I should say something nice or joyful on Christmas Eve... but...


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Let’s not pretend that our government follows any kind of laws with blind justice. Nor should we pretend the great blasphemers and iconoclasts in the media, art or in Hollywood are all that brave.

Sure it is so easy to put a cross of Christ in a jar of urine and call it art. Easy for the govt to forbid a child to have a Bible during lunch break in school, or for South Park to mock Jesus and Christians. The latest is the City of Oklahoma City granting a group of Satanits a permit to stand outside a Catholic Church today on Chistmas Eve and pour fake blood all over a statue of the Virgin Mary and utter appropriate blasphemies to go with it.


I dare these same govt officials to allow something similar against Muslims or a mosque. This is the hypocrisy so many liberals will not acknowledge. So quick to say how we need to allow Muslims a free reign to come in this country or not allowed to check their social network links for clues, and nor would they dare allow anyone to mock or desecrate anything sacred to Islam. What a joke.

Do as you please, but be honest enough to wear the label of “Total Hypocrites.” In the meantime, we will pray for Satan’s boys across the street having their blood bath party.


Oklahoma City officials OK Satanist's blood spill on Virgin Mary

Published: 1 hour ago 12/24/15

Oklahoma City officials have granted a permit to a Satanist to desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of a Catholic Church on Christmas Eve, a decision that is outraging Christians who say the city’s mayor would have never allowed a similar permit to be issued in protest of a mosque.

Adam Daniels, a member of the Satanist church, says he will pour fake blood over the statue and say prayers to it in an effort to dispel the notion of the virgin birth, a core doctrine not only of the Catholic Church but millions of Christians the world over.

Daniels was the Satanist who sponsored the “black mass” in Oklahoma in 2014.

He said he plans to pour costume blood that has been ‘treated with sulfur powder and ash” on a statue he will bring himself, reported the Fatima Center, a Catholic website at Fatima.org.

“The outrage is scheduled to take place outside St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral on December 24 from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m.,” the website reported, referring to the event as an “atrocity.”

The Oklahoman, a daily newspaper in Oklahoma City, also reported on the upcoming event.

WND spoke with a resident of Oklahoma who said she read an article in the Oklahoman a couple of weeks ago but thought nothing of it because it was vague and mentioned no details about the man behind the event.

“I did read about it in the paper. It just said they were going to protest, nothing about his past or his motives,” said Sharon Gricol of McCloud, which is about 20 miles east of Oklahoma City. “This is hard to believe.”

Gricol said she wondered if Oklahoma City would issue a similar permit for someone to desecrate an image of Muhammad in front of a mosque.

“I’m also wondering, why is this not a hate crime against Christians?” she asked.

“It is still wrong when the whole country knows this permit if given to desecrate Muhammad or the Quran next to a mosque would have national media attention,” Gricol told WND, “and the president and his attorney general (Loretta Lynch) taking legal actions.”

After the jihadist attack on San Bernardino, Lynch said she would not hesitate to prosecute any American for hate speech that incited violence against Muslims.

“The Oklahoman described the upcoming event as if it were nothing more than a small political rally or artist’s display,” Fatima.org reported.

“The protest will be confined to the sidewalk and will not block any church entrances, according to the permit obtained by Daniels. The permit also requires to clean up the display after the event to ensure no costume blood is left on the sidewalk.”

The Fatima Center added: “Welcome to 2015 USA, where government allows all the public blasphemy you care to provoke, provided you do it within the limits of your city-issued permit.”

Daniels told the Oklahoman that the virgin birth of Jesus is a fraud.

Daniels calls his event the “Virgin Birth is a Lie,” which he described as “exposing the lies” of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the blood, he said, is to “add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church.”

Daniels is a convicted sex-offender and had built an “altar to Satan” using rubble from the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in which 168 Americans lost their lives.

He used this rubble, he said, because it would have been “one of the most highly negative charges you could have … energy-wise.”

