I stand with Alex

So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
obammy was soo bad a president that he couldn't figure out how to become the president instead of booosh.
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
Would Obama have been at war if it wasn't already going on? Have we not returned Germany to Germans, Italy to Italians, and Japan to the Japanese?
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
but Obama
I support their right to do whatever in the hell they want, but that doesnt mean i support the action.
Its sad how many people support silencing people because they say dumb fake shit....

Say all the dumb, fake shit you want…as long as it isn’t in extreme bad taste. I wonder what took them so long.

Frankly, I’m wondering why FB still lets these trash news sites like Gateway Pundit, Judicial Watch, Breitbart, Mother Jones, et. al. use their logos on their home pages.

Isn’t that copy written?

Conversely, it’s funny how it looks like none of the right wing trash sites are upset enough to take off their hot links to the social media they are now protesting….

View attachment 208990
Bad taste is subjective.

Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.

Stand with your goose steppers, we're not perfect, but we're not Nazis. Wake the fuck up and look at who you're standing with. It never ends well for you, you're not really on the team

Meanwhile you’re the one wetting your diapers over a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, a Sandy Hook denier, and I believe a Holocaust denier as well losing his platform.
How can you support freedom when you dont want everyone to have it?
Answer : You cant. Its anti freedom and totalitarian.
Do you think i give shits about alex jones? Do you think frank does?
I could care less if he stroked out right now. But i support his, and everyone elses right to state their opinions. As crazy as they may be.

Youtube has banned numerous people and deleted their accounts. I know this because on my saved videos, there are about dozen that have been deleted because the guy who posted them’s account is no longer active.
Have you posted about any of them? No? When Alex Jones got kicked out of YouTube…you suddenly cared…so I do think you give shits about Jones as well as Frank because he supports the orange blob.

He still has every right to say whatever he wants.
Those people must not have made the news. I only go on social media for music. I dont pay attention to that other shit
As i said, i respect their right to kick off whoever in the hell they want. I do not have to agree with it though.

You only go on social media for music? Apparently you don't know the definition of social media. Let me help you out...................................\

so·cial me·di·a
noun: social media; plural noun: social medias
  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

You share and create content, as well as participate in social networking here on USMB. Hate to tell you, but message boards are a form of social media.
Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
but Obama
oh no no, you just blamed boooosh, so it's boooooosh. it's never obammy never, Jonestown relived.
Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
Would Obama have been at war if it wasn't already going on? Have we not returned Germany to Germans, Italy to Italians, and Japan to the Japanese?

8 whole years? Was Obama powerless for 8 whole years?

We never fucking took land from Germany, you're thinking of FDR's hero, Uncle Joe. We took just enough to bury our dead.

Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
Would Obama have been at war if it wasn't already going on? Have we not returned Germany to Germans, Italy to Italians, and Japan to the Japanese?

8 whole years? Was Obama powerless for 8 whole years?

We never fucking took land from Germany, you're thinking of FDR's hero, Uncle Joe. We took just enough to bury our dead.
dude fking eight years he couldn't overcome booosh, and in one and a half years of trump, trump success is obammy? can't make this shit up. Truly these leftists are fked up human souls. they need to get out from under their sneakers. They are always walking over themselves.
Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
but Obama
did nothing.
I support their right to do whatever in the hell they want, but that doesnt mean i support the action.
Its sad how many people support silencing people because they say dumb fake shit....

Say all the dumb, fake shit you want…as long as it isn’t in extreme bad taste. I wonder what took them so long.

Frankly, I’m wondering why FB still lets these trash news sites like Gateway Pundit, Judicial Watch, Breitbart, Mother Jones, et. al. use their logos on their home pages.

Isn’t that copy written?

Conversely, it’s funny how it looks like none of the right wing trash sites are upset enough to take off their hot links to the social media they are now protesting….

View attachment 208990
Bad taste is subjective.
Stand with your goose steppers, we're not perfect, but we're not Nazis. Wake the fuck up and look at who you're standing with. It never ends well for you, you're not really on the team

Meanwhile you’re the one wetting your diapers over a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, a Sandy Hook denier, and I believe a Holocaust denier as well losing his platform.
How can you support freedom when you dont want everyone to have it?
Answer : You cant. Its anti freedom and totalitarian.
Do you think i give shits about alex jones? Do you think frank does?
I could care less if he stroked out right now. But i support his, and everyone elses right to state their opinions. As crazy as they may be.

Youtube has banned numerous people and deleted their accounts. I know this because on my saved videos, there are about dozen that have been deleted because the guy who posted them’s account is no longer active.
Have you posted about any of them? No? When Alex Jones got kicked out of YouTube…you suddenly cared…so I do think you give shits about Jones as well as Frank because he supports the orange blob.

He still has every right to say whatever he wants.
Those people must not have made the news. I only go on social media for music. I dont pay attention to that other shit
As i said, i respect their right to kick off whoever in the hell they want. I do not have to agree with it though.

You only go on social media for music? Apparently you don't know the definition of social media. Let me help you out...................................\

so·cial me·di·a
noun: social media; plural noun: social medias
  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

You share and create content, as well as participate in social networking here on USMB. Hate to tell you, but message boards are a form of social media.
This site is actually a sub-category because it is anonymous.
I never visit InforWars, but I'm a firm believer the progressive Fascists have finally formally declared war on America. Progressive ideology withers before a challenge, they cannot tolerate any opposition

For all of you who fantasized that you would have fought against the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, here's your chance! They're back! This time their burning digital books.

