I see nothing wrong with this….

View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

Huh? Most criminals get guns through the black market. There is no way to stop someone from getting a gun. Guns have been largely banned in the UK, and gun crime is on the rise.

Guns were banned in Australia, and they had a massive increase in gun crime.

If "Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution." was true.... then every country on the face of the Earth would have done it by now.

It is not a better solution, in fact it isn't a solution at all. It doesn't work. Has never worked. Will never work. And only mindless idiots, with no connection to reality, say such moronic things.

You must get your "facts" from 2AGuy. Here's a tip: Don't.

I got that from the Department of Justice, from some years back. They surveyed people in prison.

The typical murderer or rapist, didn't just wake up the day before, and start killing people. Most have long criminal records.

As a result, by the time they end up killing someone, they usually already have a long rap sheet, and thus are already banned from being a gun legally.

So naturally most all criminals get their guns on the black market.

I myself, knew exactly who to talk to in high school, if I wanted a gun. We all did. Additionally, my brother-in-law purchased his gun at a road side rest stop. How do you propose to prevent that? Another gun we own, we bought will visiting a friends house. We were just sitting there talking about wanting a revolver, and he pulled one of the drawer next the chair he was sitting in.

How do you suggest we prevent that?

You can't stop the black market ever. The whole point of a black market is that it doesn't follow the laws.

Just like banning alcohol didn't stop anything either. In a matter of months, there were smuggling rings running from coast to coast, from Canada to Mexico, and that didn't include the hundreds of moonshine distilleries that popped up across the country.

If you want to believe something else, that is your choice. But facts are not your choice. They are what they are.

It was your "facts" about gun crimes in Australia and the UK and Europe generally that I was taking exception to. Most of the guns used in mass shootings--that I can think of, anyway, were purchased legally.

I realize that many robberies and murders are committed with stolen guns. If there were less guns floating around to be stolen, there wouldn't be so many on the black market to sell, though, would there?
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

Huh? Most criminals get guns through the black market. There is no way to stop someone from getting a gun. Guns have been largely banned in the UK, and gun crime is on the rise.

Guns were banned in Australia, and they had a massive increase in gun crime.

If "Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution." was true.... then every country on the face of the Earth would have done it by now.

It is not a better solution, in fact it isn't a solution at all. It doesn't work. Has never worked. Will never work. And only mindless idiots, with no connection to reality, say such moronic things.

You must get your "facts" from 2AGuy. Here's a tip: Don't.

I got that from the Department of Justice, from some years back. They surveyed people in prison.

The typical murderer or rapist, didn't just wake up the day before, and start killing people. Most have long criminal records.

As a result, by the time they end up killing someone, they usually already have a long rap sheet, and thus are already banned from being a gun legally.

So naturally most all criminals get their guns on the black market.

I myself, knew exactly who to talk to in high school, if I wanted a gun. We all did. Additionally, my brother-in-law purchased his gun at a road side rest stop. How do you propose to prevent that? Another gun we own, we bought will visiting a friends house. We were just sitting there talking about wanting a revolver, and he pulled one of the drawer next the chair he was sitting in.

How do you suggest we prevent that?

You can't stop the black market ever. The whole point of a black market is that it doesn't follow the laws.

Just like banning alcohol didn't stop anything either. In a matter of months, there were smuggling rings running from coast to coast, from Canada to Mexico, and that didn't include the hundreds of moonshine distilleries that popped up across the country.

If you want to believe something else, that is your choice. But facts are not your choice. They are what they are.

It was your "facts" about gun crimes in Australia and the UK and Europe generally that I was taking exception to. Most of the guns used in mass shootings--that I can think of, anyway, were purchased legally.

I realize that many robberies and murders are committed with stolen guns. If there were less guns floating around to be stolen, there wouldn't be so many on the black market to sell, though, would there?

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales

The fact gun crime, and all crime, is rising in the UK is well known and well documented in the news.

As for Australia, I post the video of the local news station, had a report go undercover, and was able to find a gun seller that very night.

I don't see much there to argue with.

