I see nothing wrong with this….

If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
So you're saying kids are afraid of cops?
Thats just stupid.

Nope. Moron.

Whats the difference?
These guys are highly trained professionals.

It is a huge difference. But you aren't a thoughtful person...so you don't see it.

This is not needed. That makes it stupid.

They're both guys with guns.
Whats the difference?

Like I said. You aren't thoughtful.

I'm logical.
Are kids distressed when they see cops?
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.
Almost zero.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.
I think you’re overstating the terror factor by about a billion percent there.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

A much better solution.
Until we find a way to make that a reality, if you’re going to call a bunch of guys with guns to come to your rescue….it is only logical to have those guys with guns as close as possible.

Keep the guns out of the classrooms, keep them in the hands of people who are trained in their use, and keep them looking outward, not having to grade papers one moment and dispense justice the next.

We already have uniformed and armed police officers in schools. Kids see them as law enforcement. Not as body guards.
I've met some. They are usually highly regarded. They do NOT have semi-auto's slung over their chests.
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

Huh? Most criminals get guns through the black market. There is no way to stop someone from getting a gun. Guns have been largely banned in the UK, and gun crime is on the rise.

Guns were banned in Australia, and they had a massive increase in gun crime.

If "Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution." was true.... then every country on the face of the Earth would have done it by now.

It is not a better solution, in fact it isn't a solution at all. It doesn't work. Has never worked. Will never work. And only mindless idiots, with no connection to reality, say such moronic things.

You must get your "facts" from 2AGuy. Here's a tip: Don't.
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.
That Kum-Bha-Yha stuff doesn't go over well with parents.
I am a parent.
With parents that value their kids lives | meant.
You want me to report you, just for fun? Back off.

Did you know there was water under the ice in the Arctic Ocean?
That's better.
As a father of two kids, I don't have an issue with trained combatants protecting them in schools. At worst they are a deterrent.
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong with our country, when we need guards carrying like that in our schools?

There has to be a better solution, although if it's what needs to happen in order to protect the kids, it's better safe than sorry. I think if it were my kids going to that school, though, I'd do anything possible to move out of that school district and have my kids go someplace safer, where semiautos don't seem to be indicated.

Yet you have no problem with armed guards in banks....
Thats messed up.
What's messed up about wishing my kids could go to a school that didn't require semiautomatic armed guards to keep them safe.

And do they really need that? What are the odds of a student being killed in a mass shooting incident (I am not talking about a couple of gang bangers going at it in the stairwell). Getting hit by lightning is probably more likely. And yet we throw guns in the hallways.

I agree that there are way too many guns on the street. A poorly trained gun nut making a fashion statement or a political statement scares me. You can either teach or be called on to protect in a combat type situation. Not both. I have no idea what it would cost to have trained guards, but that is certainly preferable to giving teachers a couple of days training and a gun.
If the only choices are armed guards or armed teachers, I agree--hire the guard. But (1) is it necessary and (2) is it the correct solution?
Americans' response to a shooting: MORE GUNS

OL's response to protecting children,do nothing.
I'm in Pogo's corner on this one. Address the culture that admires violence and shows us every day that the answer to conflict is to shoot your way out of it. Then we'll all be safer even if everyone owns an Uzi.
Addressing the culture goes far deeper than guns.
Policies that erased personal responsibility.
Victim mentality.
Glorification of violent imagery in all forms of media not seen 30 years ago.
Drugging a generation of kids, cause they have short attention spans.
Failed federal education policy.
Piss poor parenting.
Failure to address individuals who CLEARLY exhibit mental illness, which in damn near every case there were clear warning signs.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If so wouldnt it be better to kill them quickly to avoid higher body counts?
Americans' response to a shooting: MORE GUNS

