I Still Can't Fathom Why A Biden Administration Is Better Than The Trump Administration

Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
The both suck.
An ad hoc fallacy is not a good argument... it is a fallacy.

Resulting to name calling is the sign a democrat has got nothing though. In other words, this is what I'm getting from you right now as you didn't think that I would catch on to all of your lies:

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An ad hoc fallacy is not a good argument... it is a fallacy.

a fallacious rhetorical strategy in which a person presents a new explanation – that is unjustified or simply unreasonable – of why their original belief or hypothesis is correct after evidence that contradicts the previous explanation has emerged.

Like for instance claiming debt accrued under one president is that president's fault while debt accrued under another president isn't because of ... reasons.
Do you actually believe Red Hats can learn?
Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
Gas prices were under two dollars??

And all it took was shutting the country down to get that

Christ you’re an idiot
and we were still digging for oil in our country, there wouldn't be such an inflation and oil/gasoline shortage as the food trucks need all those things.

Pulled all of that out of your ass did you?
When you make ridiculous claims about 'oil drilling' or 'digging as you call it, do you want to see the statistics on domestic oil production since 2015?

I'd post it again, but you'd claim it's a LIE, even though it's a documented FACT.
Resulting to name calling is the sign a democrat has got nothing though. In other words, this is what I'm getting from you right now as you didn't think that I would catch on to all of your lies:

View attachment 894848
I didn't call you any name. I pointed out the fallacious nature of your argument and pointed out how it was fallacious. But I accept your surrender, I guess. It's funny by the way, that not accepting fallacies as valid arguments is a sign of weakness to you.
It tends to be the other way around.
I didn't call you any name. I pointed out the fallacious nature of your argument and pointed out how it was fallacious. But I accept your surrender, I guess.

It's not a fallacious argument. How can you blame something on Trump when it happened two years into his presidency?
When you make ridiculous claims about 'oil drilling' or 'digging as you call it, do you want to see the statistics on domestic oil production since 2015?

I'd post it again, but you'd claim it's a LIE, even though it's a documented FACT.

It peaked to highest in history under Trump.

Only a Plannedemic could
Stop it. Then Negative oil.

So now you gonna do the lie of how great the oil man Biden is now. Lmao

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