I see no need to own a cast iron pan

It seems cast iron has had a resurgence in popularity and some folks are borderline cult-like over it, but I've yet to have anyone give me a good reason to own one instead of stainless steel. They are heavy (I like to flip food), take longer to heat up, aren't responsive, react with acidic ingredients, and you can't just soak the pan to clean later since it will rust out. I don't get the appeal.
They're good for cooking nann breads on. You can also cook nanns on a steel Tawa
I had a set years ago & they made the best fried chicken I ever had. We now have an elecric stove & they don't heat properly with an electric flat top surface so we gave them away.

Soon, we're buyng a gas stove & this electric monstrosity we'll set out for the metal scrap junkies. The first thing I'm cooking will be fried chicken using cast iron.
The idiot is trying to slant his defense of his skillets by arguing that if you put an iron skillet on a burner, at first it will heat over the flame and be uneven. Of course, only an idiot like him would cook like that, whereas if you use an iron skillet properly or professionally, once the skillet has time to heat properly, not only will it be evenly heated but it will maintain that heat better than anything else despite burner variation or food being added, which is why good ranges have heavy cast iron tops and gratings over their burners.
Dude, you're the guy so naive on this topic that you proposed that the heating capacity of stainless steel cookware should be measured by the properties of the stainless steel layer.

Literally every actual reference disagrees with you on cast iron heating evenly, it is hilarious watching you basically chant "I'm stupid and making shit up" over and over.

The Reality: Actually, cast iron is terrible at heating evenly. The thermal conductivity—the measure of a material's ability to transfer heat from one part to another—is around a third to a quarter that of a material like aluminum. What does this mean? Throw a cast iron skillet on a burner and you end up forming very clear hot spots right on top of where the flames are, while the rest of the pan remains relatively cool.
Yeah, I bet that person puts a cold pan on a cold burner, splashes cold oil in puts the food in THEN turns on the heat!!! Then says "Gee it's cooking unevenly".....LOL My wife used to do that, burnt or undercooked everthing. I no longer let her cook. LOL
Nobody who knows how to cook puts the oil and food in a cold pan, you're manufacturing opinions and actions for others because you can't accept that your assumptions about cast iron cookware were wrong.

I doubt he's ever even owned or used an iron skillet--- a Youtube video told him not to buy one, they cook uneven. Then he spent a fortune on some exotic SS cookset that he now has to justify by telling himself that iron is no good.

Truth be told, a good cook should have a few cast iron skillets, a few SS, and a few non-stick. They all have their uses.
More people just inventing whatever pops in their head to try to make sense of the world.

1. I've owned a cast iron pan
2. I never said cast iron is "no good" (this makes several times I've shot down this straw man fallacy you keep going to)
3. I didn't spend a fortune on any exotic SS set, buying cookware sets is almost always a bad idea
4. Truth be told = you have not been able to give a single reason why I should have a cast iron skillet
I've seen people burn stuff so bad in stainless that it was impossible to get clean and they had to throw the whole thing away. Stainless is the hardest to use or the easiest to screw up unless you know how to cook with them, but given their proper use, are just fantastic to cook with.
Hah you're one of those people who the more he talks the more he exposes how little he knows on the subject.

Barkeeper's Friend will clean almost any stainless steel cookware, and for heavily polymerized oil burns you just spray some oven cleaner and put it in a plastic bag for awhile, comes out looking brand new.

I have a couple of stainless. Every so often I spray then all over with oven cleaner. Clean as new.
Yep, that dude hilariously claiming ss can be burned beyond use is the same guy who claims its heating properties come from the thin stainless steel layer on the outside, as opposed to the much thicker aluminum core. The more he talks, the more you understand how much he's just making things up as he goes along.
"Hot spots" or not, my cast iron skillet cooks very evenly.
Yes, the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.

The SS skillets I have have a huge thick plate of 'mystery metal' added to the bottom so you can 'evenly' burn all your food to a crisp. :auiqs.jpg:
Mystery metal? You sound like the natives banging drums to scare away the eclipse eating the sun.

No wonder you say the things you say, you don't understand anything so instead of learning you just declare it a mystery metal and throw up your hands. Clue = stainless steel with an aluminum core.
If it did, moron, they wouldn't need to clad layers of copper and/or aluminum to it. The SS is for strength and for your cooking surface, nitwit.
You are the dummy who thought the SS layer was for the thermal performance, remember?

To try to prove that a cast iron pan had better heating properties you linked to a chart showing various metals, except you were looking at stainless steel versus cast iron. Funny shit.
Yes, the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.

Mystery metal? You sound like the natives banging drums to scare away the eclipse eating the sun.

No wonder you say the things you say, you don't understand anything so instead of learning you just declare it a mystery metal and throw up your hands. Clue = stainless steel with an aluminum core.
Logical thinking ceases to exist in your brain.
Logical thinking ceases to exist in your brain.
A useless reply from someone who is so emotionally tied to a vessel material they are denying the laws of physics hoping to convince others they have magic cast iron that heats evenly.

Here you go, IR image of cast iron pan 30 minutes of heating on the stove, 140 degree difference between center and edge.

