I Still Can't Fathom Why A Biden Administration Is Better Than The Trump Administration

who is saying a Biden administration is better than Trumps?

I want both of them out of politics permanently.
The Bill Clinton triangulation strategy. The 3rd party nuts "look down" on both sides because you're superior to the rest of us plebes. This attitude is what I hate about the 3rd party nuts.

No, TRUMP is, by far, the best man FOR THIS TIME.
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Your measly $2000 gain has blinded you to addressing the fact that those richer than you are getting 10X the benefit you are. You can't even address it on a message board. Which is rather pathetic.

The tax "stimulation" as you put it has resulted in record deficits, as predicted. Corps passing the benefit on to their share price, not the consumer, as many predicted.

But hey you got your 2 grand which seemingly is all you really care about.


Screw you
who is saying a Biden administration is better than Trumps?

I want both of them out of politics permanently.

I agree that they both should exit stage right, but I guess it depends on your situation. If Biden erased your student loan, he is the cat's pajamas; if Trump gave you a giant tax cut, you had a very Orange Christmas.
No. Covid Lockdowns and hand outs did that. Along with endless wars.

Tax revenue stay 20% if GDP historically. Tax receipts remained the same or higher until Lock downs. And under Biden tax receipts increased with the Trump tax cuts.

Federal government current tax receipts

Tax receipts. With Trump tax cuts in place Mr. Walking Bull
Income disparity and taxation disparity has existed long before Covid.

The national debt hit $30 trillion last year.


Screw you
Sorry I just assumed most people itemized. But we did learn you and your wifes combined income of $85k put you in the lower middle class range. And you claim the standard deduction, meaning you have very little going on outside of your salary. You really got me in this exchange LOL! Thanks for divulging all of that info for us! LOL!

What a stand up guy. A lower middle class working stiff who supports people making $100 million a year in passive income getting 10x the tax relief he got. What a guy!
Income disparity and taxation disparity has existed long before Covid.

The national debt hit $30 trillion last year.
And you are still a Liar. On the taxes.

Dems pushed locking down and handing out money more than anyone else. Right now they want 105 billion for War. But are trying to pay minimal on our own border.

Not to mention handing money to Iran...ending Sanctions on Iran..then the idiots still want appeasement.
And you are still a Liar. On the taxes.

Dems pushed locking down and handing out money more than anyone else. Right now they want 105 billion for War. But are trying to pay minimal on our own border.

Not to mention handing money to Iran...ending Sanctions on Iran..then the idiots still want appeasement.
What you are trying to say is that you are not getting a return on your tax dollar. Yet you are against universal healthcare.
Sorry I just assumed most people itemized. But we did learn you and your wifes combined income of $85k put you in the lower middle class range. And you claim the standard deduction, meaning you have very little going on outside of your salary. You really got me in this exchange LOL! Thanks for divulging all of that info for us! LOL!
So. I make my money honest.

Cant say the same for YOUR LYING ASS.

I caught your LIES. You know it. But people like you been saying these LIES forever.

So. I make my money honest.

Cant say the same for YOUR LYING ASS.

I caught your LIES. You know it. But people like you been saying these LIES forever.

Making your money "honestly" has nothing to do with what I said.

As far as me lying, like I said I just assumed most adults itemize their taxes. How was I to know that you dont? Well, I guess I should have known that. You being a Red Hat and all.
Making your money "honestly" has nothing to do with what I said.

As far as me lying, like I said I just assumed most adults itemize their taxes. How was I to know that you dont? Well, I guess I should have known that. You being a Red Hat and all.
I itemized State.

You LIED on lower incomes getting tax cuts.

But that is to be expected from the ASS Party.

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