I remember when America was normal.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.
Learn = indoctrination.

Oooooooh. Scary!
It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.
Learn = indoctrination.

Oooooooh. Scary!
Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.
Learn = indoctrination.

Oooooooh. Scary!

You know the truth?

it is not just about sports, it is about life. It is about empathy for those not like us.

what kind of a jerk are you to have no empathy for this man. Why is your empathy limited only to those wanting to play sports?

Our discussion is about sports.

Do you have empathy for this man? Please discuss.

I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.
Let’s really “complicate” things here fellas....you know, since we love complexity.
Where do we go when the freaks start telling us we have a right to choose our age and ethnicity? Sounds far-fetched and crazy...right? But is it?

you mean like this...

Transgender AND Transager: 52 Year-Old Father Lives as a 6 Year-Old Girl

Well there you go...Hey LoneLaugher get to work bud, how do we force society to fit this guy in?

Is he trying to play 6U basketball?

I’ll venture a guess here, I bet there’s very little about you that is Libertarian...I’ll bet you’re a full blown Progressive, one with just enough sense to know you should be embarrassed and ashamed of your Progressive position...For the record, you’ve totally failed at packaging your no-boundaries, anything goes bullshit up in Libertarian disguise.

I have never claimed to be libertarian, pal. You're a bit confused.

Cool, that explains your desire for a total free for all, a society which operates by no standards, no expectations, no level of conformity or normality. You seek LibTardia
I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.

You're not making sense. Fatty.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
Except Nixon spied on like 5 insignificant democrats and obama spied on the whole country.

What Nixon did and the left still cockledoodledo about is equivalent to a parking ticket.

What the negro marxist did is high treason.

Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS
When did he do that, you psychotic loon? Are you talking about the patriot act? That was baby bush’s baby.

Education get some, freak
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
Except Nixon spied on like 5 insignificant democrats and obama spied on the whole country.

What Nixon did and the left still cockledoodledo about is equivalent to a parking ticket.

What the negro marxist did is high treason.

Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS
When did he do that, you psychotic loon? Are you talking about the patriot act? That was baby bush’s baby.

Education get some, freak

Yes, the PATRIOT Act was Bush II's baby, and Obama kept on using it as it is still the law of the land. That is why I said it was a continuation of the policy from the previous admin.

Reading comprehension, get some, moron.
Last edited:
I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.

typical...think like me or you are not learning!

what a self righteous fuck you are.
What year was that? I started voting with Reagan after the horrible Carter years. But I remember how vicious they were with Nixon. Obama actually committed the crimes Nixon was ACCUSED of. Nixon was an illegitimate president (according to the tards). So was Reagan. So were the Bushs. And now it's Trumps turn.

The left has gotten much worse, but Republicans have never elected a legitimate president, according to the tards.
Except Nixon spied on like 5 insignificant democrats and obama spied on the whole country.

What Nixon did and the left still cockledoodledo about is equivalent to a parking ticket.

What the negro marxist did is high treason.

Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS

Obama spying on the whole country was just a continuation of the policy from the previous admin and it has not stopped with the new admin. That is why the FISA court got 'renewed" by the current POTUS

They capture a lot of data (every text, keystroke, call?) but it is only stored info until someone looks into it. End of 2016 etc.

“Unmasking and then illegally leaking the names of Trump team members caught up in foreign intelligence gathering would have been an incredible, but unsurprising abuse by the Obama administration. Was the Clinton-DNC dossier also used as justification to abuse intelligence data to ‘unmask’ American citizens to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Donald Trump?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And why is the Tillerson State Department stonewalling Judicial Watch’s FOIA investigation into this potentially illegal conduct by its agency employees?”

Separately, in a response to a FOIA request, Judicial Watch was told by the National Security Council (NSC) in May 2017 that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library.

Judicial Watch filed a separate FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Security Agency (NSA) for information about Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s communications with the two agencies concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election, the hacking of DNC computers, the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials, and the unmasking of the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice and National Security Administration (No. 1:17-cv-01002)).

Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Samantha Power Unmasking Documents - Judicial Watch
The Tournaments only have X amount of entrants, every slot a male takes a female loses out on competing.

If the league allows transgendered athletes to play, your point is moot.

Nope, it stands. EVERY male who takes a spot disenfranchises a female. Sorry son.

Disenfranchises? Whoa! Big word.

