I see no need to own a cast iron pan

He said, continuing to try to whitewash the fact he was trying to measure stainless steel cookware's thermal performance by the stainless steel layer on the surface.
More noise to compensate for being so wrong here.
No, I'm going to continue to point out that you often resort to fallacies because you know you're out of your depth.
You've added liar to that to by claiming everyone here agrees with you.
In other words, no possible response for you on the fact someone else in this thread noticed the same extreme temperature variations in cast iron, which completely sinks all your blather. So Muhammed must be in on the conspiracy along with all these food science authors and chefs who write that cast iron doesn't heat evenly and has hot spots.

So you're telling us you're a trained chef with a degree?
No, I'm not. I'm surprised you're so dense this must be explained but I'll try:

Toobsteak tried to challenge me by asking if I was a trained chef. I asked in return if he was, and (of course) he dodged... so his implication that one must be a trained chef to be in this discussion was a pointless red herring.

Sorry it confused you my little smooth brained friend.
In denial of science?
So you dont believe a top of the line $175 dollar infrared temp reader is right?
Sounds to me you're the one who doesnt believe in science.
Yes. Cast iron does not distribute heat well, that is a fact.

Some idiot online who has demonstrated they know nothing about cooking materials making up more lies about thermometers isn't really relevant.

WRONG AGAIN, Butthole.

Gee, we finally found something you're good at, being WRONG all of the time.
Amazing how everyone claims to be an expert online, even the idiot who apparently stir fries pork chops and grilled cheese sandwiches on cast iron. You aren't fooling anyone.

Yes, you keep saying that... but you are the one who thinks the way to measure the thermal performance of stainless steel cookware is by comparing the heat capacity of stainless steel. You have proven yourself to be incredible naive.

IDIOT, you can't take a photo of a quality which is TIME-DEPENDENT. Are you brain damaged?
Sure you can, you note the time. The photo shown was how a cast iron pan's heat differential was after 30 minutes. It completely sunk your idiotic claims that cast iron has no hot spots, which embarrasses you greatly forcing you to attack a photo and to attack me. Humiliation stings even more when you have such a fragile self-esteem doesn't it? Are your little fists balled up in frustration? I think so.
No, I'm not. I'm surprised you're so dense this must be explained but I'll try
It takes neutronium to get through your thick skull.

I asked in return if he was, and (of course) he dodged...
No I didn't Moron. I answered that question just 5 posts above! Do you have reading comprehension issues and short term memory loss too?

so his implication that one must be a trained chef to be in this discussion was a pointless red herring.
My implication? What implication? Where did I imply that? Do you have a total loss of contact with reality? The only one here not answering questions is YOU.

Sorry it confused you my little smooth brained friend.
Once again, you are looking at your own hairless ass in the mirror.
Yes. Cast iron does not distribute heat well, that is a fact.
The only FACT is that iron absorbs more heat until it reaches thermal equilibrium, then it radiates the excess just like any other material.

Some idiot online who has demonstrated they know nothing about cooking materials making up more lies
I thought that was you.

Amazing how everyone claims to be an expert online
Only one here who thinks he knows everything is YOU.

You have proven yourself to be incredible naive.
Says the jackass who is still arguing in defense of what he likes to cook with 6 days and 150 posts later. What, pay too much for your TFal?

The photo shown was how a cast iron pan's heat differential was after 30 minutes.
Snapshots do not give data that is time dependent. Kids in 5th grade know that much. They give no information on what occurred before nor after the photo was taken. Worse, your pictures not only contradict each other but prove nothing without seeing and knowing the burner they were on. Your K-Mart stove is no match for my good Vulcan range. Good gas burners distribute the heat very evenly over a wide area.
Yes. Cast iron does not distribute heat well, that is a fact.

Some idiot online who has demonstrated they know nothing about cooking materials making up more lies about thermometers isn't really relevant.

Amazing how everyone claims to be an expert online, even the idiot who apparently stir fries pork chops and grilled cheese sandwiches on cast iron. You aren't fooling anyone.

Yes, you keep saying that... but you are the one who thinks the way to measure the thermal performance of stainless steel cookware is by comparing the heat capacity of stainless steel. You have proven yourself to be incredible naive.

Sure you can, you note the time. The photo shown was how a cast iron pan's heat differential was after 30 minutes. It completely sunk your idiotic claims that cast iron has no hot spots, which embarrasses you greatly forcing you to attack a photo and to attack me. Humiliation stings even more when you have such a fragile self-esteem doesn't it? Are your little fists balled up in frustration? I think so.

Would you like to see a pic of it?
I have a shitload of Thermoworks Thermos and many different probes for different applications.

Here's a small sample.......


I also have well over $15k in outdoor cooking equipment.
We also buy a lot of commercial grade kitchen appliances.
I was on a BBQ team for just over 4 years and cooked in competitions and I've been BBQing for 38 years.
I know my shit when it comes to cooking inside or outside.






If you ever need help in the kitchen or the backyard just ask.
I have a shitload of Thermoworks Thermos and many different probes for different applications.
Here's a small sample.......
View attachment 849880

View attachment 849893

That is a whole lot of dedicated temp probe stuff! I have nothing so elaborate--- here is one of the electronic meters I use to convert temperature readings to digital or analog display and to also log their trends:


Then I plug a measuring module into it that takes the readings from an assortment of probes and converts it into mV readings that the meter can display as Fahrenheit or Celsius, here they all are in a case with other accessories:


BTW, love that smoker of yours! Plan on having me over as company for some smoked chicken come next Forth! 😋

I'll bring the Kahlua. :SMILEW~130:
That is a whole lot of dedicated temp probe stuff! I have nothing so elaborate--- here is one of the electronic meters I use to convert temperature readings to digital or analog display and to also log their trends:

View attachment 849978

Then I plug a measuring module into it that takes the readings from an assortment of probes and converts it into mV readings that the meter can display as Fahrenheit or Celsius, here they all are in a case with other accessories:

View attachment 849983

BTW, love that smoker of yours! Plan on having me over as company for some smoked chicken come next Forth! 😋

I'll bring the Kahlua. :SMILEW~130:

I will say none of mine will connect to a laptop.
I will say none of mine will connect to a laptop.

I can record a trendplot of temp readings or changes over seconds, minutes, hours or days unattended with various parameters, triggers and thresholds, then come back and save it as a data file and export it out of the meter into a computer for other display and analysis, etc.

Now, if I just knew anything about physics and skillets, I might actually have something!

Screen Shot 2022-12-23 at 7.35.26 PM.jpg
That is a whole lot of dedicated temp probe stuff! I have nothing so elaborate--- here is one of the electronic meters I use to convert temperature readings to digital or analog display and to also log their trends:

View attachment 849978

Then I plug a measuring module into it that takes the readings from an assortment of probes and converts it into mV readings that the meter can display as Fahrenheit or Celsius, here they all are in a case with other accessories:

View attachment 849983

BTW, love that smoker of yours! Plan on having me over as company for some smoked chicken come next Forth! 😋

I'll bring the Kahlua. :SMILEW~130:

Yeah....I had to sell the Pitts And Spitts because it was just to big for the amount of people I cook for these days.

The Lang is the perfect size for what we do these days and it burns a whole lot less wood.


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