Fatima Center reports Daniels is protesting the Catholic Church on Christmas Eve because the archdiocese of Oklahoma City’s recent demonstrations against the group’s “black mass,” the unveiling of a Bahoment [satanic] statue, and Daniel’s own book-signing event.

“In a sense, we could ignore this pathetic creature as one merely seeking to aggrandize himself,” Fatima.org reported. “But as Our Lord told the 19th Century Sister Marie de Saint Pierre of France in messages approved by the Church, public desecration requires public reparation.”

The protest could result in a confrontation.

A group of concerned Catholics will attempt to occupy the area where the violation is slated to occur. They will also pray the Rosary in reparation, according to Fatima.org.

The Fatima Center said it urges those who cannot be present in Oklahoma City to “offer acts of reparation for this desecration, which is a pointed attack against Catholicism and Our Lady Herself.”

“You could pray an extra Rosary, make some extra sacrifices, offer prayers of reparation, make a Holy Hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament while the Oklahoma outrages is taking place, or make a Holy Hour at some other day or time that is more convenient. You can make reparation after the event as well.

Whatever you do, know well that Our Lady expects you to do something. You could also register your complaint with Mayor Mick Cornett, under whose administration this outrage is permitted.”

The website asked its readers to “count yourselves among the friends of Our Lady who, as She told Sister Lucia in 1929, have compassion on Our Lady’s Heart “circled with thorns,” and “make an act of reparation to remove them.”

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett did not immediately return a phone call from WND seeking comment Thursday.

Read more at U.S. city OKs Satanist’s blood spill on Virgin Mary
Let’s not pretend that our government follows any kind of laws with blind justice. Nor should we pretend the great blasphemers and iconoclasts in the media, art or in Hollywood are all that brave.

Sure it is so easy to put a cross of Christ in a jar of urine and call it art. Easy for the govt to forbid a child to have a Bible during lunch break in school, or for South Park to mock Jesus and Christians. The latest is the City of Oklahoma City granting a group of Satanits a permit to stand outside a Catholic Church today on Chistmas Eve and pour fake blood all over a statue of the Virgin Mary and utter appropriate blasphemies to go with it.


I dare these same govt officials to allow something similar against Muslims or a mosque. This is the hypocrisy so many liberals will not acknowledge. So quick to say how we need to allow Muslims a free reign to come in this country or not allowed to check their social network links for clues, and nor would they dare allow anyone to mock or desecrate anything sacred to Islam. What a joke.

Do as you please, but be honest enough to wear the label of “Total Hypocrites.” In the meantime, we will pray for Satan’s boys across the street having their blood bath party.


Oklahoma City officials OK Satanist's blood spill on Virgin Mary

Published: 1 hour ago 12/24/15

Oklahoma City officials have granted a permit to a Satanist to desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary in front of a Catholic Church on Christmas Eve, a decision that is outraging Christians who say the city’s mayor would have never allowed a similar permit to be issued in protest of a mosque.

Adam Daniels, a member of the Satanist church, says he will pour fake blood over the statue and say prayers to it in an effort to dispel the notion of the virgin birth, a core doctrine not only of the Catholic Church but millions of Christians the world over.

Daniels was the Satanist who sponsored the “black mass” in Oklahoma in 2014.

He said he plans to pour costume blood that has been ‘treated with sulfur powder and ash” on a statue he will bring himself, reported the Fatima Center, a Catholic website at Fatima.org.

“The outrage is scheduled to take place outside St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral on December 24 from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m.,” the website reported, referring to the event as an “atrocity.”

The Oklahoman, a daily newspaper in Oklahoma City, also reported on the upcoming event.

WND spoke with a resident of Oklahoma who said she read an article in the Oklahoman a couple of weeks ago but thought nothing of it because it was vague and mentioned no details about the man behind the event.

“I did read about it in the paper. It just said they were going to protest, nothing about his past or his motives,” said Sharon Gricol of McCloud, which is about 20 miles east of Oklahoma City. “This is hard to believe.”

