I Still Can't Fathom Why A Biden Administration Is Better Than The Trump Administration

TDS extreme on this thread.

Tator is a joke. Same as the Woke ass, fitting symbol of the DNC, left. Who davfck but an idiot would vote for them.

Lets ask Gabby.

Facts and figures vs with no substance name calling. What you're telling us is you arent smart enough to hold a basic conversation based on facts and have to resort to a youtube video to do the talking for you.
Trump implemented a tax plan devised by Paul Ryan increasing taxes for people making $100k or less a year while massive tax cuts for those making over $400k a year over the years 2018-2024. How is that helping the average person?
BS. I saw extra money on my check and im not rich. Wasnt a lot but my take home was more.

I call BS Mr. TDS.
Facts and figures vs with no substance name calling. What you're telling us is you arent smart enough to hold a basic conversation based on facts and have to resort to a youtube video to do the talking for you.
Youtube video was a Governor Mr TDS. Long term Dem. Walking away from your sorry asses.
End of the day I paid less. I do my own taxes.

I call you Walking Bull now .
Then you must be in the lowest tax bracket because since 2018, Ryans tax plan has each year increased taxes starting with those making $125k-ish to just this year affecting those in the lowest tax bracket. That is, unless you're going to try to get us to believe your salary is $400k+.
Seeing extra money in your check doesnt mean you paid less taxes when you signed your 1040. Or in your case, the 1040EZ. If you dont believe me, read about the tax plan yourself that to this day, the majority of Americans are still suffering under. https://americansfortaxfairness.org...ven-Worst-Features-of-Ryan-Tax-Plan-FINAL.pdf
Standard nonsense of the left. The clowns think big business eat those taxes.

They dont. They pass it on to the consumer. Cost goes up...prices go up... Been hearing that bs from peeps like you for over 5 decades.

Then people go to store and wonder why everything costs more. Lol
Then you must be in the lowest tax bracket because since 2018, Ryans tax plan has each year increased taxes starting with those making $125k-ish to just this year affecting those in the lowest tax bracket. That is, unless you're going to try to get us to believe your salary is $400k+.
Below 100k but near. Fact is. I took home more.

I again say you are full of it.
Standard nonsense of the left. The clowns think big business eat those taxes.

They dont. They pass it on to the consumer. Cost goes up...prices go up... Been hearing that bs from peeps like you for over 5 decades.

Then people go to store and wonder why everything costs more. Lol
I'm talking about the personal income tax changes under Paul Ryan. If you have income of $125k or less, between the years of 2018-2024, you will in fact at some point see a tax increase. That is a fact.

But His entire plan's premise was that if Corp tax rates decline, costs will decline, and the corps will pass those gains on to the employee and the consumer. Because Paul Ryan is an idiot, he didnt factor the corps passing the savings back into the share price in the form of share buybacks and increases in dividends. Or maybe that was the feature. The fact is 99% of the benefit of the tax plan goes to the top 1%. Bottom line end of story. All the wealth in America for the last 40 years has been sucked up by a small minority of Americans, and this tax plan just put that process into overdrive.
Below 100k but near. Fact is. I took home more.

I again say you are full of it.
Lets say for a moment you did take home more. Do you think it is fair that 99% of the benefit goes to the top 1% of the population. In other words, while you in your words took home more, do you think it's fair those richer than you reaped a benefit 10x times greater than you did relative to their pay?
I'm talking about the personal income tax changes under Paul Ryan. If you have income of $125k or less, between the years of 2018-2024, you will in fact at some point see a tax increase. That is a fact.

But His entire plan's premise was that if Corp tax rates decline, costs will decline, and the corps will pass those gains on to the employee and the consumer. Because Paul Ryan is an idiot, he didnt factor the corps passing the savings back into the share price in the form of share buybacks and increases in dividends. Or maybe that was the feature. The fact is 99% of the benefit of the tax plan goes to the top 1%. Bottom line end of story. All the wealth in America for the last 40 years has been sucked up by a small minority of Americans, and this tax plan just put that process into overdrive.
Tax bracket married filing jointly went from 15% to 12 % up to $85 k

I looked it up. 12 lower or higher than 15
Lets say for a moment you did take home more. Do you think it is fair that 99% of the benefit goes to the top 1% of the population. In other words, while you in your words took home more, do you think it's fair those richer than you reaped a benefit 10x times greater than you did relative to their pay?
Corp. Tax is passed on to the consumer. Lowering to 21% spurred investment. Investment that Biden Inherited. Despite the Covid BS.
Tax bracket married filing jointly went from 15% to 12 % up to $85 k

I looked it up. 12 lower or higher than 15
That is not the entire story as you well know when filing taxes. Or at least I hope you know that what is more important is your effective tax rate. Look it is a fact that if you're in the 60th to 95th income percentile in this country, Paul Ryans tax plan has had a negative overall effect on your income.
That is not the entire story as you well know when filing taxes. Or at least I hope you know that what is more important is your effective tax rate. Look it is a fact that if you're in the 60th to 95th income percentile in this country, Paul Ryans tax plan has had a negative overall effect on your income.
My rate went down 3% Period. My standard deduction if not itemized DOUBLED.

Explaining the Trump Tax Reform Plan

Standard Deduction​

The law raised the standard deduction in 2018 to:

Do you even know what an effective tax rate is? And no reply to who is getting most of this benefit? I guess you dont care you're getting ripped off.
My overall rate decreased. My standard deduction doubled.

Now please explain how I didnt get a tax cut.

The TDS crowd never Tires of LYING.

Same lies on taxes.

Same lies on oil. Biden attacked oil, they just sued his sorry ass just like Obama to drill.

Same lies now on the border.

Same using Fed agencies to attack political opponents.

TRUMP. :fingerscrossed:

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