enough, the Demon-crats attacked.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
Because conservatives decided to be racista, Islamophobes, bigots, nazis, anti semitic xenophobes, that's why they are rejected and frowned upon.
You don5 beleive me ? Check the exit polls, most minority vote anti GOP.
Wow are the RWNJs concerned with trannies.

Almost have to wonder if they're struggling with a life decision

This obsession they have with trannies and gays seems a little unhealthy or even borders on latency. The latter I would guess, just come out you guys and face your fears.
The obsession is from the left. It's the left that is pushing this crap. We never had men trying to use women's bathrooms until recently. We never had this gender crap until recently. It's all part of the left's agenda, not the right.

Time to face your obsessions boy and come out.

Unhealthy Obsession: How to Get Out of This Trap -
Go to hell, loser.

Another cry baby with an unhealthy obsession. Go figure.
Oh, you pitiful lost soul. Someone dares to stand up and speak the truth. Poor baby. Trannies are mentally ill. Sick jackal.
I remember being in school and being encouraged to participate in politics. We were encouraged to Express our political thoughts through both free speech and articles of clothing & or signage. Pussy hats of course would have been out of bounds because, well you know... they are vulgar and juvenile. They were trying to teach & encourage APPROPRIATE adult behavior not that stupid juvenile nonsense.
Sadly now such responsible adult activities will get you kicked out of school or beat up.

I remember as a young adult yard signage and bumper stickers were common place. Course now that will get your property vandalized.

I really do feel sorry for today's youth. I can't imagine growing up in this ridiculous political climate where EVERYTHING you do or say is looked at through a political lense. A time when decisions you make as a 12 or 13 year old can come back to haunt you decades later as a mature adult.
You can no longer grow up as a child exploring your own path with only small amounts of guidance. Now you are groomed in identity politics and social justice to the point where differing opinions on any given subject can immediately get you ostracized if you don't adhere to the accepted liberal dogma.

Progressives are destroying two hundred years of REAL progress
I cab remember where a candidate claimming to grab women by the pussy would have been thrown out.

But hey, according to you, it is those protesting that that are vulgar.

I can remember when having affairs would be just cause but you now love them more if they fucked a porn star.

I can remember when lying was a reaion for rejection. But here you are, slobbering all over the worst liar ever to run for President.

I can remember when being proven a fraud in court would be cause for rejection. for being a business cheat.,. For embracing the Russians; for being accused of improper sexual advances from 20 women.
You talking about the Demon-crats and the republicans ?? Make sure you are inclusive in your fairness or should I say biases.
Sometimes....when I watch old films or TV series.... from the late 1950s and early 1960s..like "Father Knows Best" ....etc...

I see when America was normal....and I like it....

It all seems so far away.... like a Lost Kingdom .....like Paradise gone.....

Depressing to see all gone.
Normal all except for the racism part yes, but the seventies, eighties, and nineties began the climb out of that situation. Just hope that the country doesn't end up being made to regret everything it has done to become inclusive.

Sadly we see some who are making this nation feel a fool for ever giving them more than an inch, and this is because they will never be satisfied until in their minds whitey is destroyed or made into a minority in which is heard in their speak in certain corners.

This goes for all those whom have allied themselves together under that specific cause.

People are smart today, and they know the difference between good decent Americans of all stripes, and they know who the race baiters, racist, and terrorist are whom want to create chaos, anarchy, and destruction in this country going forward.... It's all in order to move their special agenda's, religion's or cults forward in order to take over the country eventually from those in which they hate or see as in their way.

When idiots like Skye talk about what life was like on TV in the 1950's and 1960's, when American was "normal", I laugh and laugh and laugh. In the 1950's and 1960's we used to laugh about TV shows like "Father Knows Best" because those shows were NOTHING like real life. Shows like FKB and Ozzie & Harriet, showed an idealized view of American life that in no way mirrored reality.

It's laughable that conservatives now hold these shows up as roles models from the past. And pathetic.

Calm down you'll give yourself a heart attack.

Nobody was saying these TV shows were "role models" as such... but they were still pleasant to watch rather than some of the current progressive madness.

Normal for me, was before the vicious, aggressive, spiteful ,radical, left wing and abnormals attempted to take over.

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