Who participates in which sport should be based up on objective, verifiable criteria, not subjective items that cannot be tested.

In a girls 12 year old basketball league age has to be verified prior to being allowed to play, so why sex as well? Is it any less wrong to limit based upon age than upon sex? What about the transaged 16 year old that identifies as a 12 year old, should they be allowed to play on 12 and under league?
You keep throwing those monkey wrenches into their complicated issues, and they ain't gonna let you eat at the lunch counter with them anymore. :)
Nothing more ridiculous than rightists whining about how "terrible" everything is "these days."

They long for an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with, a past far from ideal for women, black Americans, and other minority communities.

What it comes down to is fear.

You can point to everything the right hates and whines about in 2019 America and it comes down to fear.

What are they scared of? Change. In the macro, its that the US is losing it's leadership position in the world so that change in stewardship causes fear. Don't get me wrong, we still lead in a great many important areas but that isn't what the right hangs it's hat on. Having the most Nobel Prize winners is probably viewed as a sign of weakness among them. Having an economy robust enough to both support domestic producers AND have a $621B deficit (stuff we buy from other nations minus the value of what we send out) isn't something to be proud of. The fact that other nations are doing what we used to do bothers them greatly; for some reason.

What is more troublesome to them is the small changes. The Fortune 500 has 24 female CEO's. This is too many for the right wing. We have Arab and bi-sexual women in office in Washington. That makes them uncomfortable. More women are graduating from college than men. Buying power for angry white dudes is dwindling. So what happens? Trump comes along and gets rid of funding for low-cost contraception and they cheer as if it is a soccer match. He gets rid of homosexuals in the military and they think it's a point scored for their team. Hell, he even, for some reason never quite explained to even his supporters says that Mexicans coming here illegally are rapists. More points for their team?

I have to tell you two things....

I cannot imagine living your life to where someone else having such life-altering pain and slander inflicted upon them produces such gleeful responses.

The other thing is this....

I too am uncomfortable with some of the changes. There is a discussion on the thread about intramural sports where bisexual athletes compete with one gender or the other. This is ridiculous. The governing bodies of the sports and the school districts are under no obligation to make these accommodations. I remember when Obama foolishly waded into the who bathroom argument. It was pure stupidity.

I could go on and on about this type of nonsense.

One good thing I hope comes out of Trump's administration is that the judges he's appointing may have some affect on this nonsense. If you have outdoor plumbing, you play with the boys. If you have indoor plumbing, you play with the girls. It's pretty simple.

But in the final analysis, the civilization does not rise and fall on the issue of this or that. The fear from the right is palpable on the topic though.

Dont you have some more bedpans to empty?
Our discussion is about sports.

Do you have empathy for this man? Please discuss.

I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!
I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

he is not a girl, he is biologically a male.

And you are a moron who refuses to learn.

Are you bored yet? I am. You are not making progress.

You're not making sense. Fatty.

Whoa! Ouch!

Rejected. Did he try to play in an age defined youth sport?

it is not just about sports, it is about life. It is about empathy for those not like us.

what kind of a jerk are you to have no empathy for this man. Why is your empathy limited only to those wanting to play sports?

Our discussion is about sports.

Do you have empathy for this man? Please discuss.

I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

Probably forced to play by some loony prog "parent" like you to further some agenda. Go play or you cant have any meat.
I do not have empathy, remember...you told me that. But you claim to, yet you limit to young kids playing sports.

I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.
I have empathy for the transgendered girl who played on a boys basketball team who began this discussion.

You don't.

It is a boy. Why should that persons feelings matter more than the 10 on my team who are biological girls? You have yet to answer that.

Because she has a great deal of difficulty fitting in. She's trying to navigate life in a world where she is treated like shit by fucknut adults like you.

Your girls are very likely fine with it. But, since you don't talk to them ( your admission ) you have no idea.

They weren't fine with it. My point guard who is 5'3? could not guard him. I had to put my daughter, who was 5'7 at the time to guard him. Two of my players were unplayable when he was on the court. The ill feelings of one should not trump those of many. Note: I still had my team play and compete and did not publicly protest because I did not want to embarrass the mentally ill BOY.

Oh wow! You're a great guy!

I am And I am in shape. You. You’re a fat Leftist.

But apperantley a lousy coach lol! Double that goon dont let him get the ball maybe next time?

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