Which side are you on?

Of course you do.
Say all the dumb, fake shit you want…as long as it isn’t in extreme bad taste. I wonder what took them so long.

Frankly, I’m wondering why FB still lets these trash news sites like Gateway Pundit, Judicial Watch, Breitbart, Mother Jones, et. al. use their logos on their home pages.

Isn’t that copy written?

Conversely, it’s funny how it looks like none of the right wing trash sites are upset enough to take off their hot links to the social media they are now protesting….

View attachment 208990
Bad taste is subjective.
Meanwhile you’re the one wetting your diapers over a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, a Sandy Hook denier, and I believe a Holocaust denier as well losing his platform.
How can you support freedom when you dont want everyone to have it?
Answer : You cant. Its anti freedom and totalitarian.
Do you think i give shits about alex jones? Do you think frank does?
I could care less if he stroked out right now. But i support his, and everyone elses right to state their opinions. As crazy as they may be.

Youtube has banned numerous people and deleted their accounts. I know this because on my saved videos, there are about dozen that have been deleted because the guy who posted them’s account is no longer active.
Have you posted about any of them? No? When Alex Jones got kicked out of YouTube…you suddenly cared…so I do think you give shits about Jones as well as Frank because he supports the orange blob.

He still has every right to say whatever he wants.
Those people must not have made the news. I only go on social media for music. I dont pay attention to that other shit
As i said, i respect their right to kick off whoever in the hell they want. I do not have to agree with it though.

You only go on social media for music? Apparently you don't know the definition of social media. Let me help you out...................................\

so·cial me·di·a
noun: social media; plural noun: social medias
  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

You share and create content, as well as participate in social networking here on USMB. Hate to tell you, but message boards are a form of social media.
This site is actually a sub-category because it is anonymous.

If you participate in a sub category of social media, you are still participating in social media.

Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
but Obama
oh no no, you just blamed boooosh, so it's boooooosh. it's never obammy never, Jonestown relived.
Yeah, you righttards always go on as if Obama started with a clean slate and magically ran up a huge debt. You never take into account all the crap he inherited and had to clean up despite repugs running congress for 6 of his 8 years opposing and sabotaging everything. It's Obama's fault that Bush started 2 wars and kept them off the books. It's Obama's fault that Bush cut taxes during time of war. It's Obama's fault that Bush and the repugs pushed through an unfunded Medicare benefit. It's Obama's fault that Bush bailed out the Banksters. You want to talk Jonestown? It's you righttards who are chugging the koolaide.
Bad taste is subjective.
How can you support freedom when you dont want everyone to have it?
Answer : You cant. Its anti freedom and totalitarian.
Do you think i give shits about alex jones? Do you think frank does?
I could care less if he stroked out right now. But i support his, and everyone elses right to state their opinions. As crazy as they may be.

Youtube has banned numerous people and deleted their accounts. I know this because on my saved videos, there are about dozen that have been deleted because the guy who posted them’s account is no longer active.
Have you posted about any of them? No? When Alex Jones got kicked out of YouTube…you suddenly cared…so I do think you give shits about Jones as well as Frank because he supports the orange blob.

He still has every right to say whatever he wants.
Those people must not have made the news. I only go on social media for music. I dont pay attention to that other shit
As i said, i respect their right to kick off whoever in the hell they want. I do not have to agree with it though.

You only go on social media for music? Apparently you don't know the definition of social media. Let me help you out...................................\

so·cial me·di·a
noun: social media; plural noun: social medias
  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

You share and create content, as well as participate in social networking here on USMB. Hate to tell you, but message boards are a form of social media.
This site is actually a sub-category because it is anonymous.

If you participate in a sub category of social media, you are still participating in social media.
Sure. I just never looked at them in the same.
Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
Would Obama have been at war if it wasn't already going on? Have we not returned Germany to Germans, Italy to Italians, and Japan to the Japanese?

Are you really and truly THAT Fucking ignorant about WWII?

Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?

Obama: only American President at war for his entire 2 terms. Only American President to hand land back over to the people we just won it from
Would Obama have been at war if it wasn't already going on? Have we not returned Germany to Germans, Italy to Italians, and Japan to the Japanese?

Are you really and truly THAT Fucking ignorant about WWII?
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
but Obama
oh no no, you just blamed boooosh, so it's boooooosh. it's never obammy never, Jonestown relived.
Yeah, you righttards always go on as if Obama started with a clean slate and magically ran up a huge debt. You never take into account all the crap he inherited and had to clean up despite repugs running congress for 6 of his 8 years opposing and sabotaging everything. It's Obama's fault that Bush started 2 wars and kept them off the books. It's Obama's fault that Bush cut taxes during time of war. It's Obama's fault that Bush and the repugs pushed through an unfunded Medicare benefit. It's Obama's fault that Bush bailed out the Banksters. You want to talk Jonestown? It's you righttards who are chugging the koolaide.
trying to explain this to you is useless, you have no idea and are willing to use booosh as the lap dog to the incompetency that was obammy. you're useless.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.
Or not, depending on the content.

Private company, not government, no one is being silenced or shut down.
well sure they are, if you are a conservative,.. banned. it's quite simple jack. One doesn't need to be a dog catcher to know that.

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