Dude, you're the guy so naive on this topic that you proposed that the heating capacity of stainless steel cookware should be measured by the properties of the stainless steel layer.

Literally every actual reference disagrees with you on cast iron heating evenly, it is hilarious watching you basically chant "I'm stupid and making shit up" over and over.

The Reality: Actually, cast iron is terrible at heating evenly. The thermal conductivity—the measure of a material's ability to transfer heat from one part to another—is around a third to a quarter that of a material like aluminum. What does this mean? Throw a cast iron skillet on a burner and you end up forming very clear hot spots right on top of where the flames are, while the rest of the pan remains relatively cool.

You're an idiot who reads articles written by people trying to sell you steel skillets. Only people who can't cook with iron believe all your fiction.
Here you go, IR image of cast iron pan 30 minutes of heating on the stove

Who would take that picture but someone trying to sell you something else and only a fool would believe it. Is that how you cook, by pictures? :laughing0301: How can you understand the answers when you don't even understand the question, much less that your own photo proved me right and you wrong?

You are the dummy who thought the SS layer was for the thermal performance, remember?
Never said that Petunia. For the THIRD TIME Moron, the copper or aluminum clad is to spread heat due to the thinness. The SS is for the cooking surface and strength. Damn are you tards dense!

To try to prove that a cast iron pan had better heating properties
Never said CI had "better" heating properties, idiot. I said they were different, and they are.
Damn are you assholes dense.
You're an idiot who reads articles written by people trying to sell you steel skillets. Only people who can't cook with iron believe all your fiction.
Fail, as usual. The source was an article in SeriousEats, hilariously they only thing they linked to on that page were cast iron pans to buy. You spend a lot of time inventing things so the world conforms to your incorrect conclusions, instead of actually learning something.

Who would take that picture but someone trying to sell you something else and only a fool would believe it.
That picture was on the a cooking forum, they weren't selling anything. Whenever you're wrong, you just make something up to try to deal with it.

I have given you the reasons for cast iron. You're just too stupid to understand them.
All you've given me is a hilarious window into the psychology of someone who is acting like pans are like rooting for college football teams, where you cannot bring yourself to admit the flaws in cast iron cookware. It is pathetic actually, watching an adult pretending any evidence to the contrary must be fake or by someone selling stainless steel.

Never said that Petunia. For the THIRD TIME Moron, the copper or aluminum clad is to spread heat due to the thinness. The SS is for the cooking surface and strength.

Never said CI had "better" heating properties, idiot. I said they were different, and they are.
Damn are you assholes dense.
You're gaslighting, you know quite well you linked to a list of specific heat of various metals and said you were comparing with stainless steel, which obviously is pretty stupid since aluminum would be the metal we'd be interested in. You really exposed yourself as naive on this subject and have been trying to distance yourself from your own comments ever since.
A bullshit picture. Let's see the burner, why is it hottest at center, does it have a single central flame? A gas burner has a ring of flames that lick the entire bottom much like a fire. More contrived anti-iron skillet nonsense. :lmao:
Yes, this is what stupid people do. Instead of learning something they just automatically reject anything that doesn't suit their worldview. It couldn't be that cast iron doesn't distribute heat well, it must be that someone on a cooking forum makes fake pictures for giggles. You've also invented that they must be anti-skillet, your imagination knows no pounds when you must deal with challenges to your narrow world experience.

The popular wisdom that cast iron cookware provides even heat is misleading. A cast iron skillet placed on a gas burner will develop distinct hot spots where the flame touches the pan. If you heat the center of a cast iron pan you will find that the heat travels slowly towards the pan’s edge, with a significant temperature gradient between the center and the edge. The pan will heat very unevenly, because cast iron is a relatively poor heat conductor compared to materials like aluminum and copper.

That's right, that author is also in on on the big conspiracy to lie about cast iron to poor toobfreak. Oooh look, more fake pictures, so many people out there making fake images to trick little toobfreak:

990tdrk02hrz (1).jpg
Here is a site that actually promotes cooking with cast iron. They must also be in on the conspiracy to sell stainless steel pans right? They say:

"Cast iron does not heat evenly, and its ability to transfer heat from one part of the pan to another is poor."

A useless reply from someone who is so emotionally tied to a vessel material they are denying the laws of physics hoping to convince others they have magic cast iron that heats evenly.

Here you go, IR image of cast iron pan 30 minutes of heating on the stove, 140 degree difference between center and edge.

View attachment 848487
So, which is the real photo?



Or this:
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Fail, as usual.
The only failure here is in your comprehension and arguments.

Yes, this is what stupid people do.
Speaking about yourself? Dude, why do you insist on just digging yourself in deeper with these worthless photos which prove nothing because they all contain too many unspecified variables, trying to attack a skillet that all I'm saying is a useful choice many prefer to use for certain situations?

Good thing real cooks go buy ACTUAL COOKING EXPERIENCES and RESULTS and not looking a PICTURES in a magazine!

All the funnier that your second set of "scientific photos" DIRECTLY CONTRADICT that shown in your FIRST "scientific IR photo!"

Making ALL of them WORTHLESS. :lmao:


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