I see nothing wrong with this….

What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.

Yet you have no problem with armed guards in banks....
Thats messed up.
What's messed up about wishing my kids could go to a school that didn't require semiautomatic armed guards to keep them safe.

And do they really need that? What are the odds of a student being killed in a mass shooting incident (I am not talking about a couple of gang bangers going at it in the stairwell). Getting hit by lightning is probably more likely. And yet we throw guns in the hallways.

I agree that there are way too many guns on the street. A poorly trained gun nut making a fashion statement or a political statement scares me. You can either teach or be called on to protect in a combat type situation. Not both. I have no idea what it would cost to have trained guards, but that is certainly preferable to giving teachers a couple of days training and a gun.
If the only choices are armed guards or armed teachers, I agree--hire the guard. But (1) is it necessary and (2) is it the correct solution?

Like NO WALL...do nothing. The leftist kook answer to all. Unless killary thinks of an idea of course.
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.

Yet you have no problem with armed guards in banks....
Thats messed up.
What's messed up about wishing my kids could go to a school that didn't require semiautomatic armed guards to keep them safe.

And do they really need that? What are the odds of a student being killed in a mass shooting incident (I am not talking about a couple of gang bangers going at it in the stairwell). Getting hit by lightning is probably more likely. And yet we throw guns in the hallways.

Would you prefer that they be armed with single-shot rifles. like a Kentucky long rifle or a musket?
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.
That Kum-Bha-Yha stuff doesn't go over well with parents.
I am a parent.

Yeah, but your kids are in their 70s, right?
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.
If only there were laws against killing people

If only
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die

If they dont fall asleep sitting or walking around for 8 long hours day after day? I dont see how anyone could do that? Better than nothing but put me in the skeptical column......can you imagine? They need to be kept busy and challenge IMVHO.
------------------------------------------ good point . But isn't that how it is at pretty much any job where a person is supposed to stand around all day ??

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