OL's response to protecting children,do nothing.
I'm in Pogo's corner on this one. Address the culture that admires violence and shows us every day that the answer to conflict is to shoot your way out of it. Then we'll all be safer even if everyone owns an Uzi.
Addressing the culture goes far deeper than guns.
Policies that erased personal responsibility.
Victim mentality.
Glorification of violent imagery in all forms of media not seen 30 years ago.
Drugging a generation of kids, cause they have short attention spans.
Failed federal education policy.
Piss poor parenting.
Failure to address individuals who CLEARLY exhibit mental illness, which in damn near every case there were clear warning signs.
Glorification of violent imagery in all forms of media not seen 30 years ago.
Failure to address individuals who CLEARLY exhibit mental illness, which in damn near every case there were clear warning signs

Those are good points.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If they are intent on dying let the veterans take them out before they rack up a body count.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If so wouldnt it be better to kill them quickly to avoid higher body counts?
That's not what we were discussing. We were discussing if it was a deterrent. Like it would keep the shooter from even stepping foot in the school.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If so wouldnt it be better to kill them quickly to avoid higher body counts?
That's not what we were discussing. We were discussing if it was a deterrent. Like it would keep the shooter from even stepping foot in the school.

It'd work better than the fcking left's Gun Free Zone signs.

Of course it's a deterrent
View attachment 245307

I always thought that if your first call after the bullets start flying is to guys with guns….it only makes sense to have guys with guns on the campus. I wouldn’t put guns into the classrooms and in the hands of persons with multiple responsibilities who are lightly trained but having armed guards on the campus…sounds like a good idea.

What are the odds that the school you are in will be the target of a mass shooter?

Hint: Not high.

Why make the kids at a school feel afraid every moment of every day by having guys with rifles hanging around as though they are in
immediate danger.

Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution.

Huh? Most criminals get guns through the black market. There is no way to stop someone from getting a gun. Guns have been largely banned in the UK, and gun crime is on the rise.

Guns were banned in Australia, and they had a massive increase in gun crime.

If "Prevent assholes from getting guns. It is a better solution." was true.... then every country on the face of the Earth would have done it by now.

It is not a better solution, in fact it isn't a solution at all. It doesn't work. Has never worked. Will never work. And only mindless idiots, with no connection to reality, say such moronic things.

You must get your "facts" from 2AGuy. Here's a tip: Don't.

I got that from the Department of Justice, from some years back. They surveyed people in prison.

The typical murderer or rapist, didn't just wake up the day before, and start killing people. Most have long criminal records.

As a result, by the time they end up killing someone, they usually already have a long rap sheet, and thus are already banned from being a gun legally.

So naturally most all criminals get their guns on the black market.

I myself, knew exactly who to talk to in high school, if I wanted a gun. We all did. Additionally, my brother-in-law purchased his gun at a road side rest stop. How do you propose to prevent that? Another gun we own, we bought will visiting a friends house. We were just sitting there talking about wanting a revolver, and he pulled one of the drawer next the chair he was sitting in.

How do you suggest we prevent that?

You can't stop the black market ever. The whole point of a black market is that it doesn't follow the laws.

Just like banning alcohol didn't stop anything either. In a matter of months, there were smuggling rings running from coast to coast, from Canada to Mexico, and that didn't include the hundreds of moonshine distilleries that popped up across the country.

If you want to believe something else, that is your choice. But facts are not your choice. They are what they are.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If so wouldnt it be better to kill them quickly to avoid higher body counts?
That's not what we were discussing. We were discussing if it was a deterrent. Like it would keep the shooter from even stepping foot in the school.

I've already commented on that.
I believe it would be a deterrent. It would also prove the point that gun free zones dont work which would be bad for dems.
If you're a would be shooter and know there are armed combat veterans inside it's going to give you pause whether this is such a great idea. Odds are you're gonna die
Don't you think most mass shooters are planning on suicide by cop anyway? Not too many live to tell us why they did it. Sure it's a deterrent, if you are rational and want to live, but that doesn't apply to most mass shooters.

If so wouldnt it be better to kill them quickly to avoid higher body counts?
That's not what we were discussing. We were discussing if it was a deterrent. Like it would keep the shooter from even stepping foot in the school.

It'd work better than the fcking left's Gun Free Zone signs.

Of course it's a deterrent

It sure would look bad for dems if only schools without armed guards were hit.

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