I said the new hunter laptop info was a ruse

to assign it a drive letter, it must be partitioned and formatted.

a new or bad drive with no partition would likely show in drive manager, but they wouldn't show in explorer. bad drive not even certain to show but you could still likely pull data off it.
Hidden drives can easily be created such as what OEMs place on drives for recovery of OS.
Hidden drives can easily be created such as what OEMs place on drives for recovery of OS.
that's not really a drive but space reserved for the system. but yes it does this on partitioning.

regardless of the size of the drive, it needs to be partitioned n formatted to be given a drive letter and seen in my computer.

you use disk manager or a 3rd party drive utility to see what is reporting to the hardware level.

you physically look to be sure.
There is meat on the bone. Clinton, Biden, Obama, and their friends are all involved in a Hyper Sexualized Satanic Cult where “Sex Magic” is practiced. There is evidence of this on Clinton, Weiner’s and Biden’s laptops. Epstein was part of this. So was Maxwell, certain members of The Royal Family and political leadership in America.

Podesta’s Pizza Gate is real and so is The Red Shoe Club. Fauci belongs to the cult. His father was a human trafficker.

These people practice ritualistic sexual abuse of children, engage in torture and pedophilIa, and then kill their victims at the height of terror ritualistically for purposes of empowering themselves. Spirit cooking, blood drinking and adrenochrome harvesting is all real.

The reason there is a Clinton body count is not because of Clinton. Anyone that threatens to expose this is snuffed out.

Anyone that tried to investigate any of this will either be politically destroyed or if they aren’t powerful enough will simply meet with an “unfortunate accident”.

This is why people like Biden promote The Alphabet Pedo Agenda and nominate pro Pedo, Pro Alphabet Agenda people like Brown to SCOTUS.

These people are convinced that if they make enough sacrifices and gain enough power that they can bring a Utopia Peace and Safety on Earth, but they are just bringing forth The AntiChrist, The Tribulation, and Armageddon.

When it’s all over Only Jesus and His Army of Heaven will be left standing and these people will be in Hell.
The laptop that no one has seen in the mass populace because all the information is super-duper top secret.
Apparently the contents of Hunter’s laptop is available on the net.


Poor Nazis - you lied in order to tamper with our election and destroyed democracy. Now that your lie has been exposed, you dig up trash that failed for you in 2018 and try again.

Your desperation is fully warranted. This could be the end of your filthy, fascist party. Can you imagine the democrats strategy session... "Hey, we got caught with our massive corruption, let's distract the public by promoting pedophilia in public schools." - The Biden Plan.
Poor Nazis - you lied in order to tamper with our election and destroyed democracy. Now that your lie has been exposed, you dig up trash that failed for you in 2018 and try again.

Your desperation is fully warranted. This could be the end of your filthy, fascist party. Can you imagine the democrats strategy session... "Hey, we got caught with our massive corruption, let's distract the public by promoting pedophilia in public schools." - The Biden Plan.

youre the master of projection.

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