I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

What happened to “Lock her up”? It sounded like the Republicans planned to use the courts to go after Hillary, but since that failed all they have left are sour grapes and denial. :cool-45:
Comey admitted that Hillary broke the law, and decided not to press charges. Trump spits on a sidewalk and they have him in cuffs. Yes, the Republicans counted on the courts to do the right thning, but since 90+% of them are democrats...
Why are you being so obtuse ray?

classified or not.
Show me anything that proves that a person can remove documents from the WH instead of giving them to NARA.
Just because they are declassified, doesn't mean he or anyone can just take them home.

Prove me wrong.
Prove you are correct.

Either way, you got nothing except the fact that trump said on hannity,
I have the right to take them.

No he does NOT.
If they aren't classified, what does it matter?
Just be glad you didn’t say that on FoxNews or your ass would be broke. You can’t back it up and Dominion and the rest of the world knows it.
How do YOU KNOW if I can back it up? You didn't read all that evidence I posted, right ? And so you don't have a clue what all that evidence is.
Look out! There could be a QUIZ. :biggrin:

Why are you being so obtuse ray?

classified or not.
Show me anything that proves that a person can remove documents from the WH instead of giving them to NARA.
Just because they are declassified, doesn't mean he or anyone can just take them home.

Prove me wrong.
Prove you are correct.

Either way, you got nothing except the fact that trump said on hannity,
I have the right to take them.

No he does NOT.
Is it unusual for a president or a vice president to take documents home with them?

No, according to experts, the White House security office makes arrangements to safely store classified documents securely at other locations such as residences.

Well this thread has passed the 300 mark of posts, and I still

Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About.​

I haven't seen anybody post anything (correctly) that would show reason to be disliking of Trump. Looks like the media has an agenda to fill thier heads with hate, and they all just fall for it.

Just like the ones interviewed by the Newsmax reporter outside the Manhattan Court building, and asked what the charges were against Trump, and despite all their "LOCK HIM UP" signs and vigor, none of them could answer the question.
How is Trump responsible for that? Did Trump create Covid? Are you mad at Tony Fauci who sponsored the gain of function research? Most of the deaths from Covid in the USA actually happened while Biden was in office!
Dude, we've been over your freakish conspiracy theories before. Trump fumbled the response, and we paid for it for years.

Once again, your skipping away from answering the questions while trying to claim hard-established facts as "conspiracy theories" shows your true nature. While I had thought that Trump would have been better off to have had a couple of "fireside chats" with the nation about Covid over the Summer of 2020, history shows that there wasn't much he or anyone could have done or did (here or in any other country) that would have really mattered--- it is a microscopic airborne virus, it is going to spread, that is unless you want us to do like the Chinese and lock people in their homes until they starved? As it is, we suffered massive personal and economic harm.

ITMT, we do have several large expensive agencies like the CDC, FEMA, and others who are SUPPOSED to be on top of all this stuff and ready to effectively deal with it, but as we found out, as with East Palestine Ohio, these bums ain't really ready to deal with shit. They never even restocked our mask supply from nearly ten years easier. Impress me for once and at least admit that much.
Whatever "boilerplate" is supposed to mean, it can't mean that what I posted in Post # 277 is untrue, because what I posted are historical FACTS.

But liberals in the odd madness they display nowadays, go around claiming tht things which happened, didnt happen. Maybe they're trying to proselitize all those people who are 100% clueless.
Whatever "boilerplate" is supposed to mean, it can't mean that what I posted in Post # 277 is untrue, because what I posted are historical FACTS.

But liberals in the odd madness they display nowadays, go around claiming tht things which happened, didnt happen. Maybe they're trying to proselitize all those people who are 100% clueless.
No...it's a bunch of white house puffery.
What are we upset about.

1 Million dead from Covid.
65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy

No one misses Trump except for the die hards who can't admit they made a mistake.

It's why half your party wants to move on to DeSatan and hope that no one notices he's a twit.
All of the above is in the lap of the Biden Administration,.

If DeSantis is a twit what does that make Dementia Joe?
Comey admitted that Hillary broke the law, and decided not to press charges. Trump spits on a sidewalk and they have him in cuffs. Yes, the Republicans counted on the courts to do the right thning, but since 90+% of them are democrats...
BS on the spitting on a sidewalk. Besides the current charges there’s trying to influence the counting of votes in GA, inciting a riot on J6 and theft of government documents. One or two might be a witch hunt. Four is a pattern of criminality.
You DON'T know Biden won the election fairly. Have you read all the evidence of 2020 election fraud that I posted ? Apparently not.
Maybe you should bring a lawsuit then, you sad sack And I do know he won fairly. You animals are out of your minds.
How do YOU KNOW if I can back it up? You didn't read all that evidence I posted, right ? And so you don't have a clue what all that evidence is.
Look out! There could be a QUIZ. :biggrin:

Your "evidence" is meaningless outside a court of law. Lol attempting to litigate this on a message board.
BS on the spitting on a sidewalk. Besides the current charges there’s trying to influence the counting of votes in GA, inciting a riot on J6 and theft of government documents. One or two might be a witch hunt. Four is a pattern of criminality.
Deflection. Hillary was let off. Period.
They continued to decline until covid. Look at your own chart.
Continued to decline. Yep. Exactly. Just like it did under Obama. No change under Trump. Therefore, nothing was done differently from Obama. What a Trump accomplishment! Lol.
After 4 years of incredible successes of the Trump administration, all despite constant Democrat obstruction and harrassment, everybody in America should agree that the current president of the United States should be Donald Trump.

This is especially true in light of the 2 disasters we have occupying the White House right now (Biden & Harris). But even putting that aside, I just dont understand what it is that the Trump haters have against this man, who made our country great again, after 8 miserable years of racial turmoil, the rise of ISIS, and economic decline of the Obama administration.

Mystifying. :dunno:

Cultists never believe their leader can do any wrong, so it's really no wonder you would feel this way. But if hypothetically there was some way you could look at it from a non cultist point of view and you would quickly understand.

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