I remember when America was normal.

Nazism is morality itself. Not even the New York Times is clued up enough, and is helping to mislead the prisoners.

'The sharp left turn in the Democratic party and the rise of progressive presidential candidates are unnerving moderate Democrats who increasingly fear that the party could fritter away its chances of beating President Trump in 2020 by careening over a liberal cliff. Two months into the presidential campaign, the leading Democratic contenders have largely broken with consensus-driven politics and embraced leftist ideas on health care, taxes, the environment and Middle East policy that would fundamentally alter the economy, elements of foreign policy and ultimately remake American life.....These progressive Democrats risk playing into Trump's hands -- he has repeatedly branded them as "socialists" -- yet they argue that their ambitious agenda can inspire a voter revolt in 2020 that elects a left-wing president.'

"Those ideas that we talked about here in Iowa four years ago that seemed so radical at the time, remember that? Mr Sanders, returning to Iowa last week for the first time as a 2020 candidate, crowed on Thursday. "Shock of all shocks, those very same ideas are now supported not only by Democratic candidates all across the board, from school board on up." '
(New York Times Sunday 10 Mar 2019, Centrists Squirm as 2020 Democrats Swerve Left)

As Deleuze has said, "One must be more centrist than centrist," Deleuze's idea of the Left is not political, but is a concept of "movement" (Bosteels, Badiou and Politics). Thus, we know that Sanders, at least, is clued up about the dynamism of a "movement" while also manipulating the symbology of the Impossible Trident such that socialism becomes a stick-and-carrot bait to perception.
It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

But apperantley a lousy coach lol! Double that goon dont let him get the ball maybe next time?

He was the point guard and we won despite the other team cheating
There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Yes all that racism against the poor minority discriminated against whites, right, brainwashed functional moron? Obviously the problem is you have your own planet of garbage propaganda, the worst in our history by far...

Everything is about race now. Race is the #1 factor in all decisions for the left. What movies to watch or should get awards, what music to listen to, what politicians to vote for. EVERYTHING depends on race. You judge every person on skin color. You judge every act by the race of who engaged in the act.

Racism is THE dominant culture in America.
You guys literally recoil in fury when anybody dares to say that a black person's life matters. That's a "you" problem. Your identity politics are even stronger than the left's.

Hardly, it's racist cvnts like you who become angred when we say ALL LIVES MATTER..
All lives do matter. It was so easy for me to type that. But you won't type that a black person's life matters.

Why would you need too?
"All" pretty much covers all the bases.
There is FAR more racism now than any other time in my life. The 60's weren't even close.

And it's STILL you democrat piles of shit promoting and engaging in racism.
Lol stfu you retard. So they can eat at the counter with you. Suck it the fuck up.


University Bans White And Straight Students From Safe Space
UMich Students Demand 'No-Whites-Allowed' Safe-Space To Plot "Social Justice" Activism
UMich students demand no-whites-allowed space to plot ‘social justice’ activism - The College Fix

You're a fucking Nazi, a racist twat with zero redeeming qualities. You're also a liar and a buffoon.
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think the reaction would be if whites pulled this kinda shit?
I see your side. You have no tolerance for people who are different. Fuck that kid. She can go play with the other weirdos!

You rock, Dad.

It’s a he. People like you are ruining this country. You’re entitled to your opinion but I just laugh at your expense. Have another Whopper. Fatty.
I think I will go with psychiatry and the knowledge that our society only needs more tolerance. These little people are no threat to anyone. Much like refugees from Syria you people are terrified of...
every other modern country has done this. You are regressives Who seem to enjoy watching the middle class disappear...

Then why do we have separate girls and boys teams? It’s about fairness. Boys are biologically bigger and stronger and hence should not be playing vs girls in 7th grade.

7th grade boys are not bigger and stronger than girls.

Some kids in 7th grade can dunk. Are you serious?
for crying out loud, as if the kid doesn't have enough problems. And I am sure you can find a girl his her age that is just as big and strong. I don't think you should be coaching these people, you should recuse yourself as a Bulgarian third worlder... Or at least leave beautiful progressive New England...
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think the reaction would be if whites pulled this kinda shit?
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.
It’s a he. People like you are ruining this country. You’re entitled to your opinion but I just laugh at your expense. Have another Whopper. Fatty.
I think I will go with psychiatry and the knowledge that our society only needs more tolerance. These little people are no threat to anyone. Much like refugees from Syria you people are terrified of...
every other modern country has done this. You are regressives Who seem to enjoy watching the middle class disappear...

Then why do we have separate girls and boys teams? It’s about fairness. Boys are biologically bigger and stronger and hence should not be playing vs girls in 7th grade.

7th grade boys are not bigger and stronger than girls.

