I see no need to own a cast iron pan

Everyone? I just saw someone say you were this way in the tube amp forum, thinking you know a lot when you know nothing. It wouldn't surprise me.
There is no "tube amp forum" here, asshole but I guarantee you I know more about tubes than you and everyone else here as I've designed and built my own tube equipment.

Maintaining heat is an advantage
Thanks for admitting that iron which holds it heat steady is superior.

everything isn't a stir fry and it is a lot easier if you can put something on a pan to cook evenly then flip it.
In that case, any chef with half a brain would choose a different skillet type, you dummfuk!

Have fun stirring your steak, pork chop, or grilled cheese sandwich.
You are dumber than hammered shit.
Thanks for admitting that iron which holds it heat steady is superior.

In that case, any chef with half a brain would choose a different skillet type, you dummfuk!

You are dumber than hammered shit.
It wasn't admitting, I know perfectly the strengths and weaknesses of different types of cookware.

You, on the other hand, were claiming cast iron distributes heat well (wrong), then dismissing evidence to the contrary as all false, then rationalizing by hilarious claiming you want uneven heating since can stir like a wok. Go go team cast iron! Loyal to the end!

Does cast iron heat evenly?

Unfortunately, no. While it may seem like the thickness of cast iron would distribute heat well, this material is notorious for cold spots. The best way to ensure even cooking while using a cast iron pan is to heat it really well either on the stovetop or in the oven prior to use.

That site touting the benefits of cast iron must be in on the big conspiracy to lie to poor toobfreak about cast iron being a poor conductor.
I showed you a perfectly cooked pan of cornbread and the bottom was consistently colored all across the bottom.
So how do you explain that?
Or did you miss the pic?

So you dont have to inconvenience yourself....

View attachment 848676

Show me where the the cool or hotspot is on this cornbread.
It comes out like this every single time I make it.
View attachment 848676

Watch...he's gonna ignore this post just like he did the last one.
Here is from a source that sells all types of cookware, where
Uhhh .....
I only cook with gas and there's no flame in the middle,yet the pan temp is even.
I'm sure you think so, have you measured the temp in degrees across the pan?
I showed you a perfectly cooked pan of cornbread and the bottom was consistently colored all across the bottom.
So how do you explain that?
Or did you miss the pic?

So you dont have to inconvenience yourself....

View attachment 848676

Show me where the the cool or hotspot is on this cornbread.
It comes out like this every single time I make it.
View attachment 848676
My mom used to make thick, airy omelettes in her six inch cast iron skillet. They were equally browned as well.
Here is from a source that sells all types of cookware, where
I showed you a perfectly cooked pan of cornbread and the bottom was consistently colored all across the bottom.
So how do you explain that?
Or did you miss the pic?

So you dont have to inconvenience yourself....

View attachment 848676

Show me where the the cool or hotspot is on this cornbread.
It comes out like this every single time I make it.
View attachment 848676
Oven = convection heat from all sides.

It is where you put cast iron to heat evenly before moving to the stove.
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Says the guy who thought you measure the heating qualities of stainless steel cookware by looking up the specific heat of stainless steel.

Pointing out the flaws in a certain type of cookware isn't "attacking" it, although this is exactly what I'm talking about with you being so emotionally invested in a pan that you feel it is being attacked and must defend it. Pathetic, much?

The first set shows temperature variance on the pan's surface after 30 minutes. You hate it because you claimed cast iron distributes heat well and are embarrassed at being exposed for being so clueless. The second photos show how cast iron is cooler in the middle because of the burner, because cast iron doesn't distribute heat as well as stainless steel or copper cookware.

I'm going off experiences too, and another poster in here Muhammed noted the same thing where his cast iron didn't heat evenly. You want a real cook? Sean Brock, award winning chef and restaurant owner, who says he loves cast iron pans. From: THE SCIENCE OF CAST IRON

"That said, a lot of people think cast iron is a good conductor of heat, but it’s actually the opposite, meaning that the pan does not easily give away its heat, especially compared to other mediums such as copper and aluminum. Yes, and that’s definitely a myth that needs to be busted. I think a lot of people have that misunderstanding, myself included in the early days, based off the fact that cast iron can get really hot. That doesn’t mean it’s a good conductor of heat, that just means it can get really hot. And anything can get really hot with a fire underneath it. But a pan also isn’t judged based on its heat conductivity. It’s judged on how well it performs, and that performance is based off multiple properties."

Yes, he's talking about tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum in this forum, who just keep insisting cast iron is a conducts heat well and any photo showing otherwise is part of some vast conspiracy. Lean something, instead of digging in for pride's sake and looking even more stupid.
a pan also isn’t judged based on its heat conductivity. It’s judged on how well it performs, and that performance is based off multiple properties." This is what most good cooks know and what I have already said. All you want to do is argue. Although the heat distribution may be somewhat uneven, the result is even cooking. Besides 140 degrees F difference from the outer rim to the center is not a big deal when you're cooking. Now you want to argue burner configuration.....I think you know this but are just here to nail people for some reason. No one here is making YOU use any specific cookware so, give it up.
Here is from a source that sells all types of cookware, where

Oven = conductive heat from all sides.

