I see no need to own a cast iron pan

WRONG. The aluminum inside adds to the heat CONDUCTION. Thermal heat capacity in iron I was referring to is capacity to RESIST CHANGE. It soaks up the heat and once hot, it tries to STAY HOT, even if removed from the flame.
Yet you referenced the heat capacity of stainless steel. How ignorant.

Keep it up asshole, I have physics on my side, and you obviously don't, otherwise, you would be proving so instead of your weak attempts at attacking ME. Have you noticed that everyone here agrees with me and NOT ONE PERSON has agreed with you?
The guy who says cast iron heats evenly does not have physics on his side, he has sheer ignorance on his side.

You keep trying to weigh the responses of others, which like your straw man attempts is yet another logical fallacy. Lots of those = someone not confident in their ability to make an argument on its merits.

Muhammed agreed with me in this very thread, pointing out the extreme temperature differences in his cast iron pan. That kind of makes you a liar in addition to being stupid doesn't it?
No moron, the control is in the person cooking the food by having more choices in how to use the skillet.
You can control it up to a degree, but something like a sauce in a cast iron pan cannot be easily temperature controlled like you can with copper or stainless steel.

Of no value when cooking things where you don't need nor do you want the temperature of the cooking vessel to change rapidly!
That's true, for an unskilled person like you just cranking heat to make your hamburger helper it wouldn't be useful.

There is no flaw to iron skillets, nor stainless, non-stick or aluminum, asshole, only differences, strengths and weaknesses for more cooking choices and control.
Flaw noun
  1. a feature that mars the perfection of something

It is not a matter of either/ or. If you weren't such a total flaming asshole thinking you know it all because you watched a few youtube videos, you'd know and admit that. Do you have any actual training in cooking at all, or did you just read that too in a book?
Ahh so now we're going to hear about all the advanced chef training The Village Idiot has had, the guy who thinks cast iron conducts heat well and that stainless steel cookware's heat capacity is measured by the layer of stainless steel. This should be rich.
FOR THE 40th TIME, I mean it heats evenly over TIME, I never said anything about AREA.
It doesn't, as proven by picture taken after 30 minutes on a burner. You reject that information because you hate to admit you were wrong.

Web articles don't prove a thing. 99% of what you read on the web is HORSESHIT.
You know I'm reading your posts on the web right?

Who to trust, websites dedicated to cooking and testing cookware or toobfreak who has been caught lying, trying to spin the incorrect things he said, blindly rejecting all information he doesn't like? I'll take the former, and my own observations, thanks for playing.
Funny you think that after my in depth EXPLANATION of the differences after me being the one who BROUGHT IT UP, you fucking liar dumbass.
You have done nothing but try to spin your previous incorrect claims about cookware to hide your ignorance.

I asked a question about grills? What was that, shithead? I'm the one who brought grills into the conversation you fathead.

Yes you asked a question about grills that showed you don't understand the principles of radiant versus conductive heat.

It was funny watching you expose your ignorance yet again.
Funny, I've used iron skillets countless times and never noticed any "uneven heating."
Well you're kind of dumb, so this isn't a surprise.

Meanwhile, people who are actually interested in observing and learning measure these things and prove you wrong.
Poor rube in denial about physics. It speaks a lot for the education in this country.

I know I can cook. I've got a REAL GOOD idea that HereWeGo can cook, too. I've got a degree in physics. Where did you get yours, on YouTube?
Second, you cook by sight, sound, taste, smell and feel, not by slide rule. I've yet to met any good chef who goes by "physics" to make a good dish.
Good cooking is about the chef bridging the gap between where he is and where he wants to be, regardless of the cookware.
If cookware alone made or broke the meal, then anyone could cook great just by buying good pots and pans!
Cookware is also about what you like and are comfortable with, not the "physics" of the skillet.
You're still a total shithead.
Yet you referenced the heat capacity of stainless steel. How ignorant.
Yes you are. Other people are not responsible for YOUR stupidity.

The guy who says cast iron heats evenly does not have physics on his side, he has sheer ignorance on his side.
You're on my side now, skillet-head?

You keep trying to weigh the responses of others, which like your straw man attempts is yet another logical fallacy. Lots of those = someone not confident in their ability to make an argument on its merits.
Are you going to regale us now with more of your invalid axiomatic tautologies?

Muhammed agreed with me in this very thread, pointing out the extreme temperature differences in his cast iron pan. That kind of makes you a liar in addition to being stupid doesn't it?
No, it just still makes you an ass-maggot with more mouth than cooking acumen.
You can control it up to a degree, but something like a sauce in a cast iron pan cannot be easily temperature controlled like you can with copper or stainless steel.
Never met anyone using cast iron to make a sauce.

That's true, for an unskilled person like you just cranking heat to make your hamburger helper it wouldn't be useful.
Unskilled? I don't know, so far I've been highly skilled at whopping your ass and making hamburger out of your every insipid remark. Wanna try for more, burger-brain?
It doesn't, as proven by picture taken after 30 minutes on a burner.
Moron! How can you take a SNAPSHOT of a property that is TIME dependent? I swear, you have the brain of a 7 year old! :auiqs.jpg: Are you really that STUPID that after all these days, you STILL JUST DON'T GET IT???

You reject that information because you hate to admit you were wrong.
Talking to yourself?
Says the guy who entertains himself watching the water swirl down the toilet bowl.
Nonsensical reply, as usual. You really don't have much to contribute here do you?

Moron! How can you take a SNAPSHOT of a property that is TIME dependent?
You wait the allotted time, then take a picture. Ironic the word moron coming from someone who made this comment.
Never met anyone using cast iron to make a sauce.
Ahh more flaws of cast iron being exposed?

Unskilled? I don't know, so far I've been highly skilled at whopping your ass and making hamburger out of your every insipid remark. Wanna try for more, burger-brain?
Only someone with a 7th grade mental maturity would believe that your feeble 7th grade insults are impressing anyone.

What we do know is that they are attempts to compensate from the embarrassment this thread has brought you after you rolled in saying cast iron heats evenly and found out you were wrong.
Yes you are. Other people are not responsible for YOUR stupidity.
He said, continuing to try to whitewash the fact he was trying to measure stainless steel cookware's thermal performance by the stainless steel layer on the surface.

You're on my side now, skillet-head?
More noise to compensate for being so wrong here.

Are you going to regale us now with more of your invalid axiomatic tautologies?
No, I'm going to continue to point out that you often resort to fallacies because you know you're out of your depth.

You've added liar to that to by claiming everyone here agrees with you.

No, it just still makes you an ass-maggot with more mouth than cooking acumen.
In other words, no possible response for you on the fact someone else in this thread noticed the same extreme temperature variations in cast iron, which completely sinks all your blather. So Muhammed must be in on the conspiracy along with all these food science authors and chefs who write that cast iron doesn't heat evenly and has hot spots.
I know I can cook. I've got a REAL GOOD idea that HereWeGo can cook, too. I've got a degree in physics. Where did you get yours, on YouTube?
Second, you cook by sight, sound, taste, smell and feel, not by slide rule. I've yet to met any good chef who goes by "physics" to make a good dish.
Good cooking is about the chef bridging the gap between where he is and where he wants to be, regardless of the cookware.
If cookware alone made or broke the meal, then anyone could cook great just by buying good pots and pans!
Cookware is also about what you like and are comfortable with, not the "physics" of the skillet.
You're still a total shithead.
In other words, you don't have any real chef training, but like challenging others to whether they have any.

Kind of deflates you even more. Pretty funny.

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