I stand with Alex

I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Generally, people aren't this dumb and I won't chalk it up to that.................the real culprit is the psychological effect that partisanship instills: cognitive dissonance.

A guy like Mac would go, "fascinating!"

Erm, naw. Not very interesting at all, actually.
I'd like to nail you down to your exact view on this.....

Do you support enforcing Companies to allow anyone to say anything on their platform......
Or do your support a Company's Liberty to decide who the fuck can and cannot say shit on their platform?

Surely, you're not one of the guys that's not smart enough to know the difference between the 1st Amendment, and what a Business is able to enforce on their property....

I hope you realize that your position, if it's unfortunately the former, means disallowing an idiot to shout n!66er at a Bar all he wants and disallowing a bar owner from booting his ass out.

I support youtubes right to shut this dude down. I dont support the action itself.
Does that make sense?

Sounds like a contradiction.

If it's their venue -- don't they have the right to determine how it's used?

Looked at from the other direction --- does YouTube "support" or "oppose" what you post here?
Yes, im just saying i dont have to agree with it
Pinterest could ban every white person on their site. I support their right to do it, but i wont support the action.
I support a white man kicking out a black man from eatery. I support their right to do it(even though that right doesnt exist anymore :( ) but i dont support the action itself.
I support it, and that support has 0 to do with the 1st Amendment or the implications therein.
Why is the 1st amendment being brought up? I havent even mentioned that.
I am complaining about this guy being silenced (on youtube ;) )and people support it because they dont care for the guy.
I find this whole thing disingenuous.
Partisans envelope themselves in falsehoods. His stupid bullshit is nothing new to them.

I'm in no position to know what YouTube's reasoning was but again it goes back to what they want their platform to be, and what they don't want it to be. If somebody's proliferating distasteful stuff --- perversion, violence, division, whatever --- it goes into the latter category. That's the medium's decision. So whether any of us "agrees" or "disagrees" with how they run it is irrelevant.
I support their right to do whatever in the hell they want, but that doesnt mean i support the action.
Its sad how many people support silencing people because they say dumb fake shit....

Jones lies and people are acting on his lies. Jones promoted that pizza parlour hoax story and a man shot up the pizza parlour.

Several of the Sandy Hook families have been harassed and threatened by his followers. Several of the families have sued.

Jones’ stock in trade is hate speech. Most reasonable societies ban hate speech. I’d imprison this asshole if I were queen of the world.
I support their right to do whatever in the hell they want, but that doesnt mean i support the action.
Its sad how many people support silencing people because they say dumb fake shit....

Jones lies and people are acting on his lies. Jones promoted that pizza parlour hoax story and a man shot up the pizza parlour.

Several of the Sandy Hook families have been harassed and threatened by his followers. Several of the families have sued.

Jones’ stock in trade is hate speech. Most reasonable societies ban hate speech. I’d imprison this asshole if I were queen of the world.
Thank gawd you are not ;)
Damn, I could expose a whole shit load of cognitive dissonance here - after browsing what some of these people thought of the kneeling situation in the NFL :lol: including what the OP had to say about it. (prolly even me, lol!~)

But I'm not gunna, <3 ya Franky.
I never visit InforWars, but I'm a firm believer the progressive Fascists have finally formally declared war on America. Progressive ideology withers before a challenge, they cannot tolerate any opposition

For all of you who fantasized that you would have fought against the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, here's your chance! They're back! This time their burning digital books.

Which side are you on?
The consumers are to blame for these transgrssions. Not Fakebook, not Twitter; the consumer. As long as people continue to behave as though they cannot live without using these products, as though they were some sort of public utility; these companies will always have power over the consumer. People have a choice. They can walk away. They can delete their accounts and go elsewhere.
Until they do, they’ll keep getting what they get.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say, this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue, even though the content is out there for anyone who chooses to seek either one. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

Since none of that ever happened, the fact that you believe it did shows just how dangerous Alex Jones really is.

Lying about it doesn't change a fucking thing. Obama used the power of the government to spy on the Republican Candidate. You can't spin that

No he didn’t. That’s not spin, that’s fact.

There was no surveillance of the Trump campaign. No wire taps.

There was an FBI investigation of Russian interference after the DNC breaking. That investigation kept tripping over Trump campaign members everywhere it went.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
The Jones/brainwashed Conspiracy dufuses should be THRILLED, as should Alex, that this happened......it actually boosts the narrative that these cock suckers believe in :lol:
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
The Jones/brainwashed Conspiracy dufuses should be THRILLED, as should Alex, that this happened......it actually boosts the narrative that these cock suckers believe in :lol:
Alex is in it for the money and his platforms being taken away will hurt his income in a big way.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
The Jones/brainwashed Conspiracy dufuses should be THRILLED, as should Alex, that this happened......it actually boosts the narrative that these cock suckers believe in :lol:
I thought about that last night. They kinda made him a martyr lol
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
The Jones/brainwashed Conspiracy dufuses should be THRILLED, as should Alex, that this happened......it actually boosts the narrative that these cock suckers believe in :lol:
Alex is in it for the money and his platforms being taken away will hurt his income in a big way.
He actually believes the shit, according to Joe Rogan. They bro-chilled a lot and got drunk, smoked some weed and such and Joe's final take is that Alex is fuckin crazy/koo-koo, but he's a swell guy.
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

OMG, he is trying to kill the media, Lets everyone get their news from Fox and Alex, Rush and Ingraham, Hannity and Beck. Can you just imagine how the US would be, a banana republic.
Is it media or not? What makes them any different than the mafia media you listen to and take orders from?
Alex Jones is an idiot, but so too are most of the talking heads in the MSM.

