I see polls on CNN suggesting that the majority of people are against the tax cuts. Huh?

My tax return will look awesome. Sucks for those people living in nice houses in nanny states though :/
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

You can't do jack shit about it, we won, suck it.
Cheering his own stupidity. How funny is that.
And what did you win?
You won a universally loathed president where our #1 ally doesn’t even want him in their country.

What did we win? The Trump tax reform bill for one, ouch that's gonna leave a mark :laugh:
We could have spent the $1.5 trillion on infrastructure, tax relief exclusively for the middle class, our schools etc but the GOP’s donors put down their feet and ordered them to get it passed or else.
And they obediently obeyed.

Successful people should be punished by excluding them? Successful people the group that actually generates net new wealth and grows the economy creating new higher paying jobs we should punish them? That's about the most retarded thing I have seen posted in a month.
Thinks rich people will put their tax cut into creating more jobs after every other tax cut they proved just the opposite..
History illiterate.
If our govt was a business, it would be the laughing stock of the world.
"why buy hand soap in bulk when i can buy individual bottles from walmart?"
"Why buy a 10 dollar hammer when i can buy one made from titanium covered in blood diamonds?"
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

You can't do jack shit about it, we won, suck it.
Cheering his own stupidity. How funny is that.
And what did you win?
You won a universally loathed president where our #1 ally doesn’t even want him in their country.

What did we win? The Trump tax reform bill for one, ouch that's gonna leave a mark :laugh:

1.5 trillion minimum added to the deficit from one bill...that is what is known as winning the battle and losing the war.
Taxes are raised on those in the poorest percentile from 10% to 12% while corporate taxes are cut from 35% to 20%. The rest of the tax bill is written entirely as a wealth redistribution from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. And it sky rockets the deficit to $1.5 trillion dollars a year.

Hmm yeah, what could possibly have the vast majority of Americans against that.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
There are many Americans who don't feel that taxes are too high, who think that, even though government spending can be inefficient and misdirected at times, they'd rather err on the side of social stability than have a few more bucks in their pocket.

Wealth inequality continues to expand, and the GOP clearly doesn't understand the social aspect of this.

I already told you yesterday, government waste and fraud this year alone was over $400 billion stop pretending you don't know how incompetent government is. ALSO its not wealth inequality when successful people generate net new wealth. They are not taking wealth from the middle class, they are growing the size of the pie. How some of you people managed to graduate school is a mystery.
I offered an explanation of why some people are against the bill. You're not required to agree.

And since finance, economics, investing and taxes are my profession, your obedient partisan opinion is of no value to me.

Lib please my firm would squash yours like a bug.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

You can't do jack shit about it, we won, suck it.
Cheering his own stupidity. How funny is that.
And what did you win?
You won a universally loathed president where our #1 ally doesn’t even want him in their country.

What did we win? The Trump tax reform bill for one, ouch that's gonna leave a mark :laugh:
Screwing the American people so the rich can get richer is something you’ll pay for in 2018.
Way to go asshole.
32% approval rating, lowest rated prez in history and moron is still in victory mode.
Some people do not think a temporary tax cut is worth the minimum of 1.5 trillion that this one bill adds to the deficit.

I know it is hard to belie that people care about the future, but it seems a least a few still do
You are free to give the government your money. Few would have an objection.

That would not really help as there are too many people like you that do not give a shit about the future generations.
You either don't have courage of your convictions, or more likely the money. If we wanted a moral arbitrator or indeed a soothsayer, we would look elsewhere. But thanks.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics

This wouldn't surprise me given all the misinformation out there on both sides. I don't think most people really understand what will happen and believe a lot of the gloom and doom.
If our govt was a business, it would be the laughing stock of the world.
"why buy hand soap in bulk when i can buy individual bottles from walmart?"
"Why buy a 10 dollar hammer when i can buy one made from titanium covered in blood diamonds?"

Over $400 billion lost to government waste and fraud just this year. $2 trillion dollars stolen from the Social Security trust fund, spent, with no way of paying us back our money. In the private sector that gets you a 4x8 concrete cell with bars.
If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option.

Seriously, that is a GREAT idea. If Liberals want higher taxes, they can have them. My opinion, I don't trust the government with my money, not one bit. I'll take back as much as I can get.
In a nutshell, most are no longer buying the gop mantra of tax cuts for the rich result in higher wages, even though the gop establishment is hooked on that mantra, and while Trump ran on giving workers tax cuts but not the rich, McConnell and Ryan have punked his ass into signing whatever they send him, and the Trump voters were warned this would happen before the election.

Not that the underemployed in the rust belt considered the Obama economy to be helping them. And Hillary didn't even have a plan.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics

Most Americans are wise enough to realize borrowing $1.5 trillion to fund corporate tax cuts is not wise economic policy

Obviously, Republicans are not
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics

This wouldn't surprise me given all the misinformation out there on both sides. I don't think most people really understand what will happen and believe a lot of the gloom and doom.
The best available information tells us this is the worst bill ever.
Of course you like it. Your masters have sent in their orders and you blindly obey..
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics

Most Americans are wise enough to realize borrowing $1.5 trillion to fund corporate tax cuts is not wise economic policy

Obviously, Republicans are not
The republican establishment won, and the Trump voters lost.

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