Gricol said she wondered if Oklahoma City would issue a similar permit for someone to desecrate an image of Muhammad in front of a mosque.

“I’m also wondering, why is this not a hate crime against Christians?” she asked.

“It is still wrong when the whole country knows this permit if given to desecrate Muhammad or the Quran next to a mosque would have national media attention,” Gricol told WND, “and the president and his attorney general (Loretta Lynch) taking legal actions.”

After the jihadist attack on San Bernardino, Lynch said she would not hesitate to prosecute any American for hate speech that incited violence against Muslims.

“The Oklahoman described the upcoming event as if it were nothing more than a small political rally or artist’s display,” Fatima.org reported.

“The protest will be confined to the sidewalk and will not block any church entrances, according to the permit obtained by Daniels. The permit also requires to clean up the display after the event to ensure no costume blood is left on the sidewalk.”

The Fatima Center added: “Welcome to 2015 USA, where government allows all the public blasphemy you care to provoke, provided you do it within the limits of your city-issued permit.”

Daniels told the Oklahoman that the virgin birth of Jesus is a fraud.

Daniels calls his event the “Virgin Birth is a Lie,” which he described as “exposing the lies” of the Catholic Church. The purpose of the blood, he said, is to “add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church.”

Daniels is a convicted sex-offender and had built an “altar to Satan” using rubble from the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in which 168 Americans lost their lives.

He used this rubble, he said, because it would have been “one of the most highly negative charges you could have … energy-wise.”

Fatima Center reports Daniels is protesting the Catholic Church on Christmas Eve because the archdiocese of Oklahoma City’s recent demonstrations against the group’s “black mass,” the unveiling of a Bahoment [satanic] statue, and Daniel’s own book-signing event.

“In a sense, we could ignore this pathetic creature as one merely seeking to aggrandize himself,” Fatima.org reported. “But as Our Lord told the 19th Century Sister Marie de Saint Pierre of France in messages approved by the Church, public desecration requires public reparation.”

The protest could result in a confrontation.

A group of concerned Catholics will attempt to occupy the area where the violation is slated to occur. They will also pray the Rosary in reparation, according to Fatima.org.

The Fatima Center said it urges those who cannot be present in Oklahoma City to “offer acts of reparation for this desecration, which is a pointed attack against Catholicism and Our Lady Herself.”

“You could pray an extra Rosary, make some extra sacrifices, offer prayers of reparation, make a Holy Hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament while the Oklahoma outrages is taking place, or make a Holy Hour at some other day or time that is more convenient. You can make reparation after the event as well.

Whatever you do, know well that Our Lady expects you to do something. You could also register your complaint with Mayor Mick Cornett, under whose administration this outrage is permitted.”

The website asked its readers to “count yourselves among the friends of Our Lady who, as She told Sister Lucia in 1929, have compassion on Our Lady’s Heart “circled with thorns,” and “make an act of reparation to remove them.”

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett did not immediately return a phone call from WND seeking comment Thursday.

Read more at U.S. city OKs Satanist’s blood spill on Virgin Mary

I know.Some so called religious sects do all sorts of disgusting things and claim it is religious based. Lots of these so called churches even regularly have a ceremony where they pretend to drink blood and act out what they claim are acts of cannibalism..............................oh wait.
Sad part is -- these folks get attention.

I know that you Turzokva have rightfully called this to our attention. But understand, by passing this along -- you're emboldening other complete morons, deviants and jerks to pull stunts like this at Christmas time. Because they can RELY on the fact --- that the press will cover it -- and all the Twits will Tweet about it until New Years...
Sad part is -- these folks get attention.

I know that you Turzokva have rightfully called this to our attention. But understand, by passing this along -- you're emboldening other complete morons, deviants and jerks to pull stunts like this at Christmas time. Because they can RELY on the fact --- that the press will cover it -- and all the Twits will Tweet about it until New Years...
I appreciate your honest and well meaning point of view.

Merry Christmas to your family.

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