I see polls on CNN suggesting that the majority of people are against the tax cuts. Huh?

No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
It's not the tax cuts they are against it is the debt it adds that they are against.. Right now we are leaving huge debt to a generation that knows how to do nothing but left swipe and right swipe. I am not sure our generation is much better considering the debt we have piled up. Some people still wnat to leave a legacy of a stronger country to the next generation, that is not what has happened over the past 40 mor 50 years. We have squandered the country left to us by the greatest generation by piling up huge debts. Maybe it is about time we pay our own way.
Hell yeah. Higher taxes, getting the obiecare mandate back and bringing the economy back to obie levels. You’ll have control of government in no time.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
It's not the tax cuts they are against it is the debt it adds that they are against.. Right now we are leaving huge debt to a generation that knows how to do nothing but left swipe and right swipe. I am not sure our generation is much better considering the debt we have piled up. Some people still wnat to leave a legacy of a stronger country to the next generation, that is not what has happened over the past 40 mor 50 years. We have squandered the country left to us by the greatest generation by piling up huge debts. Maybe it is about time we pay our own way.

Evidently there must be a bunch of people that don't realize Obama added $10 trillion to that debt.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts.

That's because you live in an ideological bubble, and listen to the news you only want to hear.

Other polls that show the tax cuts are unpopular

Monmouth - 47% disapprove, 26% approve
Quinnipiac - 55% disapprove, 26% approve
Marist - 63% disapprove, 25% approve
CBS - 53% disapprove, 35% approve


All these were were taken in the last month.

But you guys who all thought that the polls were all fake and Roy Moore was going to win keep believing that these polls are #fakenews.


So less of my money going to the government is a bad thing. More options in my healthcare costs without being punished is a bad thing. Wow, how far left is America going?

I'd repeat, again, people can give all the money they want. The wealthy who say they don't need a tax cut, don't need to have one, they can take any saved money and send the feds a cheque, ditto for the average citizen. You dont want the tax cut, than give it back.

Ontario has stolen 100's of thousands of American jobs via lower taxes, bribes and the like. This will prevent some of this. You will see trillions come back from into the country. Watch and see. This is a very big deal, and you know Trump is going to look for efficiency.

This post has nothing to do with your OP. That you can’t comprehend that the tax cuts are unpopular is your problem. It’s not fake news as you claim.

I support the tax cuts. But yes, they are unpopular because they are seen as benefiting the rich and not the middle class.
Over $400 billion lost to government waste and fraud just this year. $2 trillion dollars stolen from the Social Security trust fund, spent, with no way of paying us back our money. In the private sector that gets you a 4x8 concrete cell with bars.

$2 trillion has not been stolen from the SS trust.

Where do you get this utter nonsense?

Go ahead tell us how congress will pay us back our $2 trillion dollars, hold a bake sale?

It hasn’t been “stolen,” Einstein.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics

That's why nobody believes CNN for anything.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

Actually did you see the source of that Times article????????

There's a hint in the very first sentence.....CNN

Two-thirds of Americans believe the proposed tax reform bill would benefit the wealthy more than it would the middle class, according to a CNN poll released Tuesday.
Someone polled the effectiveness of Dem lies about the tax reform bill?
Someone polled the effectiveness of Dem lies about the tax reform bill?
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts.

That's because you live in an ideological bubble, and listen to the news you only want to hear.

Other polls that show the tax cuts are unpopular

Monmouth - 47% disapprove, 26% approve
Quinnipiac - 55% disapprove, 26% approve
Marist - 63% disapprove, 25% approve
CBS - 53% disapprove, 35% approve


All these were were taken in the last month.

But you guys who all thought that the polls were all fake and Roy Moore was going to win keep believing that these polls are #fakenews.


So less of my money going to the government is a bad thing. More options in my healthcare costs without being punished is a bad thing. Wow, how far left is America going?

I'd repeat, again, people can give all the money they want. The wealthy who say they don't need a tax cut, don't need to have one, they can take any saved money and send the feds a cheque, ditto for the average citizen. You dont want the tax cut, than give it back.

Ontario has stolen 100's of thousands of American jobs via lower taxes, bribes and the like. This will prevent some of this. You will see trillions come back from into the country. Watch and see. This is a very big deal, and you know Trump is going to look for efficiency.

This post has nothing to do with your OP. That you can’t comprehend that the tax cuts are unpopular is your problem. It’s not fake news as you claim.

I support the tax cuts. But yes, they are unpopular because they are seen as benefiting the rich and not the middle class.
I find it hard to say that I like or dislike most legislation today. The stupid fucks that wrote the damn thing do not realy know it's effect's until it has went to court several times. Why the hell does it take 420 pages to out line cutting the corp tax from 35% to 21%. I realize other things are covered but still 420 pages. You are kidding your self if you do not think a document that long does not contain contradictions. Change one word in a sentance and it can completely change the meaning of the sentance. Now take a 420 page document how many possible meaning changes can a document that size have. It boggles the mind. The shear length of the bills offered today are a good indication that we are getting taken. Why else make it so complicated. We need line item vetos and other mechanisms to simplify our written laws.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
Sorry not only CNN.
Most Americans Think the Tax Bill Will Benefit the Wealthy, Not the Middle Class

It always amazes me how little you Trump whores know.

