I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

DeSatan is attacking Disney.... you can't get more satanic than that.

Two points.
1) He didn't do a good job. 1 million people died.
2) By using the "Hoax" Language, by opposing mask mandates and vaccinations, Trump made Covid response a partisan issue when it never should have been.
/-----/ Got any fake outrage over this?
Actually, Pfizer and Merck did. Pence's scientific knowledge includes thinking talking snakes are a thing that really happened

Cops killing someone over a petty offense is hardly acceptable... but Trump made it acceptable. He undid most of the consent decrees with major cities to reform their police.

Sorry, man, gonna happen eventually.

Clearly, you don't know how to read a graph.
1. True Pfizer and Merck developed the vaccines, but Pence/Trump expedited the manufacturing facilities "at risk" in order to ensure that there were delays between approval and shots in arms.

2. Link that Trump made it acceptable, or that he undid ANY "consent decrees". That's a blatant LIE.

3. Trump may go to jail, unjustly, martyr.

4. Clearly you don't know how to read a graph. Biden's July 24th number was +58% WRONG track. The worst by far.
2. Link that Trump made it acceptable, or that he undid ANY "consent decrees". That's a blatant LIE.

To demonstrate again why I don't do links for Wingnuts.

Why do Dems hate Trump?

1. Dems used the MSM to SILENCE opposition. Trump openly mocked and taunted Dem's MSM as Fake News breaking down that wall.
2. Dems used 'climate change' to drive tax increases and FORCE their world view and agenda on others. Trump destroyed it.
3. Trump dared call out Dems for rigging elections.
4. Trump called Dem leaders stupid morons.

Trump was a one-man wrecking ball that smashed the Dems entire world.
Cope post #927626362
They run this thread every month or so.

"Why doesn't everyone adore the dangerous, ignorant, seditious, juvenile, profoundly damaged, sociopathic orange buffoon like I do?"

They want to demonstrate for us that, all these years in, they have absolutely no accurate knowledge of the perspectives, life experiences or priorities of anyone who doesn't think just like them.
Only the Cult. That's 25%.
25% is NOT most.

It's been proven twice, that over 50% of the population would NEVER vote for trump.
Check the FACTS dude.
These folks were saying similar stuff in the final days of the Bush era....including nominating a Bush acolyte in McCain....

Now they hate both of them....in other words, these folks will worship anyone they feel holds the power..the minute that person doesn't, they will discard them like they never existed...
Only the Cult. That's 25%.
25% is NOT most.

It's been proven twice, that over 50% of the population would NEVER vote for trump.
Check the FACTS dude.
Fact: Trump leads Biden 44% to 41%

Meanwhile in one Premise poll, Trump led the president 45 to 44 percent while he took a slightly larger lead of 44 to 41 percent in a second poll, both of which were shared on March 6.
Fact: Trump leads Biden 44% to 41%

Meanwhile in one Premise poll, Trump led the president 45 to 44 percent while he took a slightly larger lead of 44 to 41 percent in a second poll, both of which were shared on March 6.
Cope-20201108_200724 (1).jpg
Because we knew he was the kind of assclown who would treat a major crisis like an episode of his fake game show.

Which is totally what he did when Covid hit.
And yet, when he wanted to limit travel from infected area's, he was called a racist.

Why did Nancy Pelosi invite people to Chinatown when the virus hit? Didn't she understand the gravity of the situation either?
Yeah, 2020 was such a great year.not
It certainly was - highest (by far) GDP in US history (35.3%) in Q3, once Republicans realized the Democrat shutdowns were just designed to make Trump look bad in an election year.

But all those the leftist riots over George Floyd's death weren't good.
Normal people dislike or hate lying, bloviating, criminals.
Why do teabaggers embrace, defend and support them?
So you think Trump lied about something ? What was that ?

And you think he committed a crime ? What was that ?

This is what their leftist media tells them. Like what Thunk said in Post # 2. The TV tells them, and they follow.
Fact: Trump leads Biden 44% to 41%

Meanwhile in one Premise poll, Trump led the president 45 to 44 percent while he took a slightly larger lead of 44 to 41 percent in a second poll, both of which were shared on March 6.
You see.....44% < 50%
trump has NEVER received 50% or more of the vote.
trump will NEVER get 50%.
So you think Trump lied about something ? What was that ?
Do you want any of the 50,000 lies, or a particular lie involving the 34 charges?

He started his whining speech Tuesday night by saying biden left $85 Billion in equipment with the Taliban. You know that's a lie, correct?
What are we upset about.
1 Million dead from Covid.
How is Trump responsible for that? Did Trump create Covid? Are you mad at Tony Fauci who sponsored the gain of function research? Most of the deaths from Covid in the USA actually happened while Biden was in office!

65 Million jobs lost
265,000 small businesses shuttered.
riots in the streets
assaults on Democracy
That all occurred after democratic governors all said it was their states and that they were shutting down everything to save lives! So that didn't work either? And the riots in the streets was all from leftwing groups BLM and Antifa rioting over a dead black counterfeiter who ODed from drugs trying to evade police.

So JoeB hates Trump because of what the democrats did? I guess you blame Biden then for Trump sleeping with Daniels?

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