If there were less guns floating around to be stolen, there wouldn't be so many on the black market to sell, though, would there?

And that worked so well during prohibition, didn't it? Why hasn't that ended the drug trade in the US?

If there is a demand for guns in the black market, someone will provide those guns. Just like if there is a demand for alcohol in the black market, someone will provide that alcohol. If there is demand for drugs in the black market, someone will provide those drugs.

Internet sales fuelling illegal gun trade

Illegal guns pouring into Australia from the sea.


All of these guns were home-made weapons. Fully functional and deadly. Found in Australia.

This is the reality.
What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

Huh? Most criminals get guns through the black market. There is no way to stop someone from getting a gun. Guns have been largely banned in the UK, and gun crime is on the rise.

Guns were banned in Australia, and they had a massive increase in gun crime.

If "Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution." was true.... then every country on the face of the Earth would have done it by now.

It is not a better solution, in fact it isn't a solution at all. It doesn't work. Has never worked. Will never work. And only mindless idiots, with no connection to reality, say such moronic things.

You must get your "facts" from 2AGuy. Here's a tip: Don't.

I got that from the Department of Justice, from some years back. They surveyed people in prison.

The typical murderer or rapist, didn't just wake up the day before, and start killing people. Most have long criminal records.

As a result, by the time they end up killing someone, they usually already have a long rap sheet, and thus are already banned from being a gun legally.

So naturally most all criminals get their guns on the black market.

I myself, knew exactly who to talk to in high school, if I wanted a gun. We all did. Additionally, my brother-in-law purchased his gun at a road side rest stop. How do you propose to prevent that? Another gun we own, we bought will visiting a friends house. We were just sitting there talking about wanting a revolver, and he pulled one of the drawer next the chair he was sitting in.

How do you suggest we prevent that?

You can't stop the black market ever. The whole point of a black market is that it doesn't follow the laws.

Just like banning alcohol didn't stop anything either. In a matter of months, there were smuggling rings running from coast to coast, from Canada to Mexico, and that didn't include the hundreds of moonshine distilleries that popped up across the country.

If you want to believe something else, that is your choice. But facts are not your choice. They are what they are.

It was your "facts" about gun crimes in Australia and the UK and Europe generally that I was taking exception to. Most of the guns used in mass shootings--that I can think of, anyway, were purchased legally.

I realize that many robberies and murders are committed with stolen guns. If there were less guns floating around to be stolen, there wouldn't be so many on the black market to sell, though, would there?

Surge in knife and gun crime in England and Wales

The fact gun crime, and all crime, is rising in the UK is well known and well documented in the news.

As for Australia, I post the video of the local news station, had a report go undercover, and was able to find a gun seller that very night.

I don't see much there to argue with.

If there were less guns floating around to be stolen, there wouldn't be so many on the black market to sell, though, would there?

And that worked so well during prohibition, didn't it? Why hasn't that ended the drug trade in the US?

If there is a demand for guns in the black market, someone will provide those guns. Just like if there is a demand for alcohol in the black market, someone will provide that alcohol. If there is demand for drugs in the black market, someone will provide those drugs.

Internet sales fuelling illegal gun trade

Illegal guns pouring into Australia from the sea.


All of these guns were home-made weapons. Fully functional and deadly. Found in Australia.

This is the reality.

If they were home made, that blows your theory that the black market can find guns no matter what. Having to make your own gun isn't an option for most of the guys I know that are not supposed to have guns. They're too high or too stupid to make one.
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.

There has to be a better solution,

View attachment 245313
Interesting--a little scary, too. I was thinking along different lines.
------------------------------------ i like it plus i like the impression that simply seeing some nice weapons carried around in school will make on young impressionable American kids minds .
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.
---------------------------------- no normal kid is going to be afraid LLaugher .
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.

There has to be a better solution,

View attachment 245313
Interesting--a little scary, too. I was thinking along different lines.
------------------------------------ i like it plus i like the impression that simply seeing some nice weapons carried around in school will make on young impressionable American kids minds .
You are such a troll.
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.
---------------------------------- no normal kid is going to be afraid LLaugher .