Damn if this is not Fox, gateway pooty or breitbart so it has to be fake news.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
It seems a lot of the feedback about the bill has been negative--the 1.5 trillion added to the debt, the majority of cuts going to the richest, dropping the mandate causing a rise in Obamacare rates, and on and on.
However, I think when people see an extra $600 or so in their returns and start seeing a little extra in their paychecks, they'll be pleased.
I dunno about this trickle down economics, but to me it doesn't sound so terribly far fetched and I'm not upset about it at all.
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts. If this is true, how would they poll on the prospect of say a 10% tax increase? Would it poll 65% favourable?

If people are so against tax cuts, give people the option to opt-out of the tax cut. Any business or individual that wants to should have the option. I call b.s.

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches

Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
It seems a lot of the feedback about the bill has been negative--the 1.5 trillion added to the debt, the majority of cuts going to the richest, dropping the mandate causing a rise in Obamacare rates, and on and on.
However, I think when people see an extra $600 or so in their returns and start seeing a little extra in their paychecks, they'll be pleased.
I dunno about this trickle down economics, but to me it doesn't sound so terribly far fetched and I'm not upset about it at all.
We'll see. The gop has literally bet the House on it.
Someone polled the effectiveness of Dem lies about the tax reform bill?
Someone polled the effectiveness of Dem lies about the tax reform bill?
No wonder they are called fake news, I find it extremely hard to believe people are going to be against tax cuts.

That's because you live in an ideological bubble, and listen to the news you only want to hear.

Other polls that show the tax cuts are unpopular

Monmouth - 47% disapprove, 26% approve
Quinnipiac - 55% disapprove, 26% approve
Marist - 63% disapprove, 25% approve
CBS - 53% disapprove, 35% approve


All these were were taken in the last month.

But you guys who all thought that the polls were all fake and Roy Moore was going to win keep believing that these polls are #fakenews.


So less of my money going to the government is a bad thing. More options in my healthcare costs without being punished is a bad thing. Wow, how far left is America going?

I'd repeat, again, people can give all the money they want. The wealthy who say they don't need a tax cut, don't need to have one, they can take any saved money and send the feds a cheque, ditto for the average citizen. You dont want the tax cut, than give it back.

Ontario has stolen 100's of thousands of American jobs via lower taxes, bribes and the like. This will prevent some of this. You will see trillions come back from into the country. Watch and see. This is a very big deal, and you know Trump is going to look for efficiency.

This post has nothing to do with your OP. That you can’t comprehend that the tax cuts are unpopular is your problem. It’s not fake news as you claim.

I support the tax cuts. But yes, they are unpopular because they are seen as benefiting the rich and not the middle class.
I find it hard to say that I like or dislike most legislation today. The stupid fucks that wrote the damn thing do not realy know it's effect's until it has went to court several times. Why the hell does it take 420 pages to out line cutting the corp tax from 35% to 21%. I realize other things are covered but still 420 pages. You are kidding your self if you do not think a document that long does not contain contradictions. Change one word in a sentance and it can completely change the meaning of the sentance. Now take a 420 page document how many possible meaning changes can a document that size have. It boggles the mind. The shear length of the bills offered today are a good indication that we are getting taken. Why else make it so complicated. We need line item vetos and other mechanisms to simplify our written laws.
You're absolutely correct, the length and complexity of the garbage aka "legislation" that comes out of Washington is ludicrous and not conducive to pursuing the best interests of the citizenry.

You realize that most major legislation doesn't spell out the specifics, all it does is order (i.e. delegates authority to) one of the executive branch departments to write XYZ regulations/rules regarding a legislative objective. So your 420 page legislation is actually X 1000's of pages of rules & regulations yet-to-be written by unelected bureaucrats.

... and the line item veto doesn't work constitutionally since that would de facto allow the Executive Branch to write & pass legislation unilaterally (i.e. bypass the legislative branch).
Think the tax cuts will not change most minds in 2018, as it is set up so it wont start taking things away until after 2020, kinda clever, yes? if you like A government that uses tricks instead of working for the best solutions.
Some people do not think a temporary tax cut is worth the minimum of 1.5 trillion that this one bill adds to the deficit.

I know it is hard to belie that people care about the future, but it seems a least a few still do

ah, it's obious, just like this poster they don't have the facts....I love this 10 year projection shit.....can you show me one 10 year projection from the CBO or any group that was correct?
Weren't sea levels supposed to be like 20 feet higher and all the polar bears dead from al gores movie?
weren't we supposed to be out of oil by now?
Werent the Reagan tax cuts supposed to reduce the government intake, yet after the first year it was more than the pre tax cut amount and grew throughout his prudency
feel free to add more projections....I love listening to people talk about 10, 20, 30, 50 years from now

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