Some kids in 7th grade can dunk. Are you serious?
for crying out loud, as if the kid doesn't have enough problems. And I am sure you can find a girl his her age that is just as big and strong. I don't think you should be coaching these people, you should recuse yourself as a Bulgarian third worlder... Or at least leave beautiful progressive New England...

I should recuse myself because you’re a dumb Leftist?
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think the reaction would be if whites pulled this kinda shit?
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.

Hold up there halfwit.
Who are the ones making black only safe spaces?
Sounds like being retarded is a prerequisite to being a dim.
3 links, 0 universities banning white people from anything.

Meanwhile, would you type that a black person's life matters?

Dumb lying cvnt. I documented campuses with "No whites allowed zones."

How's that lunch counter, Klan boi?
Why does it make sense to you that a "safe space" for nonwhites to relax and be themselves would include whites?

What do you think the reaction would be if whites pulled this kinda shit?
They do, every day. The amount of discrimination against blacks browns and even yellows is incredible. The fact that you don't know that or won't admit that means you are a racist a*******.

How about against Jews? Dems don’t mind that. You’re an idiot. Honestly. F U. You’re an antisemite and an asshole. Transgender people have a disease and biological boys should never play against biological girls in a physical sporting event. Franco, you’re an idiot.
It's not a joke. They have more white collar technological skills than any other generation. Talk about productive potential....wow

LOL.....The Wife is training a whole slew of college grads for a bank sale.
She tells me they're dumb as dirt yet they think very highly of themselves.
They have yet to complete a project that she didnt need to fix.
Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

But apperantley a lousy coach lol! Double that goon dont let him get the ball maybe next time?

He was the point guard and we won despite the other team cheating
An idiot like you should not be coaching., And even worse your own daughter... LOL move to Texas
And here we see the problem this country really has. yet the many posts on the right blame everything on the democrats and visa versa. We get nothing done and grow weaker as a nation everyday that we continue down the what I call the _Putin path. He wants us to be split over every little detail and it is working. We must get back to the center and work together as a nation. Our corporations are only interested quarterly report and are showing little to no progress preferring to spend big money on advertisement rather than R and D where we desperately need to be putting money. Giving away big tax breaks to the wealthy rather than putting that money into infrastructure is hurting our country. We are increasing the deficit without doing anything that will help this country in the short or long term. Here's a hint. Remove the tax breaks for moving your company overseas.
And here we see the problem this country really has. yet the many posts on the right blame everything on the democrats and visa versa. We get nothing done and grow weaker as a nation everyday that we continue down the what I call the _Putin path. He wants us to be split over every little detail and it is working. We must get back to the center and work together as a nation. Our corporations are only interested quarterly report and are showing little to no progress preferring to spend big money on advertisement rather than R and D where we desperately need to be putting money. Giving away big tax breaks to the wealthy rather than putting that money into infrastructure is hurting our country. We are increasing the deficit without doing anything that will help this country in the short or long term. Here's a hint. Remove the tax breaks for moving your company overseas.
But wasn't Obama's "stimulus" 10 years ago supposed to take care of the infrastructure? You know, all those "shovel-ready jobs", paid for with billions of taxpayer's stimulus money, etc. What happened?
And here we see the problem this country really has. yet the many posts on the right blame everything on the democrats and visa versa. We get nothing done and grow weaker as a nation everyday that we continue down the what I call the _Putin path. He wants us to be split over every little detail and it is working. We must get back to the center and work together as a nation. Our corporations are only interested quarterly report and are showing little to no progress preferring to spend big money on advertisement rather than R and D where we desperately need to be putting money. Giving away big tax breaks to the wealthy rather than putting that money into infrastructure is hurting our country. We are increasing the deficit without doing anything that will help this country in the short or long term. Here's a hint. Remove the tax breaks for moving your company overseas.

News flash kid, we hated pinko commie liberals forever..to blame Putin just shows how old you are
They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

But apperantley a lousy coach lol! Double that goon dont let him get the ball maybe next time?

He was the point guard and we won despite the other team cheating
An idiot like you should not be coaching., And even worse your own daughter... LOL move to Texas

Why. What specifically did I do that I should not be coaching? I told the players to play and to try and win. I never mocked the boy and high fived him
After the game. I still believe it was unfair. So I should not be coaching because my views differ from yours? That is called fascism. You a Fascist Franco?
Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

But apperantley a lousy coach lol! Double that goon dont let him get the ball maybe next time?

He was the point guard and we won despite the other team cheating
An idiot like you should not be coaching., And even worse your own daughter... LOL move to Texas

Why. What specifically did I do that I should not be coaching? I told the players to play and to try and win. I never mocked the boy and high fived him
After the game. I still believe it was unfair. So I should not be coaching because my views differ from yours? That is called fascism. You a Fascist Franco?
Well you are wrong. That sounds better anyway carry-on LOL
I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

What's fat for a 54 year old ballplayer who's 6'2" tall? What should my weight be?

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