One. Some kids will, in fact, be afraid of the weapon itself. But that isn’t what I’m talking about.

Two. Most kids will simply be afraid because they are being told by the moron adults in their lives that they need a weapon like that around them all day because they are in danger.

They ARE NOT in danger. There is no need to give them the impression that they are.

I would urge my liberal colleagues to look at our hand gun addiction in the same ways we look at other threats to our nation.

In the past we had smart Presidents who worked to reduce nuclear weapon stockpiles. At the same time we kept our nukes ready to fly.

One can argue the strategy but not the results. We haven’t had a nuclear war.

In the past, we had smart Presidents who worked to help ween the nation off of tobacco, illegal drugs, and keep harmful chemicals off of our produce. At the same time of trying to reduce dependence, we have stepped up enforcement and have expanded treatment.

We can argue the effectiveness of the programs on the whole but smoking is down and farmers have adopted much safer and chemical free produce growing techniques. I think we put too much into incarcerations efforts and not enough into treatment as far as drugs are concerned. Few would seriously argue that without the efforts,tobacco would have petered out and farmers would stop using the DDT.

Guns are going to be around forever in this society. Getting rid of their comical ease of attainment should be what a smart president focuses on. We certainly don’t have one of those currently. In the mean time, having aggressive deterrents on campus is just the smart thing to do; the proverbial reasonable response to an unreasonable situation
The first thing a mass killing shooter will do is to take out the guards. So to have them in position to die is kinda stupid. Actually this whole thread is kinda redundant.
yep , there are no guarantees Taxman but i think its a good idea and i hope that policies like this will make targeted schools safer . Plus most normal kids are going to be cool with guns in school and i predict that these Gun Toters will become very popular as 'mentors' and Big Brother types Taxman .
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.
---------------------------------- no normal kid is going to be afraid LLaugher .


One. Some kids will, in fact, be afraid of the weapon itself. But that isn’t what I’m talking about.

Two. Most kids will simply be afraid because they are being told by the moron adults in their lives that they need a weapon like that around them all day because they are in danger.

They ARE NOT in danger. There is no need to give them the impression that they are.

------------------------------------- well , the whimpy pajama boy kids will have to grow up , at least in this school that will have these Armed Guardians LLaugher .
The first thing a mass killing shooter will do is to take out the guards. So to have them in position to die is kinda stupid. Actually this whole thread is kinda redundant.

They may try.

Wouldn’t the same argument apply to any authority figure?

That isn’t a concern
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.
---------------------------------- no normal kid is going to be afraid LLaugher .


One. Some kids will, in fact, be afraid of the weapon itself. But that isn’t what I’m talking about.

Two. Most kids will simply be afraid because they are being told by the moron adults in their lives that they need a weapon like that around them all day because they are in danger.

They ARE NOT in danger. There is no need to give them the impression that they are.


Afraid it will show our youth there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to guns eh?
I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.
Except that you never know where or when it's gonna happen.
Every single time you let your child leave your front door, you are taking a risk. I am not convinced that this reaction to school shootings is a healthy response. It isn't as if they're happening with regularity in schools, while mass shootings at various public venues are.
But if one of your loved ones died in a school shooting you would regret having said that.
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.
---------------------------------- no normal kid is going to be afraid LLaugher .


One. Some kids will, in fact, be afraid of the weapon itself. But that isn’t what I’m talking about.

Two. Most kids will simply be afraid because they are being told by the moron adults in their lives that they need a weapon like that around them all day because they are in danger.

They ARE NOT in danger. There is no need to give them the impression that they are.


Afraid it will show our youth there's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to guns eh?
------------------------------------------------------------- i think it will show kids that when it comes to guns they are nothing to be afraid of . Without GUN's there would be NO civilization as the MEN with the biggest muscles and size and evil attitudes would Rule over everyone and its been that way for hundreds and thousands of years .
The first thing a mass killing shooter will do is to take out the guards. So to have them in position to die is kinda stupid. Actually this whole thread is kinda redundant.

Your side wanted to arm kids with cans of corn


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