Just my opinion but unlike the regressive left, I want no one silenced.
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else
It is partisan to some.
If this happened to some left wing kook, the arguments would be switched. And they would be saying the same shit the other side was saying about this.
& their whining would be equally as dumb.....especially since the same partisans whine the exact OPPOSITE of this "free speech applies to businesses" when it comes to the kneeling in the NFL.

Excellent comparison :clap2: "Having it both ways: Priceless"

I gotta say this butthurt about what YouTube is doing is very much like Sean Spicer trying to muzzle the Associated Press simply for relaying --- not originating, mind you, because the originator wasn't threatened but simply relaying --- an already-existing story about an accusation incident.

In other words in either case it ain't about the content at all --- it's about trying to control how many people are (or are not) exposed to it. Spicer wanted less of the public to find out about the incident --- the Alex John Brinkley Jones apologists want more of the public to be reached. Even though it's somebody else's venue. Spicer is butthurt that more people will find out, the AJ jerkoffs are butthurt that fewer people will. Flip side of the same coin.
The Jones/brainwashed Conspiracy dufuses should be THRILLED, as should Alex, that this happened......it actually boosts the narrative that these cock suckers believe in :lol:
Alex is in it for the money and his platforms being taken away will hurt his income in a big way.

He's clearly in it for the money --- that's why I keep referring to him as "John Brinkley" --- but I doubt it will dampen his wallet much since he's already obnoxioused his way into infamy. Mostly it will impact his uncontrollable narcissism.

He puts on a batshit show to attract the gullible so he can then sell them goat testicles or whatever his version is, and depends on the noncritical thinkers to swallow it up without a whimper. That makes him a calculating parasite and that in turn makes him a sleazeball.

As for YouTube it could simply be that they didn't want their platform used by a con man to plug his own con artistry.
Last edited:
I support their right to do whatever in the hell they want, but that doesnt mean i support the action.
Its sad how many people support silencing people because they say dumb fake shit....
InfoWars and Alex Jones HAS NOT BEEN SILENCED.

Go there right now and watch him all you want.
- YouTube
Gee, wonder why it says his account has been terminated? Maybe they just terminated it from MY eyes :dunno:
I asked you to explain to me how this would impact him and you couldn't be bothered, so you're just going to have to deal with my lack of understanding here.
I do know that Alex Jones and InfoWars are sitting right where it has always been, at infowars.com and I can get there from here. That means, to me, that he has not been silenced, his book has not been burned. I don't know what it means that he had an account at You Tube.
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

OMG, he is trying to kill the media, Lets everyone get their news from Fox and Alex, Rush and Ingraham, Hannity and Beck. Can you just imagine how the US would be, a banana republic.
Is it media or not? What makes them any different than the mafia media you listen to and take orders from?
Alex Jones is an idiot, but so too are most of the talking heads in the MSM.

Just my opinion but unlike the regressive left, I want no one silenced.
I really don't care who he is, to single out a person because of political views is censorship. I thought that was outlawed in this country? since when did we start trashing the freedom of speech?
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over

OMG, he is trying to kill the media, Lets everyone get their news from Fox and Alex, Rush and Ingraham, Hannity and Beck. Can you just imagine how the US would be, a banana republic.
Is it media or not? What makes them any different than the mafia media you listen to and take orders from?
Alex Jones is an idiot, but so too are most of the talking heads in the MSM.

Just my opinion but unlike the regressive left, I want no one silenced.
I really don't care who he is, to single out a person because of political views is censorship. I thought that was outlawed in this country? since when did we start trashing the freedom of speech?
I suspect this is the slippery slope of political correctness. Courtesy of the regressive left.

They are the ruling class after all.
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Could you then have imagined your hands would be alongside those of millions of other Americans who pried open the gate to debauchery and perversion of a level nearly colossal enough to shatter our Modernist Age and usher in a new Dark Age to be raised on the bones of all the values America was founded on?
So 36 months ago…could you ever have predicted you’d be standing with a liberal thrice divorced whore banger and someone who thinks George W. Bush (the guy you voted for) was one of the many behind 9/11?

Trump saved this country from a Fascist Dark Age where the government would have gotten away with spying on him. Hopefully, the fucking traitors at FBI and DOJ face a firing squad before this is over


Standing with the whore monger who just added a Trillion to the debt and the guy who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax….

These are the dark ages.
Fk dude, you stood with the fk that added 10 trillion. Who the fk are you to make such a statement?
How much of that 10 Trillion was to pay for Bush's two wars off the books, an unfunded Medicare benefit, a tax cut during wartime, and a bankster bailout?
I don't understand why this would cause an uproar, whatsoever. The same thing is done here at this very website, daily. The mods ban people, thus enforcing the culture of their choosing. It's free to post here, we're not paying customers entering into a contract. This is not the Government shutting Alex down, he's free to carry on on his own terms.....

Terms of Service, customers have to wear a shirt and shoes..............I dunno, seems partisan like everything else

I never realized that YouTube had a "Culture" I thought they disseminated videos.

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