I stand with Alex

I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

Alex Jones and Ron Paul's people aren't being silenced? Really?

So Trump is within his right to propose a $1,000,000 tax on individuals who use The Facebookburning?
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

You know, I find it really interesting that when people organize a boycott or they are cut off from social media (a private business), they immediately scream that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon.

No, a boycott against someone for their behavior or speech isn't infringing on their 1st Amendment rights. Neither is banning them from Facebook or YouTube, because it's not the government that is doing it.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

You know, I find it really interesting that when people organize a boycott or they are cut off from social media (a private business), they immediately scream that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon.

No, a boycott against someone for their behavior or speech isn't infringing on their 1st Amendment rights. Neither is banning them from Facebook or YouTube, because it's not the government that is doing it.

Wait, it's not democrat Party politicians calling for the banning?

Are you sure?
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

You know, I find it really interesting that when people organize a boycott or they are cut off from social media (a private business), they immediately scream that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon.

No, a boycott against someone for their behavior or speech isn't infringing on their 1st Amendment rights. Neither is banning them from Facebook or YouTube, because it's not the government that is doing it.

Wait, it's not democrat Party politicians calling for the banning?

Are you sure?

The politicians are expressing their opinion. If they were using the government to pass bills and the like, THEN it would be against the 1st. But, because there is no actual government action, but rather just politicians sounding off their opinions, it's not against the 1st.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

You know, I find it really interesting that when people organize a boycott or they are cut off from social media (a private business), they immediately scream that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon.

No, a boycott against someone for their behavior or speech isn't infringing on their 1st Amendment rights. Neither is banning them from Facebook or YouTube, because it's not the government that is doing it.

Wait, it's not democrat Party politicians calling for the banning?

Are you sure?

The politicians are expressing their opinion. If they were using the government to pass bills and the like, THEN it would be against the 1st. But, because there is no actual government action, but rather just politicians sounding off their opinions, it's not against the 1st.
so how is the president stating the press is the enemy of the people legislating?
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

OMG, he is trying to kill the media, Lets everyone get their news from Fox and Alex, Rush and Ingraham, Hannity and Beck. Can you just imagine how the US would be, a banana republic.
Is it media or not? What makes them any different than the mafia media you listen to and take orders from?
Alex Jones is an idiot, but so too are most of the talking heads in the MSM.

Just my opinion but unlike the regressive left, I want no one silenced.
I really don't care who he is, to single out a person because of political views is censorship. I thought that was outlawed in this country? since when did we start trashing the freedom of speech?

Much like the NFL did with Colin Kaeprnick…right?
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me

Whelp --- the fake news purveyors tried both sides in 2016 and they found that the only ones selling were "Hillary has Parkinson's" and "Three million Amish mobilize to vote for Rump" and "Bill Clinton's illegitimate son speaks out" and "buses bringing in protesters" and that sort of thing.

That's what showed up here too. Along with one of my favorites, "Hillary fails to show up at rally, replaced by hologram". Can you think of any in the reverse? I can't.

It's a direct result of the level of self-delusion required to be a Rumpbot.

Not many could have guessed that Alex Jones' youtube career would be ended by a conspiracy and collusion of international corporations.
They shut down Alex Jones because he finally found a real conspiracy.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.

You know, I find it really interesting that when people organize a boycott or they are cut off from social media (a private business), they immediately scream that their 1st Amendment rights are being infringed upon.

No, a boycott against someone for their behavior or speech isn't infringing on their 1st Amendment rights. Neither is banning them from Facebook or YouTube, because it's not the government that is doing it.

Wait, it's not democrat Party politicians calling for the banning?

Are you sure?

The politicians are expressing their opinion. If they were using the government to pass bills and the like, THEN it would be against the 1st. But, because there is no actual government action, but rather just politicians sounding off their opinions, it's not against the 1st.

So a little goose-stepping is ok, they're just practicing for now; just as long as democrats never get control of Congress again
AJ is out there but I will never support stopping any kind of speech. The red flag is that the libs are cheering this.

Ah yes, the old Internet Message Board False Dilemma Fallacy, where the act of not-climbing-aboard one bandwagon bizarrely becomes the equivalent of jumping on the opposite bandwagon.

A favorite of Dichotomists. Inspired by the classic "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists".
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me
Dragon has the mind set of the typical leftist. Left wing commentary in the MSM is perfectly acceptable, to a leftist like Dragon. She can't see any problems with this.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me
Dragon has the mind set of the typical leftist. Left wing commentary in the MSM is perfectly acceptable, to a leftist like Dragon. She can't see any problems with this.
It seems to me the right does more of it but to say the left dont post fake shit?
Maury says that is a lie!
There lies are everywhere!
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

Since none of that ever happened, the fact that you believe it did shows just how dangerous Alex Jones really is.

Lying about it doesn't change a fucking thing. Obama used the power of the government to spy on the Republican Candidate. You can't spin that

No he didn’t. That’s not spin, that’s fact.

There was no surveillance of the Trump campaign. No wire taps.

There was an FBI investigation of Russian interference after the DNC breaking. That investigation kept tripping over Trump campaign members everywhere it went.
Just about the entire MSM told you that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al qaeda.

You believed it.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me
Dragon has the mind set of the typical leftist. Left wing commentary in the MSM is perfectly acceptable, to a leftist like Dragon. She can't see any problems with this.

I have no problem with right wing commentary. I have a problem with the lies and allegations.

A family owned business in Washington was shot up and is now closed because Jones persisted in lying in publishing lies about a child sex ring operating there. A family lost their income and everything they built. They can’t even sell the business because the publicity has destroyed its value.

If you are making allegations and accusations, there should be some legal obligation to have evidence to back you up.

The Sandy Hook hoax stories are most cruel. Families have been harassed and forced to move. It’s not enough that their children were murdered, now these families have endured years of attacks and threats because of this man.

Your right to free speech ends when you use your platform to harm others. Hate speech never ends well.

Sadly, you have a President who engages in hate speech on a daily basis.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.

The problem is that the left wing loons aren’t posting fake news all over the internet. The fake news we see is directed to right wingers. The left fact checks everything and isn’t easily fooled. Tell the right what they want to hear and they’ll believe anything that reinforces their previously held beliefs.

The right are suckers for fake news and hate speech.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me
Dragon has the mind set of the typical leftist. Left wing commentary in the MSM is perfectly acceptable, to a leftist like Dragon. She can't see any problems with this.

I have no problem with right wing commentary. I have a problem with the lies and allegations.

A family owned business in Washington was shot up and is now closed because Jones persisted in lying in publishing lies about a child sex ring operating there. A family lost their income and everything they built. They can’t even sell the business because the publicity has destroyed its value.

If you are making allegations and accusations, there should be some legal obligation to have evidence to back you up.

The Sandy Hook hoax stories are most cruel. Families have been harassed and forced to move. It’s not enough that their children were murdered, now these families have endured years of attacks and threats because of this man.

Your right to free speech ends when you use your platform to harm others. Hate speech never ends well.

Sadly, you have a President who engages in hate speech on a daily basis.
Following your logic, we need to shut down the MSM...after all, a left wing nut job shot up a ball field full of R pols.
AJ is out there but I will never support stopping any kind of speech. The red flag is that the libs are cheering this.

Ah yes, the old Internet Message Board False Dilemma Fallacy, where the act of not-climbing-aboard one bandwagon bizarrely becomes the equivalent of jumping on the opposite bandwagon.

A favorite of Dichotomists. Inspired by the classic "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists".

As usual, you're wrong. I would never support suppression of any type of speech by anyone on any subject however hateful it may be. There is no false dichotomy...only in your partisan head.

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