I see no need to own a cast iron pan

The first two pics are the high Carbon tempered steel pans....lighter than cast iron but they are also very nice.
I like carbon steel pans, my sister has one that is wonderful for just about anything related to breakfast.
I like carbon steel pans, my sister has one that is wonderful for just about anything related to breakfast.
They tend to be expensive for what they are but are similar in function as cast iron. They don't hold the heat as well as cast iron but can get extremely hot for searing meats. I like these as well as cast iron....both work well and make certain tasks easier.
I've used cheap stuff for decades trying to do more than what the cheap stuff would allow....
Now that I have a few pieces of nice cookware I still marvel at how easy things have become.
You're contradicting yourself then, earlier you claimed I was rationalizing my choice in pans. If I don't need a different pan, then there is nothing to rationalize.
Wrong again, skillet-brain, it is your rationalization that keeps you posting here how bad iron skillets are, when in fact, they have very few negatives.

Luckier for you, since you're the guy who hilariously provided a link proving himself wrong about the specific heat of aluminum versus cast iron,
Moron, I was talking about the comparison between heat capacity of iron to stainless not aluminum.

and couldn't wrap your head around the fact that cast iron doesn't distribute heat evenly.
Of course it does, if you let it. The advantage to iron is its RESISTANCE TO CHANGE of temperature, so, unless you are an idiot, you have to let the skillet reach temperature first before you use it! Do you know anything at all about cooking? Apparently not.
I like carbon steel pans

Heads up for you: while you are busy railing about iron, do you understand that all steel is steel because it started as iron then had carbon added to it? So all steel is a type of carbon steel, but funny that you are loving carbon steel while telling us that wrought iron is useless. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
They tend to be expensive for what they are but are similar in function as cast iron.
Agreed, but they are so much lighter and more responsive to temperature changes than cast iron.

Heads up for you: while you are busy railing about iron, do you understand that all steel is steel because it started as iron then had carbon added to it? So all steel is a type of carbon steel, but funny that you are loving carbon steel while telling us that wrought iron is useless. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
Reading comprehension fail, yet again.

My position in this thread is, and has been, that I don't need a cast iron pan since I can do everything I need in stainless steel. I've never said a cast iron pan is useless, but I guess when you're unable to actually argue with the points I made you're forced to invent a straw man to fight against right?
Wrong again, skillet-brain, it is your rationalization that keeps you posting here how bad iron skillets are, when in fact, they have very few negatives.
Pointing out the negatives of cast iron pans isn't rationalizing anything, to be honest you sound like someone who is so emotionally tied to a type of pan that you're insulted that someone sees the negatives or doesn't need it to cook. Cast iron is heavy, nonresponsive to temperature changes, and has limitations in cooking with acids.

Moron, I was talking about the comparison between heat capacity of iron to stainless not aluminum.
Hah what? So you mean when someone talks about cooking with stainless steel you assume they mean just no other material in the pan, like some old school milk warming pan? That explains (at least somewhat) why you have consistently sounded so stupid in this thread, although it does highlight how clueless you are about cookware. Learn something = when people say cooking with stainless steel, they are not talking about a purely stainless steel cooking vessel, it will have either fully cladded or disc based aluminum.

Of course it does, if you let it. The advantage to iron is its RESISTANCE TO CHANGE of temperature, so, unless you are an idiot, you have to let the skillet reach temperature first before you use it! Do you know anything at all about cooking? Apparently not.
Nope, cast iron doesn't distribute heat evenly no matter how well you are pretending to be able to cook. It is a function of physics, you cannot change the properties of cast iron. From your own link earlier:

"The iron pot, however, began at roughly 375 degrees in the center and around 250-275 at the edges. As the pot got hotter, that differential remained relatively constant—and it did the same as it cooled. In other words, as the pan rushed to get rid of its heat, each area of the pan cooled at the same rate. So the pan was never able to achieve an even temperature."

You can mitigate this somewhat by preheating in the oven (pain in the ass), but a cast iron pan on a burner will never distribute heat evenly.
DAMN! Are you STILL going on trying to rationalize your cooking choices like some psycho?
No, I'm enjoying embarrassing you by picking apart every feeble argument you try to make and forcing you to desperate invent straw men to fight or try to steer the conversation towards stolen elections and climate change, while also exposing your impressive lack of knowledge about cookware, cooking, and basic physics.

