I see no need to own a cast iron pan

Food tastes much better in a cast iron pan. If you wash it, you really destroy it. I had a cast iron pan for years. Water never touched it.
You can do that with any non stick pan, as long as you keep it in the refridge Seran wrapped you can season a pan and food will taste better, just note the gelatinous grease must be wiped out after 3-5 days, but can still be used in the refridge much longer (if using it consistantly) saving space in your dishwasher. Making Steak sandwiches or pastrami steak hogies cooked in a pan that seared a steak or burger the day before, just adds flavor and encrusts easier.
You can do that with any non stick pan, as long as you keep it in the refridge Seran wrapped you can season a pan and food will taste better, just note the gelatinous grease must be wiped out after 3-5 days, but can still be used in the refridge much longer (if using it consistantly) saving space in your dishwasher. Making Steak sandwiches or pastrami steak hogies cooked in a pan that seared a steak or burger the day before, just adds flavor and encrusts easier.

With cast iron you can wipe off everything and put it wherever you store your pots and pans.
The seasoning soaks into the cast iron so there's no need to leave it all nasty.
As far as germs go.. if there are germs present they die when you preheat the pan.
With cast iron you can wipe off everything and put it wherever you store your pots and pans.
The seasoning soaks into the cast iron so there's no need to leave it all nasty.
As far as germs go.. if there are germs present they die when you preheat the pan.
No different than the gease on your deli meat sealable bags, expiration is
3-5days on meats. No different than saving bacon grease or chicken fat (Schmoltz) and no more charred than your outdoor grill.
With cast iron you can wipe off everything and put it wherever you store your pots and pans.
The seasoning soaks into the cast iron so there's no need to leave it all nasty.
As far as germs go.. if there are germs present they die when you preheat the pan.
Now and then the cast iron needs to have the seasoning removed and reapplied otherwise it can get rancid and ruin flavor as well as creating a rotten smell. We used to take it camping once a year and throw it in the fire. It removes the old grease and you can reseason it -- good as new.
No different than the gease on your deli meat sealable bags, expiration is
3-5days on meats. No different than saving bacon grease or chicken fat (Schmoltz) and no more charred than your outdoor grill.

You're not helping your cause.
A pack of deli meat goes in the fridge,putting a frying pan in the fridge isnt necessary if it's cast iron.
Just wipe it out and put it back in the cabinet.
You're not helping your cause.
A pack of deli meat goes in the fridge,putting a frying pan in the fridge isnt necessary if it's cast iron.
Just wipe it out and put it back in the cabinet.
I've seen what happens in very humid climates to grease, it get's mildew.
If you ever need help in the kitchen or the backyard just ask.
I'd never ask for help from someone with that much gear who still doesn't understand the thermal properties of different cooking materials.

Pretty good proof that buying toys doesn't make up for basic knowledge.
The only FACT is that iron absorbs more heat until it reaches thermal equilibrium, then it radiates the excess just like any other material.
This is correct. What isn't correct is that it conducts well and doesn't have hot spots. When this was demonstrated you just decided all online sources were lies, including pictures, and other posters in this thread. Cope much?

Only one here who thinks he knows everything is YOU.
Absolutely not, but I do know that cast iron doesn't heat evenly. Sadly your shallow ego prohibits you from absorbing this knowledge because you're embarrassed of how wrong you were.

Says the jackass who is still arguing in defense of what he likes to cook with 6 days and 150 posts later. What, pay too much for your TFal?
You know you're reply to me right? My God what an idiotic observation.

Snapshots do not give data that is time dependent.
They do when additional data is provided, you just reject it because it proves you were incorrect and clearly you don't handle being wrong very well. Self-esteem issues I suspect.

Worse, your pictures not only contradict each other but prove nothing without seeing and knowing the burner they were on.
They only contradict to people with very low IQs, to the rest of us they make perfect sense. Sorry you fall into the first category.

Your K-Mart stove is no match for my good Vulcan range. Good gas burners distribute the heat very evenly over a wide area.
More excuses to cope with being wrong. Funny.
No I didn't Moron. I answered that question just 5 posts above! Do you have reading comprehension issues and short term memory loss too?
You didn't answer it in the reply, you made up something later than anyone can see is bullshit.

Recall, you're the mouth breather who dismisses anyone learning from videos, then said you learn by following Gordon Ramsay. Hilarious.

My implication? What implication? Where did I imply that? Do you have a total loss of contact with reality? The only one here not answering questions is YOU.
Yes, you're the one trying to dismiss facts about the thermal proprties of cooking materials by asking others if they are trained chefs. Yet another in a long chain of feeble attempts to gain traction here, and yet another fail.

So curious is Muhammed in on the conspiracy? Why does his thermometer say his cast iron won't even out?
They only contradict to people with very low IQs

Look skillet-boob, go fuck yourself. None of the bullshit you claim comports with my experiences nor anyone I know. I have an antique cast iron griddle that covers half my stove over two burners and I have yet to ever experience any problem nor difference in how it cooks regardless of where food is placed. None of your fantasy bloviation nor attempts to insult me matter here; they only serve to demonstrate how weak your argument really is and what a jerk you really are. I've yet to see you present any actual data on COOKING with a cast skillet! Even your stupid sites with IR pictures fail to provide any comparisons with other material types.

If iron was such bad cookware as you claim, it wouldn't be doing a 175 million dollar business and climbing, and most cast iron skillets are cheap, in the $20 range!

Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 2.36.52 PM.png

Cast iron cookware is a booming business.

Cast iron cookware in not only a booming business with over 1.6 billion dollar market share, but with ongoing research into new designs and improvements.

Cast iron is popular because it is cheap, easy to maintain, durable, versatile, cooks well and easy to clean. Only a mental defective clown-show like you would try to deny that or claim otherwise.
As far as my nonstick stuff it gets washed thoroughly after every use.
It intended purpose makes it worthless to try and season.
There is no comparison between SS cookware and cast iron. I was talking about cast. I've been following this idiot as he tries to boost his ego with days of bullshit and seasoning was something that was mentioned. I was just remarking about a personal experience. I'm not attacking anyone for their choices of cooking vessels. SS is not porous as cast iron is so seasoning wouldn't work anyway.

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