It is where you put cast iron to heat evenly before moving to the stove.
I don't do that to a cast iron skillet before putting in on a burner except maybe for searing as has already been covered here. I don't want my cast iron skillet to cook like a SS skillet with a metal core because frying or cooking is different than searing like SS does.
a pan also isn’t judged based on its heat conductivity. It’s judged on how well it performs, and that performance is based off multiple properties."
Agreed 100%.

Contrary to what The Village Idiot (tm) keeps claiming, I recognize the strengths of cast iron pans and understand what they do well.

I just haven't been given a good reason to use one, since I can do everything on I need on stainless steel.

Now you want to argue burner configuration.....I think you know this but are just here to nail people for some reason. No one here is making YOU use any specific cookware so, give it up.
Argue burner configuration? You seemed confused as to why they were getting the heating patterns they were, I thought it was obvious.

Give up what exactly? It is my thread, at this point it is mostly pure entertainment watching how much The Village Idiot (tm) twists and contorts to try to hold his feeble arguments in place and avoid admitting he was wrong about how cast iron pans conduct heat. Apparently he stir fries his pork chops so they cook evenly, which is a good thing in his mind. I love it.
I broke my iron skillet a couple years ago and this thread is prompting me to replace it now.

One that I'm considering is actually a well made but pricey french-made one that comes enameled, so, no seasoning ever required.

Also has a silicone insert you can guy to slip over the handle for direct handling.

Does it come with a recipe for "freedom fries", Ace?
Nope,you preheat the pan in the oven before hand.
I'd like to see your results from a stainless pan.
We're saying the same thing. Oven = convection heat applies to all sides, burner = conductive heat, which is where cast iron struggles.

I've never cooked corn bread in a stainless steel pan, but I've heard cast iron is really good at it.

To be clear, are you also thinking all these authors, chefs, food science articles are wrong about cast iron being a poor conductor of heat and you have stumbled on the truth? Is that really where you are here?
Everybody here figured out long ago that you are an idiot. Maybe in both cases, what the people really needed was a decent stove?

Ever occur to you that if iron skillets do vary a bit across their bottoms, that besides from maintaining their heat and changing temp slowly over time that this might be a GOOD THING Ace?

As you cook, you stir things around so that food gets to take turns on higher and lower heat. And like any good cook, much like a wok, you can move food around as it cooks so that more cooked stuff is held at the edges while other stuff catches up and continues to cook?

Of course not because you think and cook statically according to a set formula like a short-order cook, not a creative skilled chef.
Yes, thank you. Also a cooking medium like oil will do a lot of the cooking, not the metal itself. If one does not want to cook with oil, get a non stick pan and good luck!!
It wasn't admitting, I know perfectly the strengths and weaknesses of different types of cookware.
Obviously not.

You, on the other hand, were claiming cast iron distributes heat well (wrong), then dismissing evidence to the contrary as all false, then rationalizing by hilarious claiming you want uneven heating since can stir like a wok. Go go team cast iron! Loyal to the end!
I never said that. Obviously, your comprehension is very poor too.

Gee, I bet you also think that grilling food on a big outdoor grill is a terrible way to cook too, despite legions of fans of outdoor cooking!

How can you possible get good food cooked there much less seared properly when the heat over an open spit with charcoals and fire is the ULTIMATE uneven heat???

I don't do that to a cast iron skillet before putting in on a burner except maybe for searing as has already been covered here. I don't want my cast iron skillet to cook like a SS skillet with a metal core because frying or cooking is different than searing like SS does.

I use cast iron to sear steaks and to make blackened fish.
Picked up a Le Creuset oval pan just for searing long fish filets.
We're saying the same thing. Oven = convection heat applies to all sides, burner = conductive heat, which is where cast iron struggles.

I've never cooked corn bread in a stainless steel pan, but I've heard cast iron is really good at it.

To be clear, are you also thinking all these authors, chefs, food science articles are wrong about cast iron being a poor conductor of heat and you have stumbled on the truth? Is that really where you are here?

I've never read anywhere that says cast doesnt hold even heat.
Agreed 100%.

Contrary to what The Village Idiot (tm) keeps claiming, I recognize the strengths of cast iron pans and understand what they do well.

I just haven't been given a good reason to use one, since I can do everything on I need on stainless steel.

Argue burner configuration? You seemed confused as to why they were getting the heating patterns they were, I thought it was obvious.

Give up what exactly? It is my thread, at this point it is mostly pure entertainment watching how much The Village Idiot (tm) twists and contorts to try to hold his feeble arguments in place and avoid admitting he was wrong about how cast iron pans conduct heat. Apparently he stir fries his pork chops so they cook evenly, which is a good thing in his mind. I love it.
The fact is, you first claimed cast iron is cooler at the perimeter then you showed a picture of a cast iron pan cooler in the middle.

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