I've heard of cast iron fanboys who get offended like this, but you're my first live one. Both pathetic and fascinating.
No, I'm enjoying embarrassing you
Asshole, you are not even remotely embarrassing anyone but yourself.

by picking apart every feeble argument you try to make
But you've picked apart nothing! Iron skillets are iron skillets and I don't give a rat's ass whether you like or own one or not.

I've heard of cast iron fanboys who get offended like this
I'm not even a cast iron "fanboy," in fact, right now, I don't even own one. Boy are you an asshole.
The first two pics are the high Carbon tempered steel pans....lighter than cast iron but they are also very nice. But being tempered steel just be careful not to drop them....they can break catastrophically. Also because they are rust free...so.e moron always wants to wash them for some Inane reason. They just need wiping out like any seasoned pan...and if something is stick you just use salt to scrub it out (hence the name "seasoned")

Seasoning is in reference to laying layers of polymerized oils.
They're all the same pans at different levels of seasoning.
Asshole, you are not even remotely embarrassing anyone but yourself.
Says the guy who thought the stainless steel layer is what you should measure to determine the thermal properties of stainless steel cookware. Hilarious.
But you've picked apart nothing! Iron skillets are iron skillets and I don't give a rat's ass whether you like or own one or not.
Says the guy who was so desperate he started ranting against the liberals and climate change.
I'm not even a cast iron "fanboy," in fact, right now, I don't even own one. Boy are you an asshole.
What you don't own is critical thinking skills, a basic understanding of physics, and how stainless steel cookware works. Funny how the loudest ones always accidentally expose themselves as the most ignorant, well done.
They're all the same pans at different levels of seasoning.
Have you ever purchased preseasoned carbon steel pans? The reviews I've read it sounds like lots of people are unsatisfied and end up stripping them down to start over and season them properly. You do see a lot more preseasoned products offered though, both CS and CI.

Is that smaller one an 8"?
Cast iron doesn't heat very evenly, at least compared to clad stainless steel.

It is the material cast iron, and physics. No quality of pan will magically change the properties of cast iron.

Does this cornbread look like the pan had uneven heat?
Have you ever purchased preseasoned carbon steel pans? The reviews I've read it sounds like lots of people are unsatisfied and end up stripping them down to start over and season them properly. You do see a lot more preseasoned products offered though, both CS and CI.

Is that smaller one an 8"?

I just posted picks of them.
They're De Buyers from france.
Post 151.


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Says the guy who thought the stainless steel layer is what you should measure to determine the thermal properties of stainless steel cookware. Hilarious.
Your babbling. You're an idiot.

Says the guy who was so desperate he started ranting against the liberals and climate change.

What you don't own is critical thinking skills, a basic understanding of physics, and how stainless steel cookware works.
Sure, right, gumdrop, you keep telling yourself that. Whatever it takes to make you happy with your K-Mart Cookware.
Your babbling. You're an idiot.
Babbling is suddenly making accusations about climate change and liberals in a thread about cookware. That was you.
Sure, right, gumdrop, you keep telling yourself that. Whatever it takes to make you happy with your K-Mart Cookware.
Yep, I'm happy with my stainless steel cookware. I'm still chuckling that you were naive enough to think that the stainless steel layer provides the thermal properties of the pan, I guess people hate what they don't understand.
Babbling is suddenly making accusations about climate change and liberals in a thread about cookware. That was you.


Yep, I'm happy with my stainless steel cookware. I'm still chuckling that you were naive enough to think that the stainless steel layer provides the thermal properties of the pan, I guess people hate what they don't understand.

Why do you keep asking me questions and when I answer them you ignore those answers?
Have you ever purchased preseasoned carbon steel pans? The reviews I've read it sounds like lots of people are unsatisfied and end up stripping them down to start over and season them properly. You do see a lot more preseasoned products offered though, both CS and CI.

Is that smaller one an 8"?

Yes,and I put em in the oven and burn off the factory seasoning.
I'd have to check but I believe I have and 